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理想的室内音质是无噪声干扰的.混响时间和房内结构等是对音质产生影响的重要因素.因此,合理的建筑设计,装饰设计,合理吸声、扩散是营造良好声场,获得美好音质的有效手段.  相似文献   

充分发挥小语种教育的对外文化交流的纽带作用,有利于云南对外形象的塑造与传播,加强我国的周边环境的稳定和进一步发展创造更有利的国际环境。本文结合云南的发展实际,分析了小语种教育的特殊地位与作用,提出打造小语种教育“桥头堡”的六项措施。  相似文献   

介绍一种利用Visual+6 .0实现多种语言菜单的方法  相似文献   

In the following two articles Paul Widlake and Carole Edwards argue that the most effective method of reaching these pupils (in terms both of educational ideals and cost!) is through a support system delivered by the direct involvement of special needs teachers in mainstream classrooms. First, Paul Widlake, honorary lecturer, Manchester University, makes a case for change in the organisation and curriculum of secondary schools.  相似文献   

概念学习一直是科学学习和教学的重要问题。为了帮助学生学习新概念,改变原有的错误概念,研究者和教师开发了各种教学策略。然而有些错误概念仍难于改变。有时,学生可以部分地完成错误概念,但是在教学介入后一段时间,部分的改变也会消失。究其概念难于改变的原因,其中一个就是错误概念不仅仅涉及学生对概念命题本身的理解,更可能要涉及学生对整个物理系统的理解①,近年美国学者Chi等人②③④从概念的本体类别观点出发深入解释为什么有些概念如此强烈地抗拒转变。  相似文献   

近日,Pew互联网与美国生活项目(Pew互联网研究所进行一项调查)负责人LeeRainie对多名技术专家进行的一项调查:技术将如何改进和影响2020年的社会。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,在我国实现全面建设小康社会目标的进程中,祖国大地发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们的生活水平不断提高,各项艺术事业飞速发展,更好地满足了人民群众日益增长的精神文化生活需求,舞蹈一再显现出其多元的艺术魅力,不断到变革与发展。  相似文献   

学困生是指智力水平正常且没有感官障碍,但其学习成绩明显低于同年级同学,不能达到预期学习目的的学生。学困生是一个相对的概念,通常这类学生对所学的知识一知半解,遇到问题不善于思考,没有养成良好的学习习惯。任何一个班级,无论这个班级的生源如何,经过一个阶段的学习后,总会出现学困生,这是不可避免的,只不过班与班之间的学困生的水平有所不同而已。  相似文献   

This paper describes how the experience of working in an unfamiliar cultural environment affected the author's basic conceptions of the nature of teaching and learning. A detailed account is given of the ways in which these ideas were incorporated into a course constructed around the notions of experiential and problem‐based learning. It is suggested that the novelty of the setting stimulated a major change in the teacher's perspective on the nature of higher education and that it would be desirable for academics to be given opportunities to encounter unfamiliar contexts for teaching.  相似文献   

从东西方语言学研究及学术研究方法的时代与文化背景的深刻转变中 ,可以发现目前语言学研究仍然囿于狭义的语言文字的孤陋寡闻之境 ,因此我们应该开拓视野 ,将其由狭隘的章句之学 ,推向更广泛更具综合性和前沿性的广义人类语言文化科学 ,形成跨学科、多学科的综合文化研究。  相似文献   

修辞幻象是连接世界和语言的桥梁。言语的建构功能让桥梁功能得以实现。建构权栖身于修辞幻象中,以话语权为外在表现形式。建构权的运作形成了修辞幻象的动机行为,进而改变世界和改变语言。  相似文献   

"STS"是"科学" (science)、 "技术"(technology)、"社会" (social)三个英文单词的缩写.STS教育是以强调科学、技术与社会相互关系和科学技术在社会生产、生活和发展中的应用为指导思想而组织实施的科学教育方式.  相似文献   

本简要论述了国内外外语教学专家有关外语学习过程中出现的外语焦虑问题的研究,其中包括对某些普遍现象和个别现象方面的相关性研究。由于不同教育领域里学生的特点具有特定性,因此,许多研究必须以更大的样本在各类学校、环境里去复证。  相似文献   

原汽车发电机定子是三相三线绕组,经过外接直流电给转子线圈产生磁场,由两个六角软铁导磁爪形成六对磁极的转子,通过外力转动转子,使定子绕组产生交流电。励磁式转子可以改成为永磁式转子,变废为宝,培养学生的创新实践能力,增长才干,拓宽知识领域。汽车修理厂有报废了的发电机,大多是转子励磁线圈烧坏,定子绕组还好;还有报废的扬声器,非导磁金属棒,如铜合金棒等。现将制作方法介绍如下。1)用拉马把转子的轴和两个六角软铁导磁爪及励磁线圈等取出,滑环和原轴以及风扇不用。2)把非导磁合金棒如铜合金棒(这是制作成败的关键)用车床加工成与原轴…  相似文献   

Summary A movement among universities noted for research and for rigorous scholarship that would have insured a significantly improved education for prospective teachers was transformed in a short time, about ten years, into another agency of centrally inspired “school refrom,” The Holmes Group’s initial program called for prospective teachers to undergo five years of general education and teacher education, devoting the undergraduate years largely to arts and sciences. It also called for a closer collaboration between teacher educators and arts and science faculty in order to prepare preservice teachers to teach more rigorous pedagogically organized subject matter. Included in the early Holmes agenda was the concept of a professional development school as a public school site for pedagogical application, under the direction of veteran teacher cadres. However, as a consequence of an increasingly liberal academic ideology, informing a persistent criticism of Holmes’s original proposals as elitist and insufficiently activist, the Holmes group came in a short time to underplay its call for a five-year program, to back off from a closer collaboration between teacher educators and arts and sciences faculty, and to transform its concept of an affiliated public school from a site for pre-service pedagogical classroom practice into an exemplary school-to-be. Some hope may remain: the Holmes staff recently distributed the “Conference Proceedings” of the January 1998 annual convention held in Orlando. On page 42 of those proceedings, Arthur Wise, the peripatetic head of NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education—now a Holmes “partner” at the national level) found Holmes neglectful of an appropriate concern for arts and sciences education for prospective teachers. Wise was a “ranconteur” in Orlando; as such he was expected to provide a “reflective response” to the conference. He said, apologetically, I might offer my one sound of criticism ... I just worry when I see that ... we may be paying too much attention to the external aspects of school and maybe not enough to the guts of the matter which is, after all, content and how to teach it.  相似文献   

传统的教学方法是"口耳授受",即"老师讲,学生听".在这种教学方法指导下,许多学生只习惯发挥大脑储存的功能,而不习惯发挥大脑的思维功能,整天读呀、记呀、背呀,不但学习负担很重,而且收效并不理想.  相似文献   

多年以来,笔者一直从事英语教学工作。本人所任教的班级,都不同程度地在英语学习上出现两极分化的现象,好的学生越学越想学,而学困生则越学越感到厌烦。他们有的甚至想放弃英语学习。如何转化英语学习上的学困生,是我们每个英浯教师郜必须认真对待和研究的问题。我从学生的恩怨转化人手.采取科学的教学方法,收到了比较好的效果。  相似文献   

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