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本文以中国传统政治文化的典型史实为题材,借助逻辑学、语言学、写作学、社会学、政治学等理论成果,来总结和论证我国古代政治辞说的艺术技巧.文章从政治辞说的理论根基入手,探讨逻辑论辩在政治辞说中的基础作用,并以古代公文的写作范式为例具体分析政治辞说的写作技巧,以社会禁忌的广泛存在进一步透视在政治辞说运作中容易被忽视的避讳技巧.  相似文献   

阅读是一种从印的或写的语言符号中获得意义的心理历程。阅读教学应该致力于培养学生从语言符号中获得意义的能力 ,这是阅读教学的一个重要目标。本文提出阅读教学应该以文为本的主张 ,并从文本的语音、语词、语法结构等语言层面来谈它的审美优势。  相似文献   

本文从关联理论角度,讨论了文化负载词语产生的根源是由于英汉两族人们具有不同的认知环境。对于同一事物所赋予的联想或象征等文化内涵意义无法相互明白。翻译文化负载词语可以通过直译、直译加注、意译、形象转换、增删的方式进行,无论使用哪种翻译技巧,译文在传达原作意图的同时必须考虑译语读者的认知环境,实现最佳关联性。  相似文献   


Despite the apparent advantages of incorporating logographic symbols in procedures intended to teach children with severe learning difficulties to recognise words, such procedures have never proved successful. Their failure has been attributed to a blocking effect that is induced by the additional cues. The blocking effect account predicts that any method that involves introducing additional stimulus cues will be inefficient for teaching word recognition, compared with a word alone method. A new technique was devised in an attempt to surmount this problem. The basis of the technique draws on a range of research areas. Children who had no reading skills and had previously failed to gain any sight vocabulary were taught to recognise 12 words. An experiment compared a word alone method with two variants of the new technique. Both versions were more successful than the word alone method at teaching the children to recognise the words. The findings refute the view that any procedure that incorporates additional cues will necessarily be ineffective. For students who have hitherto made no progress at all in learning to recognise words, the new technique offers an effective instructional procedure.  相似文献   

声训,仅仅是指用音同或音近的字来解释某一词语所代表的客观事物最初的命名立意之义的一种训诂方式或训诂条例。声训产生与初步发展于周,秦时代,大盛于两汉,魏晋,唐代以后渐微而趋于消失。声训在《说文》中的运用不乏其例,但远未达到“什九”或“十居七八”的比例。  相似文献   

随着通讯技术的不断进步和电脑功能的日益强大 ,作为语言辅助工具的文字 ,其作用在日益降低。文章预测了未来文字的使用情况 ,提出了大多数人可以不必识字的观点。观点不一定正确 ,但对语言文字信息处理的研究方向有一定的宏观启示作用  相似文献   

纳兰性德的爱情词大量运用了"示现"这一辞格,并对其进行了艺术化的处理.本文对纳兰爱情词运用"示现"的四种情形进行了分析,并对他在"示现"运用上的艺术技巧进行了探讨.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,字处理软件Word在多媒体教学的使用范围上逐渐加大了,由此,将谈一谈Word在多媒体教学中对多余字符或符号等问题处理上的一些运用。  相似文献   

通过对语言符号的任意性和象似性的特征进行分析,指出在创造科技新词时,语言符号的象似性使新词更有理据。因此,在翻译时以语言符号的任意性和象似性的辨证观为基础,从象似性的角度考虑英汉语的符号对等是切实可行的。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译时常常有必要在译文的词量上作适当的增加。在翻译时使用增词技巧,不仅能使译文忠实地传达原文的内容和风格,又能符合译入语的表达习惯。对英译汉的增词技巧进行了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

本文提出几种教师在英语教学过程中可采用的指导学生记忆词汇的方法,这些方法集枝巧性和趣味性于一身,可使学生记忆深刻,并迅速提高词汇量。  相似文献   

韩愈奇崛诗风的特征主要体现在超凡的意境、以文为诗的手法和去熟生新的语言等三个方面;诗人素来好奇求异的天性学养,审美嗜尚,当时诗坛庸风弊症亟待矫除,是形成韩诗奇崛的内外因素。  相似文献   

This research examined the function within lexical access of the main morphemic units from which most Arabic words are assembled, namely roots and word patterns. The present study focused on the derivation of nouns, in particular, whether the lexical representation of Arabic words reflects their morphological structure and whether recognition of a word involves recognition of its morphological constituents. The morphology of Arabic language constitutes two main systems: inflectional morphology and derivational morphology. Inflectional morphology is used to express grammatical relations and derivational morphology deals with the formation of new words in language; it contains two types of word patterns: verbal and nominal. In this study, it was assumed that roots are lexical entities that can facilitate lexical access to a large cluster of words that derive from them, whereas word patterns are not lexical entities and have no role in access to words assembled by them. The lexical representations of the main morphemic units were examined in four experiments using skilled readers applying masked priming technique tasks: lexical decision and naming. The results indicated that previous exposure to a word sharing the same word pattern had no marked facilitating effect on lexical decision or on naming. The main conclusion of this study on the morphology of Arabic is that roots and word patterns have no essential role in word organisation in the mental lexicon. In addition, words in nominal pattern in derivational morphology are represented in their whole shape in the mental lexicon and each word has an independent representation.  相似文献   

改进英语教师的课堂反馈话语   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语教师的反馈话语对英语教学有重大影响,但实践中却重视不够,存在如下问题:缺乏语用知识、缺乏表扬技巧、反馈错误.为了改进当前不足,教师应增强语用知识;肯定的反馈应及时、有分寸;反馈话语应丰富化.  相似文献   

《广雅疏证》以类比手法说明的被释词与解释词之间音义关系的情况,包括:被释词与解释词之间存在词义引申关系、一声之转关系、两个被释词音近则共用一个解释词的义同关系,以及类比词前后的被释词相同或属于同一义类则其解释词相同或义同义近、被释词音同音近则其解释词义同义近关系。  相似文献   

The importance of dialogue in classrooms and the neglect of dialogue structure as a significant research variable are highlighted. Techniques for analysing classroom dialogue are reviewed. These are limited in that they are relatively unsophisticated frequency counts, focus on a limited range of types of interactions, analyse teacher dialogue only and/or disregard the context of the utterances. A technique that overcomes these inadequacies, the Thematic and Structural Analysis (TSA) Technique, is described. The technique has been used previously in the analysis of text material to investigate the emergence and recession of themes by the analysis of the distribution of substantive words across paragraphs. In the case of dialogue, paragraphs are replaced by Bellack cycles and implicit language is made explicit. The application of the technique to a sample of classroom dialogue is discussed along with possible future uses of the technique.  相似文献   

视角转换是翻译过程中常用的技巧之一,可以解决翻译中语言与文化差异带来的许多实际问题。但是,过度使用视角转换翻译技巧可能影响译文的准确性。视角转换技巧的局限性主要体现在忽视了认知过程的关联性,否定了语义的连续性;减少或者增加了语用预设等方面。使用回译法可以检视视角转换翻译技巧的适当性。  相似文献   

浅析修辞手法在网语构词中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞手法对语言的发展非常重要,是创造新词语的方式之一,网络用语具有简洁、动感、形象、口语化等特点,这与网络群体使用多种修辞手法构造新词密切相关。文章结合目前普遍流行的一些网络语言,探讨修辞手法在网语构词中的规律及其作用,并从网络交际者心理诉求的角度探寻修辞手法运用于网语构词中所形成的独特表达效果的原因。  相似文献   

在教学中,我们发现学生记忆单词有一定的难度,记忆英语单词需要一定的技巧.教学实践证明,有些英语单词具有相似或相对的特征,记忆意义相对或相近的事物,比记忆不相联系的事物的效果要好很多。由此可以运用对比的教学方法来帮助学生记忆单词.  相似文献   

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