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运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、跟踪测试法、数理统计法,对江西女子划艇队夺冠成员在2017年天津全运赛前12周训练负荷结构特征进行分析,为总结高龄运动员的训练模式特征提供实证依据。结论:女划运动员在第一阶段以恢复、提升运动员的基础体能为重点;第二阶段以巩固、提升有氧能力和强化水上专项能力进行训练实施。训练的总量趋势大体呈先增量后减量;越临近比赛,水上训练量逐步增加,陆上训练量逐渐减少。江西女划队以有氧训练为主,有氧训练所占的比列最高;水上抗阻训练比例和水上速度训练比例相当;SKM训练类型的训练比例最低,模拟比赛训练的比例仅高于SKM训练类型。陆上机能训练中大力量训练比例最高;力量耐力次之;陆上有氧训练再次之,其中,自身负重和核心训练是调节性训练,比例较低。此外,江西女划队特别注重运动员的机能恢复训练。  相似文献   

游泳运动的专家们早就把注意力转向考虑如何不断改进游泳运动员专项训练方法的问题上来了。考虑在陆上完成一系列专项练习吧,可陆上训练在力量、速度和空间、时间等客观条件和水上差别又太大,想当初运动员在陆上仅仅进行了专项力量训练,就对技术动作产生了不良的影响。为了解决陆上训练和水上训练相结合的问题,我们研究和试用了新的、比过去更加完善的陆上训练方法,这种方法使教练员有可能把专项身体训练的内容安排到陆上来完成,而无过去在陆上练习中曾出现的副作用。这种方法创造的条件,使运动员的肌肉活动保持和水中一样的力量、速度和空间——时间感,同样能达到提高身体素质和运动技术的目的。这个方法就是借助速度——力量练习台,在陆上进行水上训练的模拟练习。和水上训练一样,运动员可以做两臂同时划水动作或交替划水动  相似文献   

游泳速度同运动员的单项力量训练水平是密切相关的。很多学者的研究证明,定位游时的推进力同从50到400米各项距离的速度有很大的关系。大家知道,划步的长度(在一个完整的动作周期中所通过的距离)同技术训练程度直接相关,而划频则同游泳速度和身体发育水平相关。采用陆上和水上力量训练手段时,首先要考虑如何有效地提  相似文献   

研究基于实验室平衡能力测试和25 m短池条件下游泳专项能力部分评价指标,以14名青少年游泳运动员为测试对象,进行为期8周的干预训练,探讨水陆核心稳定性训练模式在青少年游泳训练中的应用。研究结果表明:实验组与对照组前后测试结果除COP(压力中心)轨迹曲线长度无显著性差异外(P=0.277),其他指标均有显著性差异(P<0.05);平板支撑、瑞士球、平衡球-皮条拉力等不稳定训练手段的使用,对陆上体能训练的单一、重复、枯燥等特点有积极改善作用,更能有效激发运动员陆上体能训练热情和强化水中技术动作的衔接。保持训练手段的不稳定性和加强小肌肉群的灵活与相互协同,合理安排陆上核心稳定性训练与水上技术训练的比例与适时转化,对青少年游泳运动员成绩提高有积极作用。  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员上肢力量测试与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法和测试法,对国家游泳队优秀运动员上肢进行专项力量测试与分析.结果表明:采用肌电测试运动员陆上专项模仿动作,可观察运动员在专项力量练习时各相关肌群的肌肉力量水平和比例分布情况;通过滑轮拉力模仿蛙泳运动员上肢划臂动作的肌电测试,可观察运动员肌肉发力的顺序和技术动作的合理性,并发现各自肌群的力量现状及问题;通过不同负荷的两组高拉动作测试蝶泳运动员的上肢力量,可反映随负荷增加肌肉参与运动的纤维数量增加的趋势.提出不同运动员在选用同一练习手段时,应考虑承受负荷问题;在肌力测试中应考虑运动员自身的体重,相时力值的评价更能反映专项水平.  相似文献   

目的分析陆上等动拉力、滑轮拉力、橡皮拉力,模拟蝶泳划臂动作上肢肌肉表面肌电特征,以评价不同肌肉在3种拉力方式中蝶泳划臂各动作阶段的训练效果,为科学制定游泳上肢力量训练计划提供依据。方法采用MEGWIN6000 16通道遥测肌电测试仪、索尼DCR-HC90常速摄像机、自主研制同步信号发生器,同步采集8名优秀游泳运动员表面肌电信号和运动学数据。结果 3种拉力抱水对肱桡肌、腕关节屈肌、肱二头肌和胸大肌影响较大,推水对肱三头肌、背阔肌和三角肌中束影响较大;移臂阶段差异最大,涵盖前臂、上臂和躯干肌群;肱三头肌和胸大肌在各动作阶段均存在差异。结论等动拉力在抱水和推水阶段练习效果较好,并能更多训练肱三头肌和胸大肌,对斜方肌和肱桡肌移臂阶段具有更多的训练作用;滑轮拉力在移臂阶段练习效果较好,并能更多训练背阔肌推水和移臂阶段;橡皮拉力能更好训练三角肌中束抱水阶段和背阔肌移臂阶段。  相似文献   

以中国皮划艇激流回旋队9名国际健将级运动员为研究对象,对其最大摄氧量、心率、乳酸、卧推与卧拉的最大力量(1RM)及力量耐力(40% 1RM,120 s)、静水300 m直线速度、静水8 km长划等指标进行测试,采用SPSS25.0对测试结果进行描述统计,并与世界优秀选手相关体能指标进行比较,诊断我国优秀激流回旋运动员体能问题,并提出相应训练对策。结果表明,我国优秀激流回旋运动员有氧能力、专项力量、基础速度与专项速度不同程度落后于国际优秀选手。为提升我国优秀激流回旋运动员体能水平,建议采用水上与陆上相结合的有氧训练方法发展运动员有氧能力,提高全年有氧训练比例,科学安排有氧训练的负荷量与强度;采用陆上基础力量训练发展运动员上肢爆发力、力量耐力与躯干稳定性力量,采用水上专项力量训练发展运动员划桨的峰值桨力与功率;既要重视运动员静水划船的基础速度,也要强化其高强度、高速度的激流专项竞速能力。  相似文献   

教练员们往往习惯于把训练分为水上训练和陆上训练,水上训练主要发展技术和专项训练水平,陆上训练的目的主要在于发展一般身体素质和大肌肉群的专项力量,而体能训练则常常被视为陆上训练的一个方面。近几年人们逐渐关注到体能训练在游泳训练中的地位和作用,通过对一些优秀运动员技术动作的测试分析发现,游进过程中推进力的增加和阻力的减小单靠发展大肌肉群的力量和核心力量是远远不够的,还必须注重发展与技术动作相关的小肌肉的力量,体能训练专项化已经成为现代游泳训练的一大特点。因为,高水平运动员存在着明显的个体差异,每一个人的情况千差万别,如何确定每一个运动员的技术现状,找出最需要发展的短板,将专项体能训练与技术训练结合起来进行针对性的练习是现代游泳训练的发展趋势,也是提高训练效果的重要环节。  相似文献   

教练员们往往习惯于把训练分为水上训练和陆上训练,水上训练主要发展技术和专项训练水平,陆上训练的目的主要在于发展一般身体素质和大肌肉群的专项力量,而体能训练则常常被视为陆上训练的一个方面。近几年人们逐渐关注到体能训练在游泳训练中的地位和作用,通过对一些优秀运动员技术动作的测试分析发现,游进过程中推进力的增加和阻力的减小单靠发展大肌肉群的力量和核心力量是远远不够的,还必须注重发展与技术动作相关的小肌肉的力量,体能训练专项化已经成为现代游泳训练的一大特点。因为,高水平运动员存在着明显的个体差异,每一个人的情况千差万别,如何确定每一个运动员的技术现状,找出最需要发展的短板,将专项体能训练与技术训练结合起来进行针对性的练习是现代游泳训练的发展趋势,也是提高训练效果的重要环节。  相似文献   

杨善德 《体育科学》1993,13(2):30-33
通过对国内外200多名优秀陆上(800米跑)、水上(200米自由泳)、冰上(1500米速滑)运动员多种竞速能力多年的研究,发现不同的竞速能力在运动员多年训练过程各有自己的特点。根据不同优秀运动员多年竞速能力的变化,制定了本研究项目10年多种竞速能力的阶段性目标,以供这些项目运动员制定阶段性计划和作为各阶段的检测指标。  相似文献   

中、外优秀男子100 m蝶泳运动员技术对比分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文对我国8 运会前3 名优秀男子蝶泳运动员和第26 届奥运会蝶泳比赛前6 名运动员的出发反应时、出发15 m ,途中游的划频与划幅,转身前后,7.5 m 技术以及冲刺到边进行了对比分析。结果表明,中国蝶泳运动员出发技术较好,划频能力不如国外优秀运动员,划幅较大,但划频与划幅的组合不尽合理;转身技术最为薄弱,表现在转身前减速,转身蹬前有停顿,与国外优秀运动员转身技术上存在一定差距;冲剌到边技术尚可,但仍有待精雕细刻。建议我国蝶泳运动员应重视基本技术和全面身体素质训练,根据个人技术、素质特点调整划频、划幅的组合;必须解决好转身技术环节,熟练掌握转身前的距离  相似文献   

Many coaches often instruct swimmers to keep the elbow in a high position (high elbow position) during early phase of the underwater stroke motion (pull phase) in front crawl, however, the high elbow position has never been quantitatively evaluated. The aims of this study were (1) to quantitatively evaluate the “high elbow” position, (2) to clarify the relationship between the high elbow position and required upper limb configuration and (3) to examine the efficacy of high elbow position on the resultant swimming velocity. Sixteen highly skilled and 6 novice male swimmers performed 25 m front crawl with maximal effort and their 3-dimensional arm stroke motion was captured at 60 Hz. An attempt was made to develop a new index to evaluate the high elbow position (Ihe: high elbow index) using 3-dimensional coordinates of the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Ihe of skilled swimmers moderately correlated with the average shoulder internal rotation angle (r = ?0.652, < 0.01) and swimming velocity (r = ?0.683, P < 0.01) during the pull phase. These results indicate that Ihe is a useful index for evaluating high elbow arm stroke technique during the pull phase in front crawl.  相似文献   

Hand paddles and parachutes have been used in order to overload swimmers, and consequently increase the propulsive force generation in swimming. However, their use may affect not only kinematical parameters (average speed, stroke length and stroke rate), but also time gaps between propulsive phases, assessed through the index of coordination (IdC). The objective of this study was to assess the effects of hand paddles and parachute use, isolated or combined, on kinematical parameters and coordination. Eleven swimmers (backstroke 50-m time: 29.16 ± 1.43 s) performed four 15-m trials in a randomised order at maximal intensity: (1) without implements (FREE), (2) with hand paddles (HPD), (3) with parachute (PCH) and (4) with hand paddles plus parachute (HPD+PCH). All trials were video-recorded (60 Hz) in order to assess average speed, stroke rate, stroke length, five stroke phases and index of coordination. When average swimming speed was compared to FREE, it was lower in PCH and HPD+PCH, and higher in HPD. Stroke rate decreased in all overloaded trials compared to FREE. The use of hand paddles and parachute increased and decreased stroke length, respectively. In addition, propulsive phase duration was increased when hand paddles were used, and time gaps shifted towards zero (no time gap), especially when hand paddles were combined with parachute. It is conceivable that the combined use of hand paddles and parachute, once allowing overloading both propulsive and resistive forces, provides a specific stimulus to improve muscle strength and propulsive continuity.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed arm coordination in the backstroke over increasing speeds by adapting the index of coordination originally used in the front crawl. Fourteen elite male backstroke swimmers swam four trials of 25 m at the speeds corresponding to the 400-m, 200-m, 100-m, and 50-m events. The six phases of the arm stroke were identified by video analysis and then used to calculate the index of coordination, which corresponded to the time between the propulsive phases of the two arms. With increases in speed, the elite swimmers increased the stroke rate, the relative duration of their arm pull, and their index of coordination, and decreased the distance per stroke (P < 0.05). Arm coordination was always in catch-up (index of coordination of -12.9%) because the alternating body-roll and the small shoulder flexibility did not allow the opposition or superposition coordination seen in the front crawl. This new method also quantified the relative duration of the hand's lag time at the thigh, which did not change ( approximately 2%) with increasing speed for the elite swimmers. The index of coordination enables coaches to assess mistakes in backstroke coordination, particularly in the hand's lag time at the thigh.  相似文献   

We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination= -8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination= 0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8 m. s(-1), which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

We examined the preferred mode of arm coordination in 14 elite male front-crawl swimmers. Each swimmer performed eight successive swim trials in which target velocity increased from the swimmer's usual 3000-m velocity to his maximal velocity. Actual swim velocity, stroke rate, stroke length and the different arm stroke phases were then calculated from video analysis. Arm coordination was quantified by an index of coordination based on the lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm. The index expressed the three coordination modes in the front crawl: opposition, catch-up and superposition. First, in line with the dynamic approach to movement coordination, the index of coordination could be considered as an order parameter that qualitatively captured arm coordination. Second, two coordination modes were observed: a catch-up pattern (index of coordination?=??8.43%) consisting of a lag time between the propulsive phases of each arm, and a relative opposition pattern (index of coordination?=?0.89%) in which the propulsive phase of one arm ended when the propulsive phase of the other arm began. An abrupt change in the coordination pattern occurred at the critical velocity of 1.8?m?·?s?1, which corresponded to the 100-m pace: the swimmers switched from catch-up to relative opposition. This change in coordination resulted in a reorganization of the arm phases: the duration of the entry and catch phase decreased, while the duration of the pull and push phases increased in relation to the whole stroke. Third, these changes were coupled to increased stroke rate and decreased stroke length, indicating that stroke rate, stroke length, the stroke rate/stroke length ratio, as well as velocity, could be considered as control parameters. The control parameters can be manipulated to facilitate the emergence of specific coordination modes, which is highly relevant to training and learning. By adjusting the control and order parameters within the context of a specific race distance, both coach and swimmer will be able to detect the best adapted pattern for a given race pace and follow how arm coordination changes over the course of training.  相似文献   

孙楠  纪广明 《中国体育科技》2012,(1):102-105,145
目的:研究我国游泳项目优秀运动员的膳食结构、营养状况及存在问题,提出营养保障措施。方法:对19名运动员进行为期3天的膳食调查,以及高原初期和后期的生化指标的测定,数据通过运动员营养软件统计处理进行分析。结果:30%的运动员总热能摄入量仅占推荐量的80%以下,尤其女运动员偏差较大,三大热源质比例为碳水化合物占41%,脂肪占42%;蛋白质占17%,三餐热能摄入比例不合理,蔬菜摄入总体显示不足。血象指标分析显示,血红蛋白提高者占63%,红细胞数提高者占68%,红细胞压积提高者占63%。运动员训练前、后体重变化平均在0.4~0.8kg之间,控体重的运动员血象指标出现下降的倾向,运动员平均摄水量为3.5l/d。结论:高原训练中,运动员的膳食监测和营养补充是提高运动能力的重要保障。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to determine whether scapular and humeral head position can predict the development of shoulder pain in swimmers, whether those predictors were applicable to non-swimmers and the annual rate of shoulder pain in adolescent swimmers and non-swimmers. Forty-six adolescent swimmers and 43 adolescent non-swimmers were examined prospectively with a questionnaire and anthropometric measures. The questionnaire examined demographic and training variables. Anthropometric measures examined the distances between the T7 spinous process and the inferior scapula (Inferior Kibler) and T3 spinous process and the medial spine of the scapula (Superior Kibler), humeral head position in relation to the acromion using palpation, BMI and chest width. Shoulder pain was re-assessed 12 months later by questionnaire. Shoulder pain in swimmers was best predicted by a larger BMI (OR = 1.48, P = 0.049), a smaller Inferior Kibler distance in abduction (e.g. OR = 0.90, P = 0.009) and a smaller horizontal distance between the anterior humeral head and the anterior acromion (OR = 0.76, P = 0.035). These variables were not significantly predictive of shoulder pain in non-swimmers. Annual prevalence of shoulder pain was 23.9% in swimmers and 30.8% in non-swimmers (χ 2 = 0.50, P = 0.478).  相似文献   

我国优秀游泳运动员肩、膝关节损伤的调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对1999年全国游泳冠军赛和锦标赛的18个代表队120名优秀运动员的肩、膝关节损伤进行了调查研究。结果显示,我国优秀游泳运动员肩、膝关节损伤占运动损伤的61.5%,且多为训练年限6~9年的健将级以上的运动员;患急性肩关节损伤多是主项为自由泳、蝶泳或仰泳的运动员;患急性膝关节损伤则以主项为蛙泳的运动员较为常见。针对我国秀游泳运动员肩、膝关节损伤的原因,提出预防和治疗肩、膝关节损伤的建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether there are differences in kinematics between sprint and distance front crawl specialists when swimming at a distance pace using a six beat kick. Seven sprint and eight distance male specialists performed one maximum 400 m swim through a 6.75 m3 calibrated space recorded by six gen-locked cameras. The following variables were calculated: average swim velocity, stroke length, stroke frequency, upper limb and foot displacement, elbow angle, the shoulder and hip roll angle, duration of the stroke phases and time corresponding to particular events within the stroke cycle relative to hand entry. Differences between the groups were assessed by an independent t-test and effect size (d) calculations for each variable. The groups only differed significantly with respect to the average swim velocity, with the distance swimmers maintaining a greater velocity throughout the 400 m. However, effect sizes were moderate for elbow angle range during the pull phase (d = 0.78) and the total hip roll magnitude (d = 0.76). There was little evidence to suggest that sprint and distance swimmers using a six beat kick pattern differ in technique when swimming at a distance pace and therefore coaches should not encourage the development of different techniques between these groups.  相似文献   

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