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汪霞 《外国教育研究》2007,34(9):26-30,36
研究性学习是一种自主、积极的学习方式,其开发和实施需要具有专业视野和专业才能的专家、学者、专业团体的支持和帮助。他们的专业援助将极大地促进研究性学习质量的提高。其援助的形式包括专家志愿者服务岗、虚拟专家库、专业团体和机构的培训服务、专业团体和机构的成果引入等方面。  相似文献   

论基于问题式学习(PBL)的有效实施   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
基于问题式学习是一种与建构主义学习理论及其教学理论相吻合的教学模式,近年来受到教育界的广泛重视,但在我国中小学中实施要考虑其效度问题。只有充分理解和把握实施PBL的要素,处理好实施PBL的相关问题,才能使PBL的实施更有实效。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(problem-based learning,PBL)在医学教育领域已广泛应用。但是,目前为止还没有统一有效的PBL评价方法。发展与PBL教育理念相适应的评价体系是PBL有效实施的关键。本文旨在通过对近年来国内外PBL评价现状的梳理,为进一步研制系统的、科学的PBL评价体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于问题的学习模式在教育心理学课程教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“基于问题的学习”(PBL)以情境性的、结构不良问题为核心,以描述与定义问题为导向,构成自己独特的学习过程模型,其问题对学习者的学习发挥导向、监控和评价功能。PBL模式在教育心理学课程中的应用需分析外部情境条件、学习者内部条件和问题特征等因素,与传统教学相比,PBL尤其关注师生关系的定位,重视学生之间的交流与合作,强调学生对知识生成过程的体验。  相似文献   

本研究以深圳市某幼儿园76名大班幼儿为被试,采用等组前后测实验设计,实验班实施PBL教学,对照班实施传统教学,探讨基于问题的学习对幼儿元认知能力发展的影响。结果表明实验班幼儿后测元认知得分与对照班存在显著差异,即PBL教学有效促进了幼儿元认知能力的发展;实验前后,实验班幼儿在元认知总分以及元认知知识、元认知体验、元认知监控上的得分均存在显著差异,可以说PBL教学促进了幼儿元认知的全面发展。这可能是因为PBL教学通过创设问题情境、对问题进行分析讨论以及自主学习和小组合作等方式,促进了幼儿元认知能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

建构主义者提出许多改革教学的设想,其中基于问题学习(PBL)是促进知识建构的一条崭新的思路。作为一种新兴的教育与学习手段,PBL在未来必定能够得到大力的发展。“科教兴国”战略的实施,“素质教育”“创新教育”的大力推行,为基于问题学习的兴起创造了良好的社会环境。就PBL的基本模式、学习过程、主要特点及其存在的问题进行简要分析和探讨,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

基于问题式学习的教学模式,已逐渐进入中小学课堂。本文依据基于问题式学习模式设计了两个专题复习案例,以探索新的学习方式,示范该模式在生物高考专题复习中的运用。  相似文献   

移动通信技术支持下的基于问题的学习   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
移动通信技术的高速发展给我们的学习方式带来了巨大的冲击。文章介绍了基于问题的学习(PBL)的定义及实施环节,比较分析了传统课堂中的PBL、网络环境下的PBL和移动通信技术支持下的PBL,阐述了移动通信技术支持下的PBL的巨大优势:学习不受时空的限制性、学习情境的真实性、交互的及时性、学习资源的丰富性等,并设计了移动通信技术支持下的PBL学习模式,以期为业内学者提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

当前应用技术型本科院校大学生的学习现象表现为学习内容选择的多元化、学习思维方式的碎片化和学习目标实现的功利化。他们的学习动力困境集中于近景直接动力和远景间接动力等两方面,造成的原因是学生个体对学习行为的狭隘认识、社会支持系统对学习认知的引导缺失、“反智主义”思潮对学习价值的消解否定。对此,应用技术型本科院校应当从引导学生树立正确学习观、加强学业发展规划指导工作、开展常态化学风建设活动入手,以期更好地解决大学生学习动力问题。  相似文献   

问题式学习(PBL)在高师公共心理学教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高师公共心理学是高师院校一门重要的专业必修课,但目前实际的教学效果不佳,不能发挥应有的作用。可以借鉴目前欧美的一种新颖的上课方式——问题式学习(PBL),并应用于高师公共心理学教学中以检验其效果。  相似文献   

公共心理学是高师院校必修的一门教育类基础课程,针对该课程在教学中普遍存在的教学目标模糊、教学内容繁杂、教学方法陈旧和教学评价单一等一系列问题,在该课程教学中构建任务、情境、问题、角色和资源等五位一体的问题式学习教学模式,实现“教、学、做”一体化,能够使学生学以致用,在专业知识、实践技能和问题解决能力等方面得到有效提升,促进学生全面发展,最终适应社会的发展需求。  相似文献   

Students' Perceptions of Interpersonal Aspects of the Learning Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined variables associated with differences in students' perceptions of interpersonal teacher behavior. The perceptions of 3023 students and 74 teachers in 168 classes in seven secondary schools were used in the analyses. Investigating variance at the student, class, teacher and school levels revealed that several variables are significantly related to students' perceptions: student and teacher gender, student and teacher ethnic background, student age and grade, class size, grade level, subject taught and teacher experience. There were interaction effects between some variables, such as student ethnicity and student gender, as well as student and teacher gender. While significant, the amount of variance explained by these was low (around 10%). The outcomes generally confirmed earlier research, although some new effects were found. Perhaps the main result of the study was its verification of the complex and interactive nature of students' perceptions of the learning environment and researchers' understanding of it.  相似文献   

In the last ten years, a number of innovations, mainly inspired by constructivist notions of learning, have been introduced at various levels of the Dutch educational system. However, constructivist learning environments are rarely implemented. Teachers tend to stick to expository and structured learning environments. This consistent finding requires research in order to gain insight into teachers' preferences for learning environments and to determine the factors that support and impede the realization of these learning environments. Regarding the influence of social backgrounds on student learning, is it also important to take stock of parental views on learning environments.This study is focused on teachers' preferences for learning environments, their reported teaching behavior, and how these match with parents' preferences. Three parallel questionnaires were developed for teachers (n = 285), students (n = 951), and parents (n = 636) to measure preferences and behavior at different levels of education, for three types of learning environments: direct instruction; discovery learning; and authentic pedagogy. The results show that teachers often prefer direct instruction, and seldom promote discovery learning. While teachers sometimes realize authentic pedagogy, constructive learning tasks are seldom used. Teachers' reported practice and parents' preferences for their children appear to correspond reasonably.Results of multiple regression analyses show that the use of the three types of learning environments yield different predictors. For the use of discovery learning and authentic pedagogy, confidence in students' regulative skills is an important predictor. In predicting the use of direct instruction, the teacher's own conception of learning turns out to be an important predictor.  相似文献   

This study examined how scaffolds and student achievement levels influence inquiry and performance in a problem-based learning environment. The scaffolds were embedded within a hypermedia program that placed students at the center of a problem in which they were trying to become the youngest person to fly around the world in a balloon. One-hundred and eleven seventh grade students enrolled in a science and technology course worked in collaborative groups for a duration of 3 weeks to complete a project that included designing a balloon and a travel plan. Student groups used one of three problem-based, hypermedia programs: (1) a no scaffolding condition that did not provide access to scaffolds, (2) a scaffolding optional condition that provided access to scaffolds, but gave students the choice of whether or not to use them, and (3) a scaffolding required condition required students to complete all available scaffolds. Results revealed that students in the scaffolding optional and scaffolding required conditions performed significantly better than students in the no scaffolding condition on one of the two components of the group project. Results also showed that student achievement levels were significantly related to individual posttest scores; higher-achieving students scored better on the posttest than lower-achieving students. In addition, analyses of group notebooks confirmed qualitative differences between students in the various conditions. Specifically, those in the scaffolding required condition produced more highly organized project notebooks containing a higher percentage of entries directly relevant to the problem. These findings suggest that scaffolds may enhance inquiry and performance, especially when students are required to access and use them.  相似文献   

基于问题的学习(PBL)主要强调以培养学习者创新思维能力和生成新知识为目的,并为学习者提供自主学习和协作学习相结合的学习机会.首先介绍网络环境下的PBL教学模式.阐述网络环境下PBL在初中英语教学中的优势及其教学流程,并以初中英语课文"What's the matter?"为案例,分析PBL在初中英语教学中的具体应用.  相似文献   

Self-efficacy Theory and Learning Environment Research   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this article is to bring to the attention of educators interested in student perceptions of the learning environment the concept of self-efficacy. Social learning theorists define perceived self-efficacy as a sense of confidence regarding the performance of specific tasks. Our premise is that student self-efficacy beliefs regarding academic performance can have important implications for improving learning environments and, consequently, student outcomes. We believe that focusing on students' academic self-efficacy could alter student perceptions of the learning environment. Unlike most beliefs systems, which can be highly personal, academic self-efficacy is generally a belief that is addressable in a classroom context. Therefore, understanding more about the reciprocal relationship between the learning environment and students' academic self-efficacy beliefs should be a fruitful focus for learning environment research. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nowadays many schools in higher education implement problem-based learning to foster active learning processes by students. In some schools with a number of years of experience with this approach, phenomena can be observed which indicate signs of wear. The implementation of a large-scale innovation such as problem-based learning (PBL) seems to provoke different activities and attitudes in those actors who are most involved. Students and staff members seem to behave in a way which could be counterproductive to the development of self-directed learning. In the first part of this paper, we briefly describe the cognitive psychological background of PBL. In the second part various adjustments observed in problem-based curricula and their effects on students’ learning are analyzed. Arguments are presented about adverse effects on the implementation of this educational innovation. Special attention is given to teachers’ concerns. In the third part suggestions are made about ways to revitalize PBL processes as well as suggestions about effecting educational innovations on a more solid basis  相似文献   

2004年底,教育部师范司启动了全国中小学教师教育技术能力建设项目,该项目采用面对面及远程的方式对中小学教师进行教育技术培训.作为一种体验式的培训,在远程开展的过程中势必对学习支持会产生新的要求.本文即以教育技术能力建设项目的远程体验式培训试点为契机,采用基于设计的研究方法,对远程体验式培训的学习支持系统进行了设计、试用和改进.试点过程中,我们通过调查、问卷等方式对数据进行了收集和分析.结果表明:从体验学习的理解、行动、分享等方面关注学习支持,考虑到了教师的实际需要;体验学习的理解、行动(设计/创建)阶段都需要丰富案例的支持;在线学习共同体让学习者受益匪浅,体验学习的分享、交流与反思依赖于学习共同体.最后本文给出了改善学习支持系统设计的若干建议.  相似文献   

《旅游市场调查与分析》是高校旅游管理专业一门重要课程,且应用性极强。该课程的核心教学目标是使学生能够掌握并熟练应用各种旅游市场调查与分析方法,最终解决实际调研问题。文章结合这一教学目标主张将问题式教学法引入该门课程的教学过程。在分析了问题式教学法与《旅游市场调查与分析》课程的契合性之后,提出了应用问题式教学法的具体措施,以期提升该门课程的教学效果。  相似文献   

采用不相等实验组对照组前后测准实验研究,并辅以行为观察数据和质性资料分析,探究在"基本电路理论"课程教学中采取问题式教学法促进工科大学生批判性思维倾向的发展。研究表明,问题式教学对工科大学生的批判性思维倾向有显著的促进作用。作者认为,为有效开展问题式教学以促进学生批判性思维发展,应注意:(1)教师需具备良好的批判性思维精神;(2)积极营造良好的思考情境和氛围,鼓励与引导学生发现和解决问题;(3)应根据学生基础设置难易适当的问题,营造问题讨论的安全教学氛围;(4)积极引导讨论小组确定合适的讨论问题和组内讨论规则,充分利用信息技术辅助教学。  相似文献   

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