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电子书阅读器在2009年是一个相当热门的话题,以亚马逊的电子书阅读器Kindle为代表的阅读器产品也成为市场上抢手的产品。电子书阅读器产业的发展也带动了真正的电子图书个人消费的增长,使得电子图书从B2B市场开始走向B2C市场,从而推动了整个出版产业的数字化进程。文章介绍了电子书阅读器的概念、技术与历史,回顾了2009年整个产业发展的进程,也分析了电子书阅读器与电子书内容相关联的商务模式和博弈双方的互相促进作用。同时评论了国内外图书馆对电子书阅读器的相关应用。最后本文指出电子书阅读器起到了连接传统出版与数字出版、传统阅读与数字阅读以及纸质社会与无纸化社会的桥梁的作用,作为深受影响的图书馆行业应该做好迎接未来的准备。  相似文献   

目前图书馆开展的电子书服务主要有单机、镜像、链接3种类型。单机是指利用PC机直接进行光盘阅读或者检索。镜像是将电子图书存储在本地服务器或磁盘阵列中,读者通过局域网实现阅读功能。链接是电子图书存储在远程服务器,由图书馆以包库、购卡的形式购买服务或对互联网上大量的免费电子图书通过导航进行整合。 读者在图书馆使用这些服务,大都在电子阅览室中进行,因而,电子图书成为一种“带不走的图书”。实际并非如此。利用电子书手持阅读器,可以体现电子书的便携特性,使其诸多优势发挥得更充分。  相似文献   

电子图书资源是现代图书馆馆藏资源中不可或缺的一部分,现在许多高校图书馆都购买了大量的中文电子图书和部分外文电子图书。文章对上海交通大学Ebrary电子图书使用情况做出详细分析,分别从总体使用数据、月度使用统计、学科主题、单本图书、图书出版年份五个方面分析具体使用情况,并结合上海交通大学学科特点,总结出外文电子图书的使用规律,为提高外文电子书利用率、外文图书采购和馆藏结构配置提供依据。  相似文献   

Ebrary电子图书使用情况分析——以上海交通大学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子图书资源是现代图书馆馆藏资源中不可或缺的一部分,现在许多高校图书馆都购买了大量的中文电子图书和部分外文电子图书。文章对上海交通大学Ebrary电子图书使用情况做出详细分析,分别从总体使用数据、月度使用统计、学科主题、单本图书、图书出版年份五个方面分析具体使用情况,并结合上海交通大学学科特点,总结出外文电子图书的使用规律,为提高外文电子书利用率、外文图书采购和馆藏结构配置提供依据。  相似文献   

电子图书正在随着网络的快速发展而迅速普及,截至2006年底,中国电子图书总量为53万种,其中2006年新增电子图书12万种。纸质书读者逐渐减少,电子书读者却以令人咋舌的速度增长。这大概也是周德东投诚电子书的一大理由。  相似文献   

分析部分电子书利用率低下的主要原因,提出按使用结果付费的电子图书获取方式,并加以模型构建,促使电子图书供应能最大程度地满足读者的需求.  相似文献   

《带灯》电子书月销量过万贾平凹新作《带灯》电子书在腾讯阅读平台上架一个月,已经销售1.2万册。据了解,《带灯》电子书单本定价15元。目前电子图书最常见的销售价格是2—5元,超过这个价格,要么无人问津,要么叫好不叫座。各电子书销售平台的惨烈竞争,使电子书长期处于"贱卖"状态,低价策略似乎成为一种法宝。而《带灯》的线上宣传,不仅包含内容丰富的图书专题和深度的文化解析,还充分调动和利  相似文献   

徐刘靖  刘华 《图书馆杂志》2014,(2):60-63,83
以上海大学图书馆为例,跟踪分析Springer电子书2008-2012五年的使用情况。引入相对使用因子概念,从年度使用模式、版权年、内容类型和学科主题四方面出发,总结电子书的用户使用规律,并为外文电子图书采访工作提供了建议。  相似文献   

论文从外文电子图书的发展历史谈起,通过梳理国家图书馆外文电子图书资源拥有现状以及引进的原则和方法,总结了外文电子图书资源建设中存在的问题和不足,并提出了把握馆藏发展重点、挖掘电子书数据库优势、积极应对电子图书出版商的销售模式、有效揭示电子书资源等若干策略.  相似文献   

iPad平板电脑上市三周后,O'Reilly Media.Inc.研究部门资深分析师Ben Lorica对iBooks电子书在线商店上的图书产品进行调研.根据O'Reilly Radar系统4月26日的统计数字,iPad可提供超过4.6万种电子图书.这与iPad上市当天宣称的6万种电子图书有出入.4月30日,3G版iPad首日销售时,iPad平板电脑销量已达百万台,与此同时 iPad新手用户在iBooks电子书在线商店上浏览的电子书已超过150万册.  相似文献   

Kate Moore’s presentation gave audience members an overview of the current e-book environment in academic libraries. Her presentation included a review of the literature on motivations for moving to an e-preferred collection development policy, information on user preferences and behavior with e-books, and technological barriers and other obstacles that still impede library uptake of e-books. She concluded with a list of items to consider when incorporating e-books into a collection development policy.  相似文献   

Considerable changes are taking place in the publishing industry, and to survive publishers cannot sit back and wait for the changes to take effect. With e-books supposedly pulling ahead in the publisher’s race, the publishing industry must revise its business models to adjust to new demands. While e-books are attractive, print is still the major revenue engine within the world of publishing, and digital print is the future. Considering the entirety of the supply chain, it can be seen that digital book printing books saves money, supports more titles and increases efficiency. There is a different way to get a better bottom line, and publishers must consider the whole value chain, not just the unit price.  相似文献   

In Japan, comic plays a leading role in electronic publishing, whereas e-book sales generated from novels are small. This study investigates format choice, such as pocket-sized paperbacks and e-books for popular novels on bestseller lists in 2010. The results show that almost half of novels are not released as e-books and Japanese authors who already have strong sales performances are not positive about releasing e-books, whereas all foreign novels are released as e-books. One reason that electronic publishing other than comics has not developed in Japan may be that many novels written by popular authors are not provided as e-books.  相似文献   

Updated from a presentation given at Biblionext.it in Rome in April 2011, this article will highlight The New York Public Library’s success with e-books and other forms of popular e-content and our efforts to stay one step ahead of the consumer shift from print reading to e-reading. Consumer e-reading is dominated by Amazon.com in the US, followed by one of the largest chain bookstores, BarnesandNoble.com. The availability of digital versions of very popular titles, coupled with the explosion of e-readers, tablets, and smartphones that are priced competitively and fairly easy to use, are helping move a lot of Americans into the e-book world. Last month, Amazon.com announced they sold more e-books than physical books for the first time ever. Print books are not going away, but our experience is that it is clear e-books are no longer just an extra format to offer, they are integral to our future.  相似文献   

E-books have yet to assume a significant place in academic library collections. This article focuses on extracting common themes from the literature that might help the reader better understand why e-books have not yet become the cornerstone of the academic library. Patrons do not use e-books because they find the experience of using e-books incongruous with their experience of using other electronic resources, and many of the unexpected limitations they encounter when using e-books are not inherent to the format. Most often, they are purposefully imposed limitations tied to digital rights management techniques. Librarians do not purchase e-books because the titles they want to acquire are often not available electronically, because they are priced or packaged in a way that makes them less appealing than their print counterparts, or because acquiring e-books does not easily integrate into their normal acquisitions workflow.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are choosing to purchase electronic books (e-books) rather than print more frequently for multiple reasons. Unfortunately, e-books are not being used as much as they should be. With increasing academic e-book collections, many studies have examined student and faculty use of and attitudes towards this innovation. This paper will analyze the results in this area of research and align them with the Diffusion of Innovations Theory that includes the Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Curve, innovation categories, and the factors affecting the diffusion process of an innovation. This analysis will give libraries a better understanding of who is using academic e-books, why academic e-books are being used, and how to influence the behaviour of the academic libraries' patrons to increase their use of academic e-books. An analysis of these three areas will help libraries to develop effective marketing and education strategies aimed at increasing e-book usage.  相似文献   

This paper provides a broad international overview of e-books in academic libraries. The inconsistent terminology relating to e-books is noted in the first section and a brief history of e-books and some current definitions are given. The stakeholders within the e-book industry are described, with details of some of the services offered. For users and staff in library and information services, e-books can provide a variety of advantages as well as challenges, and these are outlined for those in academic libraries. Findings from various studies on e-books are presented and some of the issues involved in managing e-books in academic libraries are described. Finally an overview is presented of the e-Books Working Group in the United Kingdom. The paper is illustrated with a number of screenshots related to e-books in academic libraries in various parts of the world.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are: (i) to illustrate the use of e-books by health studies students at a college of higher education; (ii) to provide a demonstration of how e-books may be facilitated by library and information services staff working across the health and academic sectors; (iii) to comment upon the experiences of health studies students, in using e-books. A focus group of 10 student midwives was used to gain insight into how e-books may be used in an academic context for health professionals. The findings of the student midwives' focus group are reported and discussed. In this instance, the student midwives were encouraged to use e-books as part of a structured information skills programme. The paper concentrates on how the e-books were used within this context and addresses the potential benefits and disadvantages from a student perspective. The results provide evidence of a largely positive experience of using e-books as an electronic information resource. The focus group reveals many benefits and advantages in the facilitation and use of e-books, as well as addressing areas for development. It is concluded that e-books have a place in health library and information resources, but further development of e-books and e-book collections is required and subsequent investigation into their most effective use.  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆电子书使用现况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于数字出版的发展,电子书已在台湾的大学及技专校院图书馆占重要地位。为了解大学师生对这些电子书的使用状况,台湾学术电子书联盟于2010年进行了大规模的使用调查。调查问题包括:大学师生是否使用过图书馆的电子书,使用频率为何,透过何种管道查询电子书,使用电子书的意愿为何,使用电子书的动机为何,使用电子书遇到的问题及需要协助的困难为何,哪些是用户重视的电子书质量及功能,对于台湾学术电子书联盟引进的电子书满意度如何。调查采用在线问卷,共有91个学校,26,120位教职员生填答。调查发现,大学教师、研究员及研究生使用过电子书的比例高达六成以上;在同时有纸本书及电子书的情况下,半数以上的教师、研究员及研究生会优先选用电子书,但大学生仍喜爱纸本图书;对于电子书的质量,用户重视的是全文影像是否清晰、搜寻功能是否良好、使用接口是否易于操作、浏览方式是否便利、全文阅读方式是否符合需求等。另外,找不到所需的电子书,是读者最常遇到的困扰,显示图书馆的电子书种类仍不足以应付使用者的需求。  相似文献   

Online reading platforms offer an ideal environment for the emergence of information cascades, a phenomenon where user selection is heavily driven by the information inferred from others' behavior. Prior research has mainly focused on the effect of information cascades on free e-books. The purpose of this study is to empirically test and compare the effect of informational cascades on online reading behaviors of free and paid e-books. Two 114-day panel data sets covering 1548 free e-books and 362 paid e-books were collected from Zongheng.com, a well-known online reading platform in China. Results suggest that online users' choice was significantly affected by book ranking after controlling for cumulative clicks and word-of-mouth (WOM) volume, whether they are free e-books or paid e-books, as predicted by information cascades theory. Review volume has no effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with higher ranking, whereas it does exert a positive effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with lower ranking. Information cascades are more salient for paid e-books than for free e-books. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions for library and information science research, but also provide practical implications for online readers, content creators and managers.  相似文献   

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