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Preservice Teachers' Knowledge of Difficulties in Decimal Numeration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study we investigated preservice elementary school teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of decimal numeration. The preservice teachers completed a decimal comparison test, marked items they thought would be difficult for students, and explained why. Only about 80 percent of the sample tested as experts, indicating that a significant proportion of preservice teachers have inadequate content knowledge of decimals. Confusion about the size of decimals in relation to zero was a significant and unexpected difficulty, leading to concerns about the fragmentary nature of the preservice teachers' knowledge. Most preservice teachers were aware of longer-is-larger misconceptions in students, but had little awareness of shorter-is-larger misconceptions. Preservice teachers' explanations for the reasons students might have difficulty demonstrated that many are good at identifying features that make comparisons difficult but less able to explain why these cause trouble. Results point to the need for teacher education to emphasise content knowledge that integrates different aspects of number knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge that includes a thorough understanding of common difficulties. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

小学二年级数学学优生与学困生应用题表征策略差异比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用实验法和临床访谈法对某普通小学的43名二年级学生进行了一致/不一致应用题测验(任务一)和条件多余/条件不足应用题测验(任务二),以考察数学学优生和学困生在解决这些应用题时表征策略的差异。结果表明:⑴在任务一中,学优生在一致题目和不一致题目上的反应时差异显著,而学困生在这两类题上的反应时差异不显著;学优生和学困生在一致题目和不一致题目上的正确率差异显著;口头报告显示,学优生较多使用问题模型策略对问题进行表征,学困生较多使用直接转换策略对问题进行表征;⑵在任务二中,学优生的成绩要好于学困生,口头报告分析证明了前面的结果,即学优生较多使用问题模型策略,学困生较多使用直接转换策略;⑶由于表征策略的使用差异,学生在条件充要应用题上的正确率高于非常规应用题。  相似文献   

一年级新入学儿童的加减法基本口算能力很不平衡.10以内加法的口算能力很强,10以内减法的口算能力比较强.20以内进位加法的口算能力比较弱,20以内退位减法的口算能力很弱.数学教学中应重视10以内加减法的基础教学;加强20以内进位加法和退位减法的方法教学;科学进行20以内加减法的口算训练.教材编写时,减法练习题量可适当多于加法.学校和幼儿园之间应多进行幼小衔接方面的沟通.  相似文献   

高一阶段的顺利适应和心理转变对整个高中阶段的学习和生活是非常重要的。本文采用王极盛编制的中国中学生心理健康量表对部分高一学生进行了施测,并通过学生座谈,深入了解了高一学生在学习生活中所面临的心理困扰。调查发现高一学生在学习、人际关系、情绪宣泄方面遇到的困扰比较多,并针对学校教育提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

Writing Workshop is an interactive approach to teaching writing as students learn and practice the importance of rehearsal, drafting/revising, and editing their pieces of writing (Calkins, 1986; Graves, 1983). This study implemented a mixed methodology design incorporating qualitative and quantitative analysis (Mills, 2007) by administering a pre survey to each child before he/she began the Writing Workshop and a post survey after the intervention; systematic observational research as a checklist (Glanz, 2003) to record observed practices of students during peer revising conferences; portfolios to assess student writing and graded via a rubric; and lastly interview of students regarding confidence and ability in writing. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the writing processes of drafting/revising and editing to support first grade students to become independent writers.  相似文献   

文章通过对极限运算过程中经常出现的一些错误进行分析,发现大多都是因为对极限四则运算法则条件的忽略或理解不到位所致,通过例题解析分析这些错误的根源及其与四则运算法则条件的关联。  相似文献   

We compared the effects of two approaches to decoding on the word reading skills of struggling first-grade students: decontextualized, teacher directed decoding practice with manipulative letters and embedded, incidental decoding practice. Participants were 98 students at risk for reading disability. We randomly assigned participants to three groups: (1) treatment, (2) comparison, and (3) control. The treatment group received 30 sessions of small-group instruction using manipulative letters to practice decoding skills. The comparison group received the same small-group reading instruction without the additional decoding practice. The control group did not receive supplemental small-group instruction. Analyses indicated that students who received the additional decoding practice with manipulative letters scored significantly better on phonological awareness, decoding, and word recognition skills than students who received incidental decoding practice.  相似文献   

分析初中一年级学生各门课程的学业成绩状况.一方面,利用独立样本检验方法分别对普通班和快班不同性别的学生各门课程的学业成绩是否存在显著性差异进行检验;另一方面,对快班和普通班各门课程的学业成绩进行相关分析,在此基础上进一步对各门课程的学业成绩进行回归建模分析.  相似文献   

一年级班级管理策略的制定要考虑教学管理策略和常规管理策略两部分内容。教学管理策略主要包括课堂管理策略和课间活动管理策略,常规管理策略主要包括日常生活管理策略和班务管理策略。无论何种策略,都必须要符合学生的身心发展规律。文章主要对一年级班级管理的策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

音乐素质是一个人在音乐艺术上得到发展的重要条件。音乐素质主要包含音乐听觉能力、音乐感受能力、音乐节奏感、音乐表达能力、音乐创造能力等。  相似文献   

我国目前的知识产权保护中存在有权利冲突现象,包括权利交叉、双重保护、多重保护等。处理知识产权权利冲突时的协调原则主要包括在先权利原则、正当程序原则、区别保护原则和权利衡平原则。  相似文献   

通过对比分析,实现用算术运算模拟逻辑运算.并通过实例介绍了在Excel中实现二进制数的自动填充以及用Excel完成逻辑运算的方法.  相似文献   

从计算机运算器的加法器运算机制研究了四则运算的一次化归和二次化归,特别是将除法最终化归为加法运算.揭示了四则运算内在的关联性和逻辑的自洽性.  相似文献   

通过分析有关心理因素认为:成就感是学习动机的基础,是建立主动学习动机的保证。是被动学习转化为主动学习动机的桥梁。因此,形成不同程度的成就感,是提高学习成绩的有效手段。成就感与自我实现的需要有密切的联系,应采取有效的教学手段,激发不同水平的成就感。  相似文献   

我国的学生在分数学习方面似乎没有太多的问题,而国外的学者却时常把分数学习作为一个研究重点.我国学生在对分数意义的理解、比较分数大小的表现、关于分数的四则运算能力、对分数除法的认识、对分数等值变换的理解等方面的学习情况良好,对分数问题解决能力方面存在一些缺陷.学生善于分数表达与等值转换,分数计算能力较强而理解有缺陷,熟悉常规问题解决而对复杂问题存在困惑.  相似文献   

初中生数学成绩归因研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
总体而言,初中不同水平层次、不同性别的学生对数学成绩的归因趋于内部因素,其中又主要归因于势力程度,但优生将成功,差生将失败的归因更倾向于兴趣,从而也启示我们应从“学”的归因中,寻找“教”的归因,针对不同情况的学生,采取相应措施,提高学生的数学成绩。  相似文献   

文章以567名不同层次的高考生(尖子生、中等生、落榜生)为对象,用问卷调查的方式。探讨了不同层次和不同类别考生的家庭环境,具体就家庭、家长、家教等三个维度的八个方面的问题进行了调查与分析。  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the impact of mathematics and reading learning difficulties on the mathematics‐vocabulary understanding of fifth‐grade students. Students (n = 114) completed three measures: mathematics computation, general vocabulary, and mathematics vocabulary. Based on performance on the mathematics computation and general vocabulary measures, students were categorized with no learning difficulty (i.e., typical), mathematics difficulty without reading difficulty (MD‐only), reading difficulty without mathematics difficulty (RD‐only), and combined mathematics and reading difficulties (MDRD). On the mathematics‐vocabulary measure, students with MD‐only or RD‐only scored significantly lower than typical students, and students with MDRD demonstrated significantly lower performance than students with MD‐only or RD‐only.  相似文献   

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