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论述了网络环境下图书馆员的工作特点,阐明了网络环境下图书馆员应重新进行角色定位.适应新环境下图书馆工作发展的需要,当好网络信息的“导航员”,将文献信息及时传递给读者,为读者提供高质量的服务。  相似文献   

阐述了新时期图书馆员角度定位的基本原则以及新时期图书馆员角度定位的基本目标和手段。  相似文献   

现代图书馆员的角色转变   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
从现代图书馆发展的要求,论述现代图书馆员应做好观念与职责,知识结构和业务,管理方式与服务手段三个方面的角色转变,以适应现代化图书馆的要求。  相似文献   

关于图书馆员职业价值与角色定位的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章论述了图书馆员职业价值的主要社会特性,从解析图书馆员的职业价值内涵入手,明确了新时期图书馆员的职业角色定位,并提出了一些提升图书馆职业价值与职业地位的举措。  相似文献   

论网络环境下图书馆员的角色定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以网络环境下,时代赋予图书馆员的新的历史使命为出发点,论述了现代图书馆员充当的新角色,并提出了现代图书馆员重新定位的探讨。  相似文献   

本文论述了图书馆员的职业角色变化,并对新时期图书馆员的角色内涵作了详细的概定。  相似文献   

移动网络为图书馆用户提供无所不在的信息服务,这对图书馆员的素质和业务能力提出了更高的要求。讨论了移动网络环境下图书馆员的角色,分析了图书馆员应具备的素质,提出了图书馆员素质提升的具体途径。  相似文献   

信息化、网络化、数字化是新时期图书馆的主要特征,网络环境及网络通信技术给图书馆带来的变革,面对这种变革,图书馆员的角色定位有所转变即:馆员既是信息资源的建设者又是信息资源的管理专家,馆员既是信息资源的导航员又是信息系统的维护员,馆员既是信息用户的辅导员培训员又是馆藏的宣传员;同时对图书馆员的素质提出新的基本要求。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,大学图书馆的虚拟化及馆员的角色提升都已经逼到了眼前。变昔日以整理与提供信息为主要任务的信息管理者、掌握者的角色定位,为知识信息筛选者与创造者的角色定位是历史发展的必然。在虚拟环境下,信息的流动速度加快,图书馆与读者之间的角色界线模糊,读者服务与技术服务整合,图书馆组织机构的变更及人员的大幅度调整都在所难免。如果图书馆员再不对自己的角色与定位问题加以省思,并谋求改善之道,那么,在不知不觉中被淘汰是不足为奇的。  相似文献   

通过认知角色冲突和角色冲突原因及冲突表现的分析研究,提出图书馆员要认清角色定位,不断进行自身角色调遁、社会调遁、图书馆调适,进而增强角色的适应能力,实现缩短角色期望差距,减少角色冲突的产生。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(49-50):305-333
The problem of information overload in society, the feeling of being overwhelmed by large numbers and many types of publications, is one that has direct relevance for the role of the librarian both now and in the future. Librarians at present are clearly adept at assisting users in identifying and locating large numbers of publications. They will have to become more adept in the future in developing ways to assist users in narrowing or focussing their information searches to the most essential or key documents in a field of study. A number of the attempts that have been made in the library and information professions to help users to cope with information overload are examined as well as speculation about some future ways of dealing with the problem.  相似文献   

To examine the evolving role of the Master of Library Science (MLS) degree in academic libraries, pooled cross-sectional data were collected from job advertisements in College and Research Library News. Beginning with 1975 and continuing at 5-year intervals through 2005, pertinent information from all job advertisements in each monthly issue were compiled. The data produced many interesting facts, such as job openings requiring an MLS peaked in the early 1990s, and that there is a significant drop in a prerequisite MLS beginning in the year 2000.  相似文献   


Information literacy is essential for success in undergraduate science programs, but teaching faculty are generally ill-prepared or unwilling to provide intentional support in their courses. Librarians are uniquely qualified to help. In this article, the author presents one example of a faculty–librarian collaboration in which the science librarian is embedded in a first-year, undergraduate course in nanoscience, both as a codesigner of the curriculum and a member of the teaching team. She traces her progress from new appointee to faculty partner, and describes the unique, electronic-journal project they designed to promote the development of information and academic literacies.  相似文献   

试论学科馆员的设置及其角色定位   总被引:51,自引:3,他引:51  
介绍了学科馆员制度在国内外实施的情况,阐述了建立学科馆员制度的必要性,分析了学科馆员的角色定位。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(69-70):219-231

This paper considers the instructional role of the academic librarian and examines the contribution adult learning theory makes to the practice of teaching information literacy skills. It explores those principles of effective practice in facilitating adult learning which apply to the teaching—learning transactions in the library. It describes the aim of facilitation as one of encouraging self directed, empowered adults and confirms the role of the academic librarian in facilitating the development of critical thinking, creative problem-solving and informed decision making in adult learners. It also examines the concept of information literacy and how this contributes to adult lifelong learning.  相似文献   

学科馆员:高校院系分馆馆员的角色定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基于高校院系资料室(分馆)的专业图书馆性质,比较分馆馆员(资料员)在工作职责、服务对象与资格要求等方面与学科馆员的异同,分馆馆员作为学科馆员在学科专业、密切联系读者、熟悉分馆馆藏资源及使用情况等方面存在优势.分馆馆员的学科馆员角色定位有助于提升分馆馆员的职业发展空间,加强中心馆和专业分馆的广泛合作,建立图书馆(专业分馆)专业人员职业继续教育机制.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(78):149-165

Much like the role of other academic librarians, the education librarian's responsibilities are in a constant state of transition. Major factors contributing to these changes are demands being placed on teacher training programs in colleges of education, demands placed on teachers and administrators in the nation's schools, demographic shifts, globalization, declining accessibility of resources along with the digital divide, and, most of all, greater demands for accountability of student achievement at all levels of education.

The work of the education librarian has become more integrated in the creation and access of knowledge both in the library profession, and education itself. Education librarians not only have close ties to school curriculum being taught but also with the preparation of preservice teachers, students enrolled in advanced graduate studies, and the education researcher. This article will review the literature on the role of the education subject specialist in librarianship, and how that role has been changed due to a variety of reasons. Findings will be discussed from an informal survey on how education librarians perceive their roles in their institutions.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

谈现代高校图书馆员的角色   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
图书馆是一个不断生长着的有机体,在这个有机体中,馆员是最活跃、最关键的因素。随着我国现代高校图书馆工作的不断拓展,现代高校图书馆员扮演着多重角色,本文从多方面谈了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Little is known about self-publishing authors and about the concerns of public librarians regarding how best to support library self-publishing initiatives. This article presents and analyzes a survey of authors participating in programming at the Woodneath Library Center/Woodneath Press. It also presents and analyzes the results of a survey of public librarians. Findings suggest that self-publishing authors in this case study would benefit from author services support, and that librarians require targeted training to provide such support. As libraries explore this potential new role, more needs to be done to support author services in public libraries appropriately.  相似文献   

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