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The 29th summer Olympiad, extolled as "truly exceptional" by IOC President Jacques Rogge, has left over tremendous legacy to Beijing, in particular, its perfect combination of sports and culture. The showcases of Chinese folk arts in the Olympic Village, while amazing the whole world with their vitality and creativity, have boosted Chinese people's awareness of the protection of Chinese intangible cultural heritage which bears unique historical and aesthetic values  相似文献   

Europalia is a major international arts festival held every other year to celebrate one invited country's cultural heritage. Founded in 1969, this biennial festival is celebrated in Brussels. Belgium atul since the 1990s countries outside Europe have been invited as the 3festival's highlsghts.  相似文献   

Apress conference was recently held in Beijing, briefing the media on the upcoming Europalia.China, a grand arts gala that will last for half a year in Belgium. Vice Chinese Cultural Minister Madame Zhao Shaohua, Belgian Ambassador H.E. Patrick Nijs, senior officials from both China and Belgium as well as journalists from some 70 media organizations attended this press conference co-hosted by the Ministn/of Culture of China and the Belgian Embassy in Beijing.  相似文献   

The annual nine-day "Spring of April" International Friendship North Korea from April 10 to 18,with the theme of "pcace,friendship,exchange and cooperation".The Chinese delegation consisting of performers from the southeast province of Jiangsu won extensive praises and applauses with their outstanding performance.  相似文献   

林梅村 《中国文化》2006,45(1):122-137
首先需要說明的是,我本人從事考古教學與研究,對藝術史素無研究。然而,藝術史研究下得下借助於考古資料,所以歐美學人對考古和藝術史的界綫相當模糊。他們往往把“考古” (Archaeology)理解為史前考古,因此把史前考古教學歸入高校人類學系,而把新石器時代以後的考  相似文献   

"Planned Activities to Promote Traditional Skills of intangible Cultural Heritage", a large cultural event jointly organized by 14 ministries and commissions and Beijing Municipal Government,  相似文献   

March 5, 2008 marked the 110th anniversary of late Premier Zhou Enlai's 110th birth anniversary. Zhou Enlai was a great Marxist and outstanding revolutionary. As a major member of the first generation of the leadership of Chinese Communist Party and the People's Republic of China, he devoted all his life to his beloved motherland and people. He enjoyed widespread respect among Chinese people of all ethnic groups and his lofty spirit and personality have been considered valuable assets in the history of Chinese nation. On the occasion of his 110th birth anniversary commemorative events were launched nationwide.  相似文献   

<正>The 1st China Arts Festival for Peasants, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, opened in the National Agricultural Exhibition Center in Beijing on June 16. In his opening speech,  相似文献   

In October 2009, The Chinese Cultural Ministry hosted "China Culture Festival" in Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia respectively to mark the 60th anniversary of its diplomatic ties with these three countries in Eastern Europe, In one month's time, Chinese artists presented fascinating performances, exhibitions, film showcases and other cultural events. Wherever these celebrations were held, the reporter can deeply feel the friendship with Chinese people and the strong interest in Chinese culture.  相似文献   

陈虎  詹素娟 《寻根》2007,(3):34-40
房中术作为道教养生方法之一,来源于先秦时期的神仙家、秦汉之际的方仙道和汉代的黄老道,在中国早期的文献中多称之为“阴道”、“房中”或“房内”。大约在150万年前,人类就可能已经发现了性交与怀孕之间的关系。在母系氏族社会时期,初民通过观察女性在种族繁衍中的巨大作用,产生了对女性生殖器的崇拜。  相似文献   

Shanxi folk dance "A Handdful of Wild Juiubes" opened the 8th China Shanghai International Arts Festiwd on October 17, Zhang Jigang's new Shanxi ballet romance is permeated with local flavor, and was honored as "poetic perfection of love in the land of Shanxi". This is the first time that the festival has broken with tradition and hrought in repertoire from another province as the opening performance.  相似文献   

From August 18 to 26, 2009, the 1 lth Asia Arts Festival was successfully held in Ordos, Inner Mongolia,  相似文献   

The Seminar on Introducing Chinese Performing Arts to the US sponsored by the Bureau for External Cultural Relationsof Ministry of Culture was held in Beijing. It was attended by representatives of such leading cultural institutions as China National Peking Opera Company, National Theatre of China, China Arts andEntertainment Group and heads of many famous performing arts companies. Representatives of this seminar remarked that the content of this meeting was concrete, practical and inspiring.This is a move by the Ministry of Culture to encourage and support Chinese culture to go abroad under the strategy of"Chinese culture going global".  相似文献   

The concept of "Cultural Olympics" will be highlighted at the summer Olympics Games in Beijing, In the coming two months, a series of cultural events will be staged to welcome the once-four-year global sports gala that wilt take place in the capital city of China, including such diverse art forms as drama, music, fine arts, folk arts and film,  相似文献   

In April 2009, the Chinese Artists Group, consisting of 150 artists, attended the Spring of April Arts Festival in Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea.  相似文献   

The Baltic Arts Festival 2014, host- ed by the Ministry of Culture of China and organized by China Association of Performing Arts, reached its climax from October 25 to Novem- ber 21, during which eight performances from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were staged 35 times in Beijing, Tianjin, Jin- nan, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xuzhou.  相似文献   

While autobiography as a special genre increasingly occupies an important position in modern scholarship, independent Sufi autobiographies still require additional and detailed examination. The current paper seeks to examine two spiritual autobiographies known very well in the history of Sufism: Al-?akīm al-Tirmidhī's Bad? sha?n, and Rūzbihān al-Baqlī's Kashf al-asrār. References to these works in modern research do not go beyond the assumption that they may represent visionary autobiographies, dreams, and mystical, extraordinary experiences and states. In the framework of this paper, we consider it essential to regard both texts as serious indicators of different realities, contexts, and mystic discourses.  相似文献   

The "Meet in Beijing"Arts Festival 2014 opened with a concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of China-France diplomatic ties.At the concert,French master conductor Philippe Entremont presented romantic French music in collaboration with the symphony orchestra of the Dentral Opera of China.  相似文献   

<正>On October 10, 2011, the 12th Asia Arts Festival opened in Chongqing, a mountainous city in southwest China. This ten-day arts gala, sponsored by China’s Cul...  相似文献   

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