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Instructors often struggle to find the right balance of sternness and leniency with their students, especially in the beginning stages of their careers. An instructor who is too casual risks being overrun by students who do not take him or her seriously. The professor who is too strict might inadvertently thwart students’ creativity and stifle their potential success. The following commentary reflects my own journey to a balanced rapport with students in a university classroom setting. Over several years, my interactions with students have gone from overly formal to embarrassingly casual before finally settling somewhere in between. My experiences serve to help both novice as well as experienced educators hone their rapport with students to create an enriching classroom environment. Various studies have shown gains in student learning due to quality instructor/student relationships and the present commentary aims to aid instructors in finding a balanced and meaningful rapport with their students. In my endeavors, I have found a balance by showing students I can be an effective teacher while also showing them that I am human with a life outside of the classroom, just as they are.  相似文献   

Drawing on research on both engagement in learning and approaches to learning, we examine the associations between international students’ approaches to learning, factors in the teaching/learning environment and self-assessed academic outcomes. A total of 307 students responded to our survey. Their experience of the purposefulness of their course assignments and the relevance of their studies was related to students having a deep approach to learning and being organised in their studies. Moreover, students applying a deep approach to learning and being organised in studying seemed to perceive their study success more positively. Furthermore, the better students’ perception of how well their courses were organised and aligned with other studies, the lower their stress level was. The Asian students in our study exhibited a slightly more surface approach to learning, and were more organised in their studies than the European students, but the differences were very small.  相似文献   

通过对杭州师范大学外国语学院教授杨小洪老师课堂的实地观察,探讨高等师范院校英语专业在教学中如何关注自我概念,追寻自我意义,如何使课堂成为学生和老师真实体验的生活空间,并由此引发学生和老师,学生和学生之间进行真实的对话,使学生体验到学习的成功与失败,最终达到心灵成长的教育目的。  相似文献   

选树大学生先进典型需要增强大学生先进典型的亲和力,让先进典型深入人心。通过对大学生先进典型亲和力的分析,与大学生心灵相通、情感共振,才能更好地吸引人、打动人,使先进典型具有生命力。在亲和力的感染下使大学生乐意模仿、见贤思齐,促进个体全面发展和群体发展,实现其价值功能。  相似文献   

This is the first report on the findings of a survey carried out on 578 students entering computing courses at seven institutes of technology in Ireland in 2001. The progress of this cohort of students is charted through the four years of their course using questionnaires and interviews. It is envisioned that the study will highlight the different relationships and patterns of association between these students’ progression at college and their entry characteristics. The findings presented in this article are from a section of the questionnaire administered to students in year one of their studies. It was designed to explore students’ experiences of computing prior to their entry to college. The students’ exposure to computing and their enjoyment of computing at second level was documented. Relationships between students’ experiences of computing at second level and their success/failure to progress in their course in third level are investigated.  相似文献   

This article analyses the university experiences of 44 students with disabilities. The voices of Spanish students describe the reasons that lead them to choose a given university degree, their transition in the university, the perception they have of themselves as students and how they evaluate their academic results. This study was done with the biographical-narrative methodology using several different data collection techniques, such as narrative interviews, lifelines and photographs. Data analysis was based on an inductive coding system. The results of this study have enabled us to conclude that most of the students chose their degree course because they had a vocation for it, although their disability also influenced their decision. Some students had such a hard time during their first year that they had to change their course of studies. They thought they had to make a stronger effort than the rest of their fellow students, defined themselves as fighters and survivors, and valued this willpower as their main personal asset, above the outcome achieved.  相似文献   

研究生与导师关系的比较分析与改进对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调研发现,研究生与导师关系总体上较为融洽,大多数导师对研究生比较关心,但应进一步加强和改善;培养层次和学科类别对研究生师生关系有不同程度的影响。建设"亦师亦友型"师生关系,导师要发挥主导作用,在理念上认清自己的职责,在行动上坚持和研究生定期交流,在科研指导之外关心研究生的全面成长;研究生要发挥能动作用,积极主动和导师交...  相似文献   

The study investigated the relationship of teacher and student ethnic background to their perceptions of teacher interpersonal behaviour. It is theoretically linked to research on multicultural education and teacher interpersonal communication styles. Perceptions of 27 Asian-American and Hispanic-American teachers and their students in culturally diverse high schools were gathered by means of questionnaires and structured interviews. Teachers had more favourable perceptions of their own behaviour than their students did. Student and teacher ethnic background had a small but significant impact on students’ perceptions of their teachers. Interview data provided some evidence that concepts studied in relation to the cultural dimensions of communication, such as respect from students, closeness, and identification of students with their teachers, are helpful in explaining the relationship between ethnic background and perceptions of students and teachers. The results merit further research into the effects of culture on perceptions and provide recommendations for improvements in culturally responsive education.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of one New Zealand university faculty involved in the second phase of a three-phase study investigating the experiences of talented undergraduate students. Talented undergraduate students are a largely forgotten group in research. The current study sought to investigate who the talented students were, and then what their lived experiences as talented undergraduate students were. The study involved 128 undergraduate students who provided information about their experiences as high achieving students in an undergraduate degree program. Approximately 10% of all students enrolled across five different undergraduate degree programs in the faculty were defined as talented undergraduate students. These students were ethnically diverse and largely older than we had anticipated. The majority had not previously been identified as talented and many had been largely unsuccessful educationally, prior to embarking on their undergraduate studies. Several students experienced challenging personal circumstances, such as financial hardship and extensive family responsibilities. The grit or resilience demonstrated by these students seemed to explain the essence of the phenomenon of being a talented undergraduate student in this faculty.  相似文献   

后进生的教育与转化是班级管理工作的重要内容.为了做好后进生的教育与转化,班主任应该对学生倾注无私的师爱;帮助后进生树立自信心;对学生力戒偏爱,一视同仁;在班级工作中贯彻民主、平等的原则;与家长勤沟通,与任课教师常交流,形成教育合力.  相似文献   

学生社团与大学生成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生社团在对大学生思想品质上的潜移默化、提升大学生的社会适应能力、丰富大学生业余生活以及增强大学生的群体凝聚力等方面具有不可替代的作用。学生社团在自身组织建设和有效管理上还存在许多亟待解决的问题,应该将社团工作纳入学校整体育人工作中,切实加强社团建设,以服务学生成长成才为着力点发展建设学生社团。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study into students with disabilities and their experiences of eLearning at Curtin University in Australia. The results are compared to an earlier study of students at Open Universities Australia (OUA) (Kent 2016). The results confirm the earlier study’s findings that these students are drawn to eLearning. The prevalence of mental illness and medical disabilities as the two most frequent impairment types amongst students with disabilities in Australia was confirmed, along with a need to rethink universal design for eLearning to better accommodate these students. It also finds that the students had difficulty accessing online platforms and notably those provided directly by the university. This survey confirmed that students at Curtin University were more aware than their OUA counterparts of accommodations that could be made to help with their studies. It also showed that, when used, those accommodations were more successful. However, the study also reported that Curtin University students were more likely to not disclose their disability as part of their studies.  相似文献   

与时俱进做好新时期高校辅导员工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生政治生活辅导员是学校与大学生、家长联系的纽带和桥梁,是大学生最直接的思想政治生活教育者,辅导员的言行、能力、品格及工作方法将对大学生的人生观、世界观、政治观产生重大影响。因此,辅导员要依据时代的要求,当今社会的特点以及大学生这一特殊群体的特性,选择和创造有实效的工作方法,以完成当今社会、时代赋予的神圣使命。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生依恋类型及其与孤独感的关系,为开展大学生心理辅导与救助提供参考.方法采用成人依恋类型自我报告量表及孤独感量表对四川、重庆200名大学生进行测试.结果大学生依恋类型的分布为安全型占69.7%,回避型占19.1%,矛盾型占11.2%;除男女大学生在矛盾依恋上有显著差异外,大学生依恋类型均无年级和城乡差异.大学生依恋类型与孤独感之间呈显著的负相关.结论大学生成人依恋类型以安全型为主,依恋类型与孤独感密切相关.  相似文献   

学校的本质与公民教育密切相连。学校理当是培养公民的场所,也就是具有爱、社群意识和民主特征的共同体。学校应是爱的家园,关爱学生并被学生理解和接纳,这样才能让学生成为有能力关爱他人、充满爱和可爱的人,具备创造民主正义世界的内在动力;学校应是一个道德的、关心每一个人需要的和分享其传统的社群,唯其如此,才能培养学生的公民美德;学校实施民主管理,尽可能地为所有学生提供发展潜能的条件,让学生协商与对话,积极参与改善学校和周边社区环境,才能让学生获得参与民主的经验与能力,成长为民主社会的未来主体。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to problematize the ways class and gender are played out in adult students’ narratives about their occupational choice and future. Drawing on Beverly Skeggs, we analyse how students think about future occupations, what motivates them towards these and how they are able to form their future in relation to them. Taking on Sweden as a case, our results show that students’ narratives on their future occupations are classed as well as gendered. In their vision of future occupations, working-class students tend to focus on occupations helping and caring for others, while middle-class students tend to focus on work more as a means of fulfilling themselves as individuals. These differences are also gendered. Female students are more likely than their male counterparts to picture their future occupations in relation to having children and a family. This tells us that in the female students’ narratives, there tends to be a strong focus on caring – for their families as well as in future occupations.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to determine the beliefs of students and teachers in different levels of education about their communicative competences. The study group of this research is consisted of 600 secondary school, high school and undergraduate students and 41 of their teachers. In this study, it is observed that not a significant correlation at a considerable degree exists in the communicative competences of students with their teachers, who are from different nationalities, gender and levels. Furthermore, regarding students, educated at different levels, no relation has been observed in their communicative competences with their teachers. Moreover, while students consider their communicative competences with their teachers to be moderately adequate, teachers consider their communicative competences with their students to be adequate in general.  相似文献   

近年来,我国高校学生状告学校的案件频繁出现,大学生越来越重视保障自己的权利。学生作为公民应该辜有公民所享有的一切权利,学校应该有责任和叉务保障学生的人权。目前,虽然高校与学生之间的法律关系还没有定论,但学校应该从学生的利益出发,保障在校学生的人权。  相似文献   

对高校部分辅导员和大学生的调查显示,在学生的评价中,与辅导员关系“十分好”的为2.5%(他评)-7%(自评),“较好的”的为21.69/6(自评)-35.1%(他评),“一般好”的为60%(他评)-68.7%(自评)。是否为党员或学生干部对与辅导员的关系和评价有显著影响。随年级变化,辅导员与学生关系类型大体有:主导型、师生型、朋友型、引导型、互敬互助型。其中一年级新生与辅导员的关系以引导型为主,高年级则以朋友型为主。  相似文献   

Summary Mentoring appears to help African-American students taking educational media and technology classes to have more confidence in their abilities to integrate technology. It has also provided them with an opportunity to express their concern about their lack of technology skills and anxiety about teaching. Furthermore, they were able to speak to someone who cares about them and who has also had similar concerns and anxieties. The fact that we were all African American facilitated communication and trust between each of my students and me. However, since there is typically a scarcity of African-American faculties to mentor them it is problematic to have same-race mentoring relationships for most African-American students at predominately White academic institutions. Research suggests however, that African-American students feel that having an African-American mentor is less important to them than having a mentor in their career field. With appropriate attitudes and the belief that cultural diversity is an asset and not a deficit, faculty of other races can effectively mentor African-American students. With this in mind coupled with the fact that research indicates that mentoring supports retention particularly for African-American students, all faculties should consider mentoring African-American and other minority students. Mentoring enables faculty to MEET their minority students where they are and move them forward. Remember to Model use of technology in the classroom, Engage students in dialogue in and out of class, Embrace their anxiety and point our their successes, and Team students with partners. Her research interest focuses on factors that support or inhibit preservice and professional teachers from integrating technology.  相似文献   

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