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传统的教育观念认为表扬是一种很好的教育策略,近年来这一观点受到了国内外研究者的质疑。研究发现:在成功完成任务后,接受能力和努力取向表扬的儿童均表现出积极的自我认知、较高的任务满意度和积极的情绪;但当儿童遇到挫折时,不同归因取向的表扬则对儿童产生了不同的长时效应。据此,教育者在表扬儿童时应注意:表扬应指向儿童的努力和策略运用而不是能力和个性特质;当儿童在简单任务上取得成功时,不要随便给予他们表扬;当儿童付出很大努力却依然遭遇失败时,应给予他们简单的信息反馈。  相似文献   

关于表扬的研究由来已久,大众对表扬的普遍观念是表扬能够使儿童产生更强的自信心,提高他们的自尊心和自我评价。经过心理学家的调查与分析,不同类型的表扬对儿童会产生不同的影响。本文从归因取向表扬和信息取向表扬的分类出发,对中外有关表扬和动机方面的研究进展进行归纳,发现不同的表扬方式,对儿童的动机和其他方面产生了不同的效果。掌握表扬方法,恰当的运用表扬,能够帮助儿童更好地成长。  相似文献   

孩子总是喜欢别人称赞他的,这是儿童的天性。恰到好处的表扬既是对学生个人的一种激励,也是对全体学生的正面引导,这对于培养学生的竞争意识、荣誉感与自尊心有着不可言喻的积极作用。而过分夸大其辞则会宠坏孩子,敷衍了事更会使孩子感到沮丧。因此表扬应讲究艺术。  相似文献   

许多心理学家的研究证明,奖励比惩罚的教育效果好,学生个人良好和愉快的的心境有助于提高学习效率。每个班级都有一些表现较好的学生,他们经常受到老师的表扬是应该的。但是,老师对这些优等生表扬、奖励得不适度,也会适得其反,不仅会使这些学生产生骄傲情绪,还可能使他们在过多的赞扬声中孤立起来。  相似文献   

表扬与批评是幼儿教师常用的评价幼儿的方法。幼儿教师通过对幼儿表现进行表扬和批评,以期实现使幼儿遵守规则秩序、养成良好行为习惯等目的。儿童观和教育观紧密相关,儿童教育总是以一定的儿童观为前提,表扬与批评背后则蕴含着每个独特的教师所认同的不同儿童观。通过分析幼儿教师使用表扬与批评的情景,探寻其背后秉持的儿童观,以期帮助幼儿教师发现其儿童观问题之所在,优化评价观。  相似文献   

表扬是积极的评价,但并不一定具备强化作用,它可能增强动机,也可能损害动机;表扬并非是一个评价者到被评价者的单向过程,而是一个复杂的社会交流过程;表扬对动机的影响不仅依赖于表扬的内容,还受到许多其它因素的影响。所以怎样表扬学生是一种艺术,是一种(外语)教师应该掌握的技巧。  相似文献   

乌申斯基说:儿童憎恨的是任何时候也不能从他那里得到表扬和承认的老师。第一次读到这句话,我为之一震。我从未想过,老师的表扬会有如此大的魔力,更没有想过不愿表扬儿童的老师会招致儿童的惜恨。  相似文献   

马克·吐温说过:“一句好听的赞辞能使我不吃不喝活上三个月。”这句略带夸张的话体现了“表扬”的魅力之所在。在实际教育活动中,学生对老师的表扬与赞赏是十分重视的,表扬不但可以使孩子树立自信心和责任心,而且使孩子会尽力将事情做的更好,会更有成绩。但教师在表扬时不注意艺术,往往会有一些反面作用,因此表扬需要艺术。一、表扬要具体,有针对性小孩子明辨是非的能力不强,当你笼统的表扬他时,他易产生自我满足感。如:“孩子,这段时间表现挺好,希望你继续努力!”、“你表现不错嘛!”等表扬的话,确实有可能使孩子觉得自己各方面已经做的不…  相似文献   

为什么有些学生积极努力学习,表现出极高的学习积极性和对取得好成绩的追求,而有些学生却表现出对学习的漠不关心、麻木不仁,似乎取得好成就是他从来所不期望的?探究其原因并找到相应的激发学生学习动机的对策一直是教育心理学工作者所关心的问题,在这方面阿特金森(J.W.Atkison)的成就动机理论和韦纳(B.Weiner)的归因效果论受到了人们的广泛关注与认可。阿特金森的成就动机理论认为,人的成就动机是追求成功的动机与避免失败的动机相互作用的结果。韦纳的归因理论则认为人的成就行为是个连续的过程,对过去成败…  相似文献   

本从心理学的视角对学校教育中表扬问题进行了较为系统的考察。要点是:(1)表扬就其实质而言,是一种特殊的刺激,是针对学生的某些行为和表现而给予的一种特殊形式的奖赏,是适用于人类个体的二级强化物:(2)表扬的根本功能在于提高受到表扬的行为或反应的概率,它通过提供信息和诱因来发挥作用:(3)表扬的本质和功能决定了它在教育教学中应用的广泛性。(4)表扬的效果深受学生特点,使用情境、师生关系及表扬方式等因素的影响。  相似文献   

Nurture groups are a form of provision for children with social, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. The study examines the interactions between children and staff – in particular, the frequency and effects of verbal and non-verbal praise – and discusses how this contributes to its effectiveness as a positive intervention instrument for all children. Results from structured observations confirmed that interactions in four nurture groups were positive and likely to enhance the self-esteem of pupils. Staff in all nurture groups used a higher frequency of specific verbal praise compared to non-verbal praise, despite results from children's responses to praise revealing that nearly a half of the children responded to non-verbal praise by continuing with appropriate behaviours. An interesting and unexpected finding revealed that as time passed the frequency of both verbal and non-verbal praise reduced. The study highlights how the frequency of certain behaviours such as non-verbal praise can impact on children's behaviour.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of person praise and process praise on college students’ motivation and how these effects change as students progress through their undergraduate years. Hundred and eleven college students worked on three puzzle tasks and received either person praise, process praise, or no praise. Following subsequent failure, students reported on their intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, performance attributions and contingent self-worth. Results indicated that process praise enhances intrinsic motivation and perceived competence more than person praise, and that these effects vary as students advance toward their degree. While person praise decreased motivation for sophomores and juniors, process praise increased motivation for seniors; freshmen reported no significant differences in their motivation. Implications for classroom practice and the need for research that considers developmental differences within college samples are discussed.  相似文献   

表扬对幼儿心理发展作用的辩证探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于表扬能否促进幼儿心理的健康发展,心理学界长期存在着争论。笔者认为在幼儿教育实践中,表扬能促进幼儿心理的健康发展,但这种促进作用的实现需要一定条件:表扬需要及时,表扬需要真实、真诚,多采用过程取向的表扬。为使表扬在幼儿园教育中发挥积极作用,教师必须对表扬如何发挥作用有清醒的认识,表扬需遵循科学的原理,使用适当的方法。  相似文献   

表扬作为激励学生的手段在日常教学中越来越受到人们的重视,得到了广泛的运用。但与此同时,也出现了随意性、权术化、虚假性、偏向性、理想化等不良的表扬倾向,这些不良的表扬倾向影响了课堂教学的有效性,对学生的发展产生了一定的消极影响。因此,要克服表扬的无效,就要探讨有效表扬的意义和价值。  相似文献   

In two studies, we investigated how beliefs in the effort–ability relationship moderated the effects of effort praise on student motivation. Study 1 showed that the more the participants believed that effort and ability were related positively (the positive rule) versus related negatively (the inverse rule), the more they would have positive self-evaluation and intrinsic motivation after effort praise. Study 2, with participants’ beliefs manipulated by a priming procedure, showed that the participants in the positive rule condition had better self-evaluation and more intrinsic motivation after effort praise than their counterparts did in the inverse rule condition. The results of the two studies converged to indicate that the motivational effects of effort praise depend on beliefs in the effort–ability relationship.  相似文献   

There are various opinions concerning the value of positive reinforcement when discussing modifying behaviors of young children. In some cases, individuals considered positive reinforcement difficult to implement and, in extreme cases, even felt it to be detrimental. Educators often use praise interchangeably with positive reinforcement when indeed an important distinction exists between the two. This paper discusses the differences between positive reinforcement and praise and demonstrates how to effectively apply positive reinforcement to help manage behavior of young children.  相似文献   

在思想政治教育中,如何有效地运用表扬与批评,具有十分重要的现实意义.本文从表扬与批评的理论依据,表扬与批评对象的心理状态进行探讨,对如何有效地进行表扬与批评提出了一些行之有效的具体方法.有效地进行表扬与批评,可以充分调动人的积极性和进取心,可以激发工作热情,增强集体凝聚力.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine how gender and age moderate the long‐term and post‐failure motivational consequences of person versus performance praise. In Study 1, fourth‐ and fifth‐grade students (n = 93) engaged in a puzzle task while receiving either no praise, person praise, product praise, or process praise. Following a subsequent failure experience, behavioural measures indicated that product and process praise enhanced motivation and person praise dampened motivation for girls, but that there were few effects of praise on subsequent motivation for boys. In Study 2, a parallel procedure with preschool children (n = 76) showed that person, product, and process praise all enhanced motivation, relative to neutral feedback, for both girls and boys.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a school-based child sexual abuse prevention program which consisted of separate 2-hour workshops for children, parents, and teachers. Questionnaires concerning the children's knowledge about sexual abuse prevention and level of emotional distress were developed and administered to 88 children, ages 5-12, and 60 parents before and after the program. In addition, 12 teachers completed questionnaires about the children's level of emotional distress within 2 weeks after the program. Comparison of the children's knowledge before and after the program showed significant increases in knowledge about strategies for coping with potential abuse situations. Also individual children's responses were compared with their parents' responses. After the program the parents had a more accurate appraisal of their children's knowledge, and in addition, there was a significant increase in how much parents reported that they had talked with their children about sexual abuse. In terms of possible adverse emotional effects of the program, neither teachers nor parents noticed signs of increased emotional distress. In addition, the children reported that the program made them feel safer and better able to protect themselves. The findings support the value of providing sexual abuse prevention programs to children.  相似文献   

本文讨论如何实施表扬(奖励)批评(惩罚)的艺术问题.作者认为表扬(奖励)批评(惩罚)的目的,是而且只能是使受表扬(奖励)批评(惩罚)的学生得到教育.据此,作者指出,实施表扬(奖励)批评(惩罚)时应该注意形式、时机、范围、频率等问题,使之成为一门教育的艺术.  相似文献   

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