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公共事件的发生本身就会引起社会各界的高度重视,因此公共事件的传播管理非常重要.如今,科学技术不断发展,信息网络化越来越快.网络成为了快速传播信息的重要工具,尤其是公共事件的传播.网络传播具有灵活性、互动性和自由性,对于某一公共事件,人们可以自由的发表言论,自由的传播,这导致网络公共事件的传播出现了一定的问题.因此如何净化网络环境,使得网络公共事件的传播管理得到进一步的规范都将是未来要着重研究和解决的问题.  相似文献   

当下中国公共事件的信息传播往往会出现真相缺失的问题.在公共事件发生以后,由于正常的信息机制不透明,不仅会出现谣言盛行、真相缺失的情况,甚至会出现在真相出现的情况下,仍然会被舆论所忽视.本文分别从受众、新的传播技术和主流媒体三方面对该现象进行分析,以期从中找出在当下公共事件的传播中真相缺失的原因所在,为类似问题的解决提供...  相似文献   

公共危机事件中的健康传播小议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王卉 《新闻传播》2009,(10):34-34,36
公共危机事件是危及社会公众生活和利益的突发性灾难事件.影响巨大.本文分析了公共危机事件与健康传播的关系,指出应对公共危机离不开健康传播.并分析了现阶段我国公共危机事件应对中健康传播存在着传播内容和渠道单一、健康信息发布的权威性与透明度不高等问题。认为在今后的危机事件应对措施中.必须重视危机事件健康传播.并提出相关建议.  相似文献   

近年来,社会有关公共危机的事件频繁发生,这对政府服务功能的提升提出了严峻挑战。当前通过对政府公共危机管理的现状进行分析发现,信息传播体制与信息传播环境之间出现了不想适应的问题,由此不断构建和完善政府公共危机信息传播机制成为当今社会关注的热点。一方面,通过构建完善的危机信息传播机制有利于政府应对危机管理谣言的传播;另一方面能够有效传递信息,帮助政府在短时间内控制事态的不良发展。  相似文献   

柯江 《新闻传播》2024,(3):64-66
本研究主要从大熊猫丫丫归国事件中主流媒体报道的传播策略及其对公众态度以及认知的影响出发,以大熊猫丫丫的归国事件为背景,收集人民日报微博客户端关于此公共事件的微博报道作为研究对象,并进行文本分析。研究结果表明,人民日报微博报道经过不同的叙事过程和呈现方式,提高公众对于相关公共新闻事件的关注和认知水平,对事件的传播和公众态度产生了积极影响。但也存在着受众对特定信息的筛选和忽略等问题。本文旨在为媒体在公共事件传播路径优化方面提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

突发公共事件网络传播风险是一种新闻价值较高、危及社会稳定的舆论风险。从学理层面考察,其构成要素主要有四个:网络技术赋能下的谣言裂变几何级数扩大传播风险的影响规模、社会冲突积累的负面情绪构成风险爆发的社会心理基础、政府的信息堵塞举措加剧传播风险扩大化、主流媒体新闻框架不当激发网络话语对抗风险。从实践路径来看,应对突发公共事件网络传播风险,首要工作是完善服务型政府建设,以健全的公共服务产品提高政府公信力;其次,践行时度效原则,运用政务新媒体和新闻发布会第一时间发出权威信息;此外,主流媒体坚持党性与人民性相统一,以新闻专业主义引导舆论。  相似文献   

新媒体平台的发展和应用,使得社会上各种消息的传播速度越来越快,社会上的各种热门事件,抖音、微信、微博等不断传播,而且几乎是在事件发生之后的第一时间内就可以传递到任何有网络的地方。本文对新媒体环境下突发公共事件的信息传播策略进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

中国人民大学档案学院2002级博士生卫奕。在2005年第5期《档案学通讯》撰文认为:在档案信息传播中实施人文关怀的具体内容包括:1、传播者的人文定位——建立真正意义的公共档案馆。即提供一个民主渠道,让不同的人能够进入到主流。进入到一个开放的历史环境中。2、受众培养——构建适应人自身精神需求的档案审美文化。促使受众超越对档案信息的实用功利性和工具性行为的限定,上升到一种自觉境况,形成具有较高水准的审美观念。增强对档案信息传播的敏感度和把握档案信息意义的“情商”,通过接受档案信息触发美好情绪和有益思考,充实和完善自身。3、档案信息阐释——档案信息传播的人文使命。“客观真实”和“述而不作”是档案信息传播的基本原则。关注细节和故事化叙述是有效的传播方式,图像化则为当下档案信息传播的具体策略之一。  相似文献   

危机公关事件的爆发要求政府能够及时做好公共危机管理,稳定民众的情绪和社会秩序。新闻传播在政府公共危机管理中发挥着重要的作用,能够帮助政府在最短时间内进行信息的传播和事件严重性的控制,从而达到控制和管理的目的,提高公共危机管理效率。本文就新闻传播在政府公共危机管理的作用、当前政府公共危机管理中新闻传播存在的问题以及对策等内容进行具体的探讨。  相似文献   

在互联网技术高速发展的今天,现代信息传播拥有了前所未有的技术优势与传播平台。信息传播突破了传统传播方式的速度局限与地域限制,在传播模式方面呈现出崭新的特点。在网络及移动传媒空前活跃的大背景下,公共事件传播也获得了强劲的推动力,使得传播渠道更加广阔、传播速度更加迅速、传播方式更加便捷。由于信息传播模式的新特点,公共事件传播呈现出明  相似文献   

论图书馆的公共关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章就图书馆公共关系的概念、构成要素以及图书馆公共关系内容和基本原则、如何强化“公关”意识等进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study aims to enlighten the controversial discussion about the term public value in an innovative way. Instead of normative pronouncements and paternalistic posits, this study combines a theoretical, literature-based conception with an empirical quantitative approach. For this, the key term, public value, is split into its constituent parts of customer value and citizen value and is transformed into measurable attributes. By means of a choice-based conjoint analysis on panel data for Germany and the United Kingdom, we explore which performance attributes of public service broadcasters are the most important. Based on the results, we create a conception of public value from the perspective of the license fee payers as the main stakeholder of public service broadcasters. Our findings may unlock existing potential to increase our understanding of what is meant by the term public value.  相似文献   

公共图书馆公益性服务功能浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“图书馆是指收集、整理、保管、流通各类出版物和文献资料 ,以供读者使用的一种文化教育机构”(新华词典 ,商务印书馆 1988年修订版 )。按照传统和有关要求 ,公共图书馆主要承担着保存人类文化遗产、开展社会教育、开发文献资源、传递知识信息等主要功能。随着社会的发展、时代的进步、事业单位机构改革的进一步深入 ,包括各级公共图书馆在内的公益性事业单位都面临着如何发展 ,尤其是如何与时俱进 ,在新形势下“在其位 ,谋其政” ,充分发挥各种资源优势 ,拓展服务功能 ,为社会提供更好的服务 ,从而“有为有位” ,巩固自身地位等迫切的问题…  相似文献   

This study investigates the public's initial trust in so-called “artificial intelligence” (AI) chatbots about to be introduced into use in the public sector. While the societal impacts of AI are widely speculated about, empirical testing remains rare. To narrow this gap, this study builds on theories of operators' trust in machines in industrial settings and proposes that initial public trust in chatbot responses depends on (i) the area of enquiry, since expectations about a chatbot's performance vary with the topic, and (ii) the purposes that governments communicate to the public for introducing the use of chatbots. Analyses based on an experimental online survey in Japan generated results indicating that, if a government were to announce its intention to use “AI” chatbots to answer public enquiries, the public's initial trust in their responses would be lower in the area of parental support than in the area of waste separation, with a moderate effect size. Communicating purposes that would directly benefit citizens, such as achieving uniformity in response quality and timeliness in responding, would enhance public trust in chatbots. Although the effect sizes are small, communicating these purposes might be still worthwhile, as it would be an inexpensive measure for a government to take.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of crowdfunding as a tool for achieving “citizen co-funding” of public projects. Focusing on philanthropic crowdfunding, we examine whether collaborative projects between public and private organizations are more successful in fundraising than projects initiated solely by private organizations. We argue that government involvement in crowdfunding provides some type of accreditation or certification that attests to a project's aim to achieve public rather than private goals, thereby mitigating information asymmetry and improving mutual trust between creators (i.e., private sector organizations) and funders (i.e., crowd). To support this argument, we show that crowdfunding projects with government involvement achieved a greater success rate and attracted a greater amount of funding than comparable projects without government involvement. This evidence shows that governments may take advantage of crowdfunding to “co-fund” public projects with the citizenry for addressing the complex challenges that we face in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

公共图书馆危机公关处理探析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
张滢 《图书馆学研究》2006,(5):37-38,44
同所有机构一样,图书馆系统也会面临公关危机。在当前媒体开放透明的大环境中,图书馆也要有敏锐的公关危机意识。同时因为公关危机突发性、意外性和紧迫性的特点,面对已经发生的公关危机,如何展开危机公关,尽可能减小其潜在的危害,也是图书馆系统有必要研究的新课题。  相似文献   

论公共图书馆的经营   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公共图书馆经营包括本体产业、延伸产业和配套产业的经营,搞好公共图书馆经营,对于增强图书馆的造血功能,搞活图书馆具有十分重要的作用。公共图书馆要搞好产业经营,必须观念创新,面向读者,面向市场,建立和健全经营管理机制,引进和培养经营管理人才。  相似文献   

The outcomes of public libraries as perceived by individuals in the major areas of their lives are analyzed and the benefits as outcome types are systematized. The data are based on a representative sample of 1000 Finnish adults, ranging in age from 15 to 79. The results give a systematic account of the benefits in 22 areas of life that adults derive from using public libraries. These 22 benefits were reduced by factor analysis into three major outcome types: benefits in everyday activities, cultural interests, and career. The association of these outcome types with gender, educational levels, and age is also explored.  相似文献   

Why with an increase in the amount of health information, and ways of accessing it, so many people experience poor health? What is the role of health library and information professionals in improving public health? These questions are of great interest to me. There are many examples of initiatives, particularly in the public library sector, which address health issues, however they are often very local and best practice is not always shared. Clearly changing the health status of a population requires more than information, but information is clearly an essential component. If health information is to be effective in improving public health then we need to address health literacy, and this is where health library and information professionals can play a significant role. Through this journal and the other activities of the Health Libraries Group I hope we can share good practice and explore new ways that health library and information workers can improve the health of individuals and communities.  相似文献   

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