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The paper investigates the relationship between the expansion of higher education and the development of unemployment among higher education graduates by discipline using time series data. Our results find that the overall relationship between higher education and the world of labor is a recursive one. The relative weight of some disciplines among graduates, changes according to labor market needs, but this reaction is not immediate and subject to a delay. Other disciplines however develop independently of employment prospects. The rising proportion of graduates within these disciplines leads to pressures for change on the labor market. In both cases our data shows that the employment system absorbs the expansion of higher education graduates. This happens through a diversification of employment positions in order to accommodate the expansion of higher education graduates.  相似文献   

Teaching science is again receiving increased attention in educational science, didactic and political debates. This review article will present the focal points of research concerning the didactics of science and perspectives for the development of science teaching. It will look at the goals of science education, on the one hand, and at the topics of empirical research and studies concerning a substantive development of teaching and lessons in science, on the other. The contribution closes with an outlook on the implementation of new developments and future perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

Kein schwerer Mangel des Prüfungsverfahrens, wenn die Begründung für das negative Ergebnis einer mündlichen Prüfung im Prüfungsprotokoll nicht festgehalten wird. Kein schwerer Mangel des Prüfungsverfahrens wenn nicht der Vorsitzende der kommissionellen mündlichen Prüfung das Prüfungsprotokoll führt.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, German federal states have increasingly emphasized and strengthened the subjects regarded as core domains of the Gymnasium (the academic school track), including German, mathematics, foreign languages and, to some extent, science subjects (biology, chemistry, physics) by reducing the number of course and examination options through specific educational reforms. The present study investigates consequences of the reform of upper secondary schooling in the federal state of Saxony on the learning time allocated to subjects and on achievement in the domains of mathematics, English and natural sciences. As expected, the mandatory course selection of science subjects introduced through the reform led to substantially higher achievement levels in physics and chemistry. Moreover, disparities in achievement in the subjects of chemistry and biology were reduced. The reform effects on average achievement levels were strongly associated with course level choices (basic course, advanced course, drop out). Achievement rates relating to course level were, however, largely independent of the amount of allocated learning time. No changes were observed with regard to achievement levels and disparities in mathematics and English.  相似文献   

Children and youth consume pictures in a very loose, often in a sophistic way, nowadays. On the other hand educators and pedagogies faced pictures sceptically and refused iconic representations to be a means of acquiring knowledge.

Only when didactically and methodologically used, they claimed as a professionalized option, pictures could be suitful with regard to learning processes.

Pedagogues suspicially feared to loose control rejecting the irritating totality of pictures. Pointing consequently to the didactic use of pictures and images they better should have abandonned the moralistic point of view. They did not–as the history of the “Bewahrpädagogik” shows ‐, and therefore they presented a stereotype, although professional reaction to the problem of images and pictures “intruding”, “penetrating” children's life.

The article shows examples of the pedagogue's rejecting position towards children, consuming images and pictures, stating that their reaction has been a common reflex and a widespread attitude among eudcators.  相似文献   


The article first examines the attempts to methodise and systematize the modes of travelling within the early modern apodemic discourse. Special emphasis is paid to the early modern traveller's modes of perceiving, observing, and judging. The interrelations between travelling, visitingfamous scholars and correspondence as well as between travelling and the various formal and informal institutions (universities, scholarly societies, libraries, cabinets, publishing houses etc.) of the “res publica literaria” is analysed in detail. Having interpreted travelling as an early modern mode of communication, epistemological and cultural repercussions of the differentiation of travelling since the second half of the 18th century will be hinted at.


Music, visual arts and design instruction has hardly been studied by the educational research community in Switzerland. Beyond a narrow group of specialists, there is little aware-ness of the basic pedagogical premises, subject matter expertise and the theoretical underpinnings of music visual art and design education although these areas of instruction are firmly anchored in the education goals for compulsory public schooling that have been outlined at national level in Switzerland and a generous amount of instructional time appears to be allocated to these subject areas in comparison with curriculum guidelines in other countries. This paper presents the findings of a trend analysis focused on music, visual arts and design instruction in Switzerland. It shows the importance accorded to aesthetic subjects within the scope of compulsory public education, explores differences in the amount of time resources allocated to these subject areas and describes the subject-specific and cross-functional goals and objectives. Teacher education programs are also examined as their current content and structure raise concerns about inadequate teacher qualifications that contradict the ambitious curricular goals. A review of previous research efforts, most of which have explored the transfer effects of creative, artistic subject areas, follows and desiderata with respect to the future development of research activities are presented.  相似文献   

Being active in civic organizations can be expressed in multifarious forms of participation and commitment. With regard to individuals, the learning context it provides fosters personal development, sympathy for other perspectives, and social competencies in general and is, thus, particularly meaningful for young people in their second and third decades. With regard to organizations, civic participation strengthens the integration and dynamic adaptation of institutions to changing environments and, on a macro-level, raises social cohesion. The contexts of participation are various: not only in educational institutions and the world of work, but also in clubs, organizations and less formal groups, which are involved in social and political issues. Socio-structural and motivational factors, but also belonging to social networks determine the involvement in such forms of civic participation. Additionally, there is evidence of a mutual reinforcement of participation in different contexts. This is shown by the results of the DJI-Survey AID:A 2009.  相似文献   

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