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营盘山遗址——藏彝走廊史前区域文化中心   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文献记载内容和考古发掘成果表明,在构成藏彝走廊的六条南北流向的大河水系中,岷江上游占居极其重要的地位。茂县营盘山遗址发现了下压奠基人牲坑的广场性质遗迹、各种类型的房址、陶窑、灶坑等现象,出土了陶质雕塑人面像等大量高规格的遗物,初步确认营盘山遗址是岷江上游地区的一处大型中心聚落,也是藏彝走廊五千年前的区域文化中心,其周围还分布有十余处中小型遗址。以营盘山遗址为代表的遗存是岷江上游地区一种新发现的以具有自身特色的本土文化因素为主体成分,同时吸收了多种外来文化因素的地方文化类型。  相似文献   

从近年来对岷江上游地区考古调查及其对营盘山遗址的勘探和试掘中,发现了84处新石器时代遗址及遗物采集点,并在营盘山遗址中出土了陶器、石器、骨器、蚌器等类遗物近万件。此次考古工作使岷江上游新石器文化的内涵得以基本明确,并以此建立起本地区新石器时代文化发展的初前序列,为进一步探讨岷江上游新石器文化内涵及古蜀文明的关系提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   

营盘山古蜀文化遗址是长江上游地区目前发现的面积最大、时代最早、文化内涵最为丰富的大型中心聚落,它代表了5000年前整个长江上游地区文化发展的最高水准。本文拟就建设营盘山古蜀文化遗址保护展示园区的必要性、旅游前景、设计理念、开发举措、规划构想五个方面的问题略抒管见,其目的主要是为了抛砖引玉,进而推进营盘山古蜀文化的保护和利用。  相似文献   

隧道工程的选址和施工技术选择受多方面影响,其中勘查隧道所处区域的地层岩性及区域地质特征是选址及施工技术选择过程中不可或缺的一环,而地层岩性的风化程度和区域地质特征中的断层及节理分布情况又起到至关重要的作用。通过对营盘山隧道区域地质勘查,确定其地层岩性及区域地质特征,以期为隧道选址及施工技术的选择提供有效地质依据。  相似文献   

岷江上游的二级台地是由物堆成的,考古发掘再一次证明,茂县营盘山这座“人类远古的家园”,可能有多达6万座的石棺墓,让我们有理由相信,最迟在3500年前,岷江上游就人丁兴旺,一派繁荣。而在距营盘山50多公里的杂谷脑河下游,大约西汉中晚期,或许是同一支被称为窑人、戈人、葛人、戈基人或戈基阿补的“石棺葬民族”,创造了另一种墓葬化,他们在坚硬的岩石上凿造的一种方口巨洞,当地人叫“窑人洞”,史学界则称为“崖墓”。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人类社会的进步和科学技术的发展,人类越来越重视自身的生存环境和对濒危物种的保护,制定了大量关于环保的法律法规.但在这些法律法规中,却鲜有关于无脊椎动物的保护条款,而恰恰这不起眼并且大部分外表丑陋的小动物却对自然环境和人类社会有着相当重要的影响.l无脊椎动物的起源和繁衍早在7亿年前动植物分界后,生活在海洋中的原始单细胞动物,经过极其漫长的年代,逐渐进化成为种类繁多的原始的无脊椎动物,主要是腔肠动物、扇形动物、线形动物和环节动物等.这几类动物的结构越来越复杂,但他们大都需要生活在有水的环境…  相似文献   

区域活动是幼儿自主性学习活动的一种形式,在满足幼儿自主探索、自主学习的同时,对幼儿的身心发展有着举足轻重的作用。小班幼儿刚入园,习惯了家庭生活的他们,要学会适应群体生活、学会与同伴交往与相处、提高交往等能力是比较困难的,特别是在区域活动中,存在着事事随心所欲、不懂遵守区域规则、喜欢一个人独来独往等社会适应性的问题。怎样在区域活动中提高小班幼儿的社会适应性能力,让他们能够更好更快地适应幼儿园生活呢?主要通过教师在幼儿区域活动中采取有效的教育策略,培养幼儿与教师、同伴、环境的相互作用,提高小班幼儿的社会适应能力。  相似文献   

人的全面发展与社会的进步是一个人类永恒的话题,是马克思主义的经典论断。人与社会是相辅相成、血肉相联的统一体,人是社会的人,人的发展离不开社会的进步,社会制约着人的存在并规定着人的本质。反之,社会是人的社会,社会的存在与进步离不开人的存在及其活动,没有人的活动及发展就没有社会的进步。本文从唯物史观出发,对人的全面发展与社会进步之间的辩证关系进行了具体的剖析,为揭示人的全面发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

姓氏起源于原始图腾崇拜,是社会生产力低下的产物。随着社会的发展进步,姓氏具有了重要的社会意义。我国的姓氏起源,具有非常深刻的文化内涵,是我国特定历史时期社会思想、生活习俗、文明发展等各方面的具体反映。通过姓氏起源,我们可以更加深入、详细地了解到古代人的生产生活状态,了解他们内心蕴含的丰富的情感世界。  相似文献   

马克思主义是一种以人的发展和社会的发展进步为最终指向的学说.人作为社会进步的创造者,参与了社会发展的历史进程.我们就必须从以人为主体的角度去认识社会、理解社会.关于人的本质问题,马克思对其最突出的贡献是强调人的社会性.同时人作为社会中的人,人的自由全面发展又依赖于社会的发展进步.人的发展与社会的发展是相互促进、辩证统一的.而社会的平稳健康发展的基础和前提是社会公正.因此可以说社会公正是马克思人与社会统一思想的理论基石.  相似文献   

一封绝交书使人们对嵇康和山涛的关系产生好奇,曾经的好朋友为何就此绝交?本文通过具体分析《与山巨源绝交书》、《世说新语》等文献中的嵇康和山涛,了解山涛的为人,理解嵇康和山涛之间的友谊。这种相互间的友谊是坦诚的,不同寻常的。他们之间的交流不是用言语,而是用心。他们是真正的心灵上契合的朋友。  相似文献   

《山海经》是以经、注合刊本的形式流传的,因此,考察《山海经》版本可以按不同注家的版本作出分类介绍;因为有《山海经》部分经文的大型注本,也可按"全经注本""、非全经注本"作出分类介绍。  相似文献   

Understanding how students perceive and adopt technology in their daily life is particularly relevant to today’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment, in which versatile ICT tools are becoming more and more pervasive, almost ubiquitous in our day-to-day activities. In the context of English as a foreign language, this study investigates how Chinese students produce an English video with over-the-counter technology tools for accomplishing a language-learning task. In particular, this study probes into how youngsters today respond to a given learning task, how and why they adopt technology tools available and of use to them for the task. Data collection is through observation, students’ reports, and interviews. The focus on specific case study settings offers a closer look at how the use of technology tools is socially and technologically shaped in each individual case. Students reported that they welcomed and valued such learning experience and had in general positive attitude toward the tools and their use in learning. The results reveal students’ willingness and capability in adopting technology tools, whether familiar or unfamiliar to them, and appropriating these tools to fulfill their individual leaning needs. Implications have been drawn to provide a new aspect of technology adoption in school learning.  相似文献   

We examined students’ naturalistic decisions about spacing their study in an undergraduate course (N = 185) and whether self-selected spacing predicted course performance. Usage of two study tools – an online textbook and quiz tool – was recorded daily. We operationalized spacing as how often the tools were used and the timing of their use relative to exams. We found that students increased their study near deadlines and exams, used the textbook more often than the quiz tool, and used the tools infrequently when they were optional (vs. required). Importantly, spaced retrieval practice (via quiz tool) predicted course performance and GPA, whereas spaced reading (via textbook) was a weaker predictor. That is, when students opted for more frequent and early quizzing, they earned higher grades, even controlling for time spent quizzing. Thus, self-selected spaced study – especially spaced retrieval practice – supports student achievement.  相似文献   

“If children are to become capable of realising their potential in later life, they must acquire the basic tools that a twentieth-century society demands. We have failed if a group of children leaves school without any real knowledge of how to understand and handle these tools. If a child leaves school unable to read or inhibited from reading because of continuous difficulties, he suffers a communication handicap which will sharply affect his choice of career, his earning capacity and his role as a member of a society whose daily bread is the printed word.”  相似文献   

近年有章说,司马相如的“封禅”是对汉武帝封禅的“讽谏”和“尸谏”,是“讽武帝不要夸功封禅”,司马谈司马迁父子也是反对封禅的。武帝封禅是迷信神仙的活动,但司马相如和司马谈父子并没有反对封禅,武帝本人对迷信神仙也有一个认识过程,晚年有所觉醒,简单否定是容易的,但不能揭示历史的复杂性和历史的深度。  相似文献   

Tools and machines are a big part of children's daily lives. Everywhere they look they can see people using tools and machines to do household chores, to construct buildings, and to travel from place to place. Children, too, use tools when they eat, play, and help Mom and Dad around the house. The understanding of basic tools and simple machines helps children relate to the larger, more complex world of adults.Sandra Drake is the Director/Teacher at the Christ Community Nursery in Lansing, MI. Alice Whiren is Associate Professor at Michigan State University in East Lansing.  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the vulnerability of older women with regard to their personal finances. It looked at what resources and coping skills they currentlyuse, and what strategies might be implemented to assist these women in maintaining or improving daily management of their money. Three tools were used to examine the current patterns of daily use of money of a sample of noninstitutionalized women (n=23): focus groups, individual interviews, and written surveys. Findings include the need for education in budgeting and planning, availability of resource people to answer questions regarding financial paperwork, and the value of networking for peer education. Reminiscence was found to be valuable in opening up the taboo topic of money and exploring early learned behavior regarding the daily use of money. Locus of control was found to be achieved with financial independence. Implications for future research and financial education are explored.  相似文献   

在古代诗歌里,“南山”意象形成了一个庞大的系列。深入探讨这个意象系列,可以感受到其中暗含的某种联系,体悟到“南山”意象背后先民对于自然的本能反应、本能反应背后的深层情感力量和共同感受,以及先民乃至人类审美反应的共同心理程序。“南山”意象的生成与承传,也集中表现了一个本体性的内涵:原始意象较之其它人类表达形式,更能深刻地切近人的本质特点,更能表现与集体无意识相关的人类复杂的心灵世界。  相似文献   

本文对花山崖壁画附近岩洞葬的葬地位置与环境、葬具及棺材制作法、葬制和置棺方式、岩洞葬的年代问题、岩洞葬人的骆族属以及它跟福建江西崖葬墓的关系作了初步的探讨  相似文献   

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