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在西方文学中,关于女巫的故事是数不胜数的。从古老的民间童话《白雪公主》到风靡世界的《哈利·波特》,无不展现着人们对这个形象的精彩想象。可以这样说,关于女巫的故事和形象已经成为西方文化的一种原型。而在所有关于女巫的故事中,英国作家罗尔德·达尔的《女巫》是我们绝对不能忽略的。  相似文献   

故事精灵在女巫身边待久了.也学会了一点凸小小的法术。她厌倦了女巫的喋喋不休,趁女巫不注意.偷偷地溜到了森林里。“外面的世界就是不一样啊!”故事精灵发出了一声赞叹。  相似文献   

从前,有个村庄叫"我不会"村庄,因为村里人最常说的话就是"我不会"。大家一遇到困难,都丢给女巫帮忙处理……在"我不会"村庄,女巫可是全能的仙女喔!她能用魔法帮大家快速地解决问题,却造成大家不愿意动脑、动手,养成有事就直接找女巫解决的坏习惯。也因为要帮大家解决很多疑难杂症,有时候女巫忙到连  相似文献   

劳伦斯的短篇小说《母与女》讲述的是一对被称为"女巫"的母女反目成仇的故事。母亲"老女巫"的原型是邀请劳伦斯到陶斯的女巫梅布尔,劳伦斯在给他岳母的信里对梅布尔的描述,与在《母与女》对控制欲极强的"老女巫"母亲的描写几乎相同。女儿"小女巫"的原型是曼斯菲尔德,她们的人生结局基本一致。了解故事里的人物原型对于更好地理解《母与女》大有助益。  相似文献   

杨寅 《中文自修》2001,(3):16-17
赫敏漫不经心地扫着英语书上的一行行外文,脑海里却还盘旋着同学们“赫敏,女巫!女巫,赫敏!”的叫声,连班主任进了教室都没有察觉到。  相似文献   

水无心 《红领巾》2014,(6):22-27
有个小镇,叫女巫镇。镇上住着各种各样的女巫。 今天,是女巫镇举行成人礼的日子,所有年满14岁的女巫都会得到镇长赠送的一个白苹果。亲吻白苹果就可以召唤出属于自己的魔法精灵。  相似文献   

佚名 《少年读者》2008,(10):22-23
红女巫住在一座破房子里。因为她总是穿着一件红衣服,所以,大家就叫她红女巫。 红女巫每天都要自学魔法书。可是,她有点笨,魔法总是学不好。最喜欢看变魔法的小朋友们,到她这里来过一次,就再也不来了。因为,她想把苹果变成鸡蛋,却总是变出了马铃薯;想把头发变成丝线,却总是变出了面条。  相似文献   

1、彩虹鼻子女巫心肠很好,脾气很大,这是她的性格。 2、这天早晨,她嗅到一种很不愉快的气味。世界上什么都有气味,彩虹鼻子女巫什么气味都嗅得出来。  相似文献   

<正>女巫和她的猫,骑着魔扫帚,一路迎风飞着跑。风吹走了女巫的帽子、蝴蝶结、魔法棒,是小狗、小鸟、青蛙帮助女巫寻回。为了报答热心的小动物,女巫让他们共骑扫帚。突然,扫帚断了,失去伙伴的女巫遇上喷火大恶龙,接下来会发生什么事情呢?一、析绘本1.封面:不一样的女巫一提起女巫,人们可能会想到一个鹰钩鼻子的老太婆,身披黑斗篷,带着黑猫,脸色阴沉,要么骑着扫帚在天上飞,要么在黑锅前,熬制可怕的草药。女巫似乎被很多童话故事妖魔化了。  相似文献   

这不是一个故事,而是我的亲身经历,讲的是真实的女巫。真实的女巫最痛恨孩子,她们杀死一个孩子所得到的乐趣,就像吃一盆奶油草莓一样。女巫永远是女的,虽然绝大多数女人是可爱的,但所有女巫都是女的,这是事实。女巫的危险就在于她看上去一点也不危险。我姥姥是挪威人。挪威人对女巫的事全知道,因为最早的女巫正是出现在那里。我7岁那年,爸妈死于车祸。为了使我们俩都忘记悲痛,姥姥开始给我讲女巫的故事。她说,第一,女巫的手难看得像猫爪,所以常年戴着手套,夏天也不例外;第二,真实的女巫是秃顶的……她们的嗅觉很灵敏,在黑夜里能嗅出马路对面…  相似文献   

在101.325kPa下,用新型泵式沸点仪测定了水-甲醇二元系在不同液相组成时的沸点,并用非分析法由tpx推算了与之平衡的汽相组成y.用最小二乘法分别求出了甲醇-水二元体系的液相活度系数Wilson、NRTL、Margules和Van Laar模型参数,由这些模型参数推算的此二元系的泡点与实验值能很好的吻合.这些模型参数求得的结果,用面积检验法检验得到很好的热力学一致性.  相似文献   

研究平底平面闸门在不稳定淹没泄流作用下垂向振动、水平平移振动、水平弯曲振动的非线性响应.建立一个非线性振子模型来模拟不稳定漩涡与闸门运动的耦合激励机制.推导出这3类振动的运动方程,并通过模型实验确定振动方程中的参数,解决了非线性振动稳态响应的求解问题.计算结果与前人关于不同折减流速和不同闸门系统参数的实验结果吻合较好.  相似文献   

Science education researchers have, with few exceptions, not used the conceptual content of science as an important variable in their research. Writings of two groups-philosophers of science, “are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior”, science, are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge shared by an intellectual community on the activities of that community and the psychologists are concerned with the influence of the conceptual knowledge held by an individual on that individual's behavior. Suggestions are offered as to what kinds of science education research could be done in which the conceptual content of science is important.  相似文献   

This article draws on work undertaken as part of the Economic and Social Research Council's Learning Society Programme. The project from which data are drawn, entitled 'The Meaning of the Learning Society for Adults with Learning Difficulties', focused on lifelong learning opportunities available to people with learning difficulties and experiences of these services. The article begins by examining theories of late modernity, their use by feminist and disability studies theorists and their relationship to ideas of a learning society. Subsequently, using case study material, it is argued that the identities of people with learning difficulties are not chosen freely from a range of options but are socially ascribed. The status of learning difficulties is used as a dominant category to justify deprivation of basic political and economic rights. In addition, the lives of people with learning difficulties are structured by gender and class, and these intersect with the category of learning difficulties. For both women and men, the advantages of middle-class social and economic capital are overridden by the negative category of learning difficulties. In relation to gender, men with learning difficulties are more likely to receive post-school training, but in inappropriate areas of the labour market. Their domestic needs are also likely to be attended to by others, but in the absence of employment, they find themselves without any valued social role. Women with learning difficulties are also likely to be excluded from the labour market, but are more likely to be involved in reciprocal, albeit limited, social relationships. It is concluded that postmodernist theories are inadequate to describe the structuring of the lives of people with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Detecting,understanding, and controlling for cheating on tests   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Recent research and practice in detecting and controlling for cheating on objective tests are reviewed briefly, and results of a small survey of attitudes and practices concerning cheating are summarized. Two computer programs, Cheat-1 and Cheat-2, prepared by the writer to detect cheating by error-similarity analysis procedures, are described. The use of multiple answer-sheet forms and success with this method in controlling for cheating on classroom tests are described. Other matters concerned with cheating, such as cheating by teachers to improve students' scores, are also considered.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This essay contributes to the cross-cultural literature on childhood homicides by examining 16 infanticidal homicides that occurred in Fiji over an 11-year period. The results are compared with infanticide studies conducted in other societies. METHOD: Official police data recorded in a Homicide and Manslaughter register are analyzed. These are supplemented by newspaper reports of infanticides and semi-structured interviews conducted with key criminal justice and medical personnel intimately associated with infanticide cases. RESULTS: The findings show that most infanticide defendants were young, poor, Fijian, with little formal education, living with nonparental kin at the time of the crime. The infanticides were precipitated by unwanted pregnancies brought on by nonmarital and extramarital sex. Pregnancy is carried to full gestation without knowledge of family, friends and neighbors of offenders and the infant is killed immediately following birth. CONCLUSIONS: The current findings demonstrate that the patterns of maternal infant killings in Fiji are congruous in many significant ways with those in advanced industrialized societies. It is concluded that additional research in non-Western, nonindustrialized nations is imperative to contribute to the development of sound conclusions about, and remedies for infanticide.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of two investigations into the prevalence and profile of academic dishonesty amongst students in New Zealand’s tertiary institutions and compares this with findings from other studies. Staff and students report on their personal experiences of academic dishonesty and these are compared with official information requested and supplied by the institutions. Ways in which academic dishonesty are dealt with are discussed, including the reasons given by staff and students for lack of action. Staff and student reactions to institutional policies on the issue are presented, analysed and compared with data from other studies. Finally the study examines methods utilised by academic staff to minimise the occurrence of dishonest behaviour.  相似文献   

游记这种文体随着旅游业的发展而更加成熟、更显重要 ,它是作者在旅游中所见所闻所感的记述 ,是作者思想感情与自然人文画面融为一体的美文。篇中有“我” ,情景融合 ;捕捉特点 ,寻找角度 ;移步换形 ,注意穿插 ;勾勒风俗画等 ,是写作游记的基本方法。  相似文献   

《白鲸》是美国作家麦尔维尔的传世之作。我国1999年出版的姬旭升译本,是流传广泛的译本,但是这个译本的错误和遗漏非常严重。原著中重要的预言被遗漏,预言者被搞错,随意增加、改变、减少原著中没有的细节,严肃的旨趣被掩盖,甚至情节也有倒错的地方,译本的标题也大多和原著标题不符。  相似文献   

The follow-up application of underwater wireless sensor network is influenced by accuracy of self-localization of nodes. The self-localization of nodes is discussed in this paper. First of all, nodes of underwater wireless sensor network are classified into several levels according to the accuracy of position of nodes and the levels are from the first to the fifth in accordance with accuracy of nodes from high to low respectively. Secondly, the level of anchor nodes can be known by those unknown nodes from the information given by the anchor nodes themselves, At the same time the unknown nodes are able to be located in the area controlled by the first level of anchor nodes that are as the aggregation. Then the positioning algorithm is designed correspondingly in accordance with the accuracy level of nodes. Finally, the positioning algorithm is simulated and analyzed. The result shows that the unknown nodes can be located effectively by hierarchical control.  相似文献   

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