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提起秋,人们马上联想起红叶.然而,我不能不说,红叶和秋的本质其缘甚远. 从枫的红到银杏的黄,红叶有着各种各样的色彩.日语的“红叶”一词,有时泛指各种颜色的霜叶,直接来自这些色彩的感触和深沉专注的秋的感触,还有一段不小的距离呢.城市里也许不是这样,只要踏进乡间一步,山裾树林的红叶,田野稔熟的金黄的农作物,红彤彤照射着的日脚……当你一一抽出来单独静观的时候,就会发现,它们毋宁说是属于残暑的,不是真正的秋的领域.试想,如果将我们的居室住宅,涂满上述各种色彩中的一种,我们生活的心境定会变得坐立不安吧.这种不安和秋的无所倚凭的心境,完全是两码事.  相似文献   

鲁迅 《考试》2010,(Z2)
暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花。博识的人们觉得他单调,他自己也以为不幸否耶?江南的雪,可是滋润美艳之至了;那是还在隐约着的青春的消息,是极壮健的处子的皮肤。雪野中有血红的宝珠山茶,白中隐青的单瓣梅花,深黄的磬口  相似文献   

舒曼的艺术歌曲就如同浪漫主义时代的诗人的作品一样,富有诗意、幻想.从充满诗一般的意境、音乐与诗词的完美结合、丰富的钢琴伴奏表现力等方面分析了舒曼艺术歌曲的特点及演唱风格.  相似文献   

最后的鸽群带着低弱的笛声在微风里画一个圈子后,也消失了.也许是误认这灰暗的凄冷的天空为夜色的来袭,或是预感到风雨的将至,遂过早地飞回它们温暖的木舍. 几天的阳光在柳条上撒下的一抹嫩绿,被尘土埋掩得有憔悴色了,是需要一次洗涤.还有干裂的大地和树根也早已期待着雨.雨却迟疑着. 我怀想着故乡的雷声和雨声.那隆隆的有力的搏击,从山谷返响到山谷,仿佛春之芽就从冻土里震动,惊醒,而怒茁出来.细草样柔的雨声又以温存之手抚摩它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花.这些怀想如乡愁一样萦绕得使我忧郁了.我心里的气候也和这北方大陆一样缺少雨量,一滴温柔的泪在我枯涩的眼里,如迟疑在这阴沉的天空里的雨点,久不落下.  相似文献   

真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含着泪奔跑的人。——题记立下一个美丽的心愿,为你的成功增添一份勇气和动力,为你的前行找到正确的方向,为你的生活布下一个合理的棋局。有了一个美好的愿望,就得付出相应的行动,向着自己的梦想奔跑。  相似文献   

从校园网自身的特点出发,分析了在Internet环境下,校园网络存在的安全隐患以及造成的危害;提出构建一个较为完善的网络安全防范体系的策略,包括:网络安全设备的配备、统一身份认证系统的建立、病毒防护体系的构建、安全管理制度的制定等.  相似文献   

飘飘洒洒的雪漫天舞蹈的声音,一片一片的雪花落地时相互碰撞又层层叠叠覆盖着的声音,那些躺在雪的温暖怀抱中的麦苗,发出香甜的鼾声,蛰伏的蛇的呓语还有冰下的鱼无声地滑动的声音。一只鸽子飞过,翅翼上蹈的声  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的建立、完善以及知识经济在我国的兴起、发展,使中学生的校外活动较以前发生了极大的变化,呈现出理想逐渐与实际靠近、定位比较明确、具有一定的社会意识、成人化社会行为开始出现等趋势.中学生校外活动出现的这些新趋势,应引起我们足够的重视,并应采取有效的措施加以引导.如加强中学生的角色意识教育;用教师的榜样示范作用来影响中学生的社会化;建立社会、家庭、学校三结合的管理体制;强化学生的成才意识;正确处理社会化与个性化的关系;加速培养学生校外活动的骨干力量等.  相似文献   

刘燕楠 《河南教育》2007,(11):29-29
农村学校中的"弱势群体",是指学习有困难的智障、残疾儿童和低收入家庭的子女以及流动人口的子女.由于所处的困难环境,这些家庭的子女都有严重的自卑心理.他们常常远离集体,不爱与他人交往,一旦受到外界歧视,就会产生挫败感.这一群体所面临的困难光靠他们自己是无法解决的,需要外力的帮助.首先是制度的支持,其次是政府、社会和教育界的共同协助.  相似文献   

衡量一所高校的教学质量的好坏,高等数学的教学质量是一个重要且具可比性的标尺.由于高等数学的地位与作用,高等数学课堂教学普遍为人们所重视.当然也存在不少的问题,如高等数学教学内容多与教学学时少的矛盾日益突出.高等数学课堂教学应如何改革,是摆在每一位教师面前的一项重要任务.当然改革应从教学计划、教学大纲、教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等诸方面进行,但在目前的情况下.从教学的某些方面进行改革是可行的也是必要的.有鉴于此,下面主要就如何优化高等数学课堂教学谈一些粗浅的认识.  相似文献   

在中国,辰砂最早出现在距今约7000年的秦安大地湾彩绘陶器上和距今6600±300年的河姆渡村遗址漆碗上。且之后的新石器时期至东周很长一段时期的遗址也多处出土了辰砂。周及之后辰砂主要用于书写(含甲骨、竹木简、丝绸、纸张)、陶器的彩绘、纺织品涂色、油漆和漆器中颜料、化妆用品、宗教用品、装饰玉器着色、壁画颜料和彩墨颜料等九个方面。辰砂是国画三重色之一;是我国炼丹术重要内容之一,其中包括升华提纯和合成辰砂(银朱)。  相似文献   

旗人子弟创作的子弟书内容丰富,不乏对清代中晚期社会现实的描写。在描写当时的饮食现象时,涉及到一部分流行小吃。对这些流行小吃进行研究,不但可以深入了解当时普通人群的饮食嗜好,而且可以了解当时的饮食文化心理。通过揭示其文化意蕴,为今天更好地继承、发扬光大这些流行小吃提供文学方面的依据。  相似文献   

Although theories of early social development emphasize the advantage of mother-infant rhythmic coupling and bidirectional coordination, empirical demonstrations remain sparse. We therefore test the hypothesis that vocal rhythm coordination at age 4 months predicts attachment and cognition at age 12 months. Partner and site novelty were studied by recording mother-infant, stranger-infant, and mother-stranger face-to-face interactions in both home and laboratory sites for 88 4-month-old infants, for a total of 410 recordings. An automated dialogic coding scheme, appropriate to the nonperiodic rhythms of our data, implemented a systems concept of every action as jointly produced by both partners. Adult-infant coordination at age 4 months indeed predicted both outcomes at age 12 months, but midrange degree of mother-infant and stranger-infant coordination was optimal for attachment (Strange Situation), whereas high ("tight") stranger-infant coordination in the lab was optimal for cognition (Bayley Scales). Thus, high coordination can index more or less optimal outcomes, as a function of outcome measure, partner, and site. Bidirectional coordination patterns were salient in both attachment and cognition predictions. Comparison of mother-infant and stranger-infant interactions was particularly informative, suggesting the dynamics of infants' early differentiation from mothers. Stranger and infant showed different patterns of vocal rhythm activity level, were more bidirectional, accounted for 8 times more variance in Bayley scores, predicted attachment just as well as mother and infant, and revealed more varied contingency structures and a wider range of attachment outcomes. To explain why vocal timing measures at age 4 months predict outcomes at age 12 months, our dialogue model was construed as containing procedures for regulating the pragmatics of proto-conversation. The timing patterns of the 4-month-olds were seen as procedural or performance knowledge, and as precursors of various kinesic patterns in the outcomes of 12-month-olds. Thus, our work further defines a fundamental dyadic timing matrix--a system that guides the trajectory of relatedness, informing all relational theories of development.  相似文献   

Overweight is reportedly a risk factor for being bullied, and body image may mediate this association. Research on associations between overweight and bullying has so far only focused on children and early adolescents. We explored associations between actual and perceived overweight at age 15 and involvement in bullying at ages 15 and 17. A total of 2070 Finnish adolescents responded to a survey at ages 15 and 17. Self-reported weight and height, perceived weight and involvement in bullying were elicited. Being overweight at age 15 was not associated with being bullied or with being a bully at age 15 or 17. Perceived overweight among girls was associated with subsequent involvement in bullying as a bully and in feeling shunned. Weight related bullying may decrease from pre- and early adolescence to middle adolescence. The associations between perceived overweight and self-identification as a bully, and those between perceived overweight and feeling isolated may be explained by the phenomena representing psychological dysfunction.  相似文献   

Both the identification of children at risk in day care and multidisciplinary collaboration with other professions have a political focus. This study was designed as an organizational field study and attempts to establish a coherent practice of multidisciplinary collaboration between day care and social services. This article focuses on the mono-professional pedagogical identification of children at risk as well as on the underlying process of professional reasoning. Interviews with day care staff are analysed and the findings give reason to assume that central aspects of the children at risk and their life circumstances become invisible in the everyday life of day care. Due to defensive routines as well as an organizational culture that frames and creates a non-explicitly structured practice using intuitive processes, the problems of children at risk become invisible in the everyday life of day care. When risk become invisible, it not only impedes the mono-professional help the children receive, it also inhibits a crucial multidisciplinary collaborative provision of support to children at risk and their families. The identification of children at risk seems to be based on an unexamined selection of significant information, processed by intuitive processes.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a qualitative case study of distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia as described by a small group of distance learners as they progress through their courses at the institution. It concerns the learners – it is their story, their experience, their perspective. In particular, this thematic report looks at learning support in distance learning as it surfaced as one of the central findings of this research. This is an issue that arose from discussions with the students, rather than being predetermined by the research design. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the role of learning support to facilitate distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The concept of need and support is important as it relates to the different requirements from support into action that enables the learners to connect with their teachers, the course content and with other learners.  相似文献   

The goal of this longitudinal study was to explore whether early measures of attention and inattention would be predictive of later attentiveness and whether there was any evidence of stable individual differences in attentiveness. Both full-term and preterm children were observed at 1, 2, and 3.5 years in free play and in more structured situations. For the group as a whole, and for full-terms separately, quantitative measures of inattention at 2 years were predictive of comparable measures at 3.5 years. For preterms separately, quantitative measures of inattention at 1 year were predictive of both behavior and the mothers' rating on the Conners Hyperactivity subscale at 3.5 years. Global, qualitative ratings of attentiveness at 1 and 2 years were predictive of mothers' ratings on the Conners at 3.5 years for the group as a whole and for full-terms separately. For full-terms only, the global ratings of attentiveness at 1 and 2 years were also predictive of 3.5-year quantitative measures of behavior. These data provide an encouraging base for further investigation of early individual differences in attentiveness and of possible early precursors of later attention deficits.  相似文献   

电大收费管理存在的问题及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对电大目前收费管理中存在的对收费工作认识不到位,各级、各部门之间工作配合不协调、收费管理手段落后以及费用收缴困难的实际问题,应从加强领导,明确职责,完善收费管理机制、构建“4×4”立体化网络综合管理模式数据共享平台以及建立收费工作的奖惩措施几个方面改进。  相似文献   

试谈目前我国消费信用的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
:目前我国的消费信用尚在起步和探索阶段 ,与国家扩大内需、拉动国民经济增长的宏观调控方针不适应。宣传不力 ,观念保守 ,居民预期消费心理严重 ,消费体制影响 ,消费信用制度和运营机制的不健全 ,是造成现有状况的基本因素。要改变这一现状 ,应普及消费信用对发展社会经济、改善个人生活的积极意义 ,采取适当的收入分配政策以提高居民的收入水平 ,增强消费者的信心 ,引导和鼓励消费需求 ,实施完善的消费信用制度。金融机构宜研究消费群体 ,确定目标 ,介入市场 ,银企联手 ,扩大资金营运和避免投资风险 ,改善居民生活和带动经济生产发展  相似文献   

We examined inhibitory control as a quality of temperament that contributes to internalization. Children were assessed twice, at 26–41 months ( N = 103) and at 43–56 months ( N = 99), on repeated occasions, in multiple observational contexts and using parental reports. Comprehensive behavioral batteries incorporating multiple tasks were designed to measure inhibitory control at toddler and preschool age. They had good internal consistencies, corresponded with maternal ratings, and were developmentally sensitive. Individual children's performance was significantly correlated across both assessments, indicating stable individual differences. Girls surpassed boys at both ages. Children's internalization was observed while they were alone with prohibited objects, with a mundane chore, playing games that occasioned cheating, being induced to violate standards of conduct, and assessed using maternal reports. Inhibitory control was significantly associated with internalization, both contemporaneously and as a predictor in the longitudinal sense. The implications for considering children's temperament as a significant, yet often neglected contributor to developing internalization are discussed.  相似文献   

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