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Buyi ethnic group, one of the most populous ethnic minorities dwelling in southwest China, evolves from Yue people in the remote past and has long lived on paddy rice farming. As they are mostly distributed in mountainous areas, many houses of Buyi people are made of rock slates. However, over the sweep of history, Buyi people have developed a variety of forms of residence besides slate-made dwellings, such as those made of thatch or rammed earth or those on stilts. Their houses are built at riverside, in mountains, caves or in the fort-like manner. And walls of their houses are made of stone, wood, earth or bamboo.[第一段]  相似文献   

The stone Forest in the southwest province of Yunnan,thanks to its worldwide reputation,hasset a stereotype about what a stone forest should be like.[第一段]  相似文献   

Tianjin is a low-profile city in the coastal area in north China. Its Western-style mansions in past colonial cessions have long lost glamour and vitality as the North Sea Warlord rule ended in the early 20th century. The city has no grandeur and solemnity as Beijing, no metropolitan prosperity or hubbub as Shanghai, and no hilly and riverside charms as Chongqing. But when you really incorporate yourself into it, you can taste a truly different flavor of the city. On the Five Avenues or J…  相似文献   

The old town of Zhenyuan, standing among high mountains with a long river winding through it, is a strategically important town in southwest China. In ancient times, it was located on a road linking Southeast Asian nations and the capital of the Chinese Empire. As an old town and gateway in eastern Guizhou Province which is dwelled by Miao people, Zhenyuan enjoyed many historical remains and the most famous is Black Dragon Cave. In fact, it is not merely a single cave, but refers to a lar…  相似文献   

April 2009 saw the publication of the documents generated by the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport's museum Peer Review Pilot. This Policy Review offers both an overview of the process and a conceptual critique both of the Peer Review Pilot and the McMaster Review criteria on which the pilot was based. It is argued that the McMaster Review is grounded on a reading of excellence as “life-changing experiences” predicated on an imagined transformative aesthetic moment and that it is only by defining excellence in this way that McMaster could secure peer review as a legitimate means of identifying excellence. When transferred for the purposes of the Peer Review Pilot to the museum sector – with its long traditions of pedagogic and civic reform – this narrow reading of “changing lives” is no longer sustainable. The dislodging of the McMaster grounding assumption within the practice of the Peer Review Pilot creates conceptual fissures that can be traced throughout the Pilot's documentation. Specifically, a reading of the Pilot suggests both a need for a more careful reading of “peer”, a recognition of museums' multiple lines of accountability (including to the public) and the ongoing need for methodologies that might allow for an understanding of “life changing” within a much border frame.  相似文献   


Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the efforts of a terrorism that makes revolution its goal have sprung from the dream of unity between words and action. In ōe Kenzaburō’s linked texts, “Seventeen,” we find a depiction of a terrorist, or “political youth” who dreams of attaining a “peak orgasm” in communion with the “Pure Emperor.” Moreover, for this youth, “terrorism” means an action undertaken by the self at the very moment of coitus between action and words. It is proper that the terrorist should be transformed from a historical anonym to a subject of language through action (prior to carrying out terror he or she cannot appear as a subject of speech). In the linked text of “A Political Youth Dies,” however, the young man’s action is obliterated in the flood of images coming from television, and he is stripped of language. In this sense, the youth’s situation can be seen as homologous with the terrorism that is bare action stripped of speech, pervasive in our twenty-first century present. A volume containing the translation of “A Political Youth Dies” into German, together with the original Japanese text, has now appeared. Thanks to this publication, we can at last read the original Japanese text. It is now time for us, who have been “deprived of [this] text” for so long, to turn our attention to it.  相似文献   

冬雪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀明 《世界文化》2005,(12):26-26
多美啊,初雪飘临。它整日整夜那么静静的飘着,撒向山巅,铺满草地,落在生的屋脊,降在逝的坟茔。在一片茫茫之中,只有弯弯曲曲的河流,留下道道黑线,装点出一幅美丽的画图。那叶儿落净的树木,映衬着铅灰色的天空,尽显它枝桠交错,姿态万千。初雪飘落时,何等安宁,多么静谧!万籁无声,把一切声响都化作那柔和的音乐。再也听不见马蹄哒哒,再也听不见车轮辚辚!唯有雪橇的铃声,奏出和谐的音乐,那明快欢乐的节拍就像孩子们的心房,咚咚地跳动。  相似文献   

Resistance to multicultural curriculum transformation has long been assumed to be a function solely of faculty racism, sexism, classism, and so forth, especially in the fields of "advanced" mathematics and "hard" sciences. Although this may account for a percentage of that resistance, it is a small percentage. In fact, most faculty are interested in multiculturally transforming their curriculum. The problem is that few know how to go about doing it. Until recently, few, if any, doctoral programs included coursework on how to teach one's discipline, much less how to teach it from a multicultural perspective. Faculty need opportunities to learn how to develop multiculturally oriented curricula content, pedagogical approaches, and methods of evaluating student learning and teaching effectiveness. Faculty also need opportunities to learn how to build positive relationships with increasingly diverse bodies of students, and how to create more supportive educational environments for that interaction to occur. This article provides faculty with an overview of effective approaches to multicultural curriculum transformation, applicable across disciplines vis-á-vis content, pedagogy, evaluation, relationship building, and environment creation.  相似文献   

下夜班回家,我要经过一条长长的没有路灯的小巷。虽然怕,也只得提心吊胆地走下去。后来,巷口有了一家小小的杂货亭。再到夜深时,经过巷口,杂货亭虽然早已关门,灯却是亮着,明晃晃的,一直到巷尾,也还有隐约的光亮。  相似文献   

Beijing enjoys a long history as the capital of six dynasties in ancient China. Historical and cultural legacies accumulated over the sweep of history have made it possible to develop a booming private collection market. So far the city. sees the largest number of curio and antique markets in China,  相似文献   


This paper explores the possible reasons behind the current violence in southern Thailand with a focus on the violent events that took place on 28 April 2004, which resulted in the death of 107 Muslim militants in the southern Thai provinces of Pattani, Yala and Songkhla.While the authorities seem to believe that the perpetrators of this violence are separatists the author argues that the recent violence is perpetrated by a new group or groups of individuals who are not connected to the old separatist groups that operated in the south until recent times. The very fact that this new movement perpetrating violence uses Islam as a rallying cry, by appealing to the recent international assaults on Muslim militants in Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq,means that it is able to garner support for its cause among the Thai-Malays who have long given up their separatist fight against the Thai state.  相似文献   

Across the Western world, membership in the established organized churches is on the decline with a concomitant reduction in the need for churches and church halls. As redundant and unused churches are the focus of vandalism and decay, owners and heritage managers are looking for options to adaptively re-use such buildings. This article reviews the literature on the re-use of churches in the Netherlands, which has long history of innovatively addressing the problems. The options available range from re-use for religious purposes by other denominations or faiths, to community use (multi-purpose, sport, music etc.), and private use, which can be either commercial or residential. The attitudes of the community and the original property owners play a major part in successful adaptive re-use. Because of its long history, the Dutch experience in adaptive re-use of religious buildings has much to offer heritage managers in other countries faced with this emergent management issue.  相似文献   

School teachers have been used as heroic characters in movies for a long time. Their heroism compensates for the failures of social life in our society by treating problems in the classroom, not the real world, and by acting as the mediators between diverse sub-cultures and the larger society. They are the agents of rationality, scholarship, and inclusiveness in addressing great social issues. In recent years, many movies about bad workers have appeared, including comedies and melodramas. Bad Teacher is a new kind of movie that treats the usually heroic teacher as a kind of bad worker. The critique of the teacher comes at a time when school teachers are being demonized in political discourse, and it makes use of disparaging stereotypes for dramatic effect.  相似文献   

Stories of people killing people are a central part of culture and contain profound statements about important human issues. Senseless killings are particularly problematic. The long history of senseless killings in movies leads up to the 2007 movie, No Country for Old Men, in which senselessness has been raised to a peak. Although it is not a great commercial success, the movie has been recognized as deep, powerful, and important. In particular, the senseless killer has been judged to be one of the most frightening in movie history. The meaning of this fear may be found in examining the social and cultural context of contemporary life.  相似文献   

In 1289, Tripoli was taken from the Franks by the Mamluk Sultan Qalāwun. In 1291, Qalāwun's son al-Ashraf Khalīl captured Acre, the last capital of the Crusader "kingdom of Jerusalem", and the few surviving Frankish outposts on the Levantine coast were swiftly abandoned. Next in line seemed to be the Armenian kingdom in Cilicia and the Taurus mountains - but it was to be a further 84 years before Sis, the kingdom's capital, was to fall to the Mamluks. It does not seem unreasonable to ask why the Mamluks should have let it survive so long: indeed, how did it survive the 1290s?  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago.Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China.Not long ago,the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China,organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy,was held at the Forbidden City,displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties.Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with th...  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China. Not long ago, the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China, organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Palace Museum and China Institute of Toponymy, was held at the Forbidden City, displaying photographs on the cultures and traditions of the first 16 Historic Counties of China, with an objective to enhance the public’s awareness of the conservation of cultural heritage in these historic counties. Our magazine will cover each of these chosen historic counties in each issue.  相似文献   

County has played an important role in the history of China since it was first established as a basic administrative unit in the Qin Dynasty more than2000years ago.Historic counties have not only performed administrative and economic functions but also carried and preserved basic information about culture and traditions of China.Not long ago,the Photographic Exhibition on the Cultural Heritage of Historic Counties of China,organized by China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation in partnership with the Pala...  相似文献   

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