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国内贮存图书馆的研究与实践述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1982-2011年我国贮存图书馆研究与实践的文献为研究对象,归纳总结我国贮存图书馆研究与实践的进展,并依据研究轨迹对我国贮存图书馆研究的主题进行评述。认为随着时间的推移,文献的自然老化,各高校图书馆聚集了许多有潜在价值的低利用率文献,如何对这些文献进行合理储存是我们必须面对的问题,贮存图书馆建设是最有效的方式。  相似文献   

调查目前CALIS全国中心、地区中心、省级中心及部分成员馆的贮存图书馆建设情况,分析总结个体贮存图书馆建设发展的5个主要因素与存在的问题,进而分析CALIS联合存储中心建立的可行性。从CALIS的建设基础和未来发展进程出发,构建基于CALIS三级文献资源保障体系的协藏协管共享的合作存储模式,在此基础上,论述联合存储中心运行的管理机制,并给出联合存储中心建设与管理服务的建议。  相似文献   

医院图书馆是医院的一个重要组成部分,它是医院的文献信息交流中心,是为临床、教学及科研等各项工作收集、贮存、提供医学信息的专项工作收集、贮存、提供医学信息的专业机构。又是直接为临床和科研教学服务的学术性机构,在医院图书馆的各项工作中,藏书建设是搞好医学情报服务的基础,是发展医院图书馆工作的核心,衡量一所医院图书馆服务质量的高低,藏书的数量和质量是一一个很重要的指标。要加强医院图书馆藏书建设就必须经常对图书馆的藏书体系进行客观的、科学的评价,如果能够定期对医院图书馆的藏书体系作出评价,就能不断地改进和完善图书馆的藏书建设工作,更加充分地发挥其职能作用,积极推进图书馆工作的改革和发展,从而更好地为医院的临床、教学和科研服务。  相似文献   

贮存图书馆对于文献建设具有多方面的意义,贮存图书馆形式多样,我国众多高校图书馆已建立各自的密集书库,但并不能彻底解决实体文献长期收藏与利用的矛盾,建立高校系统的联合保存中心是馆藏建设的必然趋势.  相似文献   

李敏 《图书馆学刊》1995,17(6):16-17
我国应建立贮存图书馆系统李敏(大连理工大学图书馆)一、贮存图书馆的产生图书馆在藏书剔除时经常遇到这样的情况:有些图书长期无人借阅,利用率很低,但仍具有一定的参考价值。如果将这些藏书品种剔除掉,一旦读者提出需求,就会造成不应有的拒借。那么能不能设立一个...  相似文献   

在过去二十年中,美国图书馆自动化管理系统迅速发展,普遍取代了手工操作。自动化的编目、流通、咨询系统的广泛采用,使图书馆更迅速、方便、准确地贮存、操作、以及检索大量书讯成为可能。但是,由于技术上的障碍,没有一个系统能够处理非罗马文字,东亚图书馆便  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断进步,图书馆事业的发展日新月异,尤其是计算机诞生以来,引发了一场遍及社会各个领域的革命,图书馆作为贮存与传递信息的组织机构,也不可避免地引发诸多本质的变化.  相似文献   

图书馆是输入并贮存、开发并输出信息资源的中介体,是人类智力或知识的体外贮存与传递的机构,肩负着信息资源开发利用的责任.开发报纸信息资源,是人类进入信息时代、要求实现各种信息共享的必然趋势,也是摆在图书馆报纸信息开发工作人员面前的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

现时期,国内高校贮存图书馆分藏分管的个体化状态已不适应其开展合作建设的需要.对江苏省高等学校文献信息保障系统(JALIS)的基本情况及其密集书库的建设情况进行调查,分析目前JALIS建设的基础条件与存在问题,可以为我国省级高校文献信息保障系统贮存图书馆建设提供借鉴.省级高校文献信息保障体系贮存图书馆的建设是一项任务艰巨的综合性工程,需要通过建立长效的合作机制,新建实体存储空间,规范文献的入藏和加强日常管理服务工作等方法来实现.  相似文献   

重新认识图书馆   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
文章对图书馆的社会角色作了重新认识:1.图书馆是资讯集合场;2. 图书馆是知识贮存库;3.图书馆是知力供应站;4. 图书馆是文化有机体,并分别作了论述。  相似文献   


本文从国外寄存图书馆的产生与发展历史入手,辨析了两种寄存图书馆——政府出版品寄存图书馆和低利用率文献寄存图书馆的主要差异,并从更广阔的视域上概括出二者的本质共同点,指出二者的本质共同点构成了寄存图书馆模式的基本特征,并就未来应用寄存图书馆模式开发多种文化信息资源提出了设想。  相似文献   

This section presents techniques, practices and specific strategies by which documents collections can be made more effective. It also highlights individual documents collections and addresses issues pertinent to forthcoming government policies and regulations.Many law libraries have become selective depository libraries under provision of Public Law 95–261 passed on April 17, 1978. The Law Library at Southern Illinois University is one such selective depository library. The decision about whether to integrate or separate documents is usually based on the local situation, and the decision of this library to integrate depository documents into the collection was made after reviewing local library factors. This article describes the practices of managing an integrated documents collection including technical processing of paper and microfiche documents, collection development and maintenance, and reference service.  相似文献   

During the 1990s the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) has undergone a transition from collections comprised exclusively of tangible print on paper or fiche publications to a mix of print and electronic materials. This article examines the impact of this transition on depository library operations—both collections and services—at the turn of the millennium. The discussion of reference service on depository materials is considered within the context of G. K. Zipf’s law, that is, people will tend to seek the path of least effort in gathering information. Given this tendency, the extensive use of the Web to deliver electronic depository materials redirects depository library users away from depository shelves to Web workstations, and leads depository librarians to build Web pages to direct their patrons. The conclusion is that for depository libraries the new collection mix poses a management paradox—the FDLP receives thousands of tangible documents each year, yet it must maintain new services for patrons turning increasingly to Web-based resources.  相似文献   

分析我国未建成储存图书馆的原因,阐述建立储存图书馆系统的现实意义,提出建设我国虚拟储存图书馆系统的构想。  相似文献   

The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) has served as a major public access point for government information for well over 130 years. Recent budget cuts to the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) appropriations and an increased use of electronic formats for dissemination purposes have created many changes and problems for the system and the depository libraries that serve it. This article discusses the history of the FDLP and the impact of new formats in the last 25 years—especially electronic information. It also discusses the future of the FDLP and some of the problems that electronic information has brought to depository libraries and the need of depository librarians to accept and manage these new formats.  相似文献   

This article profiles the 54 regional libraries serving in the depository program administered by the U.S. Government Printing Office. In addition to noting problem areas, the authors encourage the library community and the Federal government to find ways to provide the necessary financial and other support for the depository library program in an electronic and information age.  相似文献   

This presentation of how land-grant university libraries became federal depository libraries in 1907 examines the principal legislative statutes creating the land-grant university system. It proceeds to cover how a congressional Printing Commission, concerned with eliminating duplicative governmental publications, also produced legislation granting federal depository status to the libraries of land-grant universities. There is also discussion of the presence of GPO Access gateways at many land-grant university depositories and the continuing relevance of the land-grant university service ideal to the depository library program during its transition to an increasingly electronic environment. The historical evolution of America's rural electric industry, community network movement, and federal information resource management initiatives also present potentially useful service models for emerging electronic depositories.  相似文献   

This article assesses the value of the Government Printing Office's (GPO) 1983 Biennial Survey as a tool to support depository library program planning and decision making. Based on overall criteria of reliability, validity, and utility, much of the data produced from the survey are inaccurate, misleading, and inappropriate both as a means to (1) describe the depository libraries, and (2) assist GPO and individual depository library decision making and planning. Recommendations are offered by which the Biennial Survey can be better designed, administered, and analyzed.  相似文献   

储存图书馆的探索与尝试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在介绍储存图书馆概念的基础上,以美国大学储存馆为例分析了国外储存图书馆在馆舍、馆藏、排架法、馆藏容量、管理等方面的主要特点。然后以具体的典型实例为依据总结了我国内地在这一方面的尝试与探索,主要以北京大学昌平储存图书馆为例,具体总结它在馆藏范围、排架方式、运行服务、内部管理等的特点与运行服务。文章最后指出,作为国内首家储存图书馆,北京大学昌平储存馆的建成对于北京大学图书馆本身和国内未来储存图书馆的建设具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

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