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用适当的情态动词表示讲话者对客观事物的主观看法,这就是情态动词的推测性用法。一般说来,英语中可以用于表示推测或可能性的情态动词有can,could,may,might和must。1.m ust表示推测时,暗含发生的可能性很大,它的肯定程度比m ay,m ight,could大得多。例如:You must be very tired after the longwalk.走了这么长的路,你一定很累了。There must be something wrong.一定是什么地方出了毛病。This must be the book you want.这一定是你要的那本书。I don’t understand what they are saying.They must be foreigners.我听不懂他们在说什么。他们一定是外国人。The light is out.She must be in bed now.灯灭了,她肯定上床睡觉了。He has been working in that departmentfor a long time.He must know how to dealwith the mat...  相似文献   

一、各课疑难解释Unit3Lesson 91.You must be Dr Yang.表态动词 must 可以用来表示“一定”、“肯定”这样的推断,但只用于肯定句中。在否定句或疑问句中使用 can,表示“可能”、“会”。如:You must be very hungry now.你现在一定很饿了。I must have met him somewhere.我一定在什么地方遇见过他。Can he be so foolish?他会这么傻吗?  相似文献   

must与have to都可以表示“必须”,但它们是有区别的。现将其区别浅述如下:一、侧重点不同 must侧重主观必须,即说话者想这么做;而have to则侧重客观必须,即外界条件迫使人去做。例如: I must go now.我得现在走。(说话者认为应该这么做)  相似文献   

张琦 《初中生》2006,(18):41-43
一、问候与告别 1.Nice(Glad,Pleased)to meet(see)you.见到你真高兴. 2.Say hello to…向……问好. 3.Please remember me to…请代我问候…… 4.I'm afraid I must be leaving now.恐怕我现在得走了.  相似文献   

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.1.A:Whose book is this?这是谁的书?B:It must be Mary's.(P34)一定是玛丽的。must用作情态动词,意为一定、肯定时,表示肯定推测。例如:The dictionary must be mine.It has my name on it.那本字典一定是我的。字典上面有我的名字。He hasn't come yet.He must be ill.他还没有来,一定是病了。  相似文献   

have to与must都表示“必须”,但词义和用法却有很大区别。现浅析如下:一、have to表示根据客观需要应做某事,意思是“必须,不得不”。而must表示说话人的主观看法,有“必须,应该”的含义。例如:I am ill.I have to take medicine.我生病了,我不得不吃药。We must work hard at  相似文献   

从本期开始我们将每期学说一两句流行口语希望大家能积少成多,练就一口流利的英语。1A: Jacky, where are you going? We are ready to go. B: I need to answer a phone call. A: All right. Be quick. We are running out of time. B: Not a problem. I’ll be right with you.A:杰克,你去哪儿。我们就要准备走了。B:我得去回一个电话。A:好吧。那你快一点儿。我们的时间挺紧的。B:没问题,我马上就回来。2A: The food price here must be pretty high. B: Don’t worry about it. Let’s go Dutch.A: 这儿的食品价格一…  相似文献   

Doctor: I'm sorry. 很抱歉。Doctor: I wish there was more I could do for her. 我已经尽量大力了。Mother: Surely,there must be something,Doctor. 医生,一定有办法的。Mother: She's so weak,and so very,very sick.  相似文献   

1.jobs for tbe boys(作为政治报酬)给追随左右的人以肥缺职位A:Lucy is the manager now.B:I know there will be such a day.I never dare to contradict her.A:Then there must be jobs for the boys.B:I hope so.A:露西现在是经理了。B:我知道会有这么一天,所以我从来不敢反对她。A:那么一定会有肥缺喽。B:希望如此。  相似文献   

Have to & Must     
Clever Mouse: I must leave now. The film will start soon. Do you want to come with me? Miss Bee: I really want to, but I have to do my homework first.难点一have to和must通常意思比较接近,都可表示"必须,应该",经常可以互换使用。例如:I must/have to go to school now.现在我必须上学了。  相似文献   

□to my way of thinking 依我看来……A: To my way of thinking,I think you behaved rudely before your dad. B: I couldn't keep my temper then,poor dad,he must be very sad. A: How about apologizing now? B: I hope he can forgive me. 甲:依我看来,你在你父亲面前表现得太无礼了。乙:当时我控制不住。可怜的爸爸,他一定很难过。甲:现在去向他道歉怎么样? 乙:我希望他能原谅我  相似文献   

1.I think if I make a pen that has a machine init,I'll be able to write faster.我想 ,如果我造一个里面装有机器的钢笔 ,我就能写得更快一些。该句中 that has a machine in it为定语从句 ,修饰 a pen。定语从句的引导词 that本身没有意义 ,它的意义等同于被修饰的词。be able to表示能力。它与 can/could的区别 :can和 am/is/are able to表示现在的能力 ;表示将来的能力要用 shall/will be able to。例如 :1He can speak English very well.他英语讲得不错。2 I'm sure I shall be able to speak Englishvery well some day。我…  相似文献   

gotta have got to和have got在口语中一般读成gotta。在书写时gotta只用于表示不正规或非标准的发音。例如:I gona go.(=I must go.我必须走了。)又如:Gotta match?(=Have you got a match?有火柴吗?)类似的单词还有wanna(=want to)、gonna(=going to)、kinda(=kind of)等。  相似文献   

请看2005年北京春季高考第27题:27.I have lostone of my gloves.I itsomewhere.A.must drop B.m usthave droppedC.must be dropping D.must have been dropped解析:根据句意“我弄丢了一只手套,我一定是把它落在什么地方了。”可以看出,这是对过去动作的一个猜测。因此应该选用“must+have+过去分词”结构。答案应为B。【考点1】对must基本意思的考查知识归纳:must意为“必须”或“一定”。它只有现在形式,没有过去形式,其否定式是must not/mustn t。回答以must开头的问句时,用must作肯定回答,用needn t或don t have to作否定回答。例…  相似文献   

1.It must be interesting.这一定有趣。这里must表示一种推测,意思是“一定、想必”,常用在肯定句中。例如:She must be tired after work.她下班以后一定很累。[相关链接]1)must表示推测时,在否定句中常用can’t或couldn’t,而不能用mustn’t。例如:He can’t be at home.He  相似文献   

Unit 2 3You mustn't play on the road!一、语法知识。1 .情态动词 must的用法小结。must(必要性 )1 )肯定 :Imust go now.2 )疑问 :Must we stop?3)答语 :Yes,you must.     No,you needn't.4)否定 :You mustn'tstop.(可能性 ) 肯定 :The shoes must be yours.否定 :This book mustn'tbe his.(must表示 ,“必须”、“应该”、“一定是”等意思 )2 .由连词 when,before,after引导的时间状语从句的时态关系。1 I'll tell him the good news when he comesback.他回来时 ,我就告诉他这个好消息。2 I didn't know any English before…  相似文献   

情态动词must,can,could,may和might均可表示推测,它们可以对过去、现在或将来的情况做出语气强弱不同的推测.在运用情态动词表示推测时,我们应该着重把握以下几点: 一、把握推测语气的特点,选择恰当的情态动词 例1(2016年西宁卷)—Look! Why are there so many people? ——There are some policemen.I think there____a traffic accident. A.must have B.can have C.is going to be D.must be 例2(2016年丹东卷)—Please be quiet.Our teacher is coming. ——It____be our teacher.She has gone to Beijing.  相似文献   

(A)A:It's already nine thirty.I must be going now.已经九点半了,我该回家了。B:OK.Drop in whenever you have time.好吧,有空请过来。A:Thank you for a very pleasant night.I’ve really en—joyed myself tonight.谢谢你让我度过了一个愉快的晚  相似文献   

本文拟对英语中表示“告别”的用语作一分类说明。一、直接的告别用语有: Cood场e!(Byebye!Bye!) See you(tomorrow)! See you later. 50 long! Farewell!肠ter.(回头见。) Good night.二、委婉的告别用语有: I,d like to sayg以对bye to everyone. I,m afraid 1 must be goi  相似文献   

Father: I am very angry at your school report. Son: I told my teacher that you would be unhappy,but she must sand it to you.汉译:父亲:看了你的成绩,我非常生气。儿子:我告诉过老师你不会高兴的,可她偏要拿给你。cShe Must Send lt To you@洪会兰  相似文献   

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