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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
1.Ifw eather,we w illgo fishing with our friends tom orrow.A.perm itting B.perm its C.is perm itted D.is perm itting2.M y m other told m e not to getoffthe bus unless it.A.stopping B.had stoppedC.had been stopped D.stops3.D on t call m e at10o clock tom orrow.I with the m inister.A.willhaving a talk B.w ould have a talkC.has had a talk D.willbe talking4.IfM ary doesn t go to the zoo,m y brother.A.neither do B.so do C.neither w ill D.w illnever5.Look!W hatdo you guess in the garden?A.ar…  相似文献   

刘超 《英语辅导》2002,(4):26-27
误:They are haying the supper.  相似文献   

1.I suggested the person______to be put intopruson.A.referring B.referC.referred D.was able2.What ever do you consider______to thepoor?A.taking place B.to have happenedC.happening D.happened3.The old man the three sons didn’t like_______a large amount of money from abroad.A.got B.to get C.getting D.receiving4.After running for two hours,his strength  相似文献   

1.Iyounottoplaywiththeknifemanytimessincetwomonthsa-go.Now,yousee,youarehurt.A.havetoldB.toldC.havebeentoldD.hadtold2.Myunclehasjustarrived,butIdidntknowheuntilyesterday.A.willcomeB.comesC.iscomingD.wascoming3.Ashethenextmorning,hewenttobedearlythatnight.A.isleavingB.willleaveC.wasleavingD.left4.—IhaventheardfromJohnforalongtime.—Whatdoyousupposetohim?A.ishappeningB.washappeningC.hashappenedD.washappened5.Imyhomeworkbyhalfpastninelastnight.A.ha…  相似文献   

动词时态和语态是高考的必考考点,每年在15个单选题中占1至3小题。尽管英语中共有16种时态,但常考的却只有9种,它们是:一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时和一般将来时。我们在复习和考试中应注意以下两点:(1)在理解这9种时态的用法和构成的基础上,熟读教材中每个单元第一课的情景对话,留心实际生活中是如何使用各种时态的,从而领悟时态用法的真谛。(2)答题时首先根据主语和谓语动词的关系确定用主动语态还是用被动语态,然后再寻找“时间参照信息”,即句中其它动词的时态…  相似文献   

动词时态和语态是高考的必考考点,每年在15个单选题中占1至3小题。尽管英语中共有16种时态,但常考的却只有9种,它们是:一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时、一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时和一般将来时。我们在复习和考试中应注意以下两点:(1)在理解这9种时态的用法和构成的基础上,熟读教材中每个单元第一课的情景对话,  相似文献   

1. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy taskbecause technology_so rapidly. (NMET 2001)A. is changing B. has chagnedC.will have changed D.will change2.1_ping-pong quite well, but I haven't had time toplay since the new year. (NMET 2001)A. will play B. have playedC. played D. play3. Visitors_not to touch the exhibits. ( NMET 2001)A. will request B. requestC. are requesting D. are requested4. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they_. (2001年高考上海试题)  相似文献   

1.There no hospitals in m y hom etown fifty years ago.A .is B .are C.was D .w ere2.M rs G reen told her children that the earth around the sun.A .m ove B .m oves C.m oved D .w illm ove3.M y brother Beijing and he w illbe back a w eek.A .went;after B.has been to;afterC.has been to;in D .has gone to;inchoolardenfngsh4.Please wait untilI hack.A .will com e B .com e C.com es D .am com ing5.H ow long has your brother the League?A .join B .entered C.been in D .been to6.W hen Lucy cam e to…  相似文献   

郭芙 《考试》2005,(11)
l·Howean yo“pos幼bly而55 the news?It一。。 TV all daylong. A.has been B.1坦d boen C.was D.will be 2.Atthis time tomo助w_overthe Arlantie. A.we’。gqingtofiv B.we’11 be nying C.we.ll伪D.we,re tony 3.Shirloy_a book about Cl一inal朗t”ar butl don’t know whelher sh已ha,6ni兹led ir; A,has、币t沈n B.wmte C.had而t*en D.,vas而ting 4.1而u目ltjihi、oulds叮。on、ething abou:l,15 ‘ellool revort,but lie_iL A .do留n’t mentionB,hadn’t mentioned C.d呈dn’t.mention D.hasn’t mentioned 5.…  相似文献   

动词的时态和语态是历年各地高考测试的重点语法项目(一般2-3个小题),也是考生失分比较严重的题目。因此,要做好时态语态题,除了要掌握好常用的八种时态的结构和用法外,还应熟悉一些行之有效的解题技巧,这样在高考中才会知己知彼,百战不殆。通过研读历届高考试题,不难发现历年高考设题的角  相似文献   

1.① (M ET 1979)Y ou m ay leave the classroom when you writing. A .willfinish B.are finishing C.have finished D .had finished ② (2003北京春)—W hen willyou com e to see m e,D ad? —Illgo and see you when you the training course. A .willhave finished B.willfinish C.are finishing D .finish 2.① (M ET 1988)—W hen again? —W hen he ,Illletyou know. A .he com es;com es B.willhe com e;willcom eC.he com es;willcom e D .willhe com e;com es ② (2005北京)A s soon as he com es back,Ill tell hi…  相似文献   

1.W hen first to the m arket,these products enjoyed great success.A.introducing B.introducedC.introduce D.being introduced2.It sham es m e to say it,but I told a lie w hen at the m eeting bym y boss.A.questioning B.having questionedC.questioned D.to be qu…  相似文献   

1. can you expect to get a pay rise.A .W ith hard work B .A lthough work hardC.O nly w ith hard work D .N ow that he w orks hard2.I finally got the job I dream ed about.N ever in all m y life sohappy.A .did I feel B .I feltC.I had felt D .had I felt3.The …  相似文献   

动词的时态和语态是历年各地高考测试的重点语法项目(一般2—3个小题),也是考生失分比较严重的题目。因此,要做好时态语态题,除了要掌握好常用的8种时态的结构和用法外,还应熟悉一些行之有效的解题技巧,这样在高考中才会知己知彼,百战不殆。通过研读历届高考试题,笔者发现命题者设题的角度和思路每年大致相同,由此提出下列解题技巧,望能对06届考生有所借鉴。  相似文献   

1.Mary kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting.A.heavier B.heavyC.the heavier D.the heaviest2.I don t m ind picking up your things from the store.,the walkwill do m e good.A.Sooner or later B.StillC.In tim e D.Besides3.I m ustbe getting fat,for I can do m y trousers up.A.fairly B.hardly C.nearly D.near4.W hen we plan our vacation,m other often offers suggestions.A.careful B.practical C.effective D.acceptable5.Ifyou can t com e tom orrow,we ll have to hold the m eeting ne…  相似文献   

聂小涛 《高中生》2010,(3):37-38
动词的时态和语态是高考英语考查的重点。也是难点。一般而言,在解题中,我们运用三招,即把握时间信息、遵循时态呼应、分析具体语境,就能迎刃而解此类试题。但随着高考逐渐向综合应用和分析能力的发展,对时态、语态的考查已经向特殊规则延伸。下面借助一些具体的题目,就时态、语态中常见的“特殊规则”考点进行分析。  相似文献   

1.Frankly speaking,I objectto as a child athom e as I have grownup.A .treating B .being treatedC.treat D .be treated2.H ow m any of us the discussion yesterday could m ake sense ofsuch a profound subjectas that?A .attending B .attendedC.have attended D .to have attended3.To start m aking w estern film s,Zhang Ziyi has been working hardher E nglish and she now speaks the language with little difficul-ty.A .perfect B .being perfectC.to perfect D .to be perfect4. for children from rich fam …  相似文献   

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