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英语中一些短语看起来差别不大,所以英语学习者往往会混用,但有些相似短语的混用会造成“失之毫厘,谬以千里”的后果。今天我们介绍两组短语I don't min和I don't care;unless和aslong as来让大家体会—下准确应用的重要性。  相似文献   

1.—Lets go to the lecture on internationaltrade this evening.—Thats great.Ill you at6:30.A.callup B.callto C.callon D.callfor2.—W hats w rong with M ary?—A letter from hom e an attack ofhom esickness.A.setout B.sent out C.sent off D.set off3.A fter recovering from illness,he was advised to gardening as ahobby.A.take aw ay B.take off C.take on D.take up4.Som e fam ous m usicians were invited to m edals to the winners.A.give up B.give aw ay C.give off D.give in5.—H ow long will our …  相似文献   

1.a lot of/lots of与plenty of它们都表示许多、一些,但是a lot of/lots of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词;plenty of一般只用来修饰不可数名词。例:Our school has a lot of students.我们的学校有许多学生。  相似文献   

用所给单词的适当形式填空。一、family/home/house1. It#s time to go .2. There are some trees behind the .3. How many people are there in your ?4. —Where#s Liu Ming?—I think he is at .二、a/an/one1. Mr Wang is old teacher.2. Look! This is red apple.3. Is t  相似文献   

1.You have the of marrying or remaining a bachelor. A .selection B .preference C .alternative D .access 2.Itwas the chief of the world thatyear thatthe USA army attacked Iraq. A .thing B .affair C .event D .matter 3.—B luto was beaten black and blue.D o …  相似文献   

一、since,for1)IhavelearnedEnglish2000.2)IhavelearnedEnglishoverthreeyears.二、by,on1)Iusuallygotoschoolfoot.2)Iwenttotheparkbuslastweek.三、with,without1)Chinaisacountryalonghistory.2)Icantfinishtheworkintimeyourhelp.四、between,among1)ThetrainrunsBeijingandShanghai.2)Thereisavillagethemountains.五、through,across,over1)Sheswamtheriver.2)Thereisabridgetheriver.3)Hewalkedtheforest.六、at,after,up,for,like1)Shelookedmeandsmiled.2)Theyarelookingthelostchild.3)Shehadtolookherbabyathome.4)Th…  相似文献   

1.TolearnEnglishwellalotoftimeandenergy.A.callsinB.callsonC.callsatD.callsfor2.Itsnoteasytooldhabits.A.breakoutB.breakintoC.breakawayD.breakawayfrom3.Isimplycouldntunderstandhowitthatyoudidsomuchworkwithinsuchashorttime.A.cameaboutB.cameupC.camebackD.camealong4.LastmonthJoanherbikeandhurtherlegs.A.felldownB.felloffC.feltoffD.fellaway5.Illbehomelate,butpleasedontforme.A.stayatB.stayoutC.stayupD.stayin6.Ourlifeishappinessandtrouble.A.madeintoB.m…  相似文献   

1.Annissocarefulthatshealwaysgoesoverherexercisestotherearenomistakes.A.lookforB.makesureC.findoutD.thinkabout2.Ithoughtitwasagoodideabuthedidn蒺tme.A.agreeB.agreetoC.agreethatD.agreewithASCHOOLGARDENOFENGLISH.—Excuseme.WhereistheHualianHotel?—TakeaNo.5busandatthesecondstop.A.getonB.getupC.getoffD.getto.,youngman!Ifyouarelateforworkagain,you蒺llloseyourjob.A.WatchyourstepB.TakeiteasyC.UseyourheadD.Havealook.Bothofhisfeetwerehurtintheaccident.adoctor,please.A.SendforB.Loo…  相似文献   

1. Will you __ my article to find out whether I' we made any mistakes? A. look at B. look up C. look through D. look! on 2. Franklin __ learning the printer's trade at an early age. A. set off B. set about C. set out D. set up  相似文献   

instead/instesd Of一1 .Hedidn’t help me一1 A.Inste“B·一2·YoU‘0“k“·ed,一,walk.(2003北京)一A. aheadof 1 C.infrontof _,he But working laughed C .50 indoors at me.(z0()5青海省) you should be out fora B .insteadof D .in sPiteof intereat/interesting/interested 1 .This book 15 very and 1 am in it.(2005甘肃省) Illterest:llltefest 2 .It interested;interesting 15 believed that ifa D .interested;interested book 15_it will surely_the AC reader.(2004上海) A .interested C .interested lllte…  相似文献   

1 .earry八ake①The box 15 too heavy. He can’t一t.②Please the book to Li Lei.2 .some/any①There isn,t_water in the bottle.②一Do you have一一一一一new books? 一Yes,1 have一—.③Can you giveme—aPPles?3 .many/mueh①There are too—PeoPle in the Park.②Doyou have一 money?4.!ike/WOUld!ike①I一一-一something to eat.②Do you—一aPPles?5 .Put on/wear/in①Luey—a new skirt today.②Thewoman一一一一一redsweaterishismother.③It,5 eold today.Please—youreoat.6 .in the tree/On the tree①Look厂几…  相似文献   

Linda missed the bus to school. She ran down the road, hoping to catch up with the bus at the traffic lights. But she didn't make it in time. When she stopped to catch her breath,she almost ran over by a bike.  相似文献   

1.alotof(或lotsof)与plentyof相同点:它们都表示“许多、一些”的含义。区别是:alotof既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。Ourschoolhasalotofstudents.我们的学校有许多学生。Ican’tgowithyou,becauseIhavealotofhouseworktodo.我不能和你一起去,因为我有许多家务活要做。  相似文献   

1.N obody noticed the thiefslip into the house because the lights happen-ed to.A.be putup B.give inC.be turned on D.go out2.W e didn t plan our artexhibition like thatbut it very well.A.worked out B.tried out C.w ent on D.carried on3.W e thoughtofselling this old furniture,but we ve decided to it.Itm ightbe valuable.A.hold on to B.keep up withC.turn to D.look after4.N ews reports say peace talks betw een the tw o countries w ith noagreem entreached.A.have broken down B.have broken outC.h…  相似文献   

1.HowlongcanIthisbook?A.lendB.keepC.borrowD.has2.Itmorethan40menfiveyearstobuildthebuilding.A.takeB.tookC.costD.spent3.Jim,youaresittingfarfromme.Canyoume?A.sayB.lookC.listenD.hear4.—Willyoupleasehimsomemoney?—Sorry,ImymoneytoJackyesterday.A.borrow;borrowedB.lend;borrowC.borrow;lentD.lend;lent5.ThestudentscangoodEnglishandChinese.A.speakB.sayC.tellD.talk6.Itheradio,butInothing.A.listenedto;listenedtoB.listenedto;heardC.heard;heardD.heard;listenedto专项精练7.Whatcanyouinthepictu…  相似文献   

1.a lot of(或lots of)与plenty of相同点:它们都表示"许多、一些"的含义。不同点:a lot of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。例如:  相似文献   

1.It's a good idea.But who's going to the plan? I think Tom and Greg will. A.set aside B.carry out C.take in D.get through 2.Happily for John's mother,he is working harder to his lost time. A.make up for B.keep up with C.catch up with D.make use of 3.If you had your test paper carefully be- fore handing it in,you would have made fewer mistakes. A.looked up B.thought about C.gone over D.gone round  相似文献   

1. —How about John? —My uncle John a good student. A. believes B. suggests C. considers D. knows 2. —Is dinner ready? —No. Mother is it ready now. A. doing B. cooking C. getting D. preparing 3. —What happened?—As you know, my schoolmates never their clothes well. A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. hang 4. What size shoes do you ? A. wear B. dress C. put on D. have on 5. What he said me and I got angry. A. broke B. hurt C. wounded D. damaged 6. The bad cold me awake the whole nig…  相似文献   

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