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英语中,形容词certain和sure都有“确信”、“有把握”的意思。有时候可以换用,有时候却不能。在平时使用时我们要注意以下几点:  相似文献   

这两个词互为近义词,均有“肯定”、“确信”、“有把握”之意。用法也大致相似,多数情况可互换,但它们之间也有差异。一、相同之处1.二者均可用于be sure/certain about句式中,意为“确信、有把握”,其主语必须是人,about后多接名词、代词。例如: Mr Green was not sure/certain about theChinese grammar.格林先生对汉语语法不大有把握。  相似文献   

sure 与certain是近义词,意思是“肯定,确信,有把握”。大多数情况下它们可以互换使用,但有时它们之间也存在着差异。下面对它们的用法作一简析。 一、相同之处: 1.它们都可用于“be sure/certain about…”句型中,译为“确信,有把握……。”主语往往是人,about后面多跟名词或代词。例如:  相似文献   

一、两者在用法上的相同点两者都可用作表语,表示“一定”或“确信”,有时可互换。互换的场合应注意以下几点用法:1.表示说话者的态度或看法即表示说话者自己的态度或看法,其意为“一定会”“肯定会”。此时主要用法有:(1)单独用作表语。如:One thing was sure[certain]:they!d be late.有一件事是确定无疑的,他们会迟到。(2)后接不定式。如:He!s certain[sure]to win.他一定会成功。They!re certain[sure]to need help.他们肯定需要帮助。If you do this,you are certain[sure]to be found out.如果你这样做一定会被发现。2.表示句子主语…  相似文献   

我们知道sure和certain是近义词,都有“确信、肯定、有把握”的意思,常可互换通用。但sure所表示的仅仅是主观上的感觉,可能有些怀疑,语气一般,而certain则往往表示说话人有充分的理由,语气较强,因此,在实际的语言环境中sure多用于疑问、否定和口语中,而certain则多用于肯定句、正式书面语中。  相似文献   

sure与certain虽然都有"不疑惑、确信"之意,在多数情况下可以互换使用,但在意义及用法上,它们还是有些区别的。一、相同之处1.两者均可用于be sure/certain of结构,表示句子主语对某事要  相似文献   

Unit81.be sure to do sth.与be sure of doing sth.be sure to do sth.表示主语肯定会做某事;be sure of doing sth.表示主语对做某事有信心。  相似文献   

STEVEN: I got here as fast as I could.I'm very upset about this investigation. DETECTIVE MODINE: I'm certain of that. STEVEN: Well?DETECTIVE MODINE: I asked you to meet me here because I was concerned about meeting in your office.STEVEN: Why would you be concerned about that? DETECTIVE MODINE: Your office might be bugged. You can't be too careful about anything when you're dealing with criminals.STEVEN: I'm so tired of this whole thing.I don't want to worry about this anymore.I don't want to think about criminals or sabotage.I just want to do my job. I just want to produce a news show.  相似文献   

问:在第一课中有 to be made of 的说法,我们在别处还见到有 to be made from和 to be made up of 的说法,它们有何区别?答:to be made of 和 to be madefrom 的意思都是“由……制造的”。但是 to  相似文献   

教学设计:教师张华静单位鹤岗市四中分校教材指导教师韩法杰单位鹤岗市教师进修学院人教版三年制初级中学英语第二册下第91课教学目标:Language Target: 1.Useful expressions: I'm sure ( that )…I'm not sure if / what to do…, plan to do, be pleased with / that clause, give away, millions of, decide to do, it's+adj. for…to do…and go over the usage of articles.Skill Target: Improve the abilities of listening, speaking and thinking.Sensibility Target: Love our hard-working parents. Encourage my lovely s…  相似文献   

Unit Thirteen重点词语1.fit adj.健康的;合适的vt.使适合We ought to learn more about our body and the fuel it needs to keepfit.(P4)[提示]fit用作形容词表示“合适的”意思时,常用于be fit for或be fit to do sth结构中。例如:He is fit for this kind of job.(他适合干这项工作。)The food was not fit to eat.(这食物不适合吃。)[辨析]fit/suit两者都可用作动词,指衣服“合适”或“适合”的意思,后面跟人作宾语。fit sb指“大小、尺寸”适合某人。例如:The new suit fits her nicely.(这套新衣服正适合她穿。)This coat doesnG…  相似文献   

be about to do将要…,正打算…这个句型的意思和be going to do差不多。如:1)He was about to start.他即将动身。2)I was about to say good-bye co them when it began to rain.(注意这个句型)我正准备向他们告别时,天开始下雨。be about to do和be to do不同之处  相似文献   

1.do wonders创奇迹,取得惊人奇迹 A: I'm so nervous about tomorrow's audition. B: Don't worry about it; I believe your talent in playing. A: If I were a robot, I'd be able to do wonders. B: What, for example? A: I' d be able to go under the sea and go into the outer space.I wouldn' t have to worry about anything. B: But all of these have nothing to do with an actor, if you want to be, because the robots have no feelings. A:明天的表演面试我好紧张。  相似文献   

Tao: Have you ever quarrelled with your parents (about surfing the Internet)?陶教授:有没有(为上网的事)跟父母吵架?Student A: Yes, I have.学生A:有。Tao: Do you still want to quarrel with them about it day after day? What should you do? As a matter of fact, I needn't ask you not to do certain things, it's none of my business. But as an educator, I need to tell you that you're old enough to know what's good for you and what's bad for you.陶教授:你想这样民复一日地为这事儿跟父母吵架吗?你应该怎么…  相似文献   

Tao: Have you ever quarrelled with your parents (about surfing the Internet)?陶教授:有没有(为上网的事)跟父母眇架?Student A: Yes, I have.学生A:有。Tao: Do you still want to quarrel with them about it dayafter day? What should you do? As a matter of fact, I needn't ask you not to do certain things, it's none of my business. But as an educator, I need to tell you that you're old enough to know what's good for you and what's bad for you.陶教授:你想这样日复一日地为这事儿跟父母吵架吗?你应该怎么…  相似文献   

1.However, he Went on to explain that he was not too sure about two things——the grammar and some of the idioms.不过,他接着说明他在语法和某些习惯用语这两方面还是不大有把握。(Lesson One) go on,stop等动词后面,通常用动名词结构作宾语,若用动词不定式结构,便不是宾语而是目的状语。试比较下面句子:He went to show us how to do it.他接着又教我们怎样干。(不定式结构作目的状语)He went on doing experiments to test the truth of other old ideas.他继续进行实验,检验其他旧观念是否真实。(动名词结构作宾语)  相似文献   

正WEEKEND PLANS Al:Hi,I'm glad I ran into you.Bob:Why?What's up?Al:How'd you like to go on a hike(徒步旅行)this weekend?Bob:All weekend?Al:Well,just Saturday and Sunday.Bob:I'm not sure I can be gone all weekend.I promised to help my sister move on Saturday.Al:How about Sunday,then?We could start early in the morning.Bob:I might be able to do that.Let me check and I'll call you at home tonight.  相似文献   

我们课本中有这样的句子:I′m not sure.Maybe I′ll giveher some flowers.How about you?这里的“How about you?”“译为“你(打算)怎么样”。也就是说“How about…?”应译为“……怎么样?”为了帮助同学们更好地学习,现将“……怎么样?”的常见表达形式及其用法小结如下:一、“What(How)about?”用来征求意见、询问消息或提出建议。about为介词,后接名词或动名词短语。例:1.—What about the book?这本书怎么样?—Very interesting.非常有趣。2.—Howabout going swimming with us?和我们一起去游泳怎么样?二、“What do you thin…  相似文献   

郭倩 《海外英语》2003,(3):26-28
One,the Lamp of Direction “If you do not know the direction of oneself,you can be over—cautious in small matters,and hesitates to move forward.” Many person all swim hke the dream all one’s life.and overflow notloafing about with having the objective. They all live according to“old one set” being familiar with every day,and always pay no attention to oneself:“What will I do this all one’s life?”They did not know much to regarding of oneself,because they lack theobjective.  相似文献   

张玉池 《初中生》2003,(8):40-40
英语中表示建议的句型有以下几种:1.What about…?意思是“……怎么样?”,与Howabout…?及What do you think of …?句型相当。此句型后应接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。如:①What about playing football?去踢足球怎么样?  相似文献   

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