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公元1世纪,罗马人征服不列颠后,在泰晤士河(Thames)北岸建立要塞,围以城墙,这就是“伦敦城”(the City of London)。当时,罗马人称伦敦为“伦甸涅姆”(Londinium),英语London一词由此衍变而来。  相似文献   

A The zoo has big basket for rubbish.People can throw 1._____ waste into them.On that Saturday afternoon there 2._____ are usually a lot of people around the cages which 3._____ the lovely animals ate kept,and last Saturday nobody was 4._____ there.Mr.Patties Was surprised.But he was even much 5._____  相似文献   

下列各句中均有一处错误,请你快速指出并改正(将错误部分的序号写在题后的括号里,将正确部分写在横线上)。比一比,看看谁做得既迅速又准确。Ⅰ. 语法及词汇搭配等方面的错误。1.ThestudentswanttakethesebookstotheABCDclassroom.穴雪2.Aclockdoesnothaveanyearsandeyes.ABCD穴雪3.Areyouatnightdutytoday芽ABCD穴雪4.Thebusisfullpeople.Ican’tfindaseatonABCthebus.D穴雪5.Don’ttalktothem熏listentheteacher熏please.ABCD穴雪6.What’swrongwithyourTV芽ThereisnoaABCDpicture.穴雪7.Bruceaskme熏“Whoareyou芽”ABCD…  相似文献   

下列各题中代词的用法均有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.Li Lei is a Chinese boy. She isn't at school now. 2.Lucy and Lily are twins. Her father is a teacher. 3.He name is Jim Green. 4.——Is that your bike? ——No, he isn't. 5.Can you help I,  相似文献   

AAmerican Maxine Christensen was lying when she told 1. her car was so old that the state gave her upper and lower 2. plate(“false teeth”).3. And the story about her old car蒺s “false teeth”made her 4. the World Champion Liar for 2001—out from 384 entries.5. “I蒺m 81 years. At my age I should know better,”Christensen said.6. The competition was open to anyone who does not 7. work in politics. People said it wasn蒺t fair to let “professionalliars”…  相似文献   

1.Although he tried he would not make it. 2.Mr Wang mustn’t be in Beijing for I saw him in town only ten minutes ago. 3.Look, what you’ve said! You would have been more polite. 4.On my first day in London I felt angry, so I went into a restaurant. 5.The…  相似文献   

下列每句中都有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.He devoted every effort to help the disabled people.2.We took the enemy positions in surprise on a Sunday morning.3.Is it time you get things ready?4 .Two thirds of the money have been spent on the library.5.No matter what she says, but I won't believe her.6. Did they succeed their performances last week?7.He insisted that the work would be started at once.8. He went almost madly when he heard the news.  相似文献   

1.I have never seen such an useful computer before.A B C D2.Against whowill you playthe dayafter tomorrow.A B C D3.I'msure he can be able tofinish the work on time.A B C D4.I've lent mychair toJim,soI have nochair tosit now.A B C D5.That's quite important tolearn our English well.A B C D6.Last termMr.Wangtaught our English.He did verywell.A B C D7.There is goingtohave a foreign filmin our school tonight.A B C D8.Aman in the classroomis his teacher.A B C D9.I have less books t…  相似文献   

好心好意帮助别人,没想到反而给自己添了很多麻烦。你是否也曾有过这样的无奈呢?  相似文献   

If you have a watch,don’t repair it!I know it 1.Once Ihad a beautiful watch.And this watch 2 perfect time.But onenight it happened that I forgot to 3 it up.Next morning 1 went toa watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to 4 by the exacttime.The watchmaker examined my watch and said:“The regulator(校准器)is to be pushed up 5 your watch is four minutes 6.”  相似文献   

谢华山 《中学生英语》2004,(9):28-28,32
Ifyouhaveawatch熏don’trepairit选Iknowit1.OnceIhadabeautifulwatch.Andthiswatch2perfecttime.ButonenightithappenedthatIforgotto3itup.NextmorningIwenttoawatchmakerasIwantedmyperfectwatchto4bytheexacttime.Thewatchmakerexaminedmywatchandsaid押“Theregulator穴校准器雪istobepushedup5yourwatchisfourminutes6.”Itriedtostophim熏triedto7himun鄄derstandthatmywatchkeptperfecttime熏buthedidnotlistentomeandpushedtheregulator.Mybeautifulwatchbegantogaintime.It8fasterandfasterdaybyday.Bytheendofthesecondm…  相似文献   

尹承华 《中学文科》2007,(10):35-36
知识概要   由于地球不停地自转,使得各地的地方时在不停地变化,昼夜不断地进行交替,因而各地时间的不同往往把地球上不同经度的地方分在日期相连的两天——昨天和今天。昨天和今天的分界线就是日界线。地球有两条日界线:一个是国际日期变更线,一个是自然变更的日界线。[第一段]  相似文献   

1.They have been lived there for 50 years. live为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,应改为:They have lived there for50 years. 2.It is believed that he had killed himself.  相似文献   

以下句子中除两个句子以外,其余均有错误,请找出并改正。1 .Philip found that there were a good many of people already there.2.The word "medicine" begins with a "m" .3.Let's meet at the same place as we did yesterday, shall we?4.Could you tell me the answer of the problem?5.A chemistry teacher was standing by the desk ,explaining the  相似文献   

下列句子均有一处错误,请指出并改正。1. What‘s you name, please?2. How are your teacher?3. Wei Hua! Hello!4. -Are you Lin Tao? -Yes, I‘ m.5. Liu Ying is in Grade 1, Class 2.  相似文献   

1.Youmayborrowityoudon蒺tlendittoanyoneelse.A.onconditionthatB.inconditionthatC.sofarasD.unless2.Shallweourdiscussionandhavesometeaorcoffee,please?A.breakoffB.breakdownC.breakintoD.breakout3.Therewasnothingtodobuttillmothercameback.A.waitedB.waitingC.towaitD.wait4.HasBettyanychoicebutyoutellher?A.todothoseB.dowhatC.todoasD.doallthat5.Heisafriendtome.HeisinawayofmyEnglishteacher.A.nomorethatB.morethanC.notmorethanD.nothingbut6.Becausesheusuallydoesthecooking,shetimesthemealsothattheho…  相似文献   

胡亚萍 《英语辅导》2002,(10):11-11
1.B.对Do/Would you mind…?的回答,要用“No”表示委婉的语气,说明不介意。2.A.打扰某人要说Excuse me;如果回答对方问题时表示不知道或不清楚,要说I'm sorry。3.A.表示初次见面,英语中习惯用How do you do?如果对方要接着说,也常说How do you do?  相似文献   

1.B.对Do/Would you mind…?的回答,要用“No”表示委婉的语气,说明不介意。2.A.打扰某人要说Excuse me;如果回答对方问题时表示不知道或不清楚,要说I'm sorry。3.A.表示初次  相似文献   

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