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徐维 《北京档案》2000,(8):26-28
世纪之交,网络成为信息时代的主题,因特网上的数字化的电子信息在信息社会中已成为人类社会获取信息的重要情报源,这同样也为我们更好地开展对电子文件研究提供了不可或缺的情报源.  相似文献   

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has been administered by Federal departments and agencies for almost 30 years. Aspects of that administrative experience are discussed here. Never held in high regard or enthusiastically implemented by the Executive Branch, the FOIA and its effective operation owe much to Congress, which, after creating the statute, nurtured it through diligent oversight and legislative amendment. However, the FOIA has not received comprehensive congressional examination and evaluation for a decade. Not only might its existing procedures benefit from reassessment and upgrading, but also its capacity to contend with electronic formats is in question. Furthermore, the prospect of the statute being extended to cover Congress or possibly the entire Legislative Branch grows stronger, suggesting a need to begin discussions concerning the scope of the FOIA's application to congressional or Legislative Branch records and such new arrangements as may be necessary to facilitate effective operation of the law should this application be approved.  相似文献   

李小冰 《北京档案》2006,(10):27-29,36
政府信息是指各级人民政府及其职能部门以及依法行使职权的组织在其管理或提供公共服务过程中制作、获得或拥有的信息.政府信息公开是对法治政府的一个要求,世界上法治国家的政府都重视政府信息公开,目前我国也正着手制定政府信息公开法.  相似文献   

This article discusses political interests and maneuvering that went on among professional trade associations, government agencies, and public interest groups and the ultimate effects that it had on the outcome of the Government Printing Office Electronic Information Act of 1993, also known as the WINDOW bill. Insight is provided into the increasingly contentious politics of information in the United States. With the trend toward the explosive growth in availability of and access to government information in electronic formats, it is recognized that access to and control of government information has tremendous economic and political rewards for libraries, businesses, and politicians alike.  相似文献   

This article examines Executive agency fee waiver guidelines for public interest requesters, including scholars, the media, and public interest groups, within the larger context of F.O.I.A.'s costs and benefits to the public. Information transmitted to the public by these requesters enhances citizen oversight of government activities and assists Congress in formulating public policy. However, arbitrary interpretation of the statute's fee waiver provision and the lack of standard and consistent fee waiver guidelines clearly inhibit use of the Act by public interest requesters. Continuing efforts by some Members of Congress and Executive agency personnel to further limit certain types of information available under the F.O.I. A. prompted renewed consideration of the economic aspects of Federal information policy in general and, in particular, the Freedom of Information Act.  相似文献   

电子文件系列讲座之一电子文件归档与电子档案管理概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一、电子文件将成为未来社会现行文件的主导形式 大家都知道,纸是我们过去文件的主导介质,现在从总体上看也还是以纸为主导介质.电子文件和计算机是密不可分的.综观这几年,随计算机的科学计算、数据处理、实时控制、辅助设计、智能模拟、数字通信等功能日趋完善,特别是中文信息处理、计算机图形学、数据图象处理、计算机辅助技术、计算机多媒体技术、计算机控制、信息系统以及计算机仿真等又都各自发展成为一个领域,使计算机在整个社会、经济、文化、军事以及人类生活各个领域的应用愈加普遍,也可以说已成为现代社会不可缺少的一部分.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a survey designed to assess the current state of electronic access to government information from both the specialist and the user viewpoint. The first survey, designed to determine the government documents staffs' level of commitment to and opinions of electronic access to government information, was distributed in electronic format to subscribers of GOVDOC-L, a listserv for specialists dealing with government documents. The second survey, designed to provide insight into the user's point of view, was conducted at the University of Illinois Documents Library. This article synthesizes earlier studies and articles on the topic to show that while the consensus is that electronic access represents a positive, beneficial move toward providing access to government information to a wider audience, there is also an acknowledgment that there are many inherent problems that have not been addressed adequately.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,公众对政府电子形式的信息需求越来越强,公民获取政府电子文件信息权利已成为这个时代公民一项重要的私权利,但该权利要得到保障还需一系列动力的驱动.本文对公民获取政府电子文件信息权利保障动力机制进行分析,指出该动力机制由压力机制、推力机制、助动力机制组成,这三个机制相互作用、相互影响共同推动公民获取政府电...  相似文献   

为了确保所形成的电子件不被丢失。为了确保电子件的完整性,为了确保电子件是可存取、可利用和可理解的,必须及时对所形成的电子件进行收集积累。  相似文献   

电子件的特性与纸质件不同,要管理电子件,就必须了解其特性。  相似文献   

On May 19, 1998, the Israeli Knesset voted unanimously to pass a proposed “Freedom of Information Law.” Israel has been slow to adopt the concept of freedom of information, and although it has been acknowledged in various court rulings, it has not been embodied in legislation. The purpose of this study is to examine the Israeli Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) and to analyze it in respect to the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). More specifically, this article looks closely at the purpose of the law, the circumstances that permit exemptions to be exercised, the provisions made within FOIL that will enable its execution, and court cases dealing with freedom of information.  相似文献   

麻新纯 《北京档案》1999,(12):30-32
电子文件是知识经济时代的必然产物.当前,随着计算机在办公领域与社会其它方面的普及,电子文件的数量急剧增加,形式不断翻新,有不少已经进入归档阶段并转化为电子档案.  相似文献   

电子文件的信息安全问题已成为当今信息技术领域的一个研究热点,各种安全技术层出不穷,但每种技术随着时代的发展都显示出有缺陷的一面。本文认为密码技术、数字签名技术在结合数字水印技术后,将构成当前比较完整的电子文件保护方案。  相似文献   

电子文件系列讲座之十一电子档案的长期保存   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐义全 《北京档案》2001,(11):22-23
一段时间内,收集、保管电子档案并提供利用是比较容易做到的,要长期或永久保存电子档案,则要面临着巨大的挑战.档案保管部门在管理和保存电子档案时必须要涉及到电子档案存储载体的寿命问题;电子档案所依赖的计算机软硬件技术的更新换代问题;电子档案真实性、原始性的维护问题.因此,必须认真研究,制定出具体的行之有效的办法和措施.否则,任何失误都可能造成无法挽回的损失.  相似文献   

电子档案的安全与防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原始的文件、档案是客观情况的真实反映,因此它具有法律凭证作用.纸质文件与纸质档案是通过形式原始性来确认其内容的原始性,电子文件与电子档案无固定形式,就完全靠技术、制度及对参与处置人员的教育和管理来确保它内容的原始性.  相似文献   

徐义全 《北京档案》2001,(12):16-17
电子档案的鉴定、销毁,是电子文件至电子档案管理中不可缺少的工作步骤和环节,必须认真对待.过严,将应当归档保存的电子文件、电子档案销毁,造成历史记录和人类记忆的短缺;过宽,将不应该长期或永久保存的电子文件、电子档案都保存,信息量剧增,档案信息系统负担过重,开销很大,造成很大浪费.所以,失之过严和过宽,都将会给电子档案管理造成无法挽回的损失.  相似文献   

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