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“be going to+动词原形”表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做某事。它常与tom orrow,next week/m onth/year,in a few days,fromnow on等表示将来时间的状语连用。例如:W e're going to visitthe m useum nextw eek.下星期我们将去参观博物馆。I'm going to swim this afternoon.今天下午我打算去游泳。M y father is going to have a m eeting tom orrow m orning.明天上午我父亲要开会。“be going to+动词原形”的否定式是在be后面加not熏即“be notgoing to+动词原形”。例如:M y sister is not going to see the film with m e…  相似文献   

一、后接动词原形后接动词原形,表示“宁愿做某事”。如:I’d rather be told the truth than be lied to.我宁愿听真话,不愿被欺骗。I’ve already seen that film,so I’d rather see another one.我已经看过那部电影了,所以还是看部别的吧。I’ll go if you’re going.If no  相似文献   

一般将来时态,在初中阶段是一个很重要的语法。从字面意思来理解,它表示将要做某事,即事情还未做。但在具体运用过程中,根据不同的情况,要使用不同的结构,为了让同学更好的掌握好将来时,现将能表达将来时态的几种结构归纳如下:一、be going to+动词原形这一结构的主要意义是表示“意图”,即打算在将来做某事。例如:I am going to work hard this year.She is going to be a doctor when she grows up.We are going to have a meeting to discuss it.二、Will/shall+动词原形1、“will/shall+动词原形”可用来表示将要做某事。will用于第一…  相似文献   

A.T alking about future plans【集中地】1.—What are you doing for vacation?—I’m visiting m y grandm other.2.—W here is she going for vacation?—She is going to H ainan for vacation.3.—W hen are you going hom e?—I’m going hom e on M ay1st.4.—A re you going to have a trip nextSaturday?—Y es,I am.【加料区】用英语谈论将来的计划时,常用到be go-ing结构,其形式有:be going+副词(地点);begoing to+名词(地点);be going to+动词原形;be+动词的-ing形式(仅限com e,go,leave,start等表示位置移动的动词。它…  相似文献   

Q:be going to与will可以互换吗?(宁国小雨)A:be going to与will后接动词原形,都可用来表示打算最近将要做某事,两者在不少场合可以互换使用。例如:We are going to/will play football this afternoon.但是它们表示意图的程度有强弱之分。如果事先经过仔细考虑,或依照一定的安排和计划去做某事,就用be going to。反之,如果表示单纯的意图,事先不一定加以考虑,就得用will。  相似文献   

1.会后我们将看一场电影。[误]Aftermeeting we’re going to see film. [正]After the meeting we’re going to see a film。  相似文献   

任民 《中学生英语》2002,(13):30-30
be going to结构后接动词原形,多用于口话(正式文体中用will),其中助动词be的形式应随主语的人称和单复数而变化。例如:I’m going to do my homework this afternoon.今天下午我打算做作业。  相似文献   

Unit 4 We're going to work on a farm!一、语法项目be going to 动词原形在英语中 ,当我们谈论未来活动时 ,如“我们下星期要去参观长城”,常用 be going to 动词原形来表示。其用法如下 :1.表示主观上打算将来某时要做某事。常与 tomorrow、this afternoon、next year等表示将来的时间状语连用。如 :I'm going to see my friend tomorrow.  我明天要去看我的朋友。2 .表示按计划安排将来要做的事情。如 :We are going to have a meeting next week.  下星期我们要开个会。3.表示根据主观判断将要发生的事情。如 :L ook at those cl…  相似文献   

U nit10W hen w as it invented?Ⅰ.单元语法——一般过去时的被动语(请参阅本期《中考被动语态考查热点分析》文——编者)课文疑难解析1.It’s used for scooping really cold iceream.词组be used for doing sth.的意思是“被来做某事”。例如:The stam ps are used for sending letters.票被(人们)用来邮发信件。2.I’d like to have a radio because Iould listen to m usic all day.词组would like的意思为“想”,其后可接词,也可接动词不定式,没有人称和数的变。would like to do sth.和want to do sth.意思当。例如:W ould you li…  相似文献   

1.hope,w ish,w anthope,wish,want作为动词时,都可以表示“希望”、“想要”等意思,但其用法各不相同:(1)hope表示想要做某事,用于可能实现的场合,一般只接不定式或从句作宾语。例如:I hope to see you soon.我希望尽快见到你。The children hope they can do som ethingfor the old m an.这些孩子希望能为这位老人做些事。(2)wish表示客观上不太可能实现的希望或表示祝愿,常接双宾语、复合宾语或宾语从句。例如:I wish you success.我祝你成功。W e wish to see the film.我们希望看那部电影。I wish you to go with m e.我希望你同我一…  相似文献   

1.Mr Smith____,but now he doesn’t. A.is used to smoking B.was used to smoking c.used to smoking D.used to smoke分析:be used to中的“to”是介词,后面不能接动词原形,只能接名词或动名词,构成“be used to sth/doing sth”结构,意思是“习惯于某事或做某事”,时态的变化体现在动词be上面,而used to后接动词原形,表示“过去常做某事”隐含着与现在的对比,现在已发生变化,它只用于过去时态。  相似文献   

Be going to是一个非常实用的词组,在很多场合都可使用。下面我们来对它作一个了解。1.be going to结构后接动词原形,多用于口语(正式文体中用will),其中助动词be的形式应随主语的人称和单复数而变化。例如:  相似文献   

Children’s Day is June 1st. The day is for every child, it is the happiest day for the children _________________________ (世界各地).They can _____(跳舞), _____(唱歌), __________ (玩游戏) and go to the_____(动物园). Dear friends, what are you going to do and where are you going? 小飞象: Hello! What are you doing? : We’re rehearsing a play(排练话剧) for Children’sDay. : Yes. It’s very interesting. Do you have any plans? 小飞象: Oh! I’m practicing a song for that day. Happy Party 儿童…  相似文献   

英语中表示将来时的动词结构有好几种,它们是:一、be going to 动词原形表示打算最近或将来要做某事。当主语是人时,常表示这种打算经过事先考虑甚至做了某种准备。此结构还用来对某种迹象的推测,主语是物。例如:  相似文献   

1. She used to be a history teacher.(Lesson 2)她过去曾是一名历史教师。used to中的to为不定式符号,后接动词原形,构成used to do sth句型,意为“过去曾经/常常做某事”,其否定式有两种:didn’t use to…和used not to…;其疑问式也有两种:Did…  相似文献   

一、在助动词或情态动词后面接动词不定式时 ,动词不定式不带“to”。He will help you with your English.I think you should be polite to her.但在 ought、have和 be后“to”不能省略。例如She is able to work out the maths problem.二、表示感觉动词 see、watch、notice、look at、hear、feel、listen to等和使役动词 m ake、let、have等后面接动词不定式做宾补时 ,动词不定式不带“to”。I often heard her sing in her room.Sit here to watch them play football.须注意 :1.let是被动语态结构时 ,后面接的动词不定式可带或不带…  相似文献   

be supposed to相当于be expected or required to,意为"被期望或被要求做某事;(有责任、有义务)应该做某事;(按规定)应该做某事",be要与句子的主语在数、格上保持一致,to后面接动词原形。例如:You are supposed to be there before eight.你应该在8点钟以前到那里。  相似文献   

be going to与will后跟原形动词,都可以用来表示意图,即打算最近将要做某事,两者在不少场合可以互换使用。例如:We are going to/will play football this afternoon.今天下午我们将踢足球。  相似文献   

英语中used to...,be used to...,be usedto do...,be used for/as...等用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下:1.used to do sthused to只有过去式,可用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的但现在已经停止的情况或习惯,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐公共汽车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。The old m an used to get up early.那位老人过去起床很早。used to的否定句常用didn’t use to或used not to;疑问句常用D id...use to...?或U sed(you)to...?。例如:H e…  相似文献   

Shopping Day     
正Tomorrow is our shopping day!We’re going to the Blue Department Store.I’m going to buy a piece of candy and a bag of chips.My dad’s going to buy a pair of socks.My mom and my sister are going to buy a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap.  相似文献   

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