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In the early 1990s, a popular American dorm-room poster luminously asserted crass materialism as ‘JUSTIFICATION FOR HIGHER EDUCATION’. Self-consciously premised on the paradoxical success of my failure or failure of my success as a professor of Renaissance literature and culture, this essay draws on Erasmus’s educational theory of embodiment to critique the poster’s – and by extension our society’s – popular but ethically bankrupt definition of educational success. Specifically, in contrast to the absence or implied presence of any(body) in the poster, it is the presence of the body as a site of ethical evaluation in Erasmian educational theory that carries precisely the transformative potential to steer our society in a more just direction – a direction which should be – must be – the justification for higher education.  相似文献   

国内外新的能力观认为 ,人的核心能力不再局限于具体岗位的专门知识与技能的要求 ,而是多种能力和品质的综合体现 .新能力观要求具有收集、整理、使用信息和新技术的能力 ,以增强适应性和应变能力 .新能力观重视个人品质在职业活动中的作用 ,它把人际交往与合作共事的能力 ,组织、规划、独立解决问题能力 ,创新能力等作为能力的重要构成 .  相似文献   

摘要:职业道德教育是高职教育发展的关键以及体现高职教育职业性的核心内容、是传承我国传统道德品质的需要,是对中小学德育的补充、延伸与提升,也是对高职学生个人发展的需要,从而得出结论:职业道德教育是高职素质教育的关键。通过积极搭建工学结合、校企合作平台,创建一支高素质的“双师”结构教师队伍,来加强职业道德教育。  相似文献   

台湾技职校院有关职业伦理课程教科书的内容主要仍偏向理论的说明及案例讨论,对如何从学生学习本位的角度去提升学生学习动机与学习成效等实际的教学细节的教案设计,则相对少人去研究开发。笔者尝试设计较符合技职学生学习特性的职业伦理之品德教育教案。笔者先说明有关职业伦理之品德教育操作性定义及学生本位学习、体验教育理论;进而以学生未来职场就业所需的重要品德作单元,并依技职校院学生的需求及学习特性结合"体验教学法"作为教案设计的主轴。最后透过实际教学心得、学生回馈等做为修正参考,以期增加本教案实施的可行性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a new learning environments instrument designed to aid investigators and practitioners in measuring and researching the psychosocial learning environment in post-secondary distance education. Using a three-stage approach, the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) was developed, field-tested with 680 distance education students, and then validated. The DELES has 34 items allocated to six scales: (1) Instructor Support; (2) Student Interaction and Collaboration; (3) Personal Relevance; (4) Authentic Learning; (5) Active Learning; and (6) Student Autonomy. An additional scale of Enjoyment was included in this study to explore associations between the psychosocial learning environment and student affective traits. Each learning environment item had a factor loading of at least 0.50 with its own scale, and less than 0.50 with all other scales. The alpha reliability coefficient for each scale ranged from 0.75 to 0.94. Simple correlations between Enjoyment and the DELES scales ranged from 0.12 to 0.31, with the scale of Personal Relevance having the strongest correlation with Enjoyment when all other scales were mutually controlled. The DELES, an online instrument that can be utilized by students at any location, eliminates data transfer errors and does not allow for non-responses, adding to the overall validity of the instrument. The development of DELES relied extensively on literature pertaining to high-quality distance education and expert content validation techniques. It treats distance learning as having a distinct social-psychological climate unlike those found in other post-secondary classroom environments.  相似文献   

高校美育应以艺术教育为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艺术的审美本质和艺术教育的性质,决定了艺术教育具有突出的美育功能。高校的培养目标和特点,促使我们必须将艺术教育作为高校美育的中心环节。构建完整的艺术教育体系,确立以审美为核心的教育理念,才能充分发挥艺术教育的美育功能。  相似文献   

我国当前高等教育形势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国高等教育走的路,过去经历过大改革、大发展,现正在步入大提高的进程。过去我们遵循开放是前提,改革是关键,质量是中心,思想是先导的原则,今后要贯彻《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》的精神,做强中国高等教育,要把改革作为强大的动力,坚持质量是核心的发展观,不断提高教育的国际化水平,同时尽快构建具有中国特色的高等教育思想体系。  相似文献   

高等学校与市场经济的几个结合点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立的过程中 ,高等学校要主动适应市场经济的需要 ,摆脱目前办学经费短缺的困境。高等学校的高等职业技术教育、成人教育、短期培训、科技成果转化、后勤社会化、内部资源配置等是高校与市场经济相结合的突破口  相似文献   

The importance of students' learning to learn competence for academic achievement, as well as their well-being at school and in life, is increasingly emphasised by educators and policy makers in national curricula and educational strategies. In an uncertain and complex world, learners need to become autonomous, be able to analyse challenges and apply knowledge in different contexts, address complex tasks, and create new knowledge. This article explores concepts and approaches to the development of students' learning to learn competence in the context of education in Estonia. First, the conceptualisation, model and dimensions of learning to learn competence are described and related challenges for teachers are analysed. Second, an overview of Estonian teachers' current practices, beliefs, knowledge, skills and occupational standards relevant to students' learning to learn competence is provided. We discuss how Estonian teacher education policy may enhance or inhibit the work of teachers when supporting students to develop learning to learn competence. Future directions for teacher educators and how to prepare teachers to support the development of students' learning to learn competence are suggested.  相似文献   

在高职院校开展美育教学是贯彻党的教育方针的重要环节,是以美陶情,健全人格,促进学生全面健康发展;以美导善,寓教于乐,提高学生思想道德素质;以美启智,激发潜能,提升学生的智力水平;以美助健,怡心健体,促进学生身心健康的重要教学活动。  相似文献   

中国高等教育财政投入的国际比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文使用统计和计量回归的方法,对中国高等教育发展规模和财政状况进行了国际比较。实证分析结果显示:与中国经济发展水平相应的高等教育入学率平均为24.8%,财政性高等教育经费占GDP的比例平均为0.70%,财政性经费占高等教育总经费的比例平均为61.6%。中国在这三个指标上的实际值均低于国际平均值,这表明中国应该继续加大对高等教育的财政投资力度。  相似文献   

Adaptations by higher education to an information-processing world will involve the development of new organizational forms that encourage and reward collaboration. As the world ‘becomes smaller’, we are rediscovering the interdependence of things. The leadership team and interdisciplinary group are emerging as the workplaces for the information-processing world. Colleges and universities that develop viable networks for processing information will lead the way into the 21st century. Recommendations for higher education worldwide include the following: developing interdisciplinary, team-taught courses of study; forming interdisciplinary groups to bring together people to analyze problems; implementing leadership teams in the decision-making structures of departments, schools and colleges. The creation of interdisciplinary problem-solving groups as the building blocks of the information-processing society will require changes in our attitudes toward leadership. The leader as servant will emerge as governance model. Changes in our systems of selection, evaluation and promotion of faculty and administrators will also be required. Interdisciplinary groups and leadership teams will form the infrastructure of the new world order of information processing and decision making.  相似文献   

高校教师综合素质的优劣对于促进教育事业的发展、推进高等教育的改革、提升高校的品牌以及培育创新型人才,都有着非常重要和直接显著的作用,我们必须从政治素质、道德品质、才艺修养和业务水平等方面,采取积极的措施加以引导和教育。  相似文献   

Based on the conceptualframework of Pierre Bourdieu, this studycompares the impact of pressure to develop tieswith non-academic organisations on two fieldsof research, namely: sociology and economics.The study highlights the dynamics particular toeach discipline and shows that a soundunderstanding of transformations affectinguniversity research cannot exclude analysis ofthe specificity of each one. Two cohorts ofprofessors were studied in two Quebecuniversities: the first cohort was made up ofprofessors who received tenure between 1974 and1983, and the second between 1989 and 1998. Theresults suggest that pressures in favor ofpartnership with non-academic organisationshave not had the same impact in sociology andeconomics. While research practices haveundergone transformations in each discipline,the nature of these transformations differs inan important way. The results also contradicttwo popular models in knowledge productionstudies, which are the Entrepreneurial Science,and Mode 1/Mode 2 models. Although these modelsclaim that academic research orientation hasbecome geared towards problem-solving, ourresults indicate, however, that the oppositetrend has been taking place in sociology andeconomics.  相似文献   

审美教育与德育是同一层次上并列的两种教育形态,是人格完善的两个必要方面,两之间在目标上具有明显的一致性。因此,在高校德育中把审美教育提到应有的高度,具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。充分发挥美育在大学德育中的重要作用,应着重从提高美育地位,丰富美育内容,拓展美育空间,提高教师素质几方面展开。  相似文献   

高等教育目前在我国正处于发展阶段,在这个快速发展的实践过程中出现了一些问题,其中质量问题最为突出,然而目前的各种制度改革并没有取得明显的效果,而各种改革中都忽视了伦理道德问题的重要性,教育与伦理本应是相互促进的。  相似文献   

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