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The 20th century saw a profound change to the model of humanity commonly accepted in the West. At the start of the century the tripartite model of personhood included the components of mind, body and soul, or the physical, mental and moral/spiritual aspects of being. By the end of the century, this had changed to physical, mental and emotional. This substitution of 'emotional' for 'moral' has had profound effects, not the least on teaching. The effects have included alterations to the content of education, including the introduction of programs to preserve/promote children's self esteem, and interest in topics such as 'emotional intelligence'. Also affected, however, has been how teaching itself is conceptualised. This paper will consider some of these effects and their consequences for teaching and teachers.  相似文献   

法学实践教学改革已引起教育界的关注,并成为我国各高校法学本科教育的热门话题,围绕法学实践教学环节方面的改革,许多从事法学教育的学者进行了有益的探索。针对目前法学实践教学中尚存在的问题,探究大学本科阶段法学实践教学的新理念,寻求适合于当前我国法学教育需要的法学实践教学环节模式,必将对我国法学实践教学的改革产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

现代教学论视野下的教学观:从“教书”转向“教人”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的教学观是一种“教书”的教学观,这种教学观忽视了教学过程中学生充满灵性的自主活动,忽略了学生与学生之间在学习过程中的思想交融与碰撞,使学生看不到学习内容与生活的相关性。传统的教学观忽视了学生的主观需要,只从社会文化需求与客观价值着眼,无法使学生在心理上对所学内容形成主观价值感并达到真正的认同。因此,教学要考虑社会文化和学生两方面的需求,不仅要对学生进行终极关怀,还要进行过程关怀。  相似文献   

In a country like South Africa, as in many other countries around the world, there is an imperative to prepare student teachers for a wide variety of social contexts, as part of breaking the cycle of disadvantage for poor learners. This article explores the challenge of placing student teachers for their field experience in schools that differ greatly in terms of their social and educational conditions. Drawing on interviews with teacher educators at one university, the article argues that criteria for identifying suitable schools for Teaching Practice do not easily support placements in schools in difficult conditions. Conceptual models of teacher education are explored, with a view to developing a model that supports teacher preparation for diversity. Policy recommendations are offered to support the preparation of excellent teachers for all schooling contexts.  相似文献   

教学公平是实现教育公平的重要途径,它关注的是实际发生的教育活动和现象对儿童成长的意义。教学公平的前提在于教学自身的伦理道德要求,教学公平具体表现在教学自身体系的方方面面,教学公平与教学效率本身是一种共生关系,教学公平的提出更是对西方教育机会均等观念的超越。实现教学公平,不仅要从教学的做法入手,更要有制度上的保障。  相似文献   

教学公平是实现教育公平的重要途径,它关注的是实际发生的教育活动和现象中对儿童成长的意义。教学公平的前提是教学自身的伦理道德要求,教学公平具体表现在教学自身体系的方方面面,教学公平与教学效率本身是一种共生关系,教学公平的提出更是对西方教育机会均等观念的超越。实现教学公平,不仅要从教学的做法入手,更要有制度上的保障。  相似文献   

本文论述了院校教学与部队工作需要相统一的必要性,提出了实现这种统一的措施,对实现这种统一过程中应注意把握的几个问题提出了粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想所具有的时代性和实践性特征,以及社会实践本身的特点决定了我们在对大学生进行“三个代表”重要思想的教育教学中,既要重视搞好课堂教育教学,更要重视搞好大学生的社会实践调研活动。只有这样,才能增强“三个代表”重要思想教育教学的实际效果。  相似文献   

课堂教学有效性的研究是教改的核心和关键,要确保课堂教学的有效性,不仅仅要注意教学形式的改变,更要强调课堂教学本质的保证。目前,课堂教学三维目标的提出为达到教学的最佳状态指明了方向。同时,教师个体教育品质的提高为教育本质的达成提供了有力的保证。  相似文献   

The issue of emotions in school leadership is one that has received increasing attention in recent years. In this paper we present a case study of the emotional demands upon one principal as she undertakes a programme of school reform. This case study works against the common discourse of ‘emotional maturity’ inherent in an individual that is prevalent in leadership standards and literatures and shows how this principal's emotional work is constructed within the political frameworks of schools. This principal was both normalised into traditional ways of being a school principal and also sought to resist such normalisations. This paper provides an important contribution to understanding the ways that women leaders are negotiating the emotional terrain of enacting change and reform in their schools.  相似文献   

From the perspective of Dual Coding Theory, comics facilitate comprehension of aspects beyond those of art, language and literature. Some authors and projects such as Manga Edutainment Project to Open New Worlds defend the use of manga (Japanese comics) as an educational resource for the teaching of different subjects, including history, society and culture. After the introduction, the paper carries out a brief review of the role of the teaching of values and socio-historical commitment in the work of Osamu Tezuka (1928–89). Finally, a discussion is carried out of the educational potential of his work Adolf in relation to questions about historical conscience, attention to identity conflicts and emotions, and to the delegitimization of war, leading us to recognize the educational potential of Tezuka’s work and its capacity to construct ethical values.  相似文献   

本文探讨了学生学习方式的差异 ,如何针对学生学习方式的差异进行外语教学。  相似文献   

在我国教学理论与实践中,“教学模式”给人一种“繁荣”的印象,但当我们真正要去梳理教学模式理论框架时,我们就会发现,原来我们看到的只是教学模式的“假性”繁荣现象。实际上,我国教学模式理念存在着很大的模糊性,这体现为:理论层面上,概念理解莫衷一是;实践层面上,实施取向无所适从。我们应从教学模式的价值和地位、教学模式概念的内涵和外延、教学模式的实施取向实现教学模式理念的统一,从而使我国教学模式能够真正发挥好理论与实践的桥梁作用。  相似文献   

如何改进课堂教学是提高教育质量的关键,教育者应当改变过去的教育观点,科学合理的分配课堂教学权力,以取得提高课堂教学质量的目的.  相似文献   

崔玉隆 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(10):15-17,20
始于上世纪九十年代的职业教育集团成立的主要目的是协调成员之间的利益,加强成员在信息、资源等方面的交流与合作。目前职教集团法律性质不明确致使职教集团发展处于内外交困的状况,即内部成员的涣散和对外部无法成为法律主体。要明确职教集团法律性质就要考量职教集团宗旨、功能、作用等因素和现行法律制度的规定,而不是简单套用其他法律主体的制度。在现有的法律制度下,把职教集团定性为社会团体法人是符合职教集团的属性和法律规定的。  相似文献   

高效率的教学是教学实践所追求的.不同的教学模式会影响教学效率。文章在研究我国古代教育思想和现代教学模式的基础上,对教学过程进行了分析.指出教学过程是教与学的一个行为博弈,这个博弈可以是增效的也可以是减效的。据此初步探索了教学效率损失的补偿策略。  相似文献   

教育学院音乐专业提高学历层次教育的主体是在职中小学音乐教师 ,他们具有教师和学生的双重身份 ,而且自身条件和基础程度不一 ,其声乐教学方式有别于艺术院校和师院音乐系。应注意从学员特点出发开展教学工作 ,使教学卓有成效  相似文献   

团体工作是社会工作的一部分,具有很强的实务特征。因此,《团体工作》课程教学应将理论与实践有机地结合起来,促使学生将课堂上所学的理论知识、方法技巧较好地运用到实际的团体工作中,增强其专业认同感,提高其实际的操作技能。  相似文献   

产学研结合既是一种经济活动,也是一种教育活动,它是人类社会教育、科技与经济相互关系的统一。产学研结合的矛盾在于教育规律与经济规律的矛盾、教育效益与经济效益的矛盾、学术价值与商业价值的矛盾。作为教育模式的产学研结合应遵循非营利性、教育性、互利共赢、学生参与等原则;作为经济活动的产学研结合应遵循以企业为主体、以市场为导向、共同发展、注重实效等原则。产学研结合的局限在于,过度推崇会导致基础理论与人文社科研究的动摇、纯学术研究与大学品格的损害、教学核心价值的旁落、组织公平感的破坏。  相似文献   

学界关于语文教学模式概念的争论,其症结在于对其本质属性的认识问题。文章从语文教学模式现象的多样性和教学模式本质的探讨两方面对语文教学模式概念外延与内涵进行分析,认为学界对语文教学模式的本质认识方面存在以偏概全的现象。在把握语文教学模式共性与多样个性统一的基础上,文章将语文教学模式界定为施教者组织实施有关活动指导受教者进行语文学习的简要活动体系。  相似文献   

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