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与其它自然科学理论相比较,生物进化论在卡尔·波普尔哲学体系中占据着特别重要的位置。波普尔既继承了达尔文进化论的基本观念,又试图通过把进化引入人类认知领域来进一步发展它。波普尔总是试图对进化论的性质作出特定的解释和评价,不同时期他的解释策略是不同的,这些解释总是引起人们在生物学哲学研究中的广泛争论,这种现象的存在足以说明波普尔进化论思想在当代哲学认知中的重要性。  相似文献   

在历史认识论方面,波普尔解答了历史学的性质;提出了历史学的任务——解释和描述;指出了历史学的选择性和历史认识的相对性;阐述了历史的客观性和历史意义。波普尔的历史认识论内涵丰富,有不少有益的见解,也存在不足之处。  相似文献   

Joanna Swann 《Interchange》1999,30(3):257-282
When asked "What happens when learning takes place?" most people, including those involved in education, find it difficult to provide a satisfactory answer. Nevertheless, assumptions about what happens have a bearing on what we (as learners, educators, researchers, and policy-makers) do, and on our answers to other questions about learning, teaching, and education. The paper addresses the title question on the basis of an analysis of the logic of learning. The approach is philosophical rather than physiological or sociological, and draws on the work of Karl Popper. The outcome is a radical, universally applicable theory which identifies a set of features common to all processes in which learning can be said to take place. The theory has significant implications for educational policy and practice: it draws attention to factors which inhibit learning and is suggestive of ways in which learning can be promoted.  相似文献   

教育学作为哲学的支流,在受到社会、政治、经济因素影响的同时,理应彰显出其作为一门社会科学本身具有的逻辑性和科学性。本文试图在诠释该点的基础上,以现代西方科学哲学的视角,特别是卡尔·波普尔对于科学的洞见,分析教育学的科学性以及如何科学地教育,并指出"证伪"以及"演绎"两种科学素质应得到教育学研究足够的重视。  相似文献   

关于教学认识论的研究见仁见智,基于本体论层面作为教学本质观的"教学认识论",无论在语言逻辑还是在实践检验中都陷入了困境。随着教学理论与实践研究的不断深入,作为教学论的基础理论,哲学方法论层面的教学认识论的构建与发展,成为教学论学科体系日益复杂化、秩序化发展的必然选择。  相似文献   


Symbiosis is a biological phenomenon in which two dissimilar organisms coexist for mutual subsistence. The concept of symbiosis can be employed to foster mutual learning. In this paper, the idea of symbiotic learning is explored. To achieve this purpose, the concept of symbiosis is interpreted from a philosophical perspective, which is primarily derived from ecological philosophies such as Gestalt thinking, philosophy of coevolution, Chinese ecological wisdom from Buddhism and Daoism, and Kurokawa’s idea of the philosophy of symbiosis. These philosophies are essential for considering symbiotic learning. Furthermore, the significance and application of symbiotic learning are discussed. Specifically, this paper addresses the effect of symbiosis, demands of heterogeneous cultures, and scope of symbiotic learning. Moreover, this paper investigated the types of symbiotic learning in Chinese classics, including Xue Ji, Confucius’ Analects, and Zhuangzi. Finally, through the idea conveyed in Zhuangzi, I argue that a supreme symbiotic interaction is not maintained in purpose-built conduct but is bridged by forgetting in the mind.  相似文献   

尼采哲学新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尼采在西方哲学的近现代转折中,起到了关键性作用。他对形而上学的批判之彻底,对传统道德和宗教虚假性的揭露之充分,对人生价值追求之真切,对人类前景憧憬之自信,可以说是无与伦比的。尼采在哲学上的贡献是少有的,也是多方面的。文章从以上四个方面对此做了新的探索。  相似文献   

波普尔科学哲学的核心是证伪主义,证伪就是一个不断批判的过程。他认为科学在批判中进步,在批判中检验理论的真理性,在批判中树立自己的观点。他的哲学思想被概括为批判理性主义,批判精神贯穿于他的科学哲学的始终,而这种批判精神正是科学进步的巨大动力。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary Learning: Process and Outcomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interdisciplinary learning is characterized by the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge across a central program theme or focus. With repeated exposure to interdisciplinary thought, learners develop more advanced epistemological beliefs, enhanced critical thinking ability and metacognitive skills, and an understanding of the relations among perspectives derived from different disciplines. Our adaptation of Biggs and Collis' (1982) Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome illustrates the stages of interdisciplinary knowledge integration and explains corresponding patterns of learners' intellectual functioning, from acquisition of single-subject information to transfer of interdisciplinary knowledge to other topics, issues, or problems.  相似文献   

创建文化学习环境:校本学习研究的新方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文化哲学看来,要实现校本教学研究向校本学习研究的转变,我们需要整合课堂学习环境要素,构建学习型学校,发挥家庭、社区以及网络空间的独特学习功能,生成功能共同体,创设整体性的文化学习环境.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯是德国存在主义的著名哲学家、教育学家。《什么是教育》是其关于教育论述的代表作之一。本文认为,雅氏从教育本质、大学的理念、大学生的特点以及交往(Communication)四个方面论述了“学习自由”的观点,这对当前大学教学改革有一定的启发。  相似文献   

Unfinished and ongoing exploration, Oil Painting, 1.30?*?1?m, September 2015.  相似文献   

多维视野中的教学关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教学存在是教学关系和教学实体的辩证统一体 ,教学关系存在并体现于教学实体的相互作用亦即教学活动之中 ,决定教学存在及其本质的是教学关系而不是教学实体。从本体论、认识论、存在论等不同的维度考察 ,可以发现不同的教学关系类型。对教学论关系的多维度分析 ,勾勒出一幅关于教学存在的立体网络图景。  相似文献   

随着大数据技术、学习分析技术的发展,一大批基于数据分析的自适应学习平台应运而生,Knewton就是其中的一个。从学习组织、资源组织两个方面对“Knewton”进行了深层次剖析,得出了一些启示。  相似文献   

Translating Comments on Student Evaluations into the Language of Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Written comments on student evaluations often seem idiosyncratic, lacking the power of numerical statistical data. These statements, however, may sometimes reveal intellectual challenges common to novice learners in our disciplines. Instructors can use these insights as part of a scholarly approach to teaching, making meaningful adjustments to future classes and informing curricular choices in productive ways. In this article we examine common student complaints in three particular situations: quantitative classes, writing-intensive courses, and classes taught using student-active formats. We discuss implications of these comments for faculty as they seek to promote students’ intellectual development. Linda C. Hodges is Director of the Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Center for Teaching and Learning at Princeton University. She received her B.S. in Chemistry from Centre College of Kentucky and her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Kentucky. Her special interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning and faculty beliefs about teaching. Katherine Stanton, Assistant Director of the McGraw Center, received her B.A. from Swarthmore College and her M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature from Rutgers University. Her pedagogical interests include course design and teaching the interpretative process.  相似文献   

Artistic activities are frequently touted as being imaginative or valuable in helping develop the imagination of students. However, it is not always clear what is meant by the imagination. Is the imagination a faculty of the mind? Do some people have it while others do not? Is it something that can be developed? Or is having an imagination having the ability to conceive of ideas in a certain way? If having an imagination is an ability to conceptualize in a certain manner, can educators provide experiences which foster this ability? How does this ability differ from creative ability or the ability to fantasize? These questions, among others, must be dealt with if we are to come to an understanding of what we mean by the concept of imagination. Having a clearer understanding of what we mean by the imagination still leaves unanswered questions concerning why we should want to be imaginative and why being imaginative is important for arts education. These are the questions to be addressed in the following paper.  相似文献   

把信息技术应用于外语教与学放到哲学认识论的视域范围内,用历史的方法透视信息技术应用于外语教与学的历程,会发现信息技术应用于外语教与学有着自身的逻辑路线。一是哲学认识论在过去一个世纪的蜕变:从近代哲学认识论客观主义的萌芽到上世纪中后期客观主义大行其道(包括了行为主义和认知主义)再到如今甚为流行的建构主义哲学认识论;二是从视听教学到计算机辅助语言学习再到信息技术与外语课程整合。两条路线中起决定作用的是认识论上的范式转换而非技术的简单更迭。  相似文献   

In this theoretical article, we distinguish two stages of learning a new mathematical concept – participatory and anticipatory. We use a recently developed mechanism for explaining mathematical conceptual learning – reflection on activity-effect relationship – as well as von Glasersfelds tripartite model of a scheme, to explain qualitative distinctions between the two stages. We use this distinction to explain why instructional interventions (including inquiry-based approaches) may not bring about the intended instructional goals.  相似文献   

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