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This essay introduces the present special issue on wisdom and moral education, which draws on a conference held in Oxford in 2017. Some of the seven contributions (by Sanderse; Ferkany; and Hatchimonji et al.) make use of the Aristotelian concept of phronesis, or practical wisdom, while others focus more on the wisdom concept as it has developed in contemporary psychology (Huynh and Grossman; Ardelt; and Brocato, Hix and Jayawickreme). One (by Swartwood) straddles the distinction between the two. All the contributions, however, address in different ways practical questions about how wisdom can be evaluated and how it relates to issues of moral development and education.  相似文献   

This article examines some central aspects of Kristján Kristjánsson’s book, Aristotelian Character Education, beginning with the claim that contemporary virtue ethics provides methodological, ontological, epistemological, and moral foundations for Aristotelian character education. It considers three different formulations of what defines virtue ethics, and suggests that virtue ethical moral theory has steered character educators away from important aspects of Aristotle’s views on character education. It goes on to suggest a broadening of attention to psychology beyond personality and the psychological status of virtues, and it concludes with an examination of Kristjánsson’s understanding of phronesis.  相似文献   

This article addresses a puzzle about moral learning concerning its social context and the potential for moral progress: Won’t the social context of moral learning shape moral perceptions, beliefs, and motivation in ways that will inevitably limit moral cognition, motivation, and progress? It addresses the relationships between habituation and moral reasoning in Aristotelian moral education, and assesses Julia Annas’s attempt to defend the possibility of moral progress within a virtue ethical framework. Focusing on the motivational core of the puzzle, the article argues that Self-determination Theory (SDT) provides resources for better understanding how moral progress is possible and how moral education can facilitate such progress.  相似文献   

道德虚构主义试图在实在论和反实在论、认知主义和非认知主义之间采取一种调和的第三种路线.它接受了反实在论的道德属性本体观,但同时又和实在论者一样坚持道德话语表面的规范性特点.道德虚构主义并不可能实现它的理论目标.在它的理论承诺中有着不可逾越的缺陷.为了成为一种有效的元伦理理论,它应该寻找新的出路.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways in which cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) provides a useful framework for examination of reflection and action during inclusive education fieldwork. Deeper understanding of combined reflection and action – praxis – is needed for researchers and teacher educators to support teacher candidates’ implementation of inclusive practices. We present a framework that includes core components of CHAT and potential insights these elements can bring to describing, analysing, or facilitating praxis during fieldwork. In particular, we discuss affordances of identifying activity systems, examining tool appropriation, and discovering tensions in teacher fieldwork. Examples based on evidence from two studies applying a CHAT lens to inclusive education fieldwork are embedded throughout the paper to illustrate the utility of this approach.  相似文献   

《尼格马可伦理学》具有丰富的德性伦理学思想,在文本研究的基础上详细阐述亚里士多德道德德性和理智德性的具体内容。党的十八大报告明确提出要全面提高公民道德素质,亚里士多德非常重视实践在德性中的作用,道德实践在提高个体道德修养的意义上举足轻重,其思想对我国当前道德教育的方式、方法和理念都有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


This article reports on a pilot study aiming to examine a role-modelling character education project through an Aristotelian framework, by adopting a virtue-led approach. Aristotle famously believed virtues should be taught to children at a young age through habituation, which gradually develops into phronesis-guided virtuosity, and he considered what nowadays is referred to as ‘role modelling’ as having a large influence on children through the emotion of emulation (zēlos). Therefore, the pilot study aims to answer the question to what extent a virtue-led role modelling intervention in character education can influence students’ moral development. The intervention teaches school-appropriate virtues to students in a primary school in Saudi Arabia. While the study is just starting, this article focuses on some pertinent and problematic preliminary questions about conceptual assumptions and research design.  相似文献   

Learning environments research is generally premised on an assumption that something like an environment independent of the individual can be identified. However, research in many disciplines questions this assumption. I outline here a phenomenological perspective of theorizing the environments in which we act and to which we react, our individual lifeworlds. Lifeworld analysis requires a sense of solidarity. Because it allows an understanding of the world of the Other, it constitutes a lens particularly important and useful in teaching as praxis. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

面向生活世界的实践教学论:教学论的新方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国教学论主要是理性主义的教学论,它沉迷于抽象的观念世界,追求普遍性和绝对的确定性,对人当下的现实教学生活世界漠不关心,使其自身陷入了危机。而与之相对立的实证主义教学论也因其对科学化的过分追求以及对教学论的人文性的忽视,而无法使教学论安身立命。教学论应成为面向教学生活世界的实践教学论,应以关注人的生命为旨趣,在理论工作者和实践工作者的“对话”中产生,应对教学实践具有价值指导而非仅技术指导的作用,能给教育实践工作者以智慧、信念,启发其不断进行批判性反思。  相似文献   

在经典三分科的教育学中,教学论和德育论是边界清晰的两个子学科。然而随着研究的深入和实践的发展,二者的边界问题浮出水面。它们究竟是什么关系?我们以往的教育学都混淆了这一点。而这一点直接限制了教育学的发展。教学实践在定义上至少要包含部分德育实践,研究教学的教学论在定义上也至少要包含部分德育论的内容。但二者又不能互代,与教学重叠的德育实践容易成功,与教学共通面少的德育实践则困难得多。关键是,我们不能对教育实际问题进行限定。教学论的边界应该扩大。  相似文献   

分析了对外汉语教学中德育渗透的重要性,提出了德育渗透要从教师自身、课堂教学、教材发掘、第二课堂等几个方面进行实施,达到培养出综合素质较强的国际性人才的目的。  相似文献   

The ‘music appreciation as contemplation’ paradigm of traditional aesthetics and music education assumes that music exists to be contemplated for itself. The resulting distantiation of music and music education from life creates a legitimation crisis for music education. Failing to make a noteworthy musical difference for society, a politics of advocacy attempts to justify music education. Praxial theories of music, instead, see music as pragmatically social in origin, meaning, and value. A praxial approach to music education stresses that appreciation is seen in use; thus, it seeks to ‘make a difference’ that students and society find musically noteworthy.  相似文献   

道德图式是个体对知识、经验等加工而建构起来的道德知识结构,在儿童的道德发展中起着过滤、解释、定向、整合作用。基于现代图式理论,在道德教育中,教师了解儿童原有的道德图式及其发展水平、关注儿童的道德经验和生活环境、重视意识与无意识的交互作用、引导多维度的道德学习,并通过激活道德叙事、引发道德对话、增进道德体验等策略的综合运用,可以促进道德图式的建构。  相似文献   

叶上雄 《中国德育》2007,2(3):11-14,22
素质教育为解决“培养什么人,怎样培养人”这一重大问题指明了正确方向。育人为本、德育为先是素质教育的根本理念。坚持育人为本,就应以育人为办学中心,以学生和教师为本,改变“应试教育”的育人模式和办学运行机制。德是成人、成才之根本,德育是素质教育的灵魂。育人必须以德育为先,把立德树人作为教育的根本任务贯穿于教育的全过程。  相似文献   

颜回是孔子最得意的弟子。孔子曾说过"回也非助我者也"的话,但实际情况并非如此。与孔、颜同时代的人也不这样认为。颜回在道德修养、传道、守道、弘道,团结门人及思想方法等方面对孔子多所助益。孔子也曾说过颜回在"仁"、"信"方面要强于自己,又径直称之为"圣人",这些都说明"回也非助我者也"这一句并不能概括孔颜之间的关系。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课在我国高等教育中具有特殊的重要地位和作用,各高等院校都十分重视思想政治理论课的建设,努力发挥和实现思想政治理论课在对大学生进行思想政治教育中的主渠道、主阵地的作用。但是,现实中思想政治理论课的教学实效性并不能令人乐观,与我们对课程的重视程度还存在相当大的差距。因此,如何提高思想政治理论课的教学实效性是一个亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

本文参与国际汉语教学界关于汉语基本结构单位的争论,将该单位称为语内基本结构单位。以认知语言学的范畴化理论为支撑,通过实验调查检查了“字本位”倡导者的理论及其论据,实证探讨的结果否定了论据的有理性。文章最后对在古典范畴理论支配下的本位之争的实际意义提出了质疑。  相似文献   

图式理论是一种关于知识的表征及对知识表征有效应用的理论,它强调了图式在阅读过程中所起的重要作用,为研究阅读的本质提供了必要的理论指导。现代图式理论对对外汉语阅读教学具有极大的启发意义,在图式理论的指导下总结出多种对外汉语阅读教学策略。  相似文献   

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