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物理主义与实用主义,是现代教育学的两种重要哲学取向。前者促进了教育学体系的结构化与科学化,有利于人类对教育理论的认识、把握与迁移。但由于其过于追求普遍真理,而有贬低个体的知觉与经验的倾向,导致了主体与客体、理论与实践的分离;后者重视社会需要、价值与实践,但容易陷入利益、功用与绩效主义泥沼。二者存在的共同问题,在于背离了人的生命存在与精神世界。生命主义将超越物理主义与实用主义的局限,为教育、人,知识与人的社会化提供了新的解释。其教育学学科立场在于:人的本质即生命的冲动、历史与境遇的绵延;知识是生命绵延的重要成果;社会化即是生命绵延的过程。  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of a pragmatic approach as the philosophical foundation of pedagogy in Finnish universities of applied sciences. It is presented that the mission of the universities of applied sciences falls into the interpretive paradigm of social sciences. This view is used as a starting point for a discussion about pragmatism in higher education. The Learning by Developing (LbD) action model is introduced, analyzed and compared to pragmatism. The paper concludes that, at least in practice‐oriented academic subjects, a pragmatic approach to pedagogy, as well as the LbD action model, is effective and could be considered in several universities as the basis of philosophy of pedagogy.  相似文献   

The term pedagogy has become ubiquitous in the field of kinesiology, and sport pedagogy is now firmly established as a credible academic subdiscipline. Notwithstanding the fact that our European colleagues had been using the terms pedagogy and sport pedagogy for many years (see Crum, 1986; Haag, 2005), the English-speaking world of kinesiology has only relatively recently embraced the terms. Increased use, however, does not necessarily equate with coherent or shared understandings of what the terms mean. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to do some “languaging” (Kirk, 1991; Postman, 1989) to shed some light on the meanings of pedagogy and sport pedagogy and in so doing perhaps stimulate further consideration of their use in kinesiology. I will argue for a notion of pedagogy that is generative in enabling us to think about the process of knowledge production and reproduction across the many subdisciplines of kinesiology, including, but not limited to, sport pedagogy. Finally I will consider the notion of pedagogical work as providing a useful concept for analyzing the contribution of sport pedagogy to understandings related to how we come to know about physical activity, the body, and health.  相似文献   

教育经济主义思潮是现代世界教育思潮中最基本的和最具影响力的思潮.其对我国教育产生了日益深远的影响。对其进行反思.特别是对其负面影响的清醒认识,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

大力推动文化事业大发展大繁荣是社会主义精神文明建设和时代发展的需要,是增强国家软实力,提升国家竞争力的迫切要求。文化建设的程度将直接影响科技的进步,社会的发展,在推进党和人民事业向前发展中发挥着不可替代的重大作用,而国民在文化素质、审美能力、创新精神上的水准,是需要社会长期的培育建设,各级政府、企事业单位要明白这一国策的深远意义,在确定发展规划、改革基础教育、营造社会环境、落实制度保障等方面做到务实创新,才能促进科学发展。  相似文献   

A recent report on the UK's higher education system by Lord John Browne exemplifies the dominant trend in education policy initiatives toward a focus on education primarily for employment and for the acquisition of skills. In this essay, Alison Assiter argues that such an entrepreneurial approach neglects essential aspects of the processes of teaching and learning. She draws on the work of Hannah Arendt, who saw the proper role of education as imparting the love of a subject, to critique the view expressed in Browne's report. Assiter then uses Søren Kierkegaard's reflections on education to further develop Arendt's perspective. While Kierkegaard certainly would have agreed with Arendt that teaching is a process of inspiring in students the love of a subject, he went beyond this to suggest that teaching also must encourage students to believe they can make a difference in the world and must instill in both teachers and students a commitment to engaging in a mutual process of development.  相似文献   

This article takes its retrospective lead from the oppressive schooling years during the Chinese Cultural Revolution to reflect on the educational significance of artistic activities through considering aesthetic virtues and moral agency cultivated in these activities. Describing an unconventional educational milieu where schooling was deliberately ‘dismantled’, I emphasize the important role that artistic endeavours can play in building a person’s aesthetic strength and moral power to overcome the adversity of life, hence for the fuller human development. By blending philosophical discussion with historical manifestation, I stress the less articulated educational discourse that makes dance relevant to the educational formation of epistemic virtues and moral sensibilities. Joining in the emerging efforts to improving the worlds of schools, curricula, and pedagogies, I argue that the contingent integration of different histories, life conditions, and social and cultural discourses are ‘transformative’ sites for pedagogy. Thus, I seek to shed historically fresh light on the ways of thinking of schooling, education, and the arts for hope and possibility to ultimately argue for ways that can speak to the diversity of global societies today.  相似文献   

大力推动文化事业大发展大繁荣是社会主义精神文明建设和时代发展的需要,是增强国家软实力,提升国家竞争力的迫切要求。文化建设的程度将直接影响科技的进步,社会的发展,在推进党和人民事业向前发展中发挥着不可替代的重大作用,而国民在文化素质、审美能力、创新精神上的水准,是需要社会长期的培育建设,各级政府、企事业单位要明白这一国策的深远意义,在确定发展规划、改革基础教育、营造社会环境、落实制度保障等方面做到务实创新,才能促进科学发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship among behaviorism, constructivism and Socratic pedagogy. Specifically, it asks if a Socratic educator can be a constructivist or a behaviorist. In the first part of the paper, each learning theory, as it relates to the Socratic project, is explained. In the last section, the question of whether or not a Socratic teacher can subscribe to a constructivist or a behaviorist learning theory is addressed. The paper concludes by stating that while Socratic pedagogy shares some similarities with each learning theory, ultimately it is fundamentally incompatible with both.  相似文献   

This paper notes that there has been a relatively recent revision of the pragmatist philosophy canon, one that moves beyond a focus on epistemic and pedagogical theories, and locates pragmatism in a tradition of radical ontological theorizing and political action. This essay examines this revision for its relevance to the emerging materialist turn in qualitative research methodology. The essay focuses on two themes within contemporary and classical pragmatist philosophy: a reflexive realism and an ontology of the future. The methodological implications of these features are explored in detail. These implications are compared to post-structuralist conceptions of reflexivity that informed the last wave of qualitative research innovation and to the new materialism theories that are inspiring a new wave of methodological innovation. The most significant methodological implications of pragmatic philosophy are located in its ideas about the ontologically co-constituting relationship between inquiry practice and future possibilities.  相似文献   

在对教育何以可能和教育学如何名副其实的思考中,教育学知识逐渐浮出水面。之所以教育成"学"的过程一波三折、教育学屡遭困境,是因为生活的、实践的教育学知识观并未能取代本质主义的、宏伟叙事的和规范描述的教育学知识观。教育学知识不是静止的、符号化的陈述,而是实践的、生成的智慧,是站在生活和实践的立场上对教育不断进行批判的一种教育学思维。在芜杂纷乱的教育实践中,只有站在教育学知识的立场上,才能真正把握教育学的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文主要探索了马克思主义经济学教学的现实意义。认为对马克思主义真理性的认识必须以我们所处时代的内容和性质为依据 ,正确地把握马克思主义经济学的研究对象 ,勇于承认马克思主义经济学的局限性。  相似文献   

What are possible overlaps between arts practice and school pedagogy? How is teacher subjectivity and pedagogy affected when teachers engage with arts practice, in particular, theatre practices? We draw on research conducted into the Learning Performance Network (LPN), a project that involved school teachers working with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the University of Warwick. The aim of the commissioned research was to look at the effects on teacher development, focusing on the active rehearsal room pedagogic techniques and ensemble methods of exploring Shakespearean text and performance. The practices of working as an ensemble through rehearsal room pedagogy were central to the LPN. Our interest is in looking for possible shifts in teachers’ subjectivity, their self-perception. What affordances, limitations, accommodations and tensions are experienced by the teachers in transposing work from the rehearsal room to the classroom? We draw on a range of cultural theories that provide complementary perspectives on aspects of subjectivity; these include Vygotskian approaches to the psychology of art and acting. Raymond Williams’s work on the ‘dramatized society’ and Jacques Rancière’s work on spectatorship and pedagogy. Data in the form of excerpts from field notes, taken in an introductory workshop where teachers worked with theatre practitioners, and from transcribed interviews with participants in the project are used to provide evidence of shifts in perspective, self-perception and pedagogic practice.  相似文献   

教育学的性质除了理论性和实践性外,还有行动性。行动的教育学是提高教育学教学实效性的需要,是培养教育学教师教学监控能力的需要,是构建教师教育学的需要。教育学教师的行动要有良好的示范性,应做师德的表率、育人的模范和教学的专家,这是行动的教育学对教育学教师素质的规定性。  相似文献   

Colin Koopman identifies a longstanding tension between experiential givenism and linguisticism in forms of pragmatism, and offers semiotics as a candidate for resolving this. In this paper, I offer a pansemiotic account that construes the universe as events, and experience as implication in events. This process account resonates strongly with most of Koopman's aspirations for transitionalist pragmatism, but with one notable exception: it is strongly post‐humanist. The argument is in three stages. The first sketches out a semiotic process metaphysics that construes the sign as ubiquitous and evolutionary (qua Peirce) and as deferred (qua Derrida) and also as non‐quantifiable (thus addressing another problem besetting modern philosophy: mathematisation, cf. scientisation), while denying raw quality (contra Peirce) and the primacy of language in any form (contra Derrida). The second stage fleshes out this anti‐Cartesian world picture in terms of its inherent transitionalism, implicit meliorism and inevitable post‐humanism. The nature and role of the human on this account is considered briefly. The final stage considers the semiotics of the encounter on this account, and concludes with some thoughts about the teaching‐and‐learning encounter, taken as emblematic of the human role in taking things forward through explicitly social interaction. Such encounters can only be evaluated contextually, with respect to contestable considerations of significance and of progress.  相似文献   


With reference to Bernstein's theories concerning the pulls and tensions of competing pedagogic identities, this article draws on original research to suggest that a culture of pragmatism may be currently rooting itself in English schools. This culture is understood partly as an instrumental response to rapid and extensive educational reform, and partly as the internalization of a wider discourse of pragmatism in which pragmatism itself is conceived of as a virtue and takes on ideological significance. In addition to identifying a problematic relationship between the instrumental-pragmatic responses of head teachers and those of classroom teachers, the article considers the potential of 'ideological pragmatism' to act as a hidden context within which instrumental pragmatism may lead to the lasting demotion of teachers' and head teachers' core pedagogic values.  相似文献   

高等教育学的“自我意识”与元高等教育学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高等教育学学科建设必须重视对其“自我意识”的思考和研究。“自我意识”是哲学认识论研究的重要问题。学科缺乏自我意识,其发展就不可能从“自在”走向“自为”:元高等教育学的研究为我们提供了一个明晰“自我意识”的思路。  相似文献   

教学:一种理性的探险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教学包括“教学目标、师生关系、教学内容和教学伦理”四种基本要素,正确理解和把握这四种基本要素才能实现真正的、成功的、有效的教学。  相似文献   

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