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This paper looks back at the career of the sociologist Karl Mannheim, who died 50 years ago. It considers how far Mannheim's work remains relevant and discusses what lessons it may still have to offer. Quoting Sir Fred Clarke as saying that educational theory and education policy that took no account of changes in the wider social order would be not only blind but positively harmful, the paper suggests that a similar case applies today. It therefore remains essential that Mannheim's legacy is preserved and that the sociological imagination is exercised in relation to contemporary education policy and education research. In the light of Mannheim's own shift from diagnosing the crisis to prescribing the remedies, the paper also reflects on how far it is legitimate for sociologists of education to make such a move. Finally, the paper considers how Mannheim's notion of planning for democracy might be superseded by more genuinely democratic forms of education policy‐making in the aftermath of current neo‐liberal policies of deregulation.  相似文献   


Having completed its reform of the schools and colleges of further education, government is now set to reform higher education. At issue here is higher education in Scotland, but the analysis has wider applicability. It operationalises Ritzer's concept of ‘McDonaldization’, and the latter's dimensions of efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control (both formally bureaucratic and informally fraternising). The analysis is set in relation to the government's earlier educational reforms, particularly of further education, and argues that its plans for higher education are of a piece. All this is related to current economic and cultural change: that is, to the fiscal pressures on the welfare state, and to the emergence of post‐modern culture. In conclusion, it is argued that policy for higher education will come to express what Charles Jencks has called (in relation to architecture) ‘double‐coding’: a mix of the bureaucratic form of modernity, tempered by appeals to post‐modern culture.  相似文献   

This paper discusses fundamental theoretical issues in relation to education on inclusion. These issues inform core decisions about initial teacher education courses and in‐service teacher‐training programmes on inclusion. International and local discussions and research in this area formed the background for the design and implementation of a 2‐year funded research project whose aim was to record teachers' knowledge, attitudes and skills in relation to inclusion before developing an in‐service training programme that suited their profiles. The paper focuses on Greek‐Cypriot teachers' perceptions of their initial and in‐service teacher education on inclusion in Cyprus, as revealed by survey and interview findings. The findings are discussed with reference to relevant literature from Cyprus and other countries in an attempt to draw connections between teacher education, local culture and international practice. The paper concludes with a discussion of the argument that in‐service training programmes on inclusion are of central importance, not only for Cyprus but also for other countries. We argue that teachers' initial education does not guarantee a shared understanding of inclusive education; therefore, in‐service teacher‐training programmes need to be carefully planned and delivered to all schoolteachers to address both theoretical and practical aspects of inclusive education effectively.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on a collaborative project between Manchester City Art Gallery and Manchester Metropolitan University (2003–2004). The project's aim was to attract very young children and their families to the gallery. This paper will not report directly on the research methods used or the outcomes of the project but, rather, will explore questions raised about art galleries and art education in relation to young children. It will ask if it is possible to use art education as a tool for thinking about the world, rather than as a vehicle for expressing a pre‐existing and unitary self, or for representing a pre‐existing and unitary reality. Merleau‐Ponty's philosophy of perception will be used to assist in this attempt to open up current notions of art education, and the art gallery space.  相似文献   

The paper considers whether, and if so how, research evidence can permeate the world of higher education (HE) management in publicly funded institutions. The paper explores the author's experience of two recent research projects (1998–2000 and 2004) on aspects of managing UK HE institutions and issues arising from the preparation of the HE element of a third study of leadership and public service change agendas in education and health during 2004. Despite the topicality in education and other public services of debates about evidence‐based practice, there is little indication that this debate has permeated HE management qua management. The paper utilises Bourdieu's work on academics and social and cultural capital to explore why manager‐academics may resist taking the findings of research seriously in relation to their own work. It is suggested that, where there is reluctance to learn from research, this may reflect the changing nature of HE, the status of HE research as an academic field and form of academic capital and the relative paucity until recently of training in management for most UK manager‐academics.  相似文献   

Should we educate for patriotism? The issue has exercised many political philosophers and philosophers of education over the last few years and produced radical divisions among them. This paper comments on two recent contributions to the debate, by David Stevens and David Archard. While both these essays oppose education for patriotism, the present paper supports it. It argues that David Stevens's essay wrongly assumes that patriotic sentiment must be based on obligations to one's fellow‐nationals, while David Archard's misgivings about education for patriotism seem to turn largely on his over‐restrictive conception of education.  相似文献   

This paper explores the semiotics of Charles Peirce in relation to Colin Koopman's advocacy for a new wave of pragmatism, which he terms transitionalism. Presenting both similarities and differences between these two, the main point is that Peirce's semiotics fits the general idea of a transitionalist, as contrasted to substantialist, philosophy, even though Koopman explicitly excludes this possibility. This is argued both on the grounds of Peirce's own writings and in view of recent, post‐Peircean developments, particularly in semiotics, which highlight certain possibilities of Peirce's pragmatism. Overall, Peirce's concept of the sign as the tool of a relational logic that explicates the transition from hypothesis to conclusion recommends Peirce's pragmatism as avant‐garde for its time and justifies its labelling as transitionalist pragmatism. Some implications for education are identified along the development of the argument.  相似文献   

The aim of the author is to estimate the heuristic value of Meyer's (et al., 1985) social theory on citizenship, education and the nation‐state, in relation to F. Ringer's three dimensions of educational systems (i.e. ‘inclusiveness’, ‘segmentation’, and ‘progressiveness'). Rupp's thesis is that the inclusiveness and expansion of educational systems is related to the processes of the formation of nation‐state and citizenship institutions; their progressiveness and segmentation, however, to other socio‐political developments. It is suggested that national differences correspond to differences in centralized or decentralized polities.  相似文献   

The current debate about boys education risks taking us back decades in terms of understanding the significance of gender in relation to education. Of particular concern here is the tendency within such debates to rely on dichotomous understandings of gender which reinscribe essentialist understandings of both ‘girls’ and ‘boys’. In this way, the so‐called gender wars construct a climate whereby difference between the categories obfuscates difference within each. Here this issue is explored most specifically in relation to access to higher education and the possible impact of single‐sex schooling. Current debates surrounding boys' experience of schooling have refreshed interest in the possible benefits of single‐sex education, particularly for boys. Schools are establishing single‐sex classes for boys and in some cases parallel education (the provision of single‐sex facilities for girls and boys at the same campus) is being promoted as a way forward. In this paper we examine data from Australia's largest and most diverse university in order to explore the relationship between single‐sex schooling and access to higher education in ways which account for difference based primarily on school sector and socio‐economic status. In these terms, if single‐sex schooling is beneficial for boys we need to consider which boys are benefiting and at whose expense.  相似文献   

Educational authority is an issue in contemporary democracies. Surprisingly, little attention has been given to the problem of authority in Jean‐Jacques Rousseau's Emile and his work has not been addressed in the contemporary debate on the issue of authority in democratic education. Olivier Michaud's goals are, first, to address both of these oversights by offering an original reading of the problem of authority in Emile and then to rehabilitate the notion of “educational authority” for democratic educators today. Contrary to progressive readings of Emile, he argues, Rousseau's position on this issue is not reducible to “education against authority.” What appears at first glance to be an education against authority is, in a deeper sense, an education toward and even within authority. Michaud contends that we have to embrace these complexities and contradictions that inform Rousseau's work in order to gain insights into the place and role of authority in democratic education. Michaud sheds light on Rousseau's stance on authority through a close study of specific topics addressed in Emile, including negative education, opinion, one's relation to God, friendship and loving relationships, and, finally, the relation Rousseau established with his reader.  相似文献   

This paper builds on Iris Young's work to argue that social justice in education has to be understood in relation to particular contexts of enactment. More specifically, the author argues that it is not possible to make cross‐national or other comparative assessments of social justice without consideration of the ways in which justice is enacted in practice. The contextualized approach to justice that the author is advocating involves: first a recognition of the multi‐dimensional nature of justice and the potential for conflict between different facets of justice; second, attention to the ways in which concerns of justice are mediated by the other norms and constraints that motivate actors; and third, a consideration of the way in which contradictions between different facets of justice and these other norms and between justice concerns and the constraints that compete with justice are differentially shaped by the levels and settings in which the actors are operating. This contextualized approach is illustrated using an interview with one mother's encounters with the English education system.  相似文献   



This paper challenges the assumptions underpinning James Tooley's earlier critique in this edition of the Journal of the author's negative assessment of market‐led forms of educational provision. In particular, the paper highlights Tooley's failure to acknowledge that the pursuit of self‐interest within the market place can be self‐defeating. The paper concludes by arguing that deliberative public action is a necessary condition for addressing the major predicaments of our time, including those facing education.  相似文献   

Putting Faith Into Action: A Model for the North American Middle Class   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pluralism presents faith communities with the challenge of continuity and discontinuity in relation to the community's tradition. The educational question becomes: How do we initiate persons into the tradition of the faith community so that they will function as agents who can extend the tradition in creative ways in changing contexts? Play is one area of human activity that is concerned with what is and what might be. This paper explores the nature of the pretend play of young children, especially its “as‐if'” and “what‐if” dimensions. It suggests possibilities for using play in the education of children and adults.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Whilst there is now clearly an expectation upon parents to become more involved in schools and to take a greater part in their children's education, there is still little attempt to address the constraints upon achieving such aims. These constraints have been shown to include social class factors, gender relations, ethnicity and power relationships. This paper will take the analysis of some of these constraints further and, in particular, will focus on the views of working‐class parents on their relationships with, and role in relation to, their children's secondary school. The paper will explore the reasons for the orientation by working‐class parents which would seem to differ markedly from that of middle‐class parents. It will be shown that working‐class parents are committed to their children achieving educational success, and that they perceive their own role as supportive in a variety of ways. However, their position in relation to schools is to view the school as separate from their everyday social and cultural world and that the parent‐teacher role comprises a division of labour. It will be argued that teachers tend to adopt the same strategies for promoting parental involvement irrespective of class, parental needs, individual circumstances, and so on. Hence, because they take no account of differences, and because their strategies are constructed essentially from a logocentric position, then they serve to reinforce the parents’ perception of teachers as the professional ‘who knows best’: as the powerful knower which thus reinforces working‐class parents’ fatalistic view of schooling and their role as passive. The paper draws on data from a three‐year research project into the parents’ relationship with their children's secondary school. The data set which formed the basis of the analysis presented here comprises interviews with 58 parents from one of the case‐study schools which will be known as Acre Lane, and 15 of the school's teachers.  相似文献   

Research findings from a longitudinal, classroom‐based study of Bachelor of Education students in Tasmania suggest that three dominant discourses of schooling are powerful shapers of pre‐service teachers' pedagogical decisions in relation to the teaching of SOSE (studies of society and environment). These discourses appear to inform teaching practices and contribute to uncritical SOSE learning experiences for children. The findings from this naturalistic research grounded in teacher education suggest that teacher preparation programs should encourage far greater critical reflection on curriculum documents. In particular, the findings highlight tensions for teacher educators in selecting between experiential and/or interdisciplinary, critical approaches to teacher education. These issues are illustrated in the teaching of SOSE as locality focused knowledge. What this means for the selection of fieldwork sites for children's learning and teacher education pedagogies is explored in this paper.  相似文献   


The social problems associated with youth unemployment are compounded by its concentration in particular areas. This paper examines how and why school‐leaver unemployment rates vary across different areas of Glasgow. The level of participation in full‐time education significantly influences the local level of youth unemployment: in areas where fewer young people continue in full‐time education, more of them enter the labour market and thus put themselves ‘at risk’ of unemployment. Among labour‐market entrants, unemployment rates vary across areas, but only in relation to young people's educational and family characteristics. Area inequalities within a city are derivative of individual line qualities; the chances of(un) employment of other wise com‐parable young people are much the same whichever part of the city they live in. The paper concludes by reviewing the policy implications of these findings, and the possible role of education and training measures.  相似文献   

Following the conclusion of a period of educational expansion during the last two decades, developing nations are now focusing attention upon adjusting some of those innovations made during the recent period of quantitative expansion. The paper examines how Trinidad and Tobago has responded to the need for adjustments in education provision during the current post‐expansionist period. In particular the paper analyzes Trinidad and Tobago's current reaction to the nation's system of double‐shift schooling, a device instituted during the 1970s as part of Government's strategy for universal secondary education. Arguments both for and against the shift‐system are presented, and Trinidad and Tobago's insistence that the mechanism should be dismantled is critically examined. Explanations for the approach taken by Trinidad and Tobago towards the nation's double‐shift schooling are drawn from two sources: arguments about the state of the nation's economy, and policies regarding approaches to educational development planning in developing nations.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings of a study in information communication technology (ICT) implementation, on the principal's leadership style in relation to other factors that influence implementation. The principal's leadership style is perceived—on the basis of the characteristics of the context where the study was conducted—as a personal quality, rather than a change/transformational leadership behaviour or related to the principals' positional authority. The study employed firstly a large‐scale survey based on which case studies of four schools were selected for further research. The findings have implications for practice, more specifically, for principals' training and for the support provided to schools for embedding ICT. The paper draws on an institutionalist implementation approach to describe the principals' role in theorising the concept of ICT in education.  相似文献   

An ‘outcomes‐based education’ (OBE) underlies South Africa's proposed new Curriculum 2005, one of the current government's initiatives to address the legacy of apartheid education. This response to Jonathan Jansen's critical analysis of OBE (Cambridge Journal of Education, 1998, 28, pp. 321‐331) contextualises the shift to an outcomes‐based education within an epistemological framework, drawing on Ryle's distinction between propositional and procedural knowledge. Curriculum 2005 as currently conceived lays a disproportionally heavy emphasis on procedural knowledge. The paper proposes that a less radical version of OBE, in which teachers integrate thoughtfully propositional, procedural and dispositional knowledge, will better address apartheid education's legacy  相似文献   

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