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江西诗派在中国诗歌历史上占据着重要的地位。其诗歌创作理念对诗人创作的影响自然不可忽视。文章通过对生活在南北宋之交的汪藻的诗歌作品进行分析,看他受江西诗派的影响及其与江西诗派的不同之处。  相似文献   

颂赞文为古代散文中的两种体裁,包括颂体与赞体.颂文又分正、变二体,正体颂文意在颂美神灵,变体颂文则转向称美人事.赞之一体取称赞之意,包括多种类型.其中史赞类意含褒贬,成就最高.南朝之颂多为变体,鲍照、江淹之作声名最显.鲍作着力于为帝王歌功颂德;江作则立足于托物抒怀.南朝之赞以范晔<后汉书>之作最为特出.  相似文献   

契约文书是应用性文体之一,西汉以后历代都有流传,现今所见多属中古、近现代汉语时期。从文献学角度看,具有历史悠久、数量庞大、分布区域广、语言有"同时性"、口语化强等特点;从语言学角度观察,也很有特色,是汉语词汇史研究中值得关注的一个领域。  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2007,12(1):60-79
High-stakes writing assessments currently exert a strong influence on the writing curriculum and instruction in schools across the United States. Under these circumstances it is important to examine the construct of writing competence on which these assessments are based, as well as the extent to which this construct supports the goals of secondary education. In this paper we conduct an exploratory analysis of the genre demands of high-stakes writing assessments from three states – California, Texas, and New York – with the aim of discerning, comparing, and evaluating the role that genre knowledge plays in the construct of writing competence measured by these assessments. Our method of inquiry includes both task analysis of the prompts and genre analysis of high-scoring benchmark papers written in response to these prompts. For the analysis of benchmark papers we employed both structural analysis and quantitative counts of key linguistic features to characterize the genres represented in these assessment tasks. Our results suggest a lack of alignment between the genres of the benchmark papers designated as exemplary and the genre demands of the prompts to which they were written. Exceptions to this pattern were most common on the New York assessments, which contextualize writing tasks in tests of subject–matter knowledge. Findings from our exploratory analysis lead us to argue for greater consistency and clarity of expectations in the design of high-stakes writing exams, and for the design of writing tasks that adequately represent the demands of discipline-specific forms of written discourse.  相似文献   

Guy Merchant 《Literacy》2003,37(3):104-110
The use of ICT for communicating with those not physically present in the classroom can add a new dimension to literacy work. This study illustrates how the interactive nature of e‐mail opens new possibilities for young writers, enriching the curricular emphasis on genres and forms, and expanding children's horizons by encouraging them to write in new ways for new audiences. The paper reports on a study into the use of e‐mail as a means of providing support for classroom writing projects at Key Stage 2. These projects, with pupils in the 7–10 age range, focused on two popular narrative genres: sword and sorcery adventures, and sci‐fi stories. The research shows how digital communication can be used to enrich print‐based literacy whilst at the same time providing a creative exploration of new forms of interactive written discourse on screen.  相似文献   

《传记百科全书》是第一部研究构成“人生写作”的各种各样传记形式的实用性参考书。正如这一跨学科的、具有丰富包容性的术语所喻示的,这部百科全书不仅探索了传统的自传与传记,而且还包括了书信、日记、回忆录、家庭历史等其他人生记录形式。它的辞条涵盖了各种传记文类与亚文类、世界范围内各国家各地域的传记资源,以及重要的传记家、传记作品和研究论著。它为我们提供了关于传记这一日益引起人们关注的领域的实用、全面而具有前沿性的概览。  相似文献   

This 4‐year longitudinal study examined the extent to which morphological awareness, syntactic processing, working memory (WM) and reading skills predict unique variances developmentally in three genres of Chinese writing (narration, argumentation and exposition) among 246 young Mandarin‐speaking children. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted using the writing performance of three genres at the fourth year as the dependent variables. After controlling for reading skills and WM, morphological awareness was uniquely associated with all three types of writing genres longitudinally, while syntactic processing made a significant longitudinal contribution to narrative and argumentative writing during the earlier years. With the autoregressive effect of writing controlled, WM was uniquely associated with narrative writings across all four years, and with argumentative and expository writing in the later years. Reading skills were uniquely related to concurrent narrative and expository writing.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between children's prior knowledge of spoken and written discourses and how this influences their attempts at examination writing. Particular emphasis is given to task demand in examination questions and how frequently this fails to acknowledge how prior knowledge might be realized in response to the question. School writing has specific genres of its own, genres which, although they may partially mirror genres found outside school, are nonetheless very specific. A significant factor in school genres is they emphasize an asymmetric power relationship between the teacher and the writer, with the teacher not only knowing the conventions of the genre, but often also acting as the determiner of the title, and as the arbiter of the finished piece of writing. Moreover, children whose home background has socioculturally prepared them for production of written genres are advantaged over those with different cultural and meaning‐making resources available to them.  相似文献   

动词重叠有自己的音节特征 ,从音节特征入手 ,通过对不同文体音节特征的对比和对不同文体作品语用实际的调查统计 ,确定白话体作品是动词重叠的适用范围  相似文献   

对散文美的认识,应该从创作散文的内在思维入手。建构思想、远距离相似审美、自由创造,这些就是散文不同于其他文体的美感特性。所以,散文是通过相似思维来自由建构人类精神家园及其有意思形式的文体。  相似文献   

I challenge the ways a positivist view of science has led to the hegemonic discourse on writing to learn science and highlight contradictions in this discourse. I argue for an enabling pedagogy that draws on critical, feminist, and hegemonic pedagogies, and incorporates the affective, the creative, the critical, the cognitive, and diverse language practices set within sociocultural contexts. I advocate hybrid imaginative genres in secondary school science as one vehicle to disrupt hegemonic pedagogy. I describe the interactions between four teachers' beliefs about science and pedagogy and their use of imaginative writing within an enabling pedagogy. I also challenge the rules of scientific writing by using poetry and the first person, amplifying teachers' voices, and foregrounding my personal history. J Res Sci Teach 35: 345–362, 1998.  相似文献   

现代诗人自传在总体上与现代文学同步产生,但在具体时间上又晚于现代文学的发端。它的诞生在汲取西方传记经验的同时,完成了对中国古代传记传统的超越,并呈现书写形式和表现形式的独特性。从20世纪20年代至今,现代诗人自传的发展史就其整体走向可以1949年、1978年和新世纪为界限划分为四个主要阶段,并从内容到形式展现出本土化特征和中国特色。内容上,突出与时代、社会等主体之外主题的紧密联系,并形成了自我张扬型、传统自传型、反思历史与自我解剖型三种具有独特价值的文本类型;表现形式上,杂糅以回忆录、口述史及访谈录、日记等多种体裁和形式。21世纪以来,现当代诗人自传的表现形式更加丰富多样,也使诗人自传的数量得到提升,但从参考、研究的层面,需要从生成方式上对自传价值加以区分,从内容上结合相关文献材料辨析。  相似文献   

从发展变化的历史文化大背景的"外因",从思想精神内涵的"内容",从体裁、样式、创作方法的"形式"等多方面探索研究,概括了中国古代文学的十大特征:随民族融合的历史发展而发展;受大文化环境的影响发展变化;具有时代特征;重视思想性;重视民族精神;重视群体又个性鲜明;诗词为正宗、散文为大宗,多种体裁互促互进;具有抒情传统;具有音乐美、语言美;具有现实主义、浪漫主义两种主要创作倾向。  相似文献   

哥特小说作为小说创作流派.曾在18世纪末至19世纪初风靡全欧.并进而形成了一种创作传统.成为小说类型之一。近、现代的许多英美小说家都深受它的影响。鉴于我国哥特小说研究领域的相对滞后.以及目前本土恐怖小说创作的盲目跟风状态,有必要对我国英美哥特小说的接受史、研究史进行一次认真的梳理,以便为我们今后进一步的理论研究和创作提供借鉴。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to (a) design and examine the effects of a yearlong professional development model on the writing quality of 3rd to 5th graders across genres and on their teachers’ confidence, and (b) to make revisions based on results and teacher’s feedback. Participants were 11 teachers, 273 students, and a principal. The study had a one-year duration, and instruction was based on genre-based strategy instruction for the genres of opinion, story, and compare-contrast. Data were collected across the academic year, and results showed that students’ writing quality improved across genres taught during the academic year while there were no gender differences on performance. Teachers expressed challenges regarding time to teach writing and meet with peer. Further they shared the need to be provided with quality resources and continuous PD. Revisions for Cycle 2 are included and implications for research and practice are further discussed.  相似文献   

体裁分析在商务英语写作教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
写作是一项需要综合知识的语言技能,把语篇语言学知识应用于商务英语写作具有十分重要的意义。文章从语篇语言学的体裁分析理论入手,探讨体裁教学法在商务英语写作教学中的应用。结合写作过程,帮助学生了解体裁的社会功能和交际目的,认识体裁结构和认知模式及语言运用策略,从而使他们更好地理解和创造出符合特定体裁惯例的商务语篇。  相似文献   

This article, ostensibly on academic practices of reading, writing, and conventioneering, blurs the genres of scholarship and fiction to demonstrate the argument that fiction can stand as a form of scholarly writing.  相似文献   

Twelve currently popular technical communication textbooks are analyzed for their treatment and discussions of the types of writing that engineers produce. The analysis reveals a persistent bias toward humanities-based styles and genres and a failure to address the forms of argument and evidence that our science and engineering students most need to master to succeed as rhetoricians in their fields. The essay ends with recommendations and calls upon instructors to reenvision the service course in technical communication.  相似文献   

作为20世纪后半期华语学界最为重要的古典文学阐释架构之一,海外及港台"中国抒情传统"研究,不仅致力于比较诗学论域中"抒情美学"的理论建构,同时也倾力于开拓抒情传统之文学史书写及重构的话语空间。其中,围绕着高友工的美典理论,其普林斯顿的追随者(孙康宜、林顺夫)构筑出抒情传统视野下的中国文学史叙事,为五言诗、律诗、词体等文类的演进及亲缘关系提供了独到而深入的解说,描绘出自汉末至宋末的一段抒情文学的风云传奇。  相似文献   

过往,以徐訏为研究课题的文章虽然不少,但并没有深入研究徐哥在当时主流创作下是有意识地坚持自己的写作方式和语言等,以及他对当时主流的革命丈学的种种意见。因此,没有完全描绘出徐訏三四十年代小说的独特风格和成就。此文分析徐打小说的一个特征:疏离(包括主题和语言),将会重点分析徐訏在当时主流话语——革命文学下的创作。通过他对当时文学流派和文学运动史的认识,特别是对主流的革命文学的看法,而他的小说多写城市、爱情和婚姻,并不过多涉及什么经世救国的大业,以揭示他有意识地坚持自己在文学内容和语言上的主张,甚至背离当时的主流写作。  相似文献   

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