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Student identity, their dichotomous logical framework, and teachers’beliefs constitute the major obstacles in conduct-ing classroom discussion on controversial issues. This essay analyzes these obstacl...  相似文献   

陈独秀研究中若干争议问题述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了陈独秀研究中若干争议问题的缘起及不同观点,包括陈独秀在新文化运动中的地位、“形式主义”及“全盘反传统”、是否成为马克思主义者及在中共建党史上的地位、“二次革命论”和右倾机会主义路线、对大革命失败的责任、托派问题、后期政治思想及其一生的评价等。  相似文献   

In this article, we promote the use of controversial images to enhance the discussion of social justice issues in schools. Controversial images provide rich opportunities for students to question what is occurring currently in society as well as what has occurred in the past. We provide an example set of activities to be used in teacher education that can help future teachers explore engaging methods for teaching with controversial images, discuss tensions involved with the use of controversial images, and to develop connections between using controversial images and teaching for social justice.  相似文献   

该文就<十三经注疏·论语注疏>、朱熹<论语集注>、刘宝楠<论语正义>、杨伯峻<论语译注>等书对<论语>某些词语的歧解或误解作了分析和评议,并作出了是非判断.  相似文献   

长久以来,中美之间的矛盾冲突几度成为国际社会和舆论关注的焦点,从霍尔斯蒂关于战争与和平的解释模式看,这些争议问题可能导致中美关系状态出现三种结果:出现危机(包括偶发武力冲突)、滑入大规模战争、妥协并创建新的协调机制。而这三种结果出现的概率则会因中美争议问题的性质差异、双方调停策略完备与否和决策者态度的偏好而各异。通过分析,不难发现,中美之间所有争议问题可能导致的三种结果中,双方创建新协调机制、维持无战事状态的概率最大,唯有关于"台湾问题"的争议最有可能引发双方危机,甚或爆发战争,但总体而言导致这种结果的可能性依然较小。  相似文献   

我国高校涉税业务相关问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校的快速发展,高校涉税业务越来越多,其中存在的问题也逐渐显现出来。针对现有高校涉税业务中存在纳税意识薄弱、办税人员专业水平不高、税负计算未进行相应筹划及税收优惠政策幅度不大等现状,应从增强税收法制意识、财务部门做好代扣代缴及各项税款申报工作、充分利用税收优惠政策并适当进行税收筹划、积极推动建立符合高校实际情况的税收体系等方面手进行解决。  相似文献   

教育伦理学源于教育与道德关系的思考,形成于杜威的开创性工作。作为一种"教育的伦理探究",它主要是从伦理的视角对作为人类生活形式的教育进行经验的分析和价值的辩护。根据这种取向,教育伦理学需要选择和发展适合教育问题探讨的伦理概念和理论、伦理思维和方法,厘清和分析自身的基本范畴和问题,建构和完善自身的基本框架和体系。教育伦理学主要由教育的道德前提、道德要求和道德功能三部分构成。  相似文献   

基于三峡工程的负面环境影响,分别从动物权利论、生物中心论、生态中心论对三峡工程进行环境伦理学思考,从而引出三峡工程中存在的环境伦理问题。在对环境伦理问题的分析中,进行反思,以期将科学的环境伦理观贯穿到工程建设的规划、论证、施工、监控、补救等过程中,以求在工程建设中更多地减少对生态环境的破坏,建立和谐社会。  相似文献   

The use of controversial practices unsupported by research is a concern in special education, especially for students with high support needs. Internet sites of Australian schools enrolling students with moderate to severe intellectual disability (moderate to severe learning difficulties) were located and reviewed to determine the kinds of controversial practices employed and the number of schools reporting their use. Almost half the sample reported utilising at least one unsupported practice and in general there were few convincing rationales provided for the adoption of these practices. The use of unsupported practices in schools may be related to the inaccessibility of research, teacher mistrust of research, teacher reliance on more informal and personal sources of information, and teacher desire to achieve results and build positive relationships. More research is needed to understand why these practices are adopted and the ways in which they are used.  相似文献   

以问题设计引导教学讨论在《内科护理学》中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应21世纪对护理教育的要求,改革传统教学模式,培养学生能力和综合素质,在《内科护理学》教学中尝试使用以问题设计引导教学讨论的方法,并对使用该教学方法的利弊进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

企业伦理学的基本问题与教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理学是随着企业社会责任渐受关注而形成的,它以企业伦理为研究对象,属应用伦理学专业领域。它从企业经营活动所构成的关系切入,并通过澄清企业角色来界定企业的社会责任。这一致思路径规定了企业伦理学的基本概念以及应当采取的种种教学策略。  相似文献   

Applying Learning Principles in Teaching   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Facilitating productive class discussions is one of the most challenging tasks facing college educators, especially when potentially divisive issues are discussed. The author shares ten recommendations derived from teaching a course on current and controversial managerial issues via conversational learning. Excerpts from student comments are included to demonstrate the appropriateness of these recommendations. These recommendations are applicable to conversations across subjects and are meant to encourage college teachers to experiment with conversational learning in their own classrooms.  相似文献   

Patriotism in British Schools: Principles, practices and press hysteria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
How should patriotism be handled in schools? We argue that schools cannot afford to ignore the topic, but nor are they justified in either promoting or discouraging patriotic feeling in students. The only defensible policy is for schools to adopt a stance of neutrality and teach the topic as a controversial issue. We go on to show that there is general support among British teachers and students for school neutrality on patriotism and that the currently preferred classroom practice is to address patriotic ideas in the context of open discussion. We conclude with some discussion of the extensive and often hostile coverage of our research in the British press.  相似文献   

《禅宗无门关》中蕴含着极为丰富的教学艺术思想,主要表现在:壁立千仞,截断众流;转语点拨,立脱野狐;虚构情境,超越两难;断指禁喝,杜绝模仿;随手拈物,即非论名;当机斩猫,顶履暗讽;去粘解缚,不留尾巴;省字续句,以空藏有。  相似文献   

Because there are good arguments both for and against loving one’s country, patriotism should be taught as a controversial issue in schools. But is this pedagogical approach practically viable in the British educational context? Here we report on a small‐scale survey of teachers and students in secondary schools and show that their perspectives and practices are highly compatible with our recommended approach.  相似文献   


Those who teach subjects that explore controversial issues often find that students have difficulty thinking about and responding productively to them. College instructors have leeway in structuring learning in ways that maximize the possibility of productive critical thinking. By shaping classroom experiences before the controversial material is encountered, the likelihood that students will maintain higher mental functioning when examining that material increases. This article discusses ten strategies for planning a course that facilitates quality discussion and thoughtful debate.  相似文献   

共同犯罪理论中若干争议问题   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
一、关于片面共犯,存在否定说和肯定说之争;肯定说中,对肯定的范围,意见也不一致,比较起来,以片面有形帮助犯说为可取。二、我国刑法学界关于共同犯罪人的分类,意见也有分歧。笔者认为,宜分为两类:即以分工为标准分为组织犯、实行犯、帮助犯、教唆犯,以作用为标准分为主犯、从犯、胁从犯,不过第一类中只有教唆犯是法定的共同犯罪人的一种。三、教唆犯是否具独立性和从属性的两重性,亦有肯定说与否定说之争。笔者主张应根据我国刑法的规定论述教唆犯的性质。认为我国刑法规定的教唆犯,确实具有两重性,但独立性是主要的。据此.对反对意见逐一予以适当的回答。  相似文献   

万历以后,党争频仍,王学与程朱学在学术领域内分庭抗礼.政治与学术的变轨,对晚明文学的嬗变产生了重要影响,尤以东林党议影响下的江南地区最为突出.这种政治与学术的联姻使文学也着上了鲜明的政治色彩,其脉络因之而清晰起来.即出现了复古--性灵--复古的二律悖反.看似回归原点.实则是政治危亡时期更高层面上经世致用理念的反拨.  相似文献   

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