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19世纪末20世纪初在美国教育界兴起的以实用主义哲学为理论基础的实用主义教育观推动着美国成人教育运动;本文试图从对实用主义教育基本特征说起并进一步用其指导我国成人教育的理论研究与实践。  相似文献   

This paper begins by stating that adult education is facing two challenges. First, adult educators need to help people learn to live in harmony with the environment. Second, adult education must assist people in identifying ways to live peacefully with diversity. It is then argued that currently the field of adult education is characterized by a tension between those who subscribe to the professionalization of adult education and those who subscribe to radical adult education. This tension, it is argued, can be better understood as a shift in the structure of human consciousness. This perspective is then explored using as examples the agrarian and scientific/industrial revolutions as historical turning points in the evolution of new organizing structures of consciousness. This is then followed by an in‐depth discussion of the new emerging structure of consciousness and vision‐logic, and a brief discussion of the implications for adult education.  相似文献   

Newbattle Abbey College, Scotland’s only adult residential college, was founded in the 1930s by Philip Kerr, 11th Marquis of Lothian. This paper traces the debates concerning the college and the rationale for adult residential education until the 1950s, focusing on the difficulties that Newbattle faced in establishing itself as a central part of adult education provision. It explores the ideals that Newbattle was held to represent by its supporters, and the variety of languages (spiritual, humanist, socialist and communitarian) used to defend and advocate the project. It also discusses the arguments posed by those who opposed Newbattle, and relates these to perceptions of the lack of necessity for adult education in the postwar social scene, and to the apparent lack of interest in Scotland in non‐vocational education. It concludes by indicating that the survival of Newbattle demonstrates the existence of persistent if fragile support for the ideals it espoused.  相似文献   

弗莱雷是20世纪来自巴西的批判教育理论和实践方面最重要和最有影响力的教育家。其教育思想的形成得益于其丰富的人生经历。弗莱雷的对话式教学及成人教育理论对当下中国的教育改革有一定的启示,但其"教育即政治"、"批判意识是教育走向解放的根本出发点"等观点有一定局限性,应批判地借鉴和吸收。  相似文献   

党的十六大已把全国全面建设小康社会作为我国今后奋斗的目标。本论述了实现这一目标所需的化条件以及目前我国教育发展现状,指出了成人教育在推进学习型社会的形成、构建终生教育体系中的地位及作用。  相似文献   

“三农”问题一直是我国长期关注的重点问题,而改善农村整体水平的关键在于教育。重视农村成人的教育,将会发挥出成人的无限潜力,对于建设新农村有着重大意义。20世纪上半叶以来,英国乡村成人教育取得了很大的成绩,乡村社区委员会、乡村学院、妇女讲习会等组织的出现增强了对成人的教育作用。本文从史学的视角分析英国近代乡村成人教育的发展情况,挖掘历史经验,以便更好地为我国农村成人教育服务。  相似文献   

Prior to 1949 the Chinese Communist Party orchestrated innovative and participatory forms of adult education. This article concerns Madame Li Li, a leading Chinese Communist woman adult educator. Western delegates at the International Council for Adult Education 1984 Shanghai symposium on adult education were fascinated by Madame Li Li because, amongst other things, she had begun her career in adult education as a 14-year-old propagandist in the Communist New 4th Army. Today, China is trying to become the biggest learning society in the world. With this as a backdrop, the purpose of this study was to chronicle the life of Li Li and reflect on what it means for twenty-first century Chinese adult education and learning. After being forced from her Huai'an (Jiangsu) home at age 14, she worked underground for the Communist Party. After 1949 she turned early experience in surveillance and propaganda into a career as an adult educator. She has misgivings about her work in the Party Discipline department and, being from a privileged family and a high official, suffered harsh treatment during the Cultural Revolution. After the Cultural Revolution she presided over a massive adult education enterprise in Shanghai and was an organiser of the 1984 Shanghai symposium on adult education. Today she worries about corruption, instability and lack of a moral compass in China. The authors reflect on what her life means for adult education and lifelong learning in twenty-first century China.  相似文献   

Diversity in its many guises is strongly championed in the adult education literature. To conceive a future for adult education that is not diverse and does not try to address the needs of diverse learners seems absurd. Yet, diversity is not a unitary concept, having many definitions and paradoxical effects. Questions arise about its future in a globalizing world. It is not obvious that all facets of diversity in adult education can thrive into the future. This paper attempts to explore the future of diversity in adult education. It applies two methodologies used in futures research to do so. One, causal layered analysis (CLA), enables the present to be analysed critically in order to explore possible futures. In this paper CLA is used to identify possible effects of globalization on diversity in adult education. The other methodology used is visioning. The adult education literature is examined for its visions of diversity. Four different visions are identified. Each theorizes diversity differently. One aims for individual personal development within an accommodating, non‐critical context. A second emphasizes personal development but within a context that is critical, striving for a more just society. A third envisions social learning facilitating change towards a critical, more just society. A fourth focuses on social learning but within an accommodating, non‐critical context. CLA and visioning enable some tentative statements to be made about the future of diversity in adult education. Chief among them is that diversity, when valued in the market place, will prosper, while diversity that is intended to act as an agent for social change will not.  相似文献   

东升 《成人教育》2009,29(12):41-43
21世纪,社会对人才的需求更加理性,要求也更高。为迎合社会对人才的需求,有必要对成人高等教育加以改良。文章分析了成人高等教育与中职教育面临的问题,列举了成人高等教育与中职教育结合培养人才的优势,并针对在融合中出现的问题,给出了把成人高等教育和技工教育融合成高等职业技能教育、理论教学与技能培训相互渗透、注重添置实训设备和建设实习基地、运用特殊的学用综合考核环节四个应对措施。  相似文献   

The role of education in citizen training has been well mapped out in youth education. What has been less studied is how this role comes into being in adult education. By providing illustrative empirical examples from a recently completed study of adult students enrolled in adult education, this article aims to offer a theoretical response to the question of the role of adult education in adult student citizen subjectivity formation. Taking on Diken’s concept of ‘reactive nihilism’, we wish to make the following arguments. First, that citizen formation in adult education, when students are asked about it, is actualised as processes of re(dis)covery of will in order to be(come) a successful and happy citizen in society. Secondly, that these processes point towards a role of adult education as one where these formation processes work in tandem with those of the reactive nihilists. This means that the citizen formation processes made possible in this educational site are those marked out by the desire to mobilise one’s will formation so that it adapts to the prevailing societal situation—that of late capitalism, which is a situation not considered by the adult students as possible to change.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of diverse institutions in framing adult learning systems. The focus is on institutional characteristics and configurations in different countries and their potential impact on the extent of adult learning, as well as on inequalities in access to adult learning. Typologies of education and training systems as well as labour market and welfare systems are introduced in relation to specific particularities relevant to adult learning. An emphasis is placed on how institutions that are interwoven into several systems are relevant to adult learning. This is then considered and elaborated in the context of post-Socialist countries in order to highlight important nuances that are relevant to adult learning and skill formation systems.  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶以来,我国建立起终身教育框架下的成人教育体系,逐步完善有利于终身学习的教育管理制度,推进学习型社会的建立,成人高等教育成为发展的主流。把终身教育理念转化为终身教育行为,应建立全方位的开放制度。实行学分制,推行弹性学习制度是符合成人学习的教育方式,能为各类社会成员提供多层次、多样化的服务,为构建学习型社会创建一种良好的教育环境和氛围,以满足不断开发人们的潜能和适应21世纪社会发展的需要。  相似文献   

李中亮 《成人教育》2012,32(3):57-59
"十一五"期间,我国成人教育科学研究得到了进一步繁荣和发展,取得了一系列新成果。文章依据"十一五"期间的成人教育论文与著作,对成人教育科学研究的突出成果进行述评。  相似文献   

中部地区职业技术教育与成人教育是社区教育的主要组成部分.党的十六大提出全面建设小康社会的重要目标之一,就是要形成全民学习、终身学习型社会,促进人的全面发展.这就要求我们必须大力发展各级各类教育,尤其是要大力发展职业技术教育和成人教育,全面提高国民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质.本文从江西省赣州市章贡区社区教育中的职业技术教育和成人教育在"十五"时期发展情况入手,剖析欠发达地区社区教育发展的现状、存在的问题,并提出相应的发展思路与对策.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the main factors underlying the increasing demand by adults for higher education within industrialized countries. The patents of adult participation in higher education in the UK are outlined in the context of a recent imitational project on Adult Participation in Higher Education, conducted by the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (CERI/OECD). While the current levels of participation of adults in higher education vary considerably between countries, a number of common trends can be identified. Two trends in particular emerge as having significant policy implications in terms of the relationship between access issues for individuals 10 higher education, and the vocational updating activities which are frequently regarded as synoyomous with short-course work. In the first place, as most adult students currently gaining entry to higher education have already achieved relatively high levels of educational qualifications, those who are often referred to as the 'second chance' students are in the minority. Secondly, career interests figure predominantly amongst the reasons given by adult students for choosing to return to study.
The pattern of student involvement in an innovative programme in one English polytechnic is provided as an illustration of an attempt to provide for both the needs of individuals for access, and for those in employment for updating and post-experience vocational education in an integrated way.  相似文献   

研究成人教育教师专业化离不开对成人教师个体专业成长方式的探寻。文章以历史个案研究方法,对美国成人教育家诺尔斯如何以品德铸就、专业践行、学术研究及终身学习路径,成就为一位成人教育专业领军人物的成长过程进行解析,试图为所有致力于成人教育专业发展的教师指路引航。  相似文献   

论现代远程教育与成人高等教育创新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济时代和教育大众化要求成人教育发展创新。21世纪学习将逐步成为人的基本需求,成为人们生活的一个重要组成部分。成人教育的使命正在发生大的变化,成人高等教育作为终身教育体系的一个重要环节、终身教育的一种实现形式,必须去适应这样的挑战。借助现代远程教育思想观念对新时期成人高等教育发展的促进,构建与时俱进的成人高等教育创新发展模式。  相似文献   

建设社会主义新农村是中国共产党十六届五中全会提出的重大历史任务,其目标可以概括为"生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、管理民主、村容整洁"。从成人教育的角度来探析社会主义新农村建设这一发展目标,在实现新农村建设这一发展目标的过程当中,成人教育还具有非常重要的功能,而这也要求我们去采取确切的措施,从而保障其功能的实现。  相似文献   

近年来我校成教事业在不断探索和改革的过程中,形成了一套独具特色的成人教育发展模式。本在全面分析总结的基础上,展望未来,旨在为全体成教工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Despite being one of Africa's greatest postcolonial thinkers, implementing an award winning national literacy campaign and writing extensively on adult education and development, the contributions of Julius Kambarage Nyerere remain relatively unknown within mainstream adult education. This paper critically examines the contributions of Nyerere to adult education and postcolonial theory. The paper makes two assumptions. First, it assumes that there is a relationship between the discourses of postcolonialism and the project of constructing a more inclusive knowledge base of adult education. Second, that postcolonial theory provides a relevant framework for understanding the politics of adult education and development. Through a comprehensive and critical textual analysis of Nyerere's major works on adult education and development, the paper concludes that Nyerere's philosophy of adult education and lifelong learning was very progressive if not radical. Nyerere's ideas on education for liberation and development resonate with those of Paulo Freire. By linking the principles of education for liberation to the goal of building an egalitarian, socialist society based on the philosophy of Ujamaa, Nyerere provided an innovative and yet ‘localized’ theory of social change. Finally, Nyerere provided a sustained critique of colonialism and racism, and was a committed advocate of equality, unity and economic and social justice for the postcolonial world.  相似文献   

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