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‘Securing the rights articulated in the Convention is an effective approach to improving the quality of early experiences.’ 1 1 Early Childhood Rights Indicators, A guide for Monitoring the Convention on the Rights of the Child, http://earlylearning.ubc.ca/media/uploads/documents/internationalresearchbriefjan2012.pdf , p2
This article analyses early childhood education and care and child rights in early childhood and their relationship in the European Union. Both are primarily national competencies. The EU has limited access and tools to influence policies and practices, while there are many ways in which indirect interventions are not only possible, but greatly used, often in areas that do not seem to be closely related to the issues discussed here. Yet there is a strong desire and interest of the different EU institutions to encourage and support Member States to implement both ECEC targets and child rights. In this article, we show that, while ECEC has become an essential part of different policies at EU level, there have been efforts to implement and mainstream child rights, with special attention paid to specific dimensions in relation to early childhood policies and practices, but a child rights based approach is missing.  相似文献   

早期儿童发展政策是一个社会性政策,它通过政府的投入对有关早期儿童发展重要问题的解决提供指导,为儿童及其家庭提供服务。这一政策应具有社会、政治、经济和人力资源方面的可持续性。政策的组成部分包括理想与目标、活动、管理和财政。政策制定的过程强调多方人员的参与以及有据可依。亚太地区多个国家近年来在早期儿童发展政策的制定方面取得了很大的进展,但同时在政策的实施、管理和财政方面仍面临很大的挑战。  相似文献   

儿童福利:学前教育事业发展研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
儿童福利从儿童的权利和需要出发,以儿童的幸福为宗旨,关注儿童发展问题,学前教育由此是儿童福利的重要组成部分.相比其他学制阶段,学前教育除了具有教育性外,还具有显著的福利性.它能为幼儿提供必要的照顾与保护,从而解放母亲,有助于增加社会劳动力,同时能帮助家庭解决子女养育中的问题,缓解家庭育儿压力与亲子关系冲突,是保证家庭幸福、社会和谐的重要途径与手段.从儿童福利视角看待学前教育,有助于敦促政府从提供社会公共服务的角度出发承担发展学前教育的责任;有助于促使政府为学前教育具有的社会服务功能买单,加大对学前教育的财政投入;有助于政府改变以往经费投入体制与方式,更多关注弱势家庭子女平等接受学前教育的机会;有助于政府协调各个职能部门,建立专门负责儿童福利事务的部门,与教育部门统筹管理,保证有关学前教育政策执行到位,落到实处.  相似文献   

The changing ways child observation is being used by preschool teachers in the United States and Australia are described in relation to the accountability movement pressuring young children and their teachers in both countries. The costs of the accountability movement in early childhood education are explored, and a call for genuine accountability based on assessment strategies such as traditional child observation is made.  相似文献   

While traditional forms of therapy focus heavily on a survivor's ability to tell his or her story, the very nature of traumatic memory can present a challenge since survivors of trauma often struggle to find the verbal language to describe the terrifying events that have occurred. In verbal therapies, survivors of childhood sexual abuse can be left in a state of re-experiencing the past as they face the overwhelming task of trying to find words for something that is often wordless. Researchers have identified the need to “bridge” the non-verbal and the verbal in trauma therapy. The purpose of this research is to examine the lived experience of using therapeutic enactment as a tool to address the fragmented and wordless memories of childhood sexual abuse. Using a case study research design, four women shared their stories of participating in a therapeutic enactment to address memories of their abuse. From these stories, four dominant themes emerged. These themes (re-connection to self and others, reclaiming voice, empowerment, and corrective re-experiencing) indicate an overall positive and reparative experience.  相似文献   

This discussion presents the author/classroom teacher's findings during an action research study evaluating the impact of photographic learning stories with young children. This is placed in the context of recent policy documentation that asserts the learner as a unique individual and literature promoting the need to support the development of positive learning dispositions and learner identity. The ethnographic study examines how learning stories can be developed as a tool to promote positive learning dispositions and support the mediation of home and school culture, suggesting that their potential lies in how they create an accessible and mutually constructed document that is accessed by children, parents and the teacher. The discussion supports reservations about the production of a definitive ‘list’ of dispositions and describes tensions between the aim of supporting positive dispositions and the unique learner in an education culture where effectiveness is measured by the statutory assessment of hierarchical goals.  相似文献   

新中国成立之初,宝安的幼儿园经历了一段曲折发展的历程。1957年后,人民公社、大跃进、大炼钢铁等运动的兴起,各地人们参与社会主义建设的热情高涨,大力发展幼儿园教育成为当时之急需,一方面幼儿园的开办对于解放妇女劳动力具有重要的现实意义,同时也是实现幼儿教育向工农大众开放的社会主义教育方针的具体体现。但当时那种“放卫星”式的大发展对整个幼儿教育造成了相当大的混乱。宝安幼儿教育的发展同样经历了一个“大跃进”的发展时期:幼儿园数量的激增,幼儿在园率急速提高,这种不顾客观条件的蛮干作法,严重违背教育规律,给宝安的幼儿教育带来不良影响。  相似文献   

芬兰作为世界上学前教育的强国,其学前教育师资的培训模式值得我们学习借鉴。本研究在概述芬兰学前教育培养模式现状的基础上,提出五个值得我们学习的方面:学前教育大学申请入学门槛有待提高,大学应拥有自主选拔权利;课程内容应综合化,涵盖大量教育相关学科;课程组织以研究为基础,所有课程都融入研究学习;实习基地与高校结盟,在实践中培养反思能力;建立多层评价系统,全面保障培养质量。只有这样,才能提高学前教育师资培养质量。  相似文献   

因为幼儿期是儿童规则意识萌发和规则行为初步形成的重要时期,所以幼儿规则意识和行为的养成尤为关键和重要.当前幼儿家庭教育中存在着幼儿规则意识欠缺、幼儿家长规则教育意识欠缺、规则教育过程困难及方法不当的问题.因此,要通过多种方法来培养幼儿的规则意识和行为,教会幼儿识记规则和遵守规则,家园共助,相互配合.  相似文献   

与中国历史大背景下戏剧“旁门”地位不同,浙江化本身孕育着浓厚的戏剧传统。作为一种精神承传,20世纪初出现的浙江新学先驱群体同样显示出独特的化眼光,以史学传统、启蒙精神、和平民化意识完成对旧化的三轮冲击波,确立戏剧“正宗”学地位。  相似文献   

因为幼儿期是儿童规则意识萌发和规则行为初步形成的重要时期,所以幼儿规则意识和行为的养成尤为关键和重要。当前幼儿家庭教育中存在着幼儿规则意识欠缺、幼儿家长规则教育意识欠缺、规则教育过程困难及方法不当的问题。因此,要通过多种方法来培养幼儿的规则意识和行为,教会幼儿识记规则和遵守规则,家园共助,相互配合。  相似文献   

电大远程教育教与学模式的研究是“中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点“项目研究的重要内容之一.分析研究电大现行的以学生自学为主,多种教学媒体及教师辅导综合运用的教与学模式.旨在探索适合学生个别化自主学习的新规律、新特点、新方法,推动电大远程教育的全面发展.  相似文献   

This paper examines university social science and education students' views of research methodology, especially asking whether a negative research orientation towards quantitative methods exists. Finnish (n?=?196) and US (n?=?122) students answered a questionnaire concerning their views on quantitative, qualitative, empirical, and theoretical methods, their readiness to use quantitative and qualitative methods in their own research, and the difficulties they experienced in quantitative methods' learning. Students were clustered in groups according to their views. Students had varying combinations of views on the methods, that is different research orientations towards methods were found in both countries. Some of the students had a dichotic attitude towards quantitative and qualitative methods; they seemed to “choose their side” between these methods. In both countries a negative research orientation towards quantitative methods was found. It was connected with either difficulties in quantitative methods' learning or with a lower appreciation of empirical methods than that of other students. Major subject and study year had no effect, so the views were not discipline‐specific and students seemed to already have them on entering university. Views were quite stable during the course. A reduction in difficulties experienced with quantitative methods' learning was connected with a lowered over‐appreciation of qualitative methods at the end of the course.  相似文献   

《在延安艺座谈会上的讲话》作为毛泽东艺思想的集中体现,其思想内容与毛泽东早期生活与思想有着密切的联系,《讲话》中的许多思想与观点都能在毛泽东早期生活与思想中找到来源与雏形,或在毛泽东早期生活中得到一定的解答。研究《讲话》与毛泽东早期生活与思想的关系,有助于我们进一步准确完整地理解毛泽东艺思想。  相似文献   

学前教育管理体制在学前教育事业发展中起着领导、组织、协调、监控、保障、推动等重要作用,是保障学前教育事业健康发展的关键。当前我国学前教育管理体制存在着政府职责定位不清晰、职能转变不到位、各级政府与政府各部门间职权责划分不尽合理、管理机构和人员设置不健全等问题,已成为制约学前教育事业健康发展的体制性障碍。随着经济社会发展和宏观政策形势的变化,当前我国学前教育管理体制面临着前所未有的挑战,学前教育管理体制改革势在必行。  相似文献   

萧红小说中描写了东北农民原生态的生活方式,糊糊涂涂的“生”,浑浑噩噩的“死”,无休止地在岁月的年轮中划过一个又一个相同的圆圈,这是顺应大自然的周而复始的过程,属于圆型循环的时间观。萧红站在宏观的宇宙变化领悟到生命的真义,“生”的从无到有,“死”的从有到无,生死犹如环状相接,是自然造化的过程,萧红对生命真谛的感悟受的是道家思想的影响。  相似文献   

世界幼教事业发展趋势:国家财政支持幼儿教育   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
国家财政支持幼儿教育已成为一个世界性的发展趋势。这一趋势的出现基于对幼儿教育重要性的认识、有关幼儿教育的正外部效益的发现和对幼教市场缺陷的揭示。幼儿教育经费整体投入不足、有限资源分配不公、效益不高是我国幼儿教育财政投入体制的主要问题,必须从制度和政策层面加以改进。  相似文献   

比较分析了昆明市工业经济发展的优势和劣势,依此为依据提出了昆明市工业经济发展的思路和对策:1.树立新的科学发展观;2.明确发展重点,发挥产业政策的引导作用;3.改善体制环境,大力发展民营经济,提高民营经济在区域经济中的比重;4.以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,发展支柱产业与朝阳产业;5.实施品牌战略,提升工业优势产业;6.倡导新型的人才评价标准,造就一批优秀企业家。  相似文献   

联合国教科文组织发布的以“增强基础:幼儿保育和教育”为题的2007年全民教育全球监测报告对全球幼儿教育作了分析。该报告根据各国提供的信息,阐述了幼儿保育和教育的重要意义,分析了全球幼儿保育和教育发展的现状、各国幼儿保育和教育计划的发展走势,提出了实现全球幼儿教育目标的建议。  相似文献   

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