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This paper takes issue with Derek Sankey's: ‘Minds, Brains, and Differences in Personal Understanding’, Educational Philosophy and Theory, 39 (2007), pp. 543–558 on the questions of the post‐pedagogical classroom and the forms of knowledge. I then try to show that a theory of meaning framed in terms of normative pragmatics is better able than the brain science Sankey relies on to account for the concept of a person or self; the central educational concept of personal understanding; the relation between being a person and membership of the species Homo sapiens; the role of mental images in meaningfulness; the functioning of figurative language; and the Gadamerian notion of understanding as constitutive of the self. It is necessary on the way to answer Sankey's criticisms of correctness, a concept on which any normative theory must rely.  相似文献   

在西方诠释学发展过程中,始终摆脱不了一个重要问题,就是在理解的过程中,如何才能把握好理解的限度问题,即在怎样的范围内才能正确把握文本或者说历史流传物的意义问题。对于这一问题,西方不同诠释学做出了不同回答,其主要倾向性可做三种形态的划分。其中有追寻作者客观意图、有强调文本自身语言意义以及以伽达默尔为代表的强调作为此在的存在方式。但作为文本的意义,它既不单在主体中也不单在客体中,理解活动应为主体与客体的统一,即在主体与客体的统一关系中才能理解。  相似文献   

诠释学与质的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诠释学对教育研究活动具有指导作用,“理解”与“诠释”是质的研究方法的理论前提质的研究是对人的研究,其目标就在于通过理解和诠释获得“意义”。  相似文献   

本文介绍省级骨干班学员在培训中所取得的教育理念的突破和进展。  相似文献   

The present authors wrote a paper on cognitive neuroscience (i.e., Byrnes and Fox, 1998) that spawned a number of commentaries. In the present paper, they respond to these commentaries. Using a theme-based approach, they reveal an emerging consensus regarding the educational relevance of neuroscientific research.  相似文献   

杨捷  杨玲 《中学教育》2010,(12):8-12
师生关系是教育理论中的一个核心问题,哲学解释学视域下的师生观试图突破传统二元对立和双主体悖论的格局,在理解和对话的基础上构建一种新型师生关系。作为哲学解释学的中心话语,理解和对话为重构师生关系提供了崭新的视角,便于深入剖析师生关系的本质。  相似文献   

以流传物形态存在的人的精神产品,随着人的自我意识的改变而经历了“客观对象”、“主观经验”和“存在理解本身”这些不同身份,从而也被相应地赋予永恒或历史等不同特性。在寻求对作为文本的传统的理解方法过程中,人们不断深化对文本意义存在方式的认识,同时也不断改变人对自身存在本质的理解,即人从纯粹的认识主体转交为被传统所决定的一种存在,在不可摆脱的“诠释学处境”中生存。于是,作为流传物的文本的意义与历史地存在的人都只能放弃形而上学诉求而不断寻找自己的历史性存在。  相似文献   


This article focuses on the identifying of ‘creative development’ as a desirable early years learning outcome by the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA, 1997). The article begins with a rationale for the inclusion of ‘creativity’ in the curriculum of young children in a post‐modern world at the turn of the century. It then goes on to look at the way in which ‘creative development’ is characterized by SCAA as a desirable learning outcome, and to unpick some of the messages which its inclusion in the curriculum may signify. There are several challenges posed by this part of the early years curriculum, which are then explored. Finally it proposes a framework for interpreting and translating it into practice.  相似文献   

自我教育在素质教育中的作用及实现模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我教育有利于巩固外部教育的成果,调动个体的内在动因,促进学生的个性发展.自我训练、激励、校园环境、第二课堂是实现自我教育的有效途径.  相似文献   

具有传统认识论思维的教师认为学生的异向交往话语不具有可对话性,结果造成课堂师生交流的IRE模式。若从解释学的视域看,学生的异向交往话语则具有可对话性。解释学视域下的对话教学的目的不在于追求共同的可通约的基础,而在于理解,具有问题优先性、持续循环性、游戏性等特征,其价值在于追求教育的创新性、提升师生的精神自由以及促进教师教学实践理念的不断变化。  相似文献   

The products of modern biotechnology processes such as genetic engineering, DNA testing and cloning will increasingly impact on society. It is essential that young people have a well-developed scientific understanding of biotechnology and associated processes so that they are able to contribute to public debate and make informed personal decisions. The aim of this study was to examine the development of understandings and attitudes about biotechnology processes as students progress through high school. In a cross-sectional case study, data was obtained from student interviews and written surveys of students aged 12 to 17 years. The results indicate that students' ability to provide a generally accepted definition and examples of biotechnology, cloning and genetically modified foods was relatively poor amongst 12–13 year old students but improved in older students. Most students approved of the use of biotechnology processes involving micro-organisms, plants and humans and disapproved of the use of animals. Overall, 12–13 year old students' attitudes were less favourable than older students regardless of the context. An awareness of the development and range of students' understandings and attitudes may lead to a more appropriate use of biotechnology curriculum materials and thus improved biotechnology education in schools.  相似文献   

江西省区域经济差异分析及其对差异调控的政策启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要采用各地级市人均国内生产总值的加权标准差、加权变异系数以及各地级市人均国内生产总值与全省平均值的离差和比率等指标,定量分析1991~2001年江西省区域经济的总体差异的动态变化特征以及差异变化的空间特征,并就这些分析对区域经济差异调控的政策启示展开讨论。  相似文献   

世界近现代课程变革历程及我国当代课程改革方向与课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以文艺复兴以来西方近代课程的成因、本性及其自我矛盾分析为起点,透视了世界近现代课程的变革历程及其内在联系,揭示了世界现代课程改革的新路向及其所面临的新课题、新挑战。在此基础上,基于世界近现代课程变革的宽阔视野,分析了我国当代课程改革的总体方向、原则与亟待探讨解决的一系列重大课题。  相似文献   

当今时代,和而不同应成为比较教育发展的方向.遵循和而不同的方向,促进比较教育学科建设和探索,必须关注比较教育跨文化的哲学对话.在比较教育领域里实施跨文化哲学对话重要的是实现文化自觉、理论自觉和实践自觉.  相似文献   


The goal of this article is to present the coherence between the human social world and religious education in Poland. The motive for taking up this subject is the cultural context relating to the problem of attitudes towards refugees. Reconstruction of the worlds of life demands to be expanded to include the religious education context in order to adapt the education practice to the requirements and expectations of the social environment. This has been achieved based on secondary analysis of the source texts (pedagogical, sociological and theological) and existing research results, which refer directly to the practice of lifelong religious education and concern applications in the area of shaping social competences and the developmental effort of Polish thinking and understanding. These include: (1) Dissemination of the pedagogical category of decentration; (2) Resignation in the practice of religious education from universalistic apriority and realistic ontology, and the implementation of hermeneutics of understanding to religious education and a new model – supra-confessional, pluralistic model open to the knowledge of other religions and beliefs systems; and (3) Develop competences for an internal dialogue. For the practice of lifelong learning, this means abandoning the alienated learning culture and carrying out this process within the community.  相似文献   

鲁迅的《野草》具有丰富的现代体验与哲学思想,主要包括三个方面:生命的沉沦,此在的时间性和现代性的幻灭感。诗人是在向死而生中走上在思之途的。  相似文献   

利奇、克鲁斯等学者从不同的角度对意义作了进一步的划分。根据韩礼德提出的语言具有三大元语言功能,词汇意义包含三个部分:概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义。概念意义体现符号的外在含义,从义素的角度进行分析;人际意义体现词汇的语体意义和情态意义,具有表达讲话者的身份、地位、态度、动机和他对事物的推断、判断和评价等意义;语篇意义体现词汇在语篇中形成的前后连贯意义。  相似文献   

人的素质结构是由民性素质、个性素质和人性素质共同构成的有机统一体。因此,现代素质教育必须融培养学生民性、发展学生个性和弘扬学生人性于一体,以培养民性为基本、发展个性为核心和弘扬人性为追求,达成民性教育、个性教育和人性教育的有机统一。  相似文献   

立足校本视野与追求个人意义是校本教研现状的一种反动。有效校本教研必须以校本视野为立足点,这意味着,教师向同行"打开教室门",并与外部研究者"若即若离"。追求个人意义是校本教研有效的关键,这意味着,教师要研究个人当下的小而具体的实践问题,并通过知识管理发展合理的教师个人实践知识。  相似文献   

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