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Human Research and Complexity Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

教育研究:走向复杂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究通常有两种研究范式,分别称之为实证范式和理解范式。从存在哲学认识论角度看,两种范式的认识逻辑分别是"是"—"是者"与"在"—"在者"。然而,它们在"语言界限"和"逻辑界限"上都表现出了颠倒与混乱,其主要原因在于教育活动的复杂性。复杂事物只有通过复杂性理论进行研究。运用复杂性理论对教育进行再认识可以发现,这两种范式在研究中都存在着难以承受之力。鉴于当下所使用的研究方法存在不足以及教育活动自身的复杂性,教育研究应遵从复杂性研究,做到把教育的价值研究与事实研究结合起来。  相似文献   

复杂性理论与教育的复杂性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
作为人文社会科学之教育学研究,需要对理性主义的简单性、唯一性、单向度、线性化的思维模式进行反思,继而代之以用复杂性、开放性、多元性、发展性和非线性的观念来审视极为复杂的教育现象与教育生活,从事具有复杂性的教育学研究。在这一点上,复杂性理论的提出和复杂性研究方法的问世,为我们开启了一扇光明之门。  相似文献   

复杂科学与教育组织管理研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
复杂科学是20世纪后期兴起的一门新学科,复杂科学对于探索和研究复杂系统,尤其是从组织管理的层面解决复杂问题具有独到的作用。教育系统是一个独特的复杂系统,具有开放性、松散结合性、非线性与非均衡性等特征。运用复杂科学的管理熵与耗散结构理论,可以揭示复杂的教育组织结构演化以及管理决策,临界点的内在矛盾运动和规律,指导教育组织系统的科学组织与决策,建立科学的教育组织结构,进行组织再造和提高教育组织效能。  相似文献   

复杂性理论改变了人们原有简单、线性思考问题的方式,将事物间的关系与内部的本质呈现了出来。教育技术学作为一门交叉学科迫切需要复杂性理论提供理论支持与方法支撑。通过梳理国内现有研究文献,对教育技术的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价五大领域中复杂性理论的研究现状进行分析与评述,发现在教育技术各个领域中都有复杂性理论的研究。在设计领域,复杂性适应系统、混沌理论以及复杂性思维被应用于教学设计中;在开发、利用与管理领域,研究大多基于复杂网络视角进行的研究;在评价领域,综合模糊评价法的应用较广。在分析复杂性理论在教育技术学中的现有成果的基础上,通过建立复杂性系统科学与教育技术新的研究关系,以促进复杂性理论在教育技术领域更深入的研究。  相似文献   

校本研修体系构建的复杂性新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以复杂性视角提出了校本研修体系是一个复杂体系,并对校本研修体系的构建提出新的构想.  相似文献   


This article is premised on the observation that in educational research there is an increasing use of terminology and concepts related to the field of complexity and the study of complex physical, biological, and social systems. As we are at an early stage in this cross-fertilization of complex systems ideas and methods in educational research, this article provides an overview of key complex systems conceptual perspectives and research methods in conjunction with a discussion of why educational researchers should consider their use. It is hoped that this overview of complex systems concepts and nomenclature used to describe research that views education as a complex system will help promote a broader awareness and acceptance of this work in the educational research community.  相似文献   

Judgements concerning proper or appropriate educational endeavour, methods of investigation and philosophising about education necessarily implicate perspectives, values, assumptions and beliefs. In recent years ideas from the complexity sciences have been utilised in many domains including psychology, economics, architecture, social science and education. This paper addresses questions concerning the appropriateness of utilising complexity science in educational research as well as issues relating to the ways in which complexity might be engaged. I suggest that, just like all human endeavour, approaches to research emerge out of discursive communities and can be understood as self‐organising, dynamic and emergent over time. In this formulation, complexity represents one such newly emergent approach. I argue that it is important that researchers partake in critical and reflective discourse about the nature of education and conceptual frameworks, as well as about impacts and legacies of utilising complexity, so as to participate in and influence the ongoing emergence of educational endeavour. I conclude by suggesting a series of caveats for researchers considering using complexity in educational research.  相似文献   

论埃德加·莫兰复杂性理论中的文化教育观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国哲学家埃德加·莫兰以“复杂性理论”为基础对未来教育的本质进行了探讨与解析。文章就其“复杂性理论”中所蕴含的对文化之于教育中的范式的影响、文化的刻印作用、文化的多样性与个人的多重性的关系等进行了梳理,同时,拟结合我国传统的文化特性对其提出的东西方文化交融及未来文化的挑战进行剖析,并进一步反思我国传统文化的特质在未来复杂背景中的教育的实践价值。  相似文献   

复杂性理论强调系统的不可还原性、涨落和不稳定性、开放性和自组织性。该理论已经从一个研究领域转变为研究范式,对社会科学领域的研究产生了重要的影响。借鉴复杂性理论观照大学管理创新是大学复杂管理系统的内在要求,也是高等教育发展的历史选择。促进大学管理创新的活力,应充分利用边缘系统的创新空间,保持大学的开放性,使大学管理系统处于一个合理的远离平衡态。  相似文献   

This paper offers an introduction to the philosophy and science of embodied learning, conceived as both the stabilizing and expansionary process that sustains order and novelty within learners’ worlds enacted through observing and describing. Embodied learning acknowledges stability and change as the purposeful conjoined characteristics that sustain learners. It is, in many respects, a composite theory that represents work from various disciplines.

This ‘naturalized epistemology’ ( ) conceives a world of fact inevitably imbued with the values that our own structural histories guarantee us observers, whether acknowledged or not within our reflective awareness. These values, however, are not simple sets of preferences, for they are constituted in our individual learning histories that, for good or bad, influence the course of future learning. This conservational element of our condition is only half the story, however. The more radical aspect resides in the expansionary capacity of embodied observers to change, to enact worlds that are not pre‐given ( ) but, rather, brought forth by learners as observers and describers.

Furthermore, embodied learning seeks a grounding for understanding in the often‐unexplored epistemological terrain between positivist absolutism or its mirrored polar opposite, postmodern nihilism. Its epistemological stance derives from its ontology, which is grounded in the profound obviousness that ‘everything said is said by someone’ ( , p. 27).  相似文献   

比较课程论是一门研究典型性课程问题和指导性课程理论的学科,它孕育于课程理论和实践的研究又超越了课程论的研究范围。作为教育这个复杂系统的组成部分之一,比较课程论在研究对象、基本内容和主要任务的选取上都体现了一种复杂性思维。目前,比较课程论需要进行科学和学科化的完善,复杂性思维对比较课程论的学科建设提出了以下要求:一,建立多元的研究范式群;二,支持自组织的学科体系结构;三,促进开放式的学科发展。  相似文献   

将解耦理论引入教育科学研究,力求运用控制论和系统论的观点创新教育科研方法,使定性研究与定量研究和谐统一,提升研究结果的有效性。  相似文献   

凡一平《上岭村的谋杀》故事叙事不仅引人入胜,而且发人深思。小说深刻地揭示人性与道德、本能与文明矛盾、冲突和妥协的复杂性,展现了当代农村光怪陆离的现实生活图景。尤其是,凡一平用文学形象地把传统文化中遮遮掩掩的性文化、性心理、性道德暴露在光天化日下,阐明在制度文化的视野下,性放纵与性压抑都同样是不可取的,不回避文明的坚守、道德的规范与人性的张扬、本能的需求的残酷搏奕;他在鞭挞性放纵的同时,对性压抑透露出悲天悯人的情怀,对人性与道德的复杂性,乃至对人类"性存在"的终极本质有较真切的体验和较深刻的认识。  相似文献   

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