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In this work, we explore journal writing as a way to come to know culture, particularly cultural phenomenon, vastly different from one’s own firmly held and enacted beliefs. In this research, we accept the premise that writing is a way of knowing and adopt journal writing as a tool through which students can explore the knowledge they have developed as a result of their academic travel study experiences, all being participants in the China Study Abroad Program. Narrative threads from numerous graduate students’ journals are seamed together through the use of narrative inquiry’s analytical tools. The narrative exemplars that were created reinforce the personal, social, and professional importance of creating a reflective writing space through which many expressions of culture and students’ reflective responses to them can be channeled in productive and potentially transformative ways.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国出国留学工作和自费出国留学政策演变、完善过程的回顾,展示了我国改革开放以来出国留学工作迅速发展的历史轨道及其对促进国家经济建设与社会发展所起的重大作用。  相似文献   


This study examines how a cohort of 32 Chinese student teachers experience a 3-week Intensive Study Abroad Programme in Canada, which focused on facilitating understanding of teaching and learning from an international perspective. Research findings underscore the effectiveness of a context responsive approach to cross-cultural teaching and learning that places emphasis upon modelling and deliberate explication of teaching practice, experiential learning and dialogic reflection.  相似文献   

As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, mutual understanding becomes increasingly important. Therefore, it is essential that people strive for reductions in social distance on an international level. Study abroad is one of the ways to approach internationalization and promote understanding among different peoples and cultures. The research reported in this paper empirically explored the efficacy of a China study abroad program for reducing the degree of social distance between a group of American undergraduate students and the Chinese people in China.  相似文献   

This study examines the study-abroad experiences of pre-service teacher candidates at the Faculty of Education, York University, using transformative learning theory. Disorienting experiences are a crucial first step for perspective transformation; students reported facing racial dynamics, “outsider” status, risk-taking behavior and power relations. Students’ utilized a variety of reflection opportunities; however, critical self-reflection imperative for transformation requires greater awareness of one’s frame of reference. Future studies need to examine how students’ specificities shape the realization of study-abroad goals for pre-service teachers and their ability to develop global consciousness and to work towards an equitable and just society.  相似文献   

洋务运动时期,中国的留学教育主要通过三种途径得以实现,留学生也集中在这几方面:一是幼童留美;二是船政学堂学生留欧;三是一些通过教会资助或自备斧资出国留学者。前两者实际上同为政府主导下的留学,自备斧资出国留学者常常与教会和传教士联系密切。  相似文献   

Although governments and universities worldwide recognise the value of study abroad as a means to prepare graduates to live and work in a globalising world, there is a wide gap between the rhetoric and reality. The reasons for this are complex, but one factor, not often discussed, is the role academics play in study abroad. This paper explores academics' perceptions of study abroad in universities within two higher education systems: Australian and Czech. Findings from both countries are considered across four themes: academics' perceived value of study abroad; ‘internationalising’ academic staff; academics' concerns about student equity and integrating study abroad into the curriculum at home. The implications for practice and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

性别译者:主体性与身份建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
译者的身份和地位在传统的翻译研究中长期被忽视,表达等级体系的“忠实”概念成为译者主体性发挥的镣铐。“显形”译者和“性别”译者充分展现了一个解放了的译者形象。本文试图超越国内译界在译者主体性研究中的阐释学/接受美学范式,从女性主义翻译理论的视角来阐释译者的主体性问题,它突出地表现在译者对自我身份的寻觅和建构。通过“深度翻译”,译者充分挪用元文本空间来塑造一个具有独特身份的主体。  相似文献   

Universities globally are increasingly seeking to improve the international mobility of their students. There are several latent benefits that accrue to a university whose students and staff actively participate in international exchange programs. Essentially this can lead to an increase in the university's international reputation, opportunities for benchmarking against best practices, capacity to develop international relationships, diversity of student population with all the benefits that accrue from diversity, and access to potential recruitment markets. In this paper we review extant literature to elicit the range of practical factors that play a role in the decision of students to study abroad. We also discuss results from a recent survey among Australian students that revealed their preferences for international work placements.  相似文献   

This study addresses study abroad and second language acquisition. The number of U.S. students studying abroad is increasing. However, students’ cultural and linguistic immersion experiences abroad can be disconcerting, challenging their sociocultural identities, values, learning objectives, and expectations. This study employed critical race theory to explore how a Black male student’s race, ethnicity, and class affected his interactions with locals and his language and culture learning, and how his experiences had strong repercussions on his identity negotiation process. The results of this study had strong implications for this student’s full immersion and academic learning. This article concludes with considerations for study abroad programs and how they should address discrimination, racial microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted to identify what kinds of online information are provided by institutions and needed by international students in social media. This study aims to identify critical constructs of study abroad information (SAI) that can generate positive attitudes toward the university. Specifically, this study attempts to investigate the effectiveness of persuasive communication via social media among students looking to study abroad as well as examining their impacts on attitude change. This paper used the elaboration likelihood model to map out information processing flow of students looking to study abroad. Based on a series of qualitative and quantitative studies, the findings highlighted the importance of peripheral communication cues in influencing students’ attitudinal change toward overseas institutions and countries. This study uncovered that the peripheral cues mediate the relationship of study abroad online reviews and attitude change.  相似文献   

出国留学既是教育国际化的有效途径,也是衡量一个地区教育国际化的重要指标。通过对云南"十一五"期间高校派出留学状况调查研究,得出高校出国留学发展的原因、存在的问题,并提出对策。  相似文献   

袁世凯在清末力主废除科举,倡导留学,选派和资助学生出国留学,重用归国之士,在一定程度上推动了清末留学热潮的出现及近代留学教育的发展。  相似文献   

文章对20世纪学习最优化思想的涵义、主要观点与做法,以及研究的成就与局限,教训与启示等作了较为概括性的论述,对新世纪开展学习最优化研究具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

国外作文评价指标的研究主要有文学批评指标、文章功能指标、语言学指标、领域指标、特征指标、创造性指标、整体评价指标等。这些研究从单一指标评价到整体评价 ,从文学、文章、语言角度评价到从特征、思维角度评价 ,表明国外作文评价指标研究的发展历程 ,也反映出人们对作文本质认识的不断深入 ,并给国内作文评价指标的研究以诸多启示  相似文献   

This article interprets interview-based research to reveal an incongruity between coinciding discourses of the twenty-first-century global marketplace and aspirations to universal equality, both contained within the claim that American university students must study abroad to become ‘global citizens’. It argues that there are deep tensions between two very different images of what citizenship entails – one treats education as a zero-sum means towards the maximisation of a specific set of bounded interests, while the other pictures education as a site of deliberation. It then reassesses both in light of an ethic of paradoxical self-critique to which both inadvertently lay claim.  相似文献   

This research examines the experiences of elementary and early childhood pre-service teachers from the U.S. engaged in a month long study abroad internship program in England. Using data from participants written journals, we use a hermeneutic approach to interrogate their evolving sense of professional development and their understanding of cultural differences in the internship in England. Informed by a theoretical framework of consonance and dissonance (Cochran-Smith, M. (1991). Reinventing student teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(2), 104–118), the emerging themes were related to the school context, the teacher's role, the learners, the buildings, and the community. Implications are for planning and facilitation of pre-service teachers study abroad experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

本文所研究的金融危机是指2007年来发生于美国,然后横扫全球的国际金融和经济危机。此次国际金融危机首先爆发于金融领域,然后迅速扩散到实体经济领域,是一次金融和经济危机交互作用形成的资本主义的全面危机。从金融危机产生、发展直到现在,一直是各国专家学者们比较关心的问题。本文主要梳理了一些主要国家如美、英、德、法、意、西班牙、印度和日本的一些研究新状况。  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the study abroad experience on student multicultural competence (i.e. knowledge and awareness) using the Multicultural Counselling Knowledge and Awareness Scale in two study abroad programmes during four separate yearly excursions. The first study abroad programme incorporated cultural immersion and two courses taught over five weeks in Germany. The second five-week study abroad programme focused on exploring non-governmental organisations and development as well as multicultural competence in India. Effect size results indicate that both direct and indirect approaches to increasing multicultural competence can be effective in exposing students to diverse immersive multicultural perspectives, norms, rituals, and practices.  相似文献   

This article investigates different kinds of learner subjects that study-abroad programs produce. It is based on discourse analysis and ethnographic fieldwork in May–September 2011, involving three students from a US college studying abroad short term in Europe. The discourse of immersion in study abroad valorizes a learning-by-doing, individual, reflective learner subject who learns alone by gaining everyday experience outside the classroom and by reflecting on it. Some students subverted this discourse and became group and classroom-based learner subjects; nonetheless, they all became reflective learner subjects. This article proposes critical analysis of the discourse and links that reflectivity to critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

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