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This article explores the theory and practice of using the solution-focused approach of motivational interviewing (MI) with young people. MI is based on the premise that people are not always at a stage of readiness to change behaviours, such as smoking, drinking or drug use, which are perceived by others to be problematic. The article explores the theoretical and research background to the approach as well as the practical application. There then follows an illustrative case study of the work with a boy approximately 12 years old. The article concludes with a critical look at the work and suggestions for its potential application in schools. The authors conclude that this is a useful approach and recommend further research in educational settings.  相似文献   

Previous case‐study research has explored the efficacy of motivational interviewing (MI) as a therapeutic approach for supporting young people in schools. This article considers how MI may additionally be used as an assessment and consultation tool for ascertaining the needs of disaffected young people and identifying appropriate support strategies. Here, the approach is used with three pupils aged 13–15 years, using visual stimuli to involve them explicitly in the process of MI. Findings indicate that in general MI was felt by the young people to be helpful in allowing them to think about issues relating to their behaviour. The article also indicates that MI may be useful both as an initial assessment tool and in providing supporting adults with practical ideas for assisting disaffected young people in making positive changes to their behaviour. The authors acknowledge limitations in terms of the usefulness of this approach for pupils who may be less ready for change, have difficulty in identifying aspirational goals or have language and communication difficulties. Further larger scale research is recommended, including other vulnerable groups, such as excluded pupils or school refusers.  相似文献   

Until recently, bullying has tended to be associated with primary and secondary school, but, increasingly, it is being recognized as a phenomenon that exists at all stages and in all aspects of life. This paper is concerned with a level and type of institution with which the idea of bullying might not have been associated. It describes how a recent study into bullying within the 16- to 18-year-old population in a college of further education instigated change within its infrastructure. By promoting an awareness of bullying, it resulted in the implementation of an active Harassment/Anti-bullying Policy.  相似文献   

Many initiatives relating to young people's sexual health have focused on under 16s. Yet, most young people become sexually active between the ages of 16 and 19 and 80 per cent of under-18 conceptions are to 16- and 17-year-olds. The shift from school to further education marks a time of transition in young people's lives. It is a time when information and support with sexual health issues is particularly relevant.
Reforms to the further education sector invite a fresh look at how every young person's health and well-being can best be supported. This is in the context of the government teenage pregnancy strategy, which aims to reduce under-18 conceptions. This paper reports on research conducted by the Sex Education Forum with young people and staff in further education settings across England. This research was used to write guidance on the provision of sexual health services for young people in further education settings, which was published by the Department for Education and Skills and with support from the Department of Health and ministerial backing in June 2007.  相似文献   

Motivational interviewing is presented as an approach to address resistant behaviors in clinical supervision. A case example is used to illustrate the process in which the relational and technical elements of motivational interviewing can be applied to supervisee resistance. Implications for supervisors and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

作为一种复杂的社会现象,校园欺凌给学生的成长带来了极大的伤害。通过对校园欺凌进行概念界定、成因分析、现状研究发现,当前造成校园欺凌的因素复杂多样,学校、家庭、社会都应负相应责任,其中家庭养育方式、家庭教育功能和家庭教育内容对校园欺凌有重要影响。因此,很有必要在家庭教育中植入校园欺凌的预防和治理理念。  相似文献   

人才是经济社会发展的第一资源,是推进科学发展、富民强省的第一推动力。建设绿色湖南、创新湖南、数字湖南、法治湖南,对我省青年人才提出了四个方面的独特要求,即以绿色理念为工作价值观,以创造力为核心素质,以"T"型知识结构为专业背景,以法律和道德为行为规范。广大青年应"把文化知识学习和思想品德修养紧密结合起来"、"把创新思维和社会实践紧密结合起来"、"把全面发展和个性发展紧密结合起来",成为湖南"四化两型"建设人才。  相似文献   

In our paper we describe a newly developed teacher coaching model that provides training on motivational interviewing (MI) to improve instructional coaches’ effectiveness with classroom teachers. Participants were 38 coaches who completed a three-day coaching training. At pre- and post-test, the participants completed role plays with an actor who played the role of a new teacher. Then, these sessions were coded for MI-consistent behavior. The results of our study revealed that the majority of the coaching conversations were inconsistent with effective MI. At baseline, conversations were primarily characterized by questions (60%) followed by attempts to persuade without permission (20%). Following training, coaches did not change their conversational style. Because an MI-inconsistent conversation style is associated with decreased self-efficacy and motivation for change, the findings suggest a need to help coaches develop interactions that are more consistent with best practices of MI.  相似文献   

民办高校青年教师的培养和继续教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了青年教师在民办高校师资力量中占较大比例的现状,提出青年教师的培养和继续教育工作是民办高校可持续发展的关键环节。文章针对民办高校青年教师的特点,提出做好青年教师的培养和继续教育工作实施策略。  相似文献   

本文认为,在道德教育过程中,一方面须反对简单的灌输和独白,而须关注个体的理性自觉,营造自由的交流情景,走向积极的交往对话,在个体积极参与的过程中唤起其道德意识和生命尊严;另方面,须充分利用权威人士对青少年进行道德教育。  相似文献   

社会的发展对青少年校外教育工作提出了更高的要求。公共图书馆的文化和教育职能决定了它应成为青少年参加校外教育活动的组织者和重要载体。以鄞州区为例,在对青少年如何利用图书馆进行调查基础上,探讨公共图书馆在青少年校外教育中的作用,希望有助于推进青少年校外教育工作。  相似文献   

当今社会,青少年漠视生命、性格扭曲的现象日益增多,反映出当前青少年生命意识的淡薄和生命教育的缺乏。对青少年进行生命教育的必要性、现实意义以及实施途径,主要包括:转变教育观念,引导学生树立生命意识;增强青少年在自然和社会中的实践体验,培养学生的生命情感;把学校、家庭和社会有机结合起来。  相似文献   

世界多民族国家都非常重视对本国青少年进行国家意识认同教育。中华民族是一个多元一体的多民族国家,在世界多元文化思潮的冲击中,应该重视公民国家意识认同教育,尤其是要重视当代青少年的国家意识认同教育。  相似文献   

The Children and Families Act (2014) extends statutory protections for young people with special educational needs and disabilities until age 25. Consequently the core curriculum for trainee educational psychologists (TEPs) needs to be developed beyond the current focus of work with early years and school-age children. In order to define requisite professional competencies for working with young people aged 16–25 with learning difficulties and disabilities, and mental health needs, the Delphi Technique was employed to obtain consensus amongst an expert reference group. Two rounds of an online questionnaire and a face-to-face meeting with educational psychologists (EPs) reporting expertise in working with post-16 learners enabled the identification of areas to be added to, or extended within, existing training curricula. A competency framework for EPs working with young people aged 16–25 is proposed and implications for both TEPs and practitioner EPs explored.  相似文献   

本从当前社会的发展呼唤人格教育,阐述人格教育薄弱的表现及后果、人格教育薄弱的原因及加强人格教育的对策等。  相似文献   

This qualitative study, conducted via interviews, focuses on the strategies used by tutors and support staff in dealing with bullying in an FE/HE college. This area is under researched and yet studies have shown that 10 per cent of students in FE experience bullying (McDougall, 1999). It was found that bullying was being dealt with effectively using a range of approaches. The examples of good practice found in this study correspond with the more extensive work into primary and secondary schools by Byrne (1994), Tattum and Herbert (1993) and Sharp and Smith (1993). All respondents treated the issue seriously and relationships built up between tutors/support staff and the students were the crucial factor.  相似文献   


This qualitative study, conducted via interviews, focuses on the strategies used by tutors and support staff in dealing with bullying in an FE/HE college. This area is under researched and yet studies have shown that 10 per cent of students in FE experience bullying (McDougall, 1999). It was found that bullying was being dealt with effectively using a range of approaches. The examples of good practice found in this study correspond with the more extensive work into primary and secondary schools by Byrne (1994), Tattum and Herbert (1993) and Sharp and Smith (1993). All respondents treated the issue seriously and relationships built up between tutors/support staff and the students were the crucial factor.  相似文献   

感恩是中华民族的传统美德,是我国传统文化的基本道德规范。当今在未成年人身上存在的很多问题,归其缘由大多都与感恩意识的缺失有关。在构建和谐社会,实现我国社会可持续发展的今天,增强未成年人的感恩意识显得尤为重要。加强未成年人的感恩教育是一个系统工程,只有实现家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育的有机结合,才能达到预期效果。  相似文献   

本文通过分析当前一些高校合并后离退休老同志的思想政治状况及形成原因,站在高校和谐校园建设角度,将老有所养、老有所乐、老有所学、老有所为与老有所教结合起来,积极探索合并高校离退休人员思想政治工作的途径和方式方法。  相似文献   

Supervision offers a distinct opportunity to experience the interconnection of counselor–client and counselor–supervisor interactions. One product of this network of interactions is parallel process, a phenomenon by which counselors unconsciously identify with their clients and subsequently present to their supervisors in a similar fashion ( Searles, 1955 ). Addressing parallel process has the potential to be valuable in the advancement of counselor development, but few strategies exist in the literature for working with the phenomenon. The authors describe the use of motivational interviewing as one method for effectively addressing parallel process in supervision.  相似文献   

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