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问接代理制度在我国学理界存在,但其应不应该和(直接)代理属于同一个制度,人们观点不统一.为此,本文从间接代理和直接代理、行纪合同二者之间作比较,得出闻接代理不应该属于代理制度,而是行纪的另一种称谓,因此不能将其写入代理制度中.  相似文献   

新的《合同法》设专章对行纪合同加以规定 ,这使我国行纪业从此有了必要的法律规范。本文就行纪合同的法律涵义、法律特征、介入权等有关问题作一些评析  相似文献   

清代有关蒙古的官私著作很多。在私人著述中,涉足蒙古地区的旅行家所留下的行纪,占有相当比例。这类著作都是据作者亲历所著,具有独特的史料价值。笔者试选取清与准噶尔战争期间一些文臣武将在蒙古地区活动时留下的行纪即马思哈《塞北纪程》、宋大业《北征日记》、殷化行《西征纪略》、范昭逵《从西纪略》等四篇,并结合官方文献,对清准战争中双方备战情形、战役经过及蒙古地区的风土人情等进行讨论。  相似文献   

近年来,我国富有的中产阶层日益增多,尤其是一些企业界成功人士和个体老板,其拥用的资产达到几千万、甚至上亿元。但是其子女却不一定能守住庞大家业,实现财产的增值与保值,这成为这部分人的心头之痛。解决这一问题的最好方式莫过于设立遗嘱信托制度,通过所有权与经营权的分离来实现家族财产的延续。  相似文献   

随着中国经济的持续稳定发展,国人的可支配收入不断增加,如何通过理财让财产不断升值保值也开始受到人们越来越多的关注.在市场的需求下,我国信托理财业务应运而生,并得到迅速发展.  相似文献   

代理制度是随着商品经济的发展,逐步发展起来的一项补充民事主体能力不足的代理制度,经过数百年的发展,代理制度已经从最开始的一元的民事代理衍生为二元的民事代理和商事代理并存的局面,代理形式也日益的多样化。比起历史悠久的民事代理,商事代理的“资历”显得相对年轻,作为一定意义的新生事物,很多人对商事代理制度还不甚了解。文章将从民事代理和商事代理的特点出发,通过比较两者的异同来揭开商事代理的神秘面纱。  相似文献   

表决权信托作为信托制度中的一种新的表现形式,对于保护中小股东的利益以及完善公司治理结构方面具有重大意义。本文主要通过对表决权信托概念的介绍,分析我国实施表决权信托制度的必要性以及立法完善。  相似文献   

遗嘱信托作为一种现代财产管理制度,具有独特的功能,正逐渐引起我国的重视。在英美法系,遗嘱信托制度早于合同制度受到衡平法院的承认,它注重的是委托人意愿的反映,注重遗嘱信托财产的转移和确定的受益人,其核心始终围绕在为受益人的利益去管理遗嘱信托财产处理遗嘱信托事务。大陆法系在从英美法系引进遗嘱信托制度时,注重的是怎样从传统民法中解释遗嘱信托这一特殊制度,但始终因为遗嘱信托的异质性而无法实现理想的融合。明晰遗嘱信托制度的法律构造对于遗嘱信托关系的形成与遗嘱信托行为的成立显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

英美法中的不公开本人身份的代理和大陆法中的行纪制度在理论上被认为是大相径庭的制度,但在我国新《合同法》中它们却并列存在,两是否会产生冲突为人们所关注。本得出的结论是:两在实践中的互补性很强,不会产生法律适用上的冲突。  相似文献   

在《海牙信托公约》中,有三项规定属于与信托法理论联系紧密的信托实体法规范:一项是关于将信托财产独立性理论条文化的规定,它体现着这一理论向信托实体法规范的转变;一项是关于其内容在很大程度上是按照名义所有权理论来设计的规定,它体现着存在于这一理论中的与信托财产有关的“名义所有权”,在从法学概念向法律概念转变的道路上迈出了坚实的一步;一项是关于其立法设计方案的形成受到二元结构所有权理论极大启发的规定,它在信托立法史上开创了关于这一理论转变为法律规则的先例。这三项信托实体法规范仅为这部国际公约所独有,致使该公约中的信托制度,成为一项堪称“法理入法”的典范的、理论色彩浓厚的信托制度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the interplay of control and trust in a cross-national and cross-cultural professional development course. It examines the differing expectations of the overseas high-ranked education officials who were the students and of the course teachers, particularly in terms of: approaches to control of content and of interpersonal interactions; the cultural contexts in which the attitudes were shaped; the effect of the participants’ professional roles, particularly of their perceptions of accountability and power; the complex, continuing and yet shifting, interplays of control and trust and the ways these interplays impacted learning within the course. It proposes the concept of operational trust as a way to consider the relationship that developed. While the situation examined is situated within a particular context and reflective of the participants involved and therefore non-iterative, the discussion highlights patterns of interaction and gives rise to tentative theorisations with implications for other cross-cultural or cross-national teacher development projects.  相似文献   

This article addresses how capacity is conceived of and understood in youth media/civic education programming, and how beliefs about agency, development, relationality and youth manifests in the discourses, programmes, and practices of organizations operating youth media programmes. Through attention to a youth media and development programme in rural Nicaragua, the article addresses a key gap in theorizing how capacity operates within discourses and related practices that constitute ‘youth media’ and, in particular, it critically investigates how youth media discourse rests on an assumed foundation where capacity is defined as agency, empowerment or voice. This article situates youth media production within modernist discourses about education, development and ‘change’, in order to re-conceptualize agency through a mobilities framework that more fully attends to the complex and affective moments in youth media discourses.  相似文献   

This paper examines the issues which postgraduate students and tutors experienced as they engaged in receiving, providing and requesting feedback, as well as the strategies which they adopted as they sought resolution of these issues. The study employed a case study approach, using data obtained from semi-structured and stimulated recall interviews with students and staff from three discipline areas at one university in the UK. The findings reinforce the conclusions that have been drawn in a number of previous studies in terms of the sources of dissatisfaction emerging from individual interactions and institutional practices. Additionally, however, the results expand on our current understanding of feedback and agency in higher education by illustrating how participants sought out imaginative solutions to the challenges they experienced, in order to enhance the effectiveness of the feedback process. The diversity of the strategies used provides evidence of student and tutor agency, and has implications for current feedback practices and future research in this area.  相似文献   

A sociocultural view of doctoral students' relationships and agency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Existing literature suggests that doctoral students' learning and experience are significantly influenced by their relationships with a wide range of people within and beyond academic settings. However, there has been little theoretical work focused on these issues, and questions of agency in doctoral study are in need of further attention. This paper draws on sociocultural theory in the analysis of interviews conducted with 33 doctoral students across four UK research-intensive universities. It focuses on agency and frames others as mediating students' experiences whether as embodied or represented in material, or imaginary form.  相似文献   

随着Internet应用的迅速发展,分布式计算机逐渐成为发展主流。传统的基于ACL的资源访问控制机制已经不能很好的适应分布式系统需要。本文在介绍了基于信任管理的访问控制机制后,深入分析Keynote trust management system,并在此基础上给出了Keynote trust management system在安全主动组播中的应用构架。该构架能较好解决传统IP组播中未能解决的组播组成员的访问控制与分布式授权问题。  相似文献   

表见代理制度属于传统民法上的代理制度的一个重要组成部分,但相对于其他国家来说,我国关于表见代理制度的民事立法和理论研究还是比较滞后的。为此,应完善我国表见代理制度。  相似文献   

This essay examines the complex relationship between agency and technology. I compare autism apps developed by Samsung and Toca Boca and show that while app marketing retains a human-centered notion of agency, user–app interactions distribute agency through a constellation of human and nonhuman actors. The divergence between marketing and use, as well as critiques about agency and technology within disability studies, motivates my argument for hacking agency. Whether in computer or knowledge networks, hacking is a critical process that exploits information silos for particular ends. In this essay, I seek to broaden notions of rhetorical capacity and challenge narrow approaches to intentionality so as to facilitate the attribution of agency across the neurological spectrum.  相似文献   

旅游品牌不仅是旅行社竞争力的核心,也是旅游经济发展实力的重要标志。在对我国旅行社行业现状分析的基础上,总结我国旅行社品牌发展面临的几个问题,并提出了一些解决措施和发展建议,以期为旅行社管理者提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate knowledge-creating agency by examining doctoral students' accounts of their pursuits, using structured interviews. We examined all of the talk apparently related to agency of 13 doctoral students taking part in collective doctoral training in two, highly regarded Finnish research communities (natural science and medicine). The doctoral process involved the participants pursuing article-based theses based on collectively shared research problems and journal articles co-authored with the supervisor and other senior researchers. Based on the qualitative analysis of the interviews, three categories of agentic talk were identified, respectively, for three proposed types of knowledge-creating agency: personal, distributed, and ‘object-related’. Personal agency involved participants' reflection on their academic competence, self-efficacy, and personal strengths and weaknesses. Distributed agency played an important role in assisting these participants overcoming challenges; this includes sharing of expertise, receiving social support, and having a sense of collective efficacy. Object-related agency, in turn, represented integration of a doctoral student's efforts with those of her immediate research community while pursuing shared research objects (e.g., co-authored articles). Apart from issues of agency which, the authors propose, are raised in the interviews, the data provide content-rich accounts of the collective nature of doctoral experiences.  相似文献   

This article engages critically with the concept of agency in infant and toddler educational discourse. It is argued that agency, when conceptualised with emphasis on individuality and the autonomous self, poses a conceptual ‘dead end’ for those who are not-yet-in-language, such as babies and toddlers. In considering agency as an aspect of becoming that is inherent in all matter, the article seeks to explore new pathways for conceptualising agency in infant and toddler education. Methodologically, the article aims to generate complex questions and, following Nigel Thrift's call, ‘wild ideas’, rather than solutions by addressing the relationship between discourse and matter to open up new spaces for thinking and doing ‘agency’ in education, for babies and toddlers and beyond.  相似文献   

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