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闫岩 《新闻世界》2011,(8):200-201
广告具有传播范围广、速度快等特点,因此受到大量商家的重视。如今化妆品行业竞争激烈,化妆品广告形成了群芳争艳的现状。《时尚》杂志作为一本标榜时尚的刊物,其本身就涉及大量化妆品广告,并且对化妆品广告要求有鲜明的特点。本文以《时尚》为例,从突出画面美感、运用简洁和富有煽动力的广告语、展示性感的诱惑力三方面特点对化妆品广告尤其是平面广告进行了研究。  相似文献   

都市女性作为社会公民的重要组成部分,不但承担着繁衍生息的责任,还肩负着教育后代的使命。都市女性的媒介素养直接关系到下一代能否健康成长。因此,在新传播技术日新月异、传播内容无孔不入的今天,不断提升都市女性的媒介素养,发挥新媒介的良好作用,是信息化社会发展的必然结果。也是建设和谐文明社会的内在要求。在对新技术环境下都市女性媒介素养的研究中,以女性时尚类电子杂志为例,分析都市女性的形象,然后对存在的问题进行解读,最后探讨提升都市女性媒介素养的策略。  相似文献   

李沛儒 《东南传播》2013,(3):105-106
校园时尚杂志是许多女生了解时尚的途径,也是她们对生活憧憬的一种表现。校园时尚杂志拥有很高的用户粘性,而且它的传播具有很强的针对性,校园时尚杂志广告也因此获得了更好的传播效果。与此同时,由于受众范围较为固定,杂志上广告的内容和形式就会有些单调。《女友——校园CUTE》是一本很具有代表性的校园时尚杂志,通过对该杂志的分析,总结出此类杂志的特点和发展方向,以便更好地发展杂志广告。  相似文献   

网络电子杂志是通过网络杂志互动平台发行的供读者免费订阅的新型杂志.电子杂志以其时尚、多元的特点,组合应用了flash、视频、音频等多媒体技术.给读者带来了强烈的感观刺激和互动参与的欲望。近年来,随着电子杂志业务不断壮大、分类不断细化.其注册用户数量也呈几何速度增长。同时.传统媒体的广告缺陷在与新媒体的较量中逐渐显露:更新周期短、价格高、空间有限、广告效果难以评估等等,于是,在越来越多的企业将投放广告的方向转向新媒体的时候.电子杂志成为一个“叫好又叫座”的选择。  相似文献   

本研究从受众的角度,基于6个城镇的1736份问卷调查,对广告的社会效果及其影响因素做了比较全面的考察.研究结果表明,从整体来看,受众对广告的社会效果的评价不高,人们对广告产生的社会效果持不太满意的态度.不同居住地、年龄、受教育程度和收入水平的受众对广告社会效果的评价上有较显著差异.在对基于受众评价的广告可信度考察中,发现广告传播存在严重的信任危机.并在讨论中,推导出广告信任的评价与研究,乃是平衡广告商业效益与社会效益的中间值.  相似文献   

通过对2010年《时尚COSMOPOLITAN》整页广告人物形象国别的统计分析,研究中外品牌在使用广告人物形象上的差异。  相似文献   

都市女性作为社会公民的重要组成部分,不但承担着繁衍生息的责任,还肩负着教育后代的使命.都市女性的媒介素养直接关系到下一代能否健康成长.因此,在新传播技术日新月异、传播内容无孔不入的今天,不断提升都市女性的媒介素养,发挥新媒介的良好作用,是信息化社会发展的必然结果,也是建设和谐文明社会的内在要求.在对新技术环境下都市女性媒介素养的研究中,以女性时尚类电子杂志为例,分析都市女性的形象,然后对存在的问题进行解读,最后探讨提升都市女性媒介素养的策略.  相似文献   

王博 《东南传播》2010,(6):65-68
本文以量化的研究为主要工具,通过对电子杂志研究的相关文献以及获得的大量一手材料为主,对影响POCO电子杂志盈利的各项指标进行了系统的量化分析,运用因子分析,我们得出了影响POCO电子杂志盈利的8项一级指标,分别为盈利环境、盈利服务、盈利资源、盈利途径、盈利目标受众、服务性技术、盈利性技术和盈利平台。我们认为虽然广告作为电子杂志盈利的直接来源这一现实不能改变,但是影响电子杂志盈利的因素有很多,对这些因素的把握和运用有助于国内电子杂志商的营销效果。  相似文献   

盛楠 《青年记者》2008,(14):127-128
时尚娱乐类广告不同于传统广告的硬性推销模式,而是注重针对受众情感和注意力的软性吸引,使他们在接受传播信息的同时,产生情感上的共鸣和情绪上的认同,在享受广告所带来的快乐与愉悦的同时,接受广告中蕴涵的信息.当受众融入到广告所展示的情景,体验其中所包含的趣味时,广告信息同时也潜移默化地输送到消费者心中.时尚娱乐类广告最主要的功能是引导个性和主张,创造流行和文化,并以此影响人们的生活形态、情绪和趣味,最终将品牌潜移默化带入消费者生活之中,并影响他们的消费行为,深化消费者的品牌体验.  相似文献   

李晶  沈莉 《东南传播》2010,(3):104-106
随着培训业的快速发展,培训机构校园广告引起广泛关注,但是培训机构校园广告的实际效果如何还不明确,学界的相关研究比较缺乏。本研究是抓住培训机构的主要消费者——在校大学生为目标,通过问卷调查的方法来探索大学生对培训机构广告的认识和态度。通过研究发现,培训机构广告是高投放强度、高重复率,而广告内容低关注率;机构广告重文字诉求、轻广告画面;大学生受众对培训机构广告信任缺失。  相似文献   

文章结合创新扩散理论,构建数字媒体阅读受众采纳行为模型;根据数字媒体阅读受众行为特点,提出影响数字媒体阅读受众采纳行为的因素主要包括个体特性、社会特性及创新特性,并重点分析了这些影响因素的具体变量,从而形成数字媒体阅读受众采纳行为模型的外部影响变量,为进一步实证分析建立基础,并为深入分析数字媒体阅读受众行为模式提供参考。  相似文献   

电子杂志在书刊导读与推介中的应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析图书馆书刊导读与推介服务现状的基础上,提出了利用电子杂志实现个性化书刊导读与推介推送服务的思路,设计了电子杂志实现服务的应用模型,并简要介绍了电子杂志的制作和使用.初步的实践表明:此种服务方式是可行的.  相似文献   

新闻影像传播与受众行为变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新闻影像包括图片新闻和电视新闻,它们经过采访拍摄、制作成型后,通过大众媒介公开传播,深刻影响着受众的思想观念,甚至引起受众行为变化,探寻并揭示受众行为变化的内外因素及其规律性,对当前新闻影像创作与传播具有现实意义。  相似文献   

受众行为的反沉默螺旋模式   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
刘建明 《现代传播》2002,5(2):39-41
沉默的螺旋作为受众对媒介议程的反应模式 ,被中外绝大多数传播学者奉为无可怀疑的定律。反对沉默螺旋模式的学术观点虽然陆续发表出来 ,但许多学者不屑一顾 ,传播学引进中颇有鱼目混珠的倾向。面对媒介意见的倾泻 ,受众并非毫无主见。受众一旦形成广泛的社会主体 ,对利益认定非常执著 ,媒介特有的议程很难对其产生感化作用。中外媒介传播的大量经验表明 ,沉默螺旋不仅不是普遍规律 ,而且在意识形态冲突的社会完全失效 ,代替沉默螺旋的则是舆论背反模式  相似文献   

This article explains and implements a network analytic approach to the study of cross-platform audience behavior. It begins by conceptualizing large-scale patterns of media use in network terms, treating media outlets as nodes and the levels of audience duplication among them as links. Following that, it explains 2 common measures of audience duplication, Absolute Duplication and Primary Duplication, and offers a new measure, Deviation-from-Random Duplication. In doing so, techniques for converting duplication data into network data are discussed. This approach is then applied to analyze patterns of audience fragmentation, media publics, and audience polarization using data from Nielsen's TV/Internet Convergence Panel. The findings show the value of using a network approach, by contributing to an alternative understanding of these patterns. Economic and policy implications are discussed, as well as broader reflections on the use of network analysis in the study of audience behavior.  相似文献   

As its title implies, this article explores a number of unanswered questions and outstanding issues in contemporary audience research. These include: models of the “active audience”; questions of cultural power; global media and transnational audiences; methodologies in audience research; problems of essentialism in the conceptualization of categories of audience members; the strengths and limitations of the encoding/decoding model; models of intellectual progress in the field; the new media and technologies of “newness.”

My title is derived from Bertolt Brecht’s “Anecdotes of Mr Keuner” in which he extols the virtue of thinking up questions to which we do not have answers (Brecht, 1966 Brecht, B. 1966. Anecdotes of Mr. Keuner in his Tales from the Calendar, London: Methuen.  [Google Scholar]). Working from this principle, rather than trying to formulate solutions to the problems of our field, my contribution here is based on questions in media audience research to which I, at least, do not have the answers, as a way of taking stock of what exactly it is that we think we now know about the field.  相似文献   

Scores of consumer behavior studies have confirmed what has been called a double jeopardy effect, whereby brands earning small market shares attract fewer customers but also experience less customer loyalty than more popular brands. This two-fold plight of the small brand has also been detected among consumers of media, such as newspapers and television programs. This study hypothesized a similar double jeopardy behavior among radio station audiences. Using ratings-based turnover ratio and exclusive cume as operationalizations for listener loyalty, an analysis of over 1,600 stations revealed that, despite radio's emphasis on niche marketing, a significant double jeopardy effect can still be found. Furthermore, station competition and program format were tested as intervening variables.  相似文献   

This study examined television news channel changing (AKA grazing, zapping) behavior by focusing on the viewing duration and attention paid to stories that varied in sensational content and packaging. These two message-related factors had independent and interactive effects on how long grazers stayed tuned to a channel. Moreover, high sensation seekers, who were more avid news consumers in everyday life, exhibited different viewing and attentional patterns compared to low sensation seekers. While arousing television news was the most watched by all, high sensation seekers unexpectedly showed less preference for sensational tabloid packaging of arousing content than low sensation seekers.  相似文献   

As today's media simultaneously converge and diverge, fusing and hybridizing across digital services and platforms, some researchers argue that audiences are dead—long live the user! But for others, it is the complex interweaving of continuities and changes that demands attention, especially now that audiencing has become a vital mode of engaging with all dimensions of daily life. This article asks how we should research audiences in a digital networked age. I argue that, while many avenues are being actively pursued, many researchers are concentrating on the notion of participation, asking, on the one hand, what modes of participation are afforded to people by the particular media and communication infrastructures which mediate social, cultural or political spheres of life? And, on the other hand, how do people engage with, accede to, negotiate or contest this as they explore and invent new ways of connecting with each other through and around media? The features of this emerging participation paradigm of audience research are examined in this article.  相似文献   

Critiques of reality television assume that audiences enjoy watching participants’ humiliation or adopt the reforming injunctions of the shows. This audience research project investigates how people who watch personal makeover shows (The Biggest Loser, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Starting Over, and What Not to Wear) use these texts in meaningful ways. Data from 1,800 survey respondents and 130 interviewees demonstrate that audiences use the shows to be self reflexive, while they also are highly reflexive about media production processes. Furthermore, they are reflexive about their participation in research about a disparaged television genre. Audiences’ perception of surveillance and shame in the shows suggest how reflexivity can provide a critical distance from the programs but is not necessarily ideologically freeing.  相似文献   

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