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The author describes the confusion surrounding postmodern conceptions of social science, including the blurring of traditional distinctions between science and art. He argues that the disinction is an important one, for, as the two basic forms of human inquiry, science and art serve fundamentally distinct purposes. Unfortunately, only (social) scientific texts are considered useful by many educationists. The author attempts to clarify the basic purpose of value negation that is served by good arts-based research texts and argues for their legitimacy as a form of educational research.  相似文献   

Cash transfers boost educational outcomes for poor children on average, but which aspects of educational performance are most responsive and which poor children benefit the most? This study examines the educational impacts of cash transfers, drawing on a randomized, community implemented conditional cash transfer program targeted to poor households in Tanzania. On average, being assigned to receive transfers significantly improves children’s likelihood of having ever attended school (by between 4 and 5 percentage points), with suggestive evidence that this is driven by more age-appropriate enrollment for the youngest children. However, school attendance and primary school completion remain unaffected on average. Girls and boys benefit similarly, and only students with stronger initial educational performance experience increases in primary completion rates.  相似文献   

This article concerns the importance of clarity in thinking and talking about certain core concepts of educational assessment. It begins by identifying three quite distinct interpretations of the term ‘assessment purpose’. It continues by challenging the supposed distinction between ‘formative’ and ‘summative’—arguing that the latter only applies to a kind of assessment result while the former only applies to a kind of use of assessment results. It ends by illustrating the wide range of uses to which assessment results might be put and stresses the importance of not concealing important distinctions by locating multiple discrete purposes within a small number of misleading categories.  相似文献   

From 1960 onwards the U.S. Government set out to improve the schools in American Samoa. During the period 1971–75 educational leaders there carried out a series of studies of the islanders' educational needs in order to assess the suitability of existing learning goals and the degree to which they were being achieved. Approaches used were a community-opinion survey, a classroom-problems survey, an evaluation of the school system's specific instructional objectives, a program of standarized testing, a bi-lingual testing of academic achievement, a physical performance testing programme and a system of teacher-parent conferences and ratings of pupils progress. Ten critical unmet needs were identified: better command of English; greater mastery of Samoan language and culture; better opportunities to learn according to the pupil's individual abilities and background; better command of mathematics; increased vocational-education opportunities; improved physical-education skills; better command of social sciences; better command of health and science knowledge; more consistent school attendance, and better social skills. These needs were investigated in detail so that specific steps might be planned to fulfil them. The teacher/parent conferencing program, based on a Californian model, was a failure.
Zusammenfassung Seit 1960 ist die Regierung der USA bestrebt, das Schulwesen in Amerikanisch Samoa zu verbessern. In den Jahren 1971–75 haben führende Pädagogen eine Reihe von Untersuchungen über die Bildungsbedürfnisse der Inselbewohner durchgeführt, um festzustellen, ob die bestehenden Lernziele angemessen sind und inwieweit sie erreicht werden. Als Erhebungsinstrumente wurden benutzt: eine Meinungsumfrage in der Gemeinschaft, eine Erhebung über Unterrichtsprobleme, eine Bewertung der spezifischen Unterrichtsziele des Schulsystems, ein standardisiertes Testprogramm, ein Lehrer/Eltern-Konferenzsystem und Beurteilungswerte für Schülerleistungen. Es ergaben sich zehn kritische Erfordernisse: bessere Beherrschung der englischen Sprache; vertieftere Kenntnisse der Sprache und Kultur von Samoa; erweiterte Lernmöglichkeiten entsprechend den individuellen Fähigkeiten und der Herkunft der Schüler; bessere Mathematikbeherrschung; mehr Möglichkeiten zur Berufsausbildung; bessere Leibeserziehung; bessere Beherrschung der Sozialwissenschaften; mehr Kenntnisse über Gesundheitspflege und Naturwissenschaften; regelmässiger Schulbesuch; und besseres Sozialverhalten. Diese Erfordernisse wurden eingehend untersucht, damit spezifische Massnahmen zu ihrer Erfüllung geplant werden können. Das auf einem kalifornischen Modell basierende Lehrer/Eltern-Konferenzprogramm erwies sich als Misserfolg.

Résumé A partir de 1960 le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis commença à améliorer les écoles dans les Samoa Américaines. De 1971 à 1975, des dirigeants pédagogiques menèrent dans ce pays une série d'études sur les besoins en éducation des insulaires, de sorte à estimer si les buts d'apprentissage existants étaient en accord avec les besoins et et jusqu'à quel point ces buts étaient atteints. On aborda ceci par une étude de l'opinion de la communauté, une étude sur les problèmes de la salle de classe, une évaluation des objectifs spécifiques d'instruction du système scolaire, un programme de l'épreuve standardisé, une épreuve bilingue de performance académique, un programme d'épreuve de performance physique et un système de conférences entre parents et maîtres et d'évaluations du progrès des élèves. Dix besoins critiques non satisfaits furent identifiés: meilleurs maîtrise de l'anglais, maîtrise plus grande de la langue et de la culture des Samoa; meilleurs possibilités d'apprendre conformément aux capacités individuelles et au passé de l'élève; meilleure maîtrise des mathématiques, possibilités accrues d'éducation professionnelle; aptitudes améliorées pour l'éducation physique; meilleure maîtrise des sciences sociales; meilleure maîtrise des connaissances sur la santé et la science; fréquentation plus régulière de l'école et meilleures aptitudes sociales. Ces besoins ont été étudiés en détail, de sorte que des mesures spécifiques puissent être projetées pour résoudre ces besoins. Le programme de conférence entre parents et maîtres, basé sur un modèle californien, s'est avéré être une erreur.

The term ‘hypervideo’ has different interpretations in the scientific literature. The aim of this contribution is to define hypervideo as it is and can be (more optimally) used for teaching and learning purposes. Videos can promote learning by recreating real experiences and dynamic processes, although they do not necessarily enable students to interact with contents and to self-regulate their learning. Hypervideos technically overcome these limitations and add further benefits. However, even though some literature on the topic exists, the concept of hypervideo is not well represented in the scientific community and lends itself to different interpretations. Results show that hypervideo is defined as a dynamic artefact, it should allow navigation control and include additional material; it could also integrate individual or collaborative annotation and automated or manual feedback. So far, most studies have been conducted in artificial settings involving tertiary-level students. Finally, its use is beneficial for students’ learning.  相似文献   


In Tanzania, the education system focuses on schools and teachers as key educators of children, while little attention is paid to the home environment. This study examines motivational factors that may influence parental involvement at home and at school, using Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler’s model of parental involvement as a theoretical framework. Participants were 580 parents of Grade 2 children attending primary schools in three districts of Dar Es Salaam. Parents were invited at school to complete a questionnaire. Regression analyses showed that parents’ expectations for children’s school success predicted home involvement, next to parents’ perceived time and energy, child invitations and parents’ self-efficacy. School involvement was predicted by perceived time and energy, and school and child invitations. In a mediation model role construction had an indirect effect on school involvement through child and school invitations and perceived time and energy. Implications for educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge about paediatric speech and language difficulties, training for and contact with children with such problems and views on service developments were explored using a written questionnaire, completed by 84 Tanzanian health and education professionals. Additionally, two sets of interviews were carried out, one with a subset of questionnaire respondents and another with a group of 14 health/education planners and administrators. Results showed that whilst only 41 % of respondents had received training about speech and language difficulties, 68% considered themselves to be responsible for assisting children with such problems. Levels of knowledge were significantly higher in the special education group, but were not significantly related to training, exposure to speech and language therapists, or professional responsibility. However, knowledge levels were significantly related to daily contact with children with speech and language difficulties. No evidence of research or planning for children with such difficulties was discovered. Views on service provision favoured educational over health‐based provision. Qualitative information on attitudes and beliefs about speech and language difficulties did not contradict previous data on disabilities. The implications for Tanzania and other similar countries are discussed. Improvements to the questionnaire are discussed. More data are needed in order to facilitate appropriate service development.  相似文献   


University teachers are increasingly confronted with the necessity of using information technology for educational purposes. University policy in the nineties should therefor include stimulation of the use of computers and of the development of educational software. This policy should be based on an assessment of the present use of computers in teaching and learning, and needs of university teachers. At the Wageningen Agricultural University (WAU) this assessment was made through a questionnaire presented to all teachers. The results show that approximately 40% of the teachers use computers for educational purposes, 30% are interested and 30% are indifferent. The main computer applications are in the field of educational tools and exploratory environments. It is concluded that university policy on the introduction of computer use should acknowledge the importance of 1) teacher initiatives 2) exploring the possibilities of information technology, 3) material resources, 4) coordination of different initiatives and 5) a supporting centre with expertise on the use and development of computer applications for educational purposes.  相似文献   

Gender inequalities in educational administration attract calls for research internationally. The degree of concern and the urgent search for cause and cure are characterised as within an epidemic logic, evoking a managerialist ‘scientific’ reliance on evidence-driven change. Taking a poststructuralist approach, the paper uses a study of South African women school principals to position gender research as a tool for change. It considers one area of their experience that impacts on their leadership, marriage, as a vehicle to explore how research might be used. The paper challenges Western Enlightenment teleological cultural assumptions. It suggests that knowledge may be all we have to continue the negotiation of power where there is no solid ground of rightness about what views and actions disempower or the contrary and that it may, in itself, be a powerful force in the face of intractable problems.  相似文献   

本文拟以自建土建英语语料库为例探讨如何使用语料库词表、检索和主题词功能对专门用途英语的文体特征和语言特点进行分析。借助语料库工具,采用实证手段对目标文本的文体特征进行定量描写和定性分析,进而可以拓展到对其他领域的专门用途英语文体进行分析。  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of internationalisation on the strategy and language policy of the Portuguese University of Aveiro. In addition, it analyses how the Department of Languages and Cultures of the University contributes to the language policy. For the University of Aveiro, internationalisation is a priority and a distinctive feature of its profile. It is a member of many international networks and consortia in Europe and participates in a wide range of international study and research programmes. The principles of the Bologna Process have challenged UA policy makers to adopt a language policy and to give study programmes a more international profile by considering the option of English as a medium of instruction.
At the same time, and paradoxically, the role of the Portuguese language will become increasingly important in the near future because many of the foreign students at Aveiro come from the former Portuguese-speaking colonies. We conclude that the question of language has led to local dilemmas, discussions and sometimes tensions about the role of the English language in processes of internationalisation and curriculum change at the University of Aveiro.  相似文献   

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