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从当研究生到指导研究生——恢复研究生教育30年有感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以自己从我国恢复研究生招生之初当研究生到当下作为博士生导师的亲身经历和事例出发,谈了我国恢复研究生教育30年来取得的巨大成就,分析了30年来我国研究生教育模式发生的一些内在变化,提出了我国在建设高等教育强国过程中如何加强和改进研究生教育的五项建议,即坚持研究生教育的精英人才培养理念,研究生教育要鼓励学科交叉、拓宽学科基础,加强导师队伍建设,关心当前研究生导师队伍自身素质的提高,严格进行研究生的培养过程管理,建立有效的质量监控机制.  相似文献   

Research on the effectiveness of STEM-focused (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-focused) schools and other learning experiences (e.g., short-term camps) on student outcomes is sparse. This study documented perceptions of STEM content and careers for elementary, middle, and secondary school students participating in university-based summer camps focused on robotics. Attitudes before and after the camp experiences were compared across gender groups and grade levels. Middle school students showed greater growth on the surveys compared to their elementary and secondary school peers. Implications for the design and evaluation of STEM experiences include looking at longer, more intensive experiences.  相似文献   

This study concerns the educational experiences and progression through the doctoral programs of two cohorts of students in 5 of the 6 gerontology doctoral programs within the United States. The project goals include assessments of change and/or stability in projected career trajectories, as well as an assessment of students' perceptions of the program-student fit in terms of curriculum, research experience, and faculty involvement. This paper focuses on the perceptions and expectations of students during their first year. Perceptions of the programs are mostly positive, but areas for improvement are identified. Further investigations of data through the subsequent years identify areas of focus for continued modification and potential improvement of doctoral programs.  相似文献   

美国一流大学重视对博士生培养的过程管理,在招生选拔、课程设置、导师遴选、科研训练、指导方式等方面制定了严格的标准和完善的制度。借鉴美国经验,我国未来在推进博士生教育改革与发展中,应优化博士生招生制度、推进跨学科课程体系建设、探索团队指导模式、建立以博士生培养质量为核心的导师遴选标准、加强科研训练、构建博士生培养过程考核与评价机制、完善论文评审制度。  相似文献   

The breadth of doctoral education has expanded to include professional development activities in order to prepare students for academic and nonacademic careers. This mixed methods study focused on students’ perceptions of professional development opportunities at a Research One university. The findings suggest that most students feel prepared in scholarly-related activities; but they identify gaps in areas such as preparation for grant writing, teaching, and leading research teams. Statistically significant differences in perceived preparation were noted among disciplines. We offer suggestions for future research in doctoral professional development and recognize the need to expand and diversify centralized, institution-based resources so as to pave the pathway to successful careers for graduate students.  相似文献   

Early research experiences must be made available to all undergraduate students, including those at 2-yr institutions who account for nearly half of America''s college students. We report on barriers unique to 2-yr institutions that preclude the success of an early course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE). Using a randomized study design, we evaluated a CURE in equivalent introductory biology courses at a 4-yr institution and a 2-yr institution within the same geographic region. We found that these student populations developed dramatically different impressions of the experience. Students at the 4-yr institution enjoyed the CURE significantly more than the traditional labs. However, students at the 2-yr institution enjoyed the traditional labs significantly more, even though the CURE successfully produced targeted learning gains. On the basis of course evaluations, we enhanced instructor, student, and support staff training and reevaluated this CURE at a different campus of the same 2-yr institution. This time, the students reported that they enjoyed the research experience significantly more than the traditional labs. We conclude that early research experiences can succeed at 2-yr institutions, provided that a comprehensive implementation strategy targeting instructor, student, and support staff training is in place.  相似文献   

认为博士生教育是国家人才强国战略的重要部分,博士生导师使命光荣,任务艰巨;在博士生教育过程中,导师应加强对学生批判性思维和创新能力的培养;指导博士生要求导师拥有较高的学术水平与宽阔的学术视野,并在学风与敬业精神方面发挥榜样作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to explore the themes that counselor education doctoral students perceive as influencing their experience. The results of an exploratory qualitative study in which counselor education doctoral students provided their perceptions of what helped or hindered their progress are presented. Themes identified as both positively and negatively influencing their experiences were departmental culture, mentoring, academics, support systems, and personal issues. Recommendations are provided for counselor educators to consider in their work with doctoral students.  相似文献   

This article explores some of the processes of personal and social transformation involved in becoming a mature student, through the construction of four narratives derived from the biographical accounts of 21 students entering higher education. The authors identify different conceptions of self in the four narratives and demonstrate their gendered nature. In particular they highlight the specifically masculine nature of the 'reflexive self', in contrast to the gender-neutral treatment of this concept in the literature. They also draw attention to the connections between these gendered concepts of self and the meanings of education, which they suggest are more complex than the simple gender dichotomies expressed in the literature. In addition they show that an analytic approach derived from narrative analysis can offer more insights into the interpretation of biographical data than more traditional ethnographic methods.  相似文献   

大学生科学研究训练计划是服务于我校的学生培养目标定位,提高教学质量,实施理论教学与实践教学相结合的培养模式的重要组成部分。本文总结了笔者在近年来指导学生完成科学研究训练方面的一些体会,指出大力开展大学生科学研究训练是实现我校培养具有工程实践背景的高层次应用型人才的有效途径。  相似文献   

导师要则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了研究生导师的十条要则,即:诫"光当老板",诫"尽做监工",诫"漠不关心",诫"呵护过紧",诫"批评不停",诫"处事不公",诫"用心不专",诫"治学不实",诫"逐末忘本",诫"快速扩张".  相似文献   

The delivery of supervision skills to those who direct counselors through practicum is not well defined in the counseling literature. This article addresses that issue by presenting a model for identification and training of those skills, the roles in which the skills are demonstrated, and the types of choices or discriminations that are necessary to make in tutoring trainees through the counseling practicum. This model attempts to pair the training of supervisors with the training of counselors in a systematic fashion.  相似文献   

Multicultural education has transformed higher education both in terms of research and in terms of student experiences. Given the complexity of our institutions, the overall effects of these transformations are mixed. Building on the successes and strengths of multicultural education as it is currently incorporated in institutions and programs will involve better understanding how it is perceived, positively and negatively, by those who are experiencing it first hand. In this article we seek to contribute to this reflection through a discussion of a survey of students’ perceptions of multiculturalism in a large first-year program in a research university. Patrick Bruch is Associate Professor of Writing Studies in the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. He received a B.A. in English from Western Michigan University and a Ph.D. in English from Wayne State University. His teaching and research focus on struggles for equality within and through higher education. Jeanne L. Higbee received her B.S. in Sociology from Iowa State University and earned both her M.S. in Counseling and Guidance and Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She currently serves as Professor and Senior Advisor to the Center for Research on Developmental Education and Urban Literacy, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota. Her research interests are related to student development and the access and retention of student populations that traditionally have been underserved in postsecondary educational institutions. Kwabena Siaka is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Educational Policy and Administration at the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

博导兼职是一个普遍存在的现象,是一个亟待法律规范的领域。本文对高校兼职博导现象的原因和弊端进行了分析,从本职单位的角度提出了加强兼职博导管理的建议。  相似文献   

This study investigated the cognitive development of counseling students during their training program. Results suggest a need to emphasize student cognitive development as strongly as skills development in graduate programs.  相似文献   

大学生成人问题是我国高等教育必须解决的根本性问题。大学生只有成人,才能成才,成人是成才的前提和基础,成人比成才更重要。我们一定要树立学校教育,育人为本,德智体美,德育为先的思想和现念。切实加强高校思想政治教育工作,并取得实效。  相似文献   

通过对华东地区10所高校理工科博士生的调研,实证分析博士生导师资助制对导师责任心提高、博士生学习科研积极性激发、学生学业成就提升的实际效果。研究结果发现:理工科博士生导师资助制并没有显著提升导师指导博士生的责任心;理工科博士生导师资助制显著提高了博士生的科研课题参与度和学业科研投入时间;理工科博士生导师资助制没有有效促进博士生学业成就和创新能力的提升。针对调查结果,对进一步完善导师资助制度提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

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