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This article proposes an approach for supervising school counseling interns. The approach integrates supervisor roles, intern skills, and stages of the supervision process.  相似文献   

The effect of teaching experience on school counselor performance was examined by comparing principals' ratings of counselors with previous teaching experience to counselors certified without classroom teaching experience.  相似文献   

针对普通高中英语中低水平学生的实际情况,通过课堂教学方式、方法的改革与实践,从课堂教学目标设置,课堂教学方法的应用及课堂当堂检测等几个维度进行课堂观察分析,探究建立适合普通高中英语中低水平学生的英语课堂教学模式.  相似文献   

A model and initial research are presented for teaching experiential interventions to novice counselors. Cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of the model are related to transfer of learning with the interventions.  相似文献   

There is a demonstrated need for counselors in training to develop an awareness of their own dynamics and to explore biases and stereotypes that may obscure objectivity and predetermine counseling outcomes. This article describes a workshop consisting of videotaped vignettes, minilecture, and discussion that was developed by one counselor education program in response to that need.  相似文献   

论中学生的道德体验教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中学实施体验教育是中学道德教育规律的要求,它可以充分发挥中学生参与道德教育的主动性,增强中学道德教育的实效性和针对性,克服中学道德教育中重理论轻实践的不足。中学应采取得力措施落实中学生的道德体验教育。  相似文献   

Graduate students experience mental health distress. The authors investigated the benefits of required counseling services at a training clinic for students enrolled in counseling courses. Results indicated that after receiving services, students (N = 55) reported decreases in overall problems, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. Implications for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

试论小学英语教学自律课堂教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过调查中国英语课堂教学和小学教学现状 ,分析了存在的问题和原因 ,认为传统的教学模式在基础教育阶段业已造成学生自律治学能力的缺陷。提出学校的外语教学应该以提供适宜的学习情景 ,培育自律学习能力为教学目的 ,而不应该扼杀学生自律学习的潜能。笔者认为要想使学生成为自主的、积极的外语学习者 ,应该从基础教育做起 ,并提出了一个从小学阶段开始实施的自律课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

在音乐教学中,教师应"遵循听觉艺术的感知规律,突出音乐学科特点",以审美为核心,积极组织指导学生自由地、主动地参与丰富的音乐实践活动。通过聆听音乐、表现音乐和音乐创造活动为主的审美体验活动,培养学生的审美感知,丰富审美情感,发展审美想象,深化审美理解,有效地提高学生的音乐审美能力。使学生充分地体验音乐情绪、陶冶高尚情操,培养音乐爱好,为学生终身学习音乐、喜爱音乐、享受音乐奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

培养适应社会需求的合格的师范专业人才,就必须不断地提高学生的师范技能。文章从加强师范生基本技能训练;借用微格训练,探究多形式教学技能培养方案;加强实践教学环节,建立实习实训基地三方面提出了师范技能培养的新模式。  相似文献   

PBL学习模式重在教会学生真正"学习"的方法,切实提高学生运用概念和知识、自主学习、团队沟通协作、发现问题及解决问题等多种综合能力。应通过认真编写案例、课前导师培训、针对不同年级学生设定分层考核等多种方式,切实提高PBL课程教学效果,培养适应时代发展需要的复合型人才。  相似文献   

从学校心理咨询效果评价的研究现状和积极心理学视角分析学校心理咨询的效果评价问题,并围绕学校心理咨询效果评价问题提出学校心理咨询效果评价的模型。该模型包括:咨询初期评价——主要目的在于收集当事人的信息,了解当事人的问题以及当事人所缺乏的积极情绪体验能力和积极人格品质;咨询中期评价——当事人是否体验到更多的积极情绪;咨询结束评价——当事人是否形成了积极的人格品质和力量;后继评价——当事人是否在社会生活能力等方面有所提高。  相似文献   

新课标将美术教育中对学生想象力和创造力的培养提到了一个新的高度,越来越多的人认识到作为基础教育的初中美术教育在实现素质教育中的重要作用,是我国全面发展教育的一个有机组成部分,有着极其重要的地位。因而,加强初中美术教育,使学生掌握美术基础知识与技能,理解与欣赏美,对培养学生良好的审美情趣和高尚的品德情操,发展积极乐观、健康的情感具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

This article describes the design of a brief counseling model for students presenting with alcohol use concerns at one state university counseling center.  相似文献   

学生的学习效果如何与学习兴趣有很大关系.同小学、初中英语教学一样,在高中英语教学中教师也应关注学生的学习兴趣,采取多种方法激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,不断巩固和发展学习英语的兴趣,同时还要营造良好的教学氛围,使学生始终处于积极、主动的学习状态,实现有效的课堂教学.  相似文献   

李晓庆 《天津教育》2021,(9):147-148
小学生写作能力的提升,与观察是密不可分的。观察式作文的写作,能够引导小学生掌握观察的技巧,通过观察身边的人、事、景物,积累丰富的素材,有助于形成良好的写作思维,获得更多写作方向和素材。本文结合教学实践,探索如何通过课堂教学和课外活动,提升小学生的观察能力和写作水平。  相似文献   

背诵是英语教学的一种非常重要的手段和方法,它能够强化语言输入,加深学生对所学语法知识的理解,提高词汇、句型、固定表达的记忆效果,增强语言积累,从而使语言输出规范化。  相似文献   

This article describes an integrated counseling model that combines both solution-focused and cost-benefit techniques. The model was designed to be used with college students who abuse alcohol.  相似文献   

It is well documented that clinical supervision in school settings is underutilized. One hypothesis for this situation is the lack of fit between current supervision models that emphasize the supervision of individual counseling and the multiple roles of school counselors within comprehensive school counseling programs (CSCPs). The authors propose the School Counseling Supervision Model (SCSM) as an extension of J. M. Bernard's (1979, 1997) Discrimination Model. The SCSM uses a 3 (focus of supervision) × 3 (supervisor role) × 4 (CSCP domain) matrix. Examples are provided for potential supervision interventions using the SCSM. Implications for training, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

A need was identified for an instrument to measure online learning self-efficacy, which encompassed the wide variety of tasks required of successful online students. The Online Learning Self-Efficacy Scale (OLSES) was designed to include tasks required of students enrolled in paced online courses at one university. In the present study, the twenty-two-item scale was completed by 338 postsecondary students with and without online learning experience. Separate principal components analyses were performed using data collected from participants who had and had not completed an online course. The results were similar for the two groups. A three-subscale structure was selected for use with all individuals. The three subscales represent items concerning (1) learning in the online environment, (2) time management, and (3) technology use. The reliability and validity of scores on the OLSES was explored through group comparisons and correlations. Suggestions for the use of the instrument with other populations are discussed.  相似文献   

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