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Economic policies are innovations that have important effects on countries and their social welfare. Far from being simply technical in nature, such policies are often ideological innovations. This paper examines three economic policy innovations (privatization, central bank independence, and pension reform) and shows how the diffusion of these policies depended not only upon the mobility of American-trained Ph.D. economists to adopting countries, but also the state of agreement among economists on the value of these policy innovations. By estimating hazard models for adoption times, the effects of mobility and policy agreement are shown to explain the adoption patterns. The implications of this analysis are to treat the creation and diffusion of economic policies as innovations that are subject to trial and error revision as well as to the changing consensus within an academic community.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103820
This paper contributes to the literature on the effect of research evaluation in terms of preserving and reproducing diversity. Through a large-scale natural experiment encompassing two entire cohorts of Italian economists, we document how candidates for academic positions, especially top-tier positions, in economics are pushed to increasingly conform to a standardised research profile. We find evidence of gender bias in research evaluation and observe substantial variability in the chances of qualifying for an academic position, depending on candidates’ main fields, topics and methods of research. Our results also indicate that economists working on less popular research fields and/or with heterodox methods are less likely to qualify for top-tier academic positions, independently of their bibliometric indicators.  相似文献   

李士情 《大众科技》2013,(4):195-196
随着军队财务改革的不断深化,军校财务管理工作面临着新的课题。针对财务管理工作中出现的问题,提出从预算制度改革、财务管理理念、财务法规建设和人才队伍建设四个方面进行改革与创新,优化管理模式,改革管理方法,增强服务意识,确保军校财务管理工作的合理有序进行。  相似文献   

We explore the impact of a production technology on financial performance from the perspectives of technology diffusion and competitive strategy theory. We analyse how diffusion at firm and market levels influences the returns from the technology. We suggest that firm heterogeneity in the level of technology use leads to competitive advantages for relatively intensive adopters. We empirically test our propositions through the analysis of the diffusion of the Automated Teller Machine among Spanish savings banks between 1986 and 2004. Our results show that it is not the absolute but the relative level of use that drives the impact of the technology on profitability. Furthermore, as the technology is more intensively deployed in the market, the profitability of every firm decreases. Interestingly, in our empirical setting, this negative effect eventually leads to an aggregate negative impact on the profitability of the savings banks.  相似文献   

Edwin Mansfield’s contributions to the economics of technology are summarized from the early 1960s through his death in 1997. Mansfield’s methodology is discussed, as are his contributions on: the diffusion of technical innovation, the effect of firm size on innovation, the role of academic and basic research in increasing innovation and productivity, international technology transfer and the inaccuracy of technological forecasts. The economics profession’s evaluation of the relative importance of Mansfield’s work is presented, using as evidence citation counts of his works collected from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Identified as among Mansfield’s most important contributions are his work on the importance of academic research for industrial innovations, his empirical estimation of the rates of diffusion of different innovations, and his estimation of the private and social returns from investments in industrial innovations. Finally, we present Mansfield’s advice on the future of the economics of technology.  相似文献   

Partnerships can be found in many areas of social and economic life. These arrangements have become particularly prevalent in research and development activities where organizations increasingly seek partners to complement their own technological capabilities. R&D partnerships, however, are fraught with challenges because the conditions for optimum effectiveness and efficiency of cooperation are still not fully understood. Academic partnerships are also very common and offer a fertile ground for investigation.  相似文献   

Market-level information diffused by print media may contribute to the legitimation of an emerging technology and thus influence the diffusion of competing technological standards. After analyzing more than 10,000 trade media abstracts from the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry published between 1981 and 2000, we found the presence of differential effects on the adoption of competing standards by two market-level information types: technology and product availability. The significance of these effects depends on the technology's order of entry and suggests that high-tech product managers should make strategic use of market-level information by appropriately focusing the content of their communications.  相似文献   

文章以大宗商品价格国际话语权与我国经济安全研究为案例,对中科院科研机构发挥国家科学思想库功能的运行机制进行了初步探讨,并提出了一些可供参考的经验和具体做法。  相似文献   

李玉梅 《大众科技》2013,(12):201-203
校企合作是高职院校办学的重要路径,而基于校企合作的订单式人才培养模式有效实现了高职院校毕业生就业的零过渡,使学生能够迅速适应工作岗位的要求。订单式培养是深化职业教育改革的重要措施之一,是高职教育适应市场需求和改革趋势而出现的新型人才培养模式。文章主要以广西经济管理干部学院计算机系为例,从校企合作的实践入手,结合该系订单式人才培养模式实践,分析了存在问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

吕友春  把志刚  王丽  尚莉  涂鉴森 《学会》2001,(9):26-26,28
日常学术活动是云南省医学会十多年来,一直坚持开展的经常性工作,在各专科分会的积极配合下,至今一直保持着稳定和持续发展的势头.参加日常学术活动已成为昆明地区及周边地州市县广大会员和医务工作者接受继续医学教育、促进知识更新的重要途径.  相似文献   

In the 1950s, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) engaged in close cooperation with the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The CAS sent scientists to the Soviet Academy to work as interns, study for advanced degrees, or engage in academic cooperation, and a large number of Soviet scientists were invited by the various institutes of the CAS to come to China to give lectures, direct research, help make scientific plans, and collaborate. The comprehensive cooperation between the two academies was launched at a time when the CAS institutes were in their embryonic stage, which suggests that the better-established Soviet scientists had the opportunity to play a dominate role. But the reality is not so straightforward. The case studies in this paper suggest that besides the influence of compatible political movements in China and the Soviet Union and bilateral ties between these two nations’ scientific institutes, disharmony in actual working relationships prevented Soviet scientists from playing the role they might have envisioned within the CAS institutes. The rapid development of the cooperative relationship in a short span of time, combined with lack of experience on both sides, made for a disharmonious collaboration.  相似文献   

政府与社会资本合作(PPP)是我国政府的重要治理方式,基于政策创新扩散理论,从时间、空间和方向3个维度,对1995—2018年所颁布的323项政策文件进行量化分析,解释中国PPPs政策扩散的过程与特征。结果显示,我国PPPs政策创新目前正处于"S"型曲线的快速扩散期;政策空间扩散上,呈现出地区性辐射扩散的特点;政策扩散方向上,存在着中央向地方自上而下、中央内部部门由高到低的层级扩散,以及各同级政府部门间的平行扩散路径。为提升政策创新扩散效果,政府应将政策模仿经过政策学习后转化为政策创新。  相似文献   


When the United States entered World War I in 1917, there was no elaborate framework for providing scientific advice to the government. Engineers and scientists struggled to find an appropriate mechanism, but the former found themselves subordinated to a scientific community which sought to dominate emerging structures. At stake was not merely the credit for helping win the war, but also an advantage in the coming postwar definition and expansion of industrial research. Scientific leaders sought advantage by making a distinction between ‘engineering research’ and engineering practice, and claiming jurisdiction over the former.  相似文献   

It seems to be a generally accepted belief that the adoption rate of the Internet has exceeded that of earlier mass communication technologies by several magnitudes. This article reviews the historic data related to some of these technologies, draws on actor-network theory as a framework for interpreting such data, traces the transformations and translation of this data throughout the public, political, and scientific discourse, and discusses the use of "facts" in modern society.  相似文献   

It seems to be a generally accepted belief that the adoption rate of the Internet has exceeded that of earlier mass communication technologies by several magnitudes. This article reviews the historic data related to some of these technologies, draws on actor-network theory as a framework for interpreting such data, traces the transformations and translation of this data throughout the public, political, and scientific discourse, and discusses the use of "facts" in modern society.  相似文献   

可汗学院是近几年兴起并获得巨大成功的一家非营利性教育组织,是以视频教学为载体的一种改革教育模式。利用文献研究法探讨了该教学模式的种类与特点,利用案例研究法分析了可汗学院教与学的过程。通过分析研究,归纳出可汗学院的教学模式图,并指出了可汗学院教学模式对传统课堂教学的一些启示。  相似文献   

中国科学院中青年杰出科技人才的年龄特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尚智丛 《科学学研究》2007,25(2):228-232
通过对227名中国科学院50岁以下杰出科技人才的统计分析,研究其成长过程中表现出的年龄特征,上世纪90年代后我国自己培养的博士已成为杰出科技人才的主体部分。这一年龄特征与国际科技人才成长的一般规律一致,但是,在完成博士研究工作并进入职业科研活动方面,稍晚于诺贝尔科学奖获得者。  相似文献   

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