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文章利用截集,讨论了Fuzzy数序列的水平Fuzzy收敛性与点式弱收敛性的关系。证明了Fuzzy数序列的水平Fuzzy收敛性蕴涵点式弱收敛性,但反之不真。  相似文献   

Fuzzy集与Fuzzy数   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
党平安  吕伟 《天中学刊》1999,14(2):15-17
定义了凸Fuzzy集、区间数及Fuzzy数,讨论了Fuzzy集的有关命题,最后给出了求Fuzzy数的方法及实例.  相似文献   

在[1][2]的基础上,给出了区间值直觉Fuzzy集(IVIFS)的扩展定理的几种形式。  相似文献   

在五元联系数表达式中,采用分析取值法得到的系数生成了一组序列:1、0.5、0、-0.5、-1,且在[-1,1]上是连续的.对"异"系数而言,存在最小值、最可能值和最大值,可以构造系数的三角模糊数A,据此可以得出基于三角模糊数A 的α-截集的联系数.在城市环境质量评价的应用结果表明:该方法可以给出具体评价等级,并且得到的等级为一置信区间:评价结果更符合实际,在环境质量评价中具有推广应用价值.  相似文献   

在文[3]的基础上,定义区间值Fuzzy数,并研究其扩张运算,从而为进一步讨论区间值Fuzzy函数奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Traditional methods for detecting symmetry in image suffer greatly from the contrast of im-age and noise, and they all require some preprocessing. This paper presents a new method of im-age symmetry detection. This method detects symmetry with phase information utilizing logGabor wavelets,because phase information is stable and significant, while symmetric points produce pat-terns easy to be recognised and confirmable in local phase. Phase method does not require any preprocessing. and its result is accurate or invariant to contrast, rotation and illumination conditions. This method can detect mirror symmetry, rotating symmetry and curve symmetry at one time. Results of experiment show that, compared with pivotal element algorithm based on intensity information, phase method is more accurate and robust.  相似文献   

以模糊数的截集为切入点给出一种模糊数可能性均值、可能性方差和可能性协方差的新的定义,并将新定义下的可能性均值作为证券组合投资未来收益率的度量,新定义下的可能性方差作为证券组合投资未来风险的度量,构建基于λ-截集的可能性均值-方差组合投资理论模型。并结合中国证券市场中的具体实例,说明了该模型的合理性和适用性。  相似文献   

有界闭模糊复数是一类应用最为广泛的模糊数,它具有良好的结构和性质.本文重点研究了有界闭模糊复数集上的映射的一些性质,得到了一些新结论,为后继研究工作奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   

自M.Banerjee和S.K.pal提出了模糊粗糙集的基本模型以来,模糊粗糙集一直是粗糙集理论研究的一个重要课题。本文在模糊粗糙集基本模型基础上首先从λ-模糊截集的概念出发,提出了基于λ-模糊截集的上、下近似的概念,给出了依参数粗糙度的新计算方法,从而使模糊粗糙集中依参数粗糙度得到了显著的改进,并通过具体实例证明了该方法的有效性,特别是当处理的数据较多时该方法尤为优越。  相似文献   

针对指标权重已知且指标值以直觉三角模糊数表示的多指标决策问题,提出一种基于集对分析区间型联系数的决策分析方法。首先给出直觉三角模糊数和区间型联系数的定义和运算法则,进而依据集对分析思想把直觉三角模糊数转化为区间型联系数,然后给出直觉三角模糊数多指标决策问题的决策步骤,最后给出一个实例,结果表明该方法可行有效。  相似文献   

“十一五规划”提出了建设社会主义新农村的伟大构想,并将其作为现代化进程中的一项重大而又深远的战略任务。新农村的建设既要强调外生力量的促进,更应注重内生力量的培育。在和谐社会的思想内蕴与精神旨趣下,以“十一五”规划的精神解读为视角,以农村义务教育的价值分析为进路,通过阐述农村义务教育与新农村建构的辨证关系,进一步提出发展和完善农村义务教育的理性对策,为社会主义新农村的建构提供有益思索。  相似文献   

对《中国学习者英语语料库》中的ST5和ST6两个子语库中的所有时态错误按16种时态分类进行分析,结果表明一般过去时、一般现在时和现在完成时是最容易出错的时态。其中尤以一般过去时错误为最多。说明一般过去时是中国英语专业学习者最难掌握的时态。进一步分析发现,中国英语专业学生的一般过去时错误主要集中在时态选择型错误上,主要表现在将一般过去时误用为一般现在时和现在完成时。这主要是由于学生呆板地依据时间状语,未能很好地区分时态的语义特征等原因造成的。此外,动词凸显度和时间状语两种语内因素会显著影响一般过去时的使用。  相似文献   

a,0-Unsaturatedketonesareitnportantintermediatesinorganicsynthesis.FridelCraftsacylationofalkenesprovidesasimple,directaccesstoa,6-unsaturatedketones.However['-'l,owingtoitslowyieldandtheformationofacomplexmixtureofprodncts.itssyntneticapplicationhasbeenl…  相似文献   

The effect of magnetic field on α-amylase was studied. Under the experimental conditions, α-amylase solution was treated by 0.15 T, 0.30 T and 0.45 T static magnetic fields for a known period of time, then the activity, kinetic parameters, and the secondary conformation were investigated. The results showed that there was a considerable effect of the magnetic exposure on the α-amylase. The activity was increased by 27%, 34.1%, 37.8% compared with the control. It was also found that both kinetic parameters K m and V m could be decreased due to the increasing magnetic field, K m decreased from 2.20×10?2 to 0.87×10?2, whereas V m decreased from 2.0×10?3 g/min to 1.1×10?3 g/min. At the same time, there were some irregular changes in α-amylase secondary conformation.  相似文献   

李爱华 《海外英语》2013,(7X):23-24
By contrasting the model compositions by advanced Chinese EFL learners and American university students in the cor pus approach,the present study analyzes the use of productive vocabulary by Chinese EFL learners both quantitatively and qualita tively.It is found that except the first 1000 most frequently used words,there is no statistically significant difference between the frequency distribution of the productive vocabulary used by both types of English learners.But in terms of the usages of the Eng lish words,the Chinese EFL learners exhibit inadequacy in understanding and employing them,especially with regard to semantic prosody and collocation.These findings are significant for the teaching of vocabulary in China.  相似文献   

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