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综合世界各国和地区的经验,基于核心素养的课程标准研制基本遵循学生核心素养-学科核心素养-内容标准的思路.在这种思路中,学科核心素养起着桥梁作用,是研制课程标准的关键.[1]随着《普通高中数学课程标准(2017年版)》(以下简称《课程标准(2017年版)》)的发布,数学学科核心素养测评成为数学教育研究的热点问题,高中数学...  相似文献   

学业成就评价必须基于课程标准,这是国家对基础教育整体质量卓越的诉求。韦伯博士是美国"基于标准的评价"运动的重要代表人物,他提出了学业成就评价与课程标准保持一致性的分析维度、分析程序、分析方法等一整套一致性框架,并开发了基于网络的评价与标准一致性工具。全面深入研究韦伯模式,对我国基础教育阶段学生学业成就评价改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Results are reported from an empirical study of an interorganizational collaboration to prepare underrepresented students for elite postsecondary education and beyond. The LEAD (Leadership Education and Development) Program in Business is an initiative involving twelve U.S. universities, nearly forty multinational corporations, a federal government agency, and a nonprofit organization working together to introduce students to business education and careers in business. This article analyzes the conditions that give rise to the collaboration, its essential structural characteristics, and the consequences that flow from it.
David J. SiegelEmail:

David J. Siegel   is associate professor of Educational Leadership at East Carolina University. He received his B.A. from Wake Forest University, his M.Ed. from the University of South Carolina, and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. His research interests center around the dynamics of cross-sector, interorganizational collaboration to promote social change.  相似文献   

Webb一致性程序是判断评价与课程标准一致性的重工具,它有4个标准:类别一致性、知识深度一致性、知识范围一致性和知识分布平衡性,分别对应着多级可接受水平。一致性研究的挑战在于判断"什么样的一致性才是最好的",这一判断过程虽然可以基于众多实证研究,但也包含某种程度的主观性。  相似文献   


A process for judging the alignment between curriculum standards and assessments developed by the author is presented. This process produces information on the relationship of standards and assessments on four alignment criteria: Categorical Concurrence, Depth of Knowledge Consistency, Range of Knowledge Correspondence, and Balance of Representation. Five issues are identified—but not resolved—that have arisen from conducting alignment studies. All of these issues relate to making a decision about what alignment is good enough. Pragmatic decisions have been made to specify acceptable levels for each of the alignment criteria. The assumptions are described. The issues discussed arise from a change in the underlying assumptions and from considering variations in the purpose for an assessment. The existence of such issues reinforces that alignment judgments have an element of subjectivity.  相似文献   

高等教育的改革随着人才培养模式和岗位能力需求的发展而不断深化,高职教育的课程应该坚持职业性、应用性、实践性,真正摆脱传统的学科教育束缚,以培养技术应用能力为主线。构建与行业标准相衔接的高职课程体系可以实现学生"以一技之长为主,兼顾多种能力",既掌握一类职业岗位共同的专业理论,又能在这些专业理论基础上把已形成的能力在相应职业岗位范围内发生转移,达到上岗无须过渡,转岗不必培训之目的。  相似文献   

There are few pedagogical resources that describe how counselor educators can prepare counseling students to advocate for social justice. This article highlights a constructivist approach to social justice advocacy training called the Liberation Model. The principles of the Liberation Model are discussed, and recommendations for implementing the model in graduate counseling courses are provided. The purpose of the model is to help students develop the knowledge, awareness, and skills necessary for social justice advocacy.  相似文献   

高职《食品标准与法规》课程设计初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于工作过程的课程设计是当前我国高职教育课程改革的方向。因此,应结合教学实际情况,对《食品标准与法规》课程进行基于工作过程的分析,从课程思路、教学目标、课程内容、教学方法的设计几个方面对课程设计加以探讨。  相似文献   

Questions contine to be raised about the relevance of educational outcomes for young people with learning difficulties. Margaret Dowrick, lecturer in special education at the University of Western Sydney, suggests that there is ongoing concern that education services fail to prepare students with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties 'for the demands of adult life'. In this article, Margaret Dowrick describes a project that brought together professionals, parents and students in order to generate consensus about the skills that young people with learning difficulties need to gain before leaving school. The results of these consultations were fed back to schools in order to support the process of curricular review. Although this paper is written from an Australian perspective, the author makes telling links with the situation in North America and the United Kingdom and raises issues that will be of interest to specialist educators everywhere.  相似文献   

美国教师教育者专业标准有力地推动了美国教师教育者专业的建设与发展,使美国的教师教育更加科学、实用。我国应参考美国教师教育者专业标准制定的研究经验,由国家教育行政管理部门主导制定符合我国国情的教师教育者专业标准。  相似文献   

分析了专业课程标准对课程建设、教学质量和人才培养质量等环节产生的根本性影响,针对高职专业课程标准开发存在的问题,阐述了课程标准开发的基本理念和原则,为课程标准开发提供了全面的开发思路和方向。根据国家专业教学标准和教育部门对职业教育相关文件要求,结合本专业自身建设现状和发展趋势,开发一个适用的符合职业教育发展规律的课程标准是每一名专业教师的必修课。  相似文献   

依据工程教育专业认证标准对高校测绘工程专业人才培养要求,结合专业提出的培养目标,以提高学生实践能力为核心角度,从教学内容的调整与改革、实践能力的锻炼与提高、评价机制的建设与完善、教师教学能力的提高四方面着手,探讨测量学课程教学改革,希望能为高校测绘行业人才培养提供思路与借鉴。  相似文献   

The authors describe a method for preparing novice counselors for professional environments by using classroom meetings of semester‐long courses to simulate college student affairs divisions, community agencies, school counseling offices, and other work settings.  相似文献   

中考前的复习课能使知识在记忆中得到强化和保持。复习步骤一般安排五轮复习:详细全面抓知识点、专题性复习、横向纵向延伸式复习、联系社会时政热点、集中习题检测。复习方法有连锁反应法,自救和他救法、创意比措法等。师生互动的同时也力求生生互动。  相似文献   

随着社会对教师“专业性”要求的不断提高,从20世纪90年代起,国内外开始研究教师专业标准与高校师范生培养相结合。2012年,我国教育部相继颁布试行中小学、幼儿园教师专业标准,从政策层面要求教师的培养与成长必须符合教师专业标准的要求。当前的教师专业标准与高校师范生培养研究,主要通过“职前培养与职后培训一体化”来探索教师专业成长的路径,国内一些师范院校对此做出了实践尝试,但还存在着理论架构不足、职前培养与职后培训相分离、一体化终身学习体系建设不完整等问题。  相似文献   

This paper describes processes and products of a partnership to promote professionalization of the field of victim services. The National Victim Assistance Standards Consortium was established by the federal Office for Victims of Crime in partnership with the University of South Carolina. The Consortium reached across geographic, philosophical, and disciplinary divides to forge a common ground in professional development, including a definition and mission for the field as well as three sets of model standards for serving victims and survivors. The project included a review of literature on victim services, town hall meetings across the country, and layered review and refinement of standards by approximately 50 professionals working at the local, state, and national levels. The online document, Achieving Excellence: Model Standards for Serving Victims & Survivors of Crime, will provide standards for promoting competence and ethical integrity as well as quality and consistency of service.  相似文献   

人文教育是高职教育不可缺失的部分.贯穿于人才培养的全过程和学生的整个职业生涯。现有的高职人文素质课程设置偏重于学科性、教育实效性不强、评价方式简单化、师资缺乏、地位边缘化,导致人文素质教育的缺失。高职院校可借鉴国内外通识课程的研究与实践,构建具有高职特色的“通专结合”人文课程体系,提高学生的职业人文素养。  相似文献   

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