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Researchers interested in new modes of social control and regulation through pedagogic means have increasingly drawn on Bernstein’s theories of social control through pedagogic means and the emergence of a totally pedagogised society. This article explores this aspect of the Bernsteinian theoretical project by extrapolating and contrasting Foucault’s and Bernstein’s theories of power knowledge relations, pedagogic discourse and different types of knowledge structures. It elaborates on Bernstein’s theory of the complex division of labour within the field of symbolic control, consisting of agents from different class factions engaged in conflicts and struggles over the production and recontextualisation of different types of scientific knowledge. The article provides two case studies of empirical research to illustrate how Bernstein’s concepts can be used to theorise different modes of pedagogic governance. It demonstrates the possibilities of Bernstein’s later theoretical oeuvre to studies of social reproduction, interruption and change in and through pedagogic relations.  相似文献   

Bible teachers in contemporary society confront serious problems related to the nature of the biblical text and the socio-cultural context of their teaching. This study, based on semi-structured interviews, examines the problems that five expert religious Israeli elementary school teachers encounter in their teaching and the solutions they employ. Our findings show two major domains of pedagogic issues: unfamiliar biblical linguistics and problematic content. Teachers reported student difficulties in understanding biblical Hebrew. Problematic content includes irrelevant topics, emotionally laden material, and age inappropriate issues. Linguistic solutions relied on reading comprehension techniques and use of features specific to Bible reading such as diacritical marks. Regarding content issues, teachers were motivated by faith in the sanctity of the text to find effective solutions. These include selectivity, reinterpretation using homiletic tools, a holistic understanding and contextualising the narrative. Though teachers felt ill-prepared by their pre-service training in dealing with these challenges, they demonstrated resilience in their solution-oriented pedagogy. These findings suggest attention to mentoring and professional development, and to the creation of a community of practice to support teachers’ dealing with the ongoing challenges in their teaching.  相似文献   

论师范院校公共教育学课程的改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前师范院校公共教育学课的教学确实存在着诸如教学内容多、范围广、教学课时少,教学方法单一、教学班容量大等问题,这些问题严重地影响了师范生的师范素质。因此,我们应根据实际情况对师范院校的公共教育学课程进行有针对性的改革。  相似文献   

新教师初入职阶段的专业学习是成功进入教师职业的关键。大量研究表明,新教师的工作实践状况和工作环境极大影响着其专业学习。国内已有研究在教师专业学习的目标、内容、途径与方法等方面进行了有益的探索。怎样理解和解释新教师初入职阶段的专业学习,进而分析其生存和发展状态?运用伯恩斯坦的教育符码、社会分工、教育话语等教育社会学理论可以为之提供帮助,也为教师教育的改革和发展提供些许建议。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the meaning potentials of teacher education in terms of the significance of a research-based approach and the different pedagogic identities that such an approach implies. The study’s aim is to examine the important factors for education to be considered research-based and to identify and analyse the research base of teacher education in Sweden. The results from the analysis of a large number of course documents and from a survey administered to teachers and students in four teacher education programmes indicate that the emerging potential meaning is that teacher education is generally a strongly framed professional education with a relatively weak and adapted research base. The analysis of the classification and framing of disciplinary content and pedagogy in the Swedish teacher education curriculum points at different pedagogic identities emerging from the different meaning potentials that are made available to the students. We argue that a thorough understanding of research-based teacher education needs to be grounded in both course content and its research base as well as other possible pedagogical aspects of research-based education; the education as a whole must be included in the concept of research-based education.  相似文献   

Critical policy scholars have increasingly turned their attention to: (1) the work of policy actors engaged in globalised and globalising processes of policy formation, (2) the global flows or movements of education policies across multifaceted, hybrid networks of public–private agencies, and (3) the complex politics of global–national policy translation and enactment in local school contexts. Scholars have emphasised firstly, the economic turn in education reform policies, a shift from a social democratic education orientation and secondly, policy convergence towards a dominant neoliberal political agenda. This paper suggests that Bernstein’s concepts of the totally pedagogised society (TPS) and the pedagogic device, as the ensemble of rules for the production, recontextualisation and evaluation of pedagogic discourses may add to this corpus of critical policy scholarship. It does this by firstly reviewing the take up of Bernstein’s concept of the TPS in the critical policy sociology literature, arguing that this interpretation presents a largely dystopian account of globalising educational policies. In contrast, the paper argues for and presents an alternative open-ended reading and projection of Bernstein’s concept of the TPS and pedagogic device for thinking about globalised processes and devices of the pedagogic communication of knowledge(s).  相似文献   


This paper investigates the underexplored area of othering of migrant academics within their teaching context. Nine personal narratives of migrant academics’ teaching were analysed qualitatively for indications of pedagogical othering. Migrant academics indicated the need to align their own pedagogic values and practices with that of their host institutions they work in as they felt their own values and practices were considered less desirable. We argue, from a Gramsci’s hegemonic perspective, that the pedagogic adaptation by migrant academics aimed at improving student learning is not problematic in itself, but more problematic is the inequality of opportunity for migrant academics to contribute to pedagogical decisions which can meaningfully influence the departmental culture. Lack of pedagogic democracy where the ‘home’ academic environment has a monopoly of knowledge and a hegemonic position regarding learning and teaching can compromise the student-learning experience by limiting articulation of alternative pedagogical perspectives by the migrant international academics.  相似文献   

Amidst major new initiatives in research that are beginning to address the pedagogic dimension of building capacity in social science research methods, this paper makes the first move to apply the lens of inclusive pedagogy to research methods pedagogy. The paper explores the ways in which learning social science research methods is hard and may be anxiety-provoking, which has sometimes led to a deficit discourse in which learners are positioned as ill-prepared and fearful. Learners can then be blamed for being hard to teach when an inclusive pedagogical lens would support a more asset-based discourse. Nonetheless, the authors argue that without traditional deficit-based solutions of the remedial class, special needs label or special teacher within the methods learning environment, methods teachers have developed their own responses. These pedagogic responses, elicited from the authors’ research using methods of expert interviews, focus groups and video-stimulated dialogue, address challenges associated with the learner, the learning material and the teacher’s context. The paper differentiates between practical solution-focused strategies and more holistic approaches. The authors illustrate how methods teachers reach out to diverse learners and they conclude that data and standpoints are used in inclusive teaching to make connections and to support learning.  相似文献   

So far, pedagogy has not formed its own unique visual angle and thinking mode to understand humans and the world in general; consequently, it is always counting upon other subjects, which is the root of the crisis in pedagogy. Focusing on the “visual angle” and “thinking mode”, this article puts forward a new proposition “pedagogic understanding” to make a concrete analysis of a basic hypothesis, some basic problems and some research ways. The purpose is to form pedagogy’s own way of understanding on the foundation of delimitation and integration with other subjects.  相似文献   

高校系级教学秘书身份的多重性和秘书工作的开放性、中转性决定了秘书角色转换的必然性。秘书角色转换不当易产生工作越位,秘书自负心理,秘书自卑心理等消极影响。秘书在角色转换时除了要有清醒的角色认知外,还应构建正确的秘书价值观,遵循真诚人际交往原则,培养正确的角色意识。  相似文献   

为什么教育学理论对话越来越少   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在教育学理论研究中,曾经有过"学术界",众多研究者围绕着某些共同的问题进行了旷日持久的探讨。随着西方理论的不断引进,教育学理论研究反而失去了"学术界"(学术对话平台)。  相似文献   

首先简要介绍了基于自建广播新闻语料库进行新闻听力教材编写过程中语料库的设计、语料的收集及处理。然后详细讨论了该教材的总体架构,并结合实例介绍了教材编写中语料的选编、语言知识的呈现及教材练习设计等细节。  相似文献   

从社会发展和教师教育改革对高等师范教育的新要求出发,针对高等师范教育面临的问题,提出从四个方面实现师范教育向教师教育的转型。  相似文献   

关于教育学研究的方法论问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究、探讨教育学的方法论问题具有重要意义。目前我国教育学的研究要突破传统方法论的束缚,首先进行著名教育家教育思想的研究和教育实验的研究。  相似文献   

论教育类专业研究生科研能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育学科有其自身独特的学科特点,教育类专业研究生科研能力的培养也具有其特殊的规律性。本文从"教育类专业研究生应重点培养哪些方面的科研能力"入手,系统分析了目前我国教育类专业研究生科研能力培养方面存在的诸多问题,最后从树立科研意识、教学科研相并重、统一要求与个性培养相结合等五方面阐述了教育类专业研究生科研能力培养的主要途径。  相似文献   

文章分析教育学研究理论与实践脱节的问题,并阐述了其产生的根源,指出了教育学研究要聚焦教育实践,需要关注实践、参与实践、批判实践、改进实践,方能使教育学研究走向健康、正常的道路。  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a study that asked teachers to narrate their interactions with learners from the perspective of the curriculum that the school adopted. Thirteen female teachers, employed at eight special secondary schools for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties in England, participated in the research. They narrated their experiences, which were consequently subject to phenomenological hermeneutic analysis. All the teachers displayed a high degree of individuality and conceptualised their work not straightforwardly as teaching the espoused curriculum, but rather as they themselves being the ‘curriculum‐in‐action’, with their practice lying alongside and only obliquely cognisant of their school's explicit provision. The narratives disclosed ongoing conflict with school leaders being interpreted as a threat to their specific pedagogic practices as well as their professionalism. The research raises questions about the ability of the ‘special curriculum’ to be truly responsive to pupils' needs within this complex pedagogical environment.  相似文献   

高等师范院校音乐系如何强化师范性,是一个非常值得探讨的问题。分析当前高等师范院校音乐系教学过程中师范性缺乏的现状及成因并提出相应的措施。  相似文献   

根据学校的师范性,对学生综合素质提出了高标准要求,结合化学课程的学科特点,在化学教学中特别是实验教学中,加强对学生实验动手能力的培养训练和成绩考核,取得了较好的改革成果。  相似文献   

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