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美国心理学家奥苏伯尔说过:“影响学习的最重要的原因是学生已经知道了什么,我们应当根据学生原有的知识状况去进行教学。”如何才能知道学生的原有知识状况,如何才能激发学生自丰学习的动力,这些都有赖于课前学生的有效预学。一、小学数学学习中预学的必要性.提高学生预学能力是素质教育的必然要求素质教育要求在基础教育阶段就开始培养学生有实现自我的可持续发展的意识和能力,即变“学会”为“会学”。学生预学时会努力利用已有的知识和经验来理解新知识,  相似文献   

美国心理学家奥苏伯尔说过:“影响学习的最重要的原因是学生已经知道了什么,我们应当根据学生原有的知识状况去进行教学。”如何才能知道学生的原有知识状况,如何才能激发学生自主学习的动力,这些都有赖于课前学生的有效预学。  相似文献   

魏伟 《考试周刊》2011,(24):99-99
学生已有的生活经验、文化知识和原始观念是学生学习新知的基础,也是重要的原始性课程资源。学生在接触新的数学知识之前.对相关内容已经具有一些初步的、原始的认识和观念。这些初步的、原始的认识和观念,以及相关的旧知识称之为“原始资源”。“原始资源”对于新知的学习具有举足轻重的作用,绝不能视而不见。正如美国心理学家奥苏伯尔所说:“影响学习的最重要的原因是学生已经知道了什么,我们应当根据学生原有的知识状况去进行教学。”  相似文献   

美国心理学家奥苏泊尔说过:“影响学习最重要的原因是学生已经知道了什么,我们应当根据学生原有的知识状况去进行教学。”《数学课程标准》指出:“教师教学应该以学生的认知发展水平和已有的经验为基础。”  相似文献   

新课标指出:数学教学活动必须建立在学生认知发展和已有知识经验的基础之上。美国教育心理学家奥苏伯尔也说过,影响学习最重要的因素是学生已经知道了什么,我们应当根据学生原有的知识状态去进行教学。可见,“学习”不是简单的信息积累,而是新旧知识、经验的相互作用引发的认识结构的重组。  相似文献   

奥苏伯尔曾说过:“影响学习最重要的因素是学生已经知道了什么,教师应根据学生的原有知识进行教学。”《数学课程标准》也指出,数学教学活动必须建立在学生认知发展和已有的知识经验基础之上,学生的数学学习活动是在教师组织、引导下的自我建构、自我生成的过程。很多教师都已正确认识了学生学习数学的过程和数学教学的特点,都知道要了解学生的学习起点。然而,当我们走进鲜活的课堂时,由于一些教师对“学习起点”认识上的绝对化或把握不准确,导致实际教学行为的偏差,结果是挫伤了学生的学习积极性,教学也就达不到应有的效果。  相似文献   

现代认知心理学家奥苏伯尔认为:“影响学习的最重要因素,就是学习者已经知道了什么,要探明这一点并据此进行教学。”了解学生课前已经拥有的知识和经验基础也是新课标的重要理念,它有利于找准教学起点。在本课教学之前,学生已经掌握的相关基础是:①认识长度单位米、厘米;知道1米=100厘  相似文献   

美国认知教育心理学家奥苏伯尔认为,影响学生学习最重要的原因是学生已经知道了什么,教师应根据学生原有的知识状况进行教学.新课标倡导自主、合作和探究为主的学习方式,教师成为学生学习活动的参与者、促进者.现代认知科学尤其是建构主义理论认为,知识并不能简单地由教师传授给学生,而只能由每名学生依据已有的知识和经验主动加以建构.小学生经历的学习过程应该是积极主动探索、不断自主建构、不断自我完善和发展的过程.课堂  相似文献   

建构主义者认为,学生并非空着头脑进人教室,在日常生活中。在以往的学习生活中,他们已经形成了广泛而丰富的经验和背景知识,这丰富的经验和背景知识就是原认知。它是有效教学的重要资源。奥苏伯尔曾说过,“如果我不得不将教学心理学还原为一条原理的话,我将会说,影响学习的最重要因素是学生已经知道了什么,根据学生的原有知识状态进行教学。”他认为新知识的学习必须以已有的认知结构为基础,学习新知识的过程,就是学习者积极主动地从自己已有的认知结构中,提取与新知识最有联系的旧知识,并且加以“固定”或者“归属”的一种动态过程。因此,有效教学课堂必须很好地利用学生的原认知资源。  相似文献   

一、采用“望闻问切”的方式。找准学生的学习起点著名心理学家奥苏贝尔说过:“假如必须把一切教育心理学还原为一条原理,我就要说,影响学习最为重要的一个因素就是学习者已经知道了什么。弄清楚学生已经知道了什么,并在此基础上进行教学。”这个“学生知道了什么”,指的就是学生的起点能力。  相似文献   

教师的专业知识素质是教师在专业教学中所应具备的相应的知识结构及程度。是从事教育教学工作的前提条件,也是构成教师专业素养的重要基础。语文教师就是以某种程度和类型的语文知识为标志、工具和对象,站在语文教育的立场选择与组织知识,呈现与传授知识,运用与探究知识,使学生获得基本的语文素养。在新课程背景下,作为语文教师应该具有怎样的专业知识素质?根据知识分类理论和我国语文教师知识的实际情况,从语文学科知识、语文教育理论知识和语文实践性知识三个方面探讨语文教师从事教育教学工作的专业知识结构。  相似文献   

学校知识的性质与基础教育改革的方向   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
孙振东 《教育学报》2006,2(2):11-24
基础教育学校教学什么知识?如何教学知识?如何实现学生的全面发展?对这些问题的回答,体现着基础教育改革的思路,影响着基础教育改革的方向。我国“新课程理念”受后现代主义等“当代西方新理论”的影响,在学校知识的性质、学校知识教学的方式以及实现学生全面发展的途径等问题上存在诸多模糊认识,体现了其在基础教育改革思路上有原则性失误。以马克思主义教育原理为指导,超越后现代主义等“当代西方新理论”的知识观和教学观,坚持“教学以传授书本知识为主”和“教育同生产劳动相结合”的原则,才能保证我国基础教育改革的正确方向。  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence that scientific teaching in the sciences, i.e. teaching that employs instructional strategies that encourage undergraduates to become actively engaged in their own learning, can produce levels of understanding, retention and transfer of knowledge that are greater than those resulting from traditional lecture/lab classes. But widespread acceptance by university faculty of new pedagogies and curricular materials still lies in the future. In this essay we review recent literature that sheds light on the following questions:
  • What has evidence from education research and the cognitive sciences told us about undergraduate instruction and student learning in the sciences?
  • What role can undergraduate student research play in a science curriculum?
  • What benefits does information technology have to offer?
  • What changes are needed in institutions of higher learning to improve science teaching?
We conclude that widespread promotion and adoption of the elements of scientific teaching by university science departments could have profound effects in promoting a scientifically literate society and a reinvigorated research enterprise.  相似文献   

目前,我国传统的教学方法仍占统治地位。废除“一言堂”和“满堂灌”教学方法,采用启发式与探究式相结合的教学方法,将现代教育理论贯穿于教学活动的始终,变“一言堂”为“群言堂”。实践证明,这是行之有效的:这种受到学生的欢迎的教学方法,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们学习的积极性,最终达到提高课堂教学效率的目的、  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深入和发展,师资培训工作越来越显得重要,承担此项工作的进修校教师应当不断学习,不断提高自身的素质,才能适应时代的要求.那么,在新的世纪进修校教师应具备什么样的基本素质呢?新的世纪进修校教师要具有正确的先进的教育理念、良好的职业形象、多元的知识结构、多向的教育交往、完善的能力结构和健康的心理素质.  相似文献   

Peter I’s editorial policy appears as a starting point in the birth of secular Russian textbooks. Since the printing production was then organized on a massive scale as a response to the needs of European-like modernization, it should be safely suggested that nearly all books produced during this pioneering period focused teaching objectives. To understand how and why such an impressive cultural blossoming could occur, we must study their history as part of the broad process of the transfer of knowledge that interfered in all the domains of Russian life. As the textbooks were essentially the product of translation, the paper will explore four main points: Who were the translators? What and why did they translate? How did they proceed? What were their main problems and achievements?  相似文献   

Theory and practice of teaching for transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transfer of teaching is central to education. In this article, the evolution of the sole viable theory of transfer—the theory of common elements—is traced from its mentalistic beginnings, through the behaviorist view of elements as stimuli and responses related by the mechanism of conditioning, to the contemporary view of elements as mental representations, knowledge, and strategies operated on by cognitive mechanisms including automatization, inferential reasoning, and metacognitive monitoring. Second, the cognitive theory of elements and mechanisms is used to answer three educationally crucial questions: (1) How do students select, from all they have learned, particular knowledge and skills for use in new situations? (2) What determines the utility of the knowledge and skills selected? (3) When selected knowledge and skills are not useful, what determines whether and how learners cope? Third, the authors identify what they view as needed refinements in experimental methods of studying transfer, in the theory of common elements, in basic and applied research, and in the uses of technology in education.  相似文献   

This study sought knowledge of the decision-making used by learners when interacting with multi-media environments. Mounting evidence on related thinking processes appeared to expose a gap in the prior knowledge, vocabularies and values used when entering cyberspace. We were curious to know about the decision making judgements made by learners and any associated rules or strategies they had developed to interact with new and emerging information technology environments. How decisions are undertaken are considered major issues for educational institutions at local, national and global levels with ramifications for civic and community life. In a sample drawn from a senior high school and university we investigated students’ responses to different questions including: What ways of knowing are used by learners? What codes of behaviour apply? Are they age and gender related? The responses provide a rich and fascinating insight to the ways in which people are interacting with the new media environments. ‘Experts’ versus ‘novices’ appeared to provide the major distinction.  相似文献   

Two questions are considered in this article: (a) What should professionals in school psychology do in an effort to stay current with developments in applied statistics? (b) What should they do with their existing knowledge to move from surface understanding of statistics to deep understanding? Written for school psychologists who have completed their formal education, this article examines the way in which four kinds of relatively new technological tools—Java applets, electronic discussion groups, blogs, and online books, tutors, and courses—can help professionals increase their knowledge and understanding of statistical concepts and procedures. Because new statistical procedures, over time, enter the arsenal of applied researchers, and given that the National Association of School Psychologists explicitly states that continuing professional development in research is an expectation, the information presented here shows school psychologists that there are useful and efficient ways for them to “keep current” with advances in applied statistics. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 44: 527–533, 2007.  相似文献   

This study sought knowledge of the decision-making used by learners when interacting with multi-media environments. Mounting evidence on related thinking processes appeared to expose a gap in the prior knowledge, vocabularies and values used when entering cyberspace. We were curious to know about the decision making judgements made by learners and any associated rules or strategies they had developed to interact with new and emerging information technology environments. How decisions are undertaken are considered major issues for educational institutions at local, national and global levels with ramifications for civic and community life. In a sample drawn from a senior high school and university we investigated students’ responses to different questions including: What ways of knowing are used by learners? What codes of behaviour apply? Are they age and gender related? The responses provide a rich and fascinating insight to the ways in which people are interacting with the new media environments. ‘Experts’ versus ‘novices’ appeared to provide the major distinction.  相似文献   

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