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It is the conviction of the editor that there is a theological basis for a theory of Christian education. In some writings, this theological basis may be hidden or be an aspect of which one is not conscious. But today, as theological reformulations continue to challenge us, theories of Christian education also have undergone certain changes. The emphasis on kerygma among both Catholic and Protestant educators is an illustration of this

As a result of this concern, the editor wrote a number of people asking their cooperation in a brief symposium. The letter and the replies follow  相似文献   

Past and contemporary scholars have emphasized the importance of job-embedded, systematic instructional inquiry for educators. A recent review of the literature highlights four key features shared by several well documented inquiry approaches for classroom teachers. Interestingly, another line of research suggests that these key features also characterized the process that UCLA's John Wooden used to systematically improve his teaching of basketball over a period of three decades. As educators and researchers work to build the case for inquiry-based models in classrooms, sports, and physical education, John Wooden's example provides a unifying and compelling illustration of the potential of the inquiry-based approach for any pedagogical context. It also provides an enduring image of the commitment required over time to achieve results.  相似文献   

This article suggests that part of the task of the teacher educator is functioning simultaneously as both researcher and practitioner. However, there are sharply diverging viewpoints about the worth of this kind of research. On the one hand, there is now more research about teacher education being conducted by teacher educators themselves than at any previous time. On the other hand, in certain contexts, this research is discounted because it is judged not rigorous or because it does not generalize across contexts. The article considers the deliberations about practitioner research by the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education as an illustration of how these competing viewpoints can play out.  相似文献   

The study explores the process of facilitation in professional development for educators. The study relies on discourse analysis of interaction among K-12 teachers and administrators in a Midwestern U.S. state during a semester-long professional development program especially designed for educators working with English language learners (ELLs). The study examines the facilitation practices employed by the lead facilitator of the professional development program from three analytical lenses: context as participation, context as ideology, and content. The paper provides an empirical illustration of how recommendations in the literature about professional development for educators of ELLs can be put in practice.  相似文献   

社区教育工作者是开展社区教育工作的核心力量,专业化有助于提升社区教育工作者的专业素养,对社区教育的发展起着至关重要的作用。美国是世界上社区教育发展水平较高的国家之一,其社区教育工作者的专业化特色鲜明。本文通过对美国社区教育工作者的专业化特色的阐释,分析其在专业保障制度、专业组织、专业培训、专业资格和专业道德方面的经验,探讨对我国社区教育工作者专业化的启示。  相似文献   

中国古典小说名著中蕴含了丰厚的教育思想资源,其教育理念揭示了教育者和受教者的正确关系,涉及了教育方法和对教育者的要求等诸多方面,主要体现在五个方面:教育者要善于发现可造之材,加以重点培养;教育者和受教者要保持亦师亦友,平等对话的关系;教育者的教育和培养要结合受教者的兴趣爱好和个性特长;教育者对受教育者的缺点要包容和帮助其改正,避免简单粗暴;教育者要坚持欣赏教育和鼓励教育。  相似文献   

Predictions and preferences for teacher education in Australia in the year 2000 were identified by surveying teacher educators. The survey was undertaken in 1991, soon after dissolution of the binary system in Australian higher education and at a time of increasing government concern about teacher education. Respondents commented on the future research and teaching missions of teacher educators, the representation and status of teacher education within Australian universities, and relationships between teacher educators, schools and government. Forecasts concerning teacher education in the year 2000 were generally pessimistic, and they conveyed the sense that the training of teachers will be governed by an agenda over which teacher educators have limited direct control. The results of the survey are discussed with reference to the impact that recent changes in the Australian higher education system have had on teacher educators.  相似文献   

成人教育是我国终身教育体系的重要构成和学习型社会的强力支撑。成人教育工作者作为成人教育活动的核心力量,其自身的专业水平直接关系到成人教育应对当前各种机遇和挑战的能力。因此,无论从成人教育理论还是从实践发展的视角来看,成人教育工作者专业社会化都是一个新兴而重要的研究课题。所谓专业社会化,是指个体习得一定的专业知识、专业技能、专业态度、专业价值以逐步胜任其专业角色的过程。通过对四位资深成人教育工作者的质的研究发现,成人教育工作者专业社会化是通过职前教育、在职培训、终身自我导向学习和反思性实践等多重路径共同实现的,而非单一路径在发挥作用。总体而言,职前教育和在职培训在成人教育工作者专业社会化历程中具有奠基性的意义和作用,终身自我导向学习可以说是成人教育工作者专业社会化的有效阶梯,而反思性实践则堪称成人教育工作者专业社会化的羽翼。另外,成人教育自身的实践性较强、以及我国成人教育学科建设与理论研究发展滞后等原因,又导致了我国成人教育工作者专业社会化路径的特殊性。  相似文献   

Black and Latino students and the educators who serve as their advocates must be resilient in a highly contentious and racialized public education system. Modeling resilience in the public education system relies on individual assets and the extent to which one’s school possesses the resources and support needed to cultivate such assets. This study used interviews and site observations to explore the degree to which educators and students model resilience in an alternative education program. Findings suggest educators engage a sense of agency when they advocate for inclusion of Black and Latino students. In addition, an alternative education context can provide resources and cultivate strong relationships, a sense of self-efficacy and future orientation among educators and students. These findings highlight the assets educators and advocates need and the programs required to promote resilience in the public education system.  相似文献   

当下,我国社区教育事业的蓬勃发展,突显出了当代社区教育工作者的使命与责任。本文力图从终身教育体系构建与社区教育工作者使命、社区教育发展与社区教育工作者认知、未来构建与社区教育工作者责任的内在关系着力,深层探索当代社区教育工作者的使命与责任的内涵与外延,为我国现代社区教育发展提供人力与智力支撑。  相似文献   

This research investigated, via quasi-experiments, the effects of web-based co-regulated learning (CRL) on developing students' computing skills. Two classes of 68 undergraduates in a one-semester course titled “Applied Information Technology: Data Processing” were chosen for this research. The first class (CRL group, n = 38) received the intervention of web-based CRL teaching methods, while the second one (control group, n = 30) received a traditional teaching method for computing education. The results in this study show that students who received the web-based CRL attained significantly better computing skills than those who received the traditional teaching method. This study provides a design and illustration of web-based CRL for teachers, educators, and schools which place importance on improving students' computing skills and pay attention to development of online courses.  相似文献   

I argue that there is potential for collaborative work between science educators and citizenship educators. However, following comments about that potential, I raise a number of challenges. Those challenges relate to the public perception of science, narrow academic perspectives of some science educators, and problematic attempts to develop a form of science education that, at times, some have claimed is relevant to — or, even, a form of — citizenship education. The latter point is considered with reference to some science educators’ perceptions concerning the nature of citizenship and citizenship education. I argue that the perceptions of some science educators seem to suggest significant differences in understanding from at least some of those who would regard themselves as citizenship education specialists. In the final main section of the article, I suggest, briefly, some ways in which further work to develop collaboration between science educators and citizenship educators could be considered.  相似文献   

"国际汉语教师教育者"有别于一般师范教育者,要在中华民族重视师德的师范教育基础上,进一步强调这类教育者应当具备世界各民族教育文化多元的意识。加强国际汉语教师教育者国际视野的培养,有助于汉语二语教学在转型中获得中外对比在教育、语言与文化领域的营养补充,改变目前"汉语国际教育"学历教育与国际汉语教师赴外培训"双轨并行"的态势。提升国际汉语教师教育者的国际视野将有助于中国的教育改革引领世界潮流。在人类命运共同体构建的前景下,具备国际视野应是未来教师教育者共同努力的方向。  相似文献   

教师教育者是提升教师教育质量的核心力量,并且在中国有着更为丰富的内涵。更为关注教师及其教育者教学实践活动的教师教育者自我研究,为教师教育者自身和教师的专业发展提供支持,成为提升教师教育质量的一个新途径。对教师教育者的研究应该成为教师教育研究领域的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

教师教育者在教师教育乃至整个教育发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。他们是专门从事教师教育工作的人,是帮助师范生实现正式社会化的人,是教师教育实践者和教师教育研究者的统一。教师教育者应该根据自身劳动任务的基础性和艰巨性、劳动对象的成人性和期待性、劳动过程的复杂性和创造性、劳动方式的师范性和示范性、劳动价值的潜在性和长效性等方面特点,通过树立专业理想增进身份认同、开展自我研究融合教学和科研、增进合作交流创建教师教育者发展共同体等方式积极促进专业发展。  相似文献   

创新型教育、创新型人才培养呼唤创新型教育家。原创型教育家是教育家的最高级类型或形式,一般产生于历史大周期的巅峰或转型时代。按照中国现代教育的“一体化说”解释框架,在中国现代教育发生发展的第一时期即体系形成时期.堪称原创型教育家者主要有张之洞、康有为、蔡元培、黄炎培、晏阳初、梁漱溟、陶行知、陈鹤琴等,他们历时半个多世纪,大约算是三代教育家。中国近现代原创型教育家的根本使命在于构建中国特色现代教育体系,这个体系包含着现代教育中国化与传统教育现代化两个方面,其变革的广度、深度和复杂度.从历史和世界范围来看都是前所未有的,都是原创性的。由此,更加突显原创型教育家的重要和伟大。  相似文献   


Background: In the United States, an emphasis on evidence-based decision-making in education has received renewed interest with the recent passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act. However, how best, in practice, to support the use of evidence in educational decision-making remains unclear. Research Practice Partnerships (RPPs) are a popular strategy for cultivating evidence-based decision-making among educators, but understanding the ways in which partnerships can influence educators’ use of research evidence in their decision-making is limited.

Purpose: This paper explores the influence that Research Practice Partnerships can have on educators’ evidence-based decision-making.

Sources of evidence: A framework is offered for examining the impact of Research Practice Partnerships on behaviours such as educators’ evidence-based decision-making, in the context of school and district improvement efforts. The framework suggests a host of intermediary and long-term outputs: for example, the ‘mindsets’ of researchers and practitioners which are most conducive to enabling evidence-based decision-making among those engaged in Research Practice Partnerships. We explore this framework through short illustrations of the experiences of three Research Practice Partnerships, contextualising the ideas within the literature, and presenting the process of our design and pilot of a survey instrument used to examine the perceived impact of Research Practice Partnerships.

Main argument: We argue that participants’ self-reported behaviours and perceptions are important elements in examining the influence of Research Practice Partnerships on educators’ evidence-based decision-making. Additionally, this paper examines the potential benefits and challenges of attempting to measure the outputs and outcomes of a Research Practice Partnership using a survey measure.

Conclusions: The process of developing the pilot survey suggests that certain conditions in Research Practice Partnerships may be more conducive to the development among educators of behaviours, mindsets and perceptions associated with evidence-based decision-making.  相似文献   

本文通过对教育价值观的定义、特点和分类的阐述,分析了教育工作者的教育价值观的形成及对其教育行为的支配作用,提出了教育工作者应解放思想、加强教育现代化观念、确立符合时代发展的教育价值观,并阐明了教育工作者确立正确的教育价值观对深化我国教育改革和推行21世纪教育的重大意义。  相似文献   

在教育事业的发展过程中,影响其发展的因素有很多,管教育、办教育的人固然是关键因素,但笔者认为,决定教育发展的根本还在教育制度。提倡教育家办学既是教育规律的客观需要,也是我国建设人力资源强国的现实要求,为了实现教育家办学,我们应该创建一个有利于教育家成长发展的制度环境,从根本上解决影响教育家办学发展的桎梏。  相似文献   

The growing political, social and scientific attention that is being devoted to the moral aspects of teaching has implications for teacher education. This paper reports on a study of the actual moral education practices of 54 teacher educators within one institution. We encouraged these teacher educators to make their values explicit and to explain how they put them into practice. Nine teacher educators were studied in detail. These teacher educators were then stimulated to reflect on their values by completing charts to analyse the moral aspects of their practices. In addition, one of their lessons was videotaped and discussed. An important conclusion of this study is that whilst the responsibility for preparing student teachers for moral education rests with individual teacher educators, this process is largely implicit and unplanned. This is due in part to the lack of a language for expressing the moral dimension in teaching. Both teacher educators and students emphasise the importance of the role that attitudes play in the expression of values by teacher educators.  相似文献   

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