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DETAILED INFORMATION about education and social services for disabled children and adults, with emphasis on the hearing impaired population is provided. Information is derived from an extensive series of interviews conducted with representatives of government, international agencies, and private sector organizations, as well as health professionals, educators, and disabled persons. A broad discussion of policy and health services follows an overview of demographic and historical background. Spain's leaders recognize the nation's dependence on human resources to affirm its place in the international community and understand that an educated citizenry ensures the preservation of democracy and functions as an instrument for social transformation. These insights have driven major changes in service delivery to the disabled, including a national project for the integration of disabled children into regular classrooms. The National Centre of Resources for Special Education (NCRSE) is responsible for overseeing the national integration project; provision of inservices to teachers and other professionals; development, adaptation and distribution of curricular materials designed to improve the learning process; adaptation of evaluation instruments for students with special educational needs; and promotion of research in the field of special education.  相似文献   

The project described in this paper investigated the needs and concerns identified by parents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as their children started school in Sydney, Australia. Six groups of parents from Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Samoan, Turkish and Vietnamese language backgrounds were interviewed about what was important for them to know and/or do as their children started school. In particular, parents were asked to identify information which would have been helpful for them, and that should be available to parents with children starting school. The data obtained were compared with data derived from Australian parents whose first language is English. The results indicate that there are some issues which seem to be of concern to most parents, regardless of their cultural or language background, such as parents' desire for children to be happy and confident at school, as well as some more specific issues for some groups.  相似文献   

This paper considers the challenges that confront teachers wishing to develop literacy skills in children with complex needs and the issues which face those wishing to research this area. The article is based upon work undertaken by the authors in the United Kingdom into the use of the Moon tactile code to provide access to literacy for children who are blind and who have additional disabilities. Moon has become established as an option for developing the literacy of children who are blind in the UK and it has been estimated that around 100 children are using Moon in their schoolwork. A general overview of the use of Moon by children in the UK is reported upon in McCall and McLinden (2001) and a full report of the Moon research project and its outcomes can be found in McCall (2000). Here the authors reflect on some of the challenges that have emerged during their 10 years of investigation in this area. The reflections are presented under four broad headings: "Resourcing Literacy," "Defining the Population," "Defining Literacy," and "Evaluating Literacy." Each of these headings represents a cluster of issues that the authors consider that those with an interest in the development of literacy for children with complex educational needs will need to address.  相似文献   

Sheena Martin 《Literacy》2007,41(1):26-34
This article presents work undertaken with a class of Scottish Primary Six children (aged 10) to investigate the use of interactive whiteboard technology and interactive talking books in whole‐class writing lessons. The paper reports on a research project with three aims: to investigate how the use of an interactive whiteboard to reflect on the language and style of professional authors influenced the children's own writing; to examine the effect of this experience on the writing and behaviour of children with additional support needs; and to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using such technology in whole‐class writing lessons. The resulting evidence suggests that while some children benefited from the approach, teaching children to write through examination of professional models of writing in whole‐class lessons did not promote the most effective learning even where the text was provided in such an interactive medium. The implications of these results for practitioners who wish to use talking books and whiteboard technology to teach writing are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a small-scale research project which took place in one primary school in the north-east of England. The study aimed to listen to children’s views about how the practices of teachers helped and/or hindered their sense of inclusion in classrooms. Inclusion was understood here in a broad sense rather than specifically relating to children with special educational needs. Participatory research tools were used as part of group interviews with children from three different year groups. Even though the children were mostly happy with their school experience, it was noticeable that there were some areas for concern for some children that related to four interconnecting themes: unfairness, shouting, loneliness and seating plans. All of these themes seemed to be connected with children’s interpersonal relationships – with teachers and with each other – and can be seen as crucial in terms of understanding inclusion in schools and further developing existing practices.  相似文献   

Virtue, according to Aristotle, is doing the right things at the right time with the right people for the right end and in the right way. This concept is central to the work of the Early Learning Initiative, an Irish community-based educational initiative. This paper describes how a community of parents, early childhood care and education practitioners and a third-level institution used action research to develop a three-year numeracy programme for children aged zero to six years. The Early Numeracy Project was one of 11 national projects that aimed to influence early years practice, provision and policy in Ireland. Remaining true to our local values and virtuous practice while implementing a national project was challenging, particularly when robust evidence of the impact of the programme on the children and parents in our community was required at national level. Approximately 860 children (zero to six years old) and their families took part in the Early Numeracy Programme each year, with national and local evaluations indicating that the outcomes for children in the programme had improved. The programme is an example of how a local community can use action research and virtuous practices to implement a national programme and improve outcomes for children.  相似文献   

This paper describes a nurture group pilot project that took place in three schools in Hampshire. Results suggested that children in the nurture groups made significant social and emotional gains after attending a group. These gains were recognised by the children themselves and their parents. They were also generalised into the classroom. Teachers at the end of the pilot project felt more empowered to meet the needs of children presenting with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. This paper concludes by identifying factors which contribute to the success of nurture groups and highlights future research issues.  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the tensions that frequently arise in debates about inclusion and the education of children and young people on the autism spectrum. This debate is often characterised by bipolar thinking and moral posturing, and is obscured by misunderstandings and omissions. This can create confusion for practitioners trying their best to support learners on the spectrum in inclusive classrooms, and does much harm to the inclusion project. This paper identifies some of the recurring entanglements that obfuscate the debate. The main thesis of the paper is that the effective inclusion of children and young people on the autism spectrum requires practitioners to question two dominant and contradictory perspectives within the inclusion literature – the rights‐based perspective and the needs‐based perspective – which, arguably, polarise thinking at the theoretical level and inclusive practice at classroom level. The specific aim of the paper is to identify oppositional views on labelling and special pedagogies within these two perspectives and critically explore their implications for teachers supporting learners on the autism spectrum. The possibility of an integrative inclusionist position is tentatively explored.  相似文献   

This paper examines policy issues in the provision of services for children under five and their families. It argues that services have developed in response to political and economic factors rather than in response to the needs of children and their parents. It shows how the separate strands of development that have led to the current confused situation reflect different ideological and philosophical approaches which tend to militate against a more coherent and co‐ordinated service provision. In the absence of a national policy on services for children under five, the paper examines the attempts by some local authorities to rationalize their own services on a local basis. It considers some of the areas in which a policy is required, including the organizational structure of services, flexibility and responsiveness of nurseries and centres to the needs of families, the quality of day care and education, the involvement of parents, equal opportunities, the relationship between the vouluntary and statutory sectors, pay and conditions of pre‐school workers, and initial and in‐service training.  相似文献   

Current policies at both the state and national levels emphasise the need for increased attention to teaching children with special needs and more extensive school‐based experience in teacher education courses. This paper reports an in‐school experience which was an integral part of an on‐campus subject that focused upon teaching children with special needs. It also addressed a range of issues currently of concern in pre‐service teacher education, including the nature of the in‐school experience, managing the needs of children with learning difficulties in an integrated classroom, overcoming the socialising effect of block practice teaching, reinforcing the relevance of campus‐based subjects, maintaining a balance between the formal teaching expectations and the nurturing roles of teachers, providing teacher educators with recent and relevant in‐school experience, and producing reflective teachers with an understanding and appreciation of the ‘art’ and the ‘science’ of teaching.  相似文献   

Twenty years after UNESCO's Salamanca Statement enshrined international action for provision for children, youth and adults with special educational needs within the regular educational system, this article presents the current underpinning international and national UK context for developing inclusion in vocational education and training and workplace settings. This context is explored through the justification for developing an EU‐funded project entitled ‘Towards Inclusive Learning Environments (TILE)’ and the creation of an associated audit tool, the ′Roadmap for Inclusion′, by a partnership group consisting of universities and VET settings from Finland, the Czech Republic, Estonia and England.  相似文献   

Children with specific speech and language difficulties are frequently placed in mainstream classrooms with varying degrees of support. Yet little attention has been paid to class teachers' views about the children's problems and educational needs. This paper reports the findings of a two-stage project in two local education authorities investigating the characteristics and needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties (SSLD). Teachers, educational psychologists, and speech and language therapists in two local education authorities identified 133 eight year-old children who experienced primary difficulties with speech and language. Fifty-nine children and a subsample of 10 children of the same age who attended specialist regional schools participated in further investigations. Each of the children was assessed using a battery of instruments covering language, basic attainments and self- esteem. In addition, their teachers completed behaviour rating scales and an individual interview. The teachers comprised those working in specialist provisions, but also those in mainstream schools. In this paper data derived from the interviews with the teachers, supplemented by information from the assessments of the children's skills, will be reported. The teachers faced three challenges: the additional difficulties experienced by the children, their own knowledge gaps, and the barriers to meeting the children's needs. The implications of the results for inclusive education are addressed.  相似文献   

我国在新世纪建设和谐社会,教育公平是和谐教育的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会的重要基石。国际社会近年来非常重视从起点上保证教育公平,也就是为早期教育提供公共经费,并推动综合性的社会服务方案。本文通过分析美英两国的"开端计划"和"稳健起步计划",从起点——早期教育阶段建设和谐教育的国际经验,针对我国的现实提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

早期STEM教育是近年来继项目活动后出现在学前教育领域的一种新的教育形态。STEM教育与项目活动非常类似,两者都是基于问题的学习,都有助于培养幼儿解决问题的能力;但同时两者在其价值取向、整合方式、探究内容、对幼儿个性化发展的促进以及教师的角色与作用等方面也有着明显的区别。项目活动更多看重的是教育的个人发展功能,而STEM教育更多追求的是教育的工具价值;项目活动是一种跨越学科领域的、大范围的整合,STEM教育则是一种围绕同类型学科的、小范围的整合;项目活动以幼儿的兴趣为出发点,探究的内容往往极为丰富多彩,基本上可以囊括幼儿生活的全部,而STEM教育主要集中在幼儿对周围物质世界的探究方面,其内容主要涉及到"物理知识"及"逻辑数理知识"两个方面;项目活动能满足所有幼儿的个性化发展需要,故而能促进所有幼儿的适宜性发展,而STEM教育则相对只能更好地满足某些特定学习风格(场独立型)的幼儿的个性化发展需要;在项目活动中,教师的"引导"作用更多地表现在对幼儿已有兴趣的合理引导,在STEM教育活动中教师的"引导"既有对幼儿已有兴趣的"引导",更有对兴趣的"引发",带有一定的"外烁论"的痕迹。厘清这些差异,有助于幼儿园教师提升相关教育理念,从而更好地开展这两种教育活动。  相似文献   

The paper examines parental views regarding the implementation of Educational Legislation 113(I)/99 in Cyprus regarding the integration of children with special needs in the mainstream school. It is based on parental interviews which were taken in the course of a large research project regarding the implementation of the new legislation in primary and pre‐primary education. Parental views are presented in thematic categories and commented upon. Direct quotations from the interviews are used to illustrate the point made. It appears that parents on the whole feel that although the situation is much better now than it used to be before the introduction of the new legislation, a number of serious problems are still faced by the children and their families, some of which are not dissimilar to those existing before the passing of Law 113(I)/99. The paper finishes with specific suggestions about how some of these problems can be solved.  相似文献   

我国大陆特殊儿童家庭教育研究综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在普通儿童的成长过程中,家庭教育发挥着尤为重要的作用,对于特殊儿童来说更是如此。本文从研究对象、研究者、研究视角、研究内容等方面对我国大陆特殊儿童家庭教育这一领域已有研究进行归纳总结,并对现状进行分析,力图为今后特殊儿童家庭教育研究提供一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper considers the initial impact of a national project funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families which provides books, number activities and stationery items (once a month over a 6-month period) directly to children aged 7–11 in their foster homes. The context of the project, established against a background of low attainment in literacy among looked-after children in foster care in the UK, is explored. This paper focuses explicitly on the impact of the reading materials on the children who received them and on other people within the children's foster care environment. Particular reference is made to issues of ownership, textual preference and use of or engagement with the reading books, together with the implications that these findings may have for future work in this field both nationally and internationally.  相似文献   


With the support of Unicef and Unesco, the Romanian Ministry of Education has since 1993 been operating a programme to promote the educational and social integration of children and young people with special needs. In a comparatively short time the programme has grown from a pair of pilot projects to comprise a number of interactive elements which include a Joint European Project within the EU's TEMPUS programme, as well as provision for networking, and for describing, monitoring and generalizing experience of good practice. In this process a ‘philosophy’ of integration has developed which is appropriate to Romanian realities and which offers the possibility of an integration project to everyone concerned with special needs. The paper stresses the importance of the voluntary organizations and their new cooperative relationship with the institutions, and of the role of the universities in professional training. The paper ends with a discussion of the barriers and supports to integration, together with some conclusions about the significance and future of the programme.  相似文献   

Families living with autism often feel unable to attend social and cultural events, largely due to the fear of their child attracting negative or even aggressive reactions from others. The ‘joint attention’ that is part of the theatre experience, however, may be a powerful factor in the development of social and communication skills for such children. ‘Relaxed performances’ offer an opportunity for them to access and engage with theatre by making special arrangements designed to reduce tensions associated with visits to public places. Aspects of the production such as the use of lighting and sound effects which may trigger adverse reactions are also adjusted. This paper reports on how one local theatre drew on the findings of a national project to mount a ‘relaxed performance’ of their annual pantomime. It discusses the theatre's preparations and presents evidence of the impact the event had on local children with autism and their families. The success of both the national project and this local one marks a new beginning for improved access to the theatre for an audience that has hitherto felt largely excluded.  相似文献   

The project forms part of a larger doctoral study which examines children's perceptions of national identity and its construction and importance in the world of the child in Wales. The research took place in a primary school class in the South Wales valleys, in a class of 27 children aged 7–8 years. Following an introductory activity, children drew a picture of a ‘Welsh person’. They were then interviewed with their artwork about their ideas of national identity in Wales. The initial findings revealed that the young children in this study, contrary to cognitive development theory (Piaget, J., and A.M. Weil. 1951. The development in children of the idea of the homeland and relations to other countries. International Social Science Journal 3: 561–578; Aboud, F., and M. Amato. 2001. Developmental and socialization influences on intergroup bias. In Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Intergroup processes, ed. R. Brown and A. Gaertner, 65–85. Oxford: Blackwell), had a complex and well-developed view of their own national identity. The children were able to consider in some depth, what characterises their concept of the national identity. Children categorised themselves using a range of parameters such as place of birth, parental nationality and current and previous residences. These findings contribute to previous studies in the Welsh context, which have been conducted with older children. The largest self-categorisation group was Welsh but a further interesting factor was that there were more children who categorised themselves as English rather than British.  相似文献   

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